77.35% Mob? More Like A Hidden Boss [Mobusekai/Armored Core] / Chapter 41: Chapter 41: No Holds Barred

บท 41: Chapter 41: No Holds Barred

"...a duel?" Leos Klein blinks. "With me? Are you serious or did the fountain water you inhaled mess up your head? Or were you always this daft, boy?"

"S-Show some respect, viscount!" Jilk demands, standing up. "He is your Prince and his cause is just! He has the world's justice behind him, as well as the might of three Founding Heirs! In comparison, you are naught but a gnat and–!"

"I thought I ordered someone to shut him up." Leos snarls. This time, two Ravens blur out from the line– one punching Jilk's unharmed cheek and the other kicking the air out of his lungs. "If I hear another word out of him, I'm punching out his teeth and then ordering everyone to do laps around the field until the moon comes out! Do you hear me?!"

"We hear you, sir!" the Ravens respond, the two with Jilk hauling him up and stuffing his mouth with wadded-up neckties.

"Mr. Leon, please refrain from any more violence." the teacher practically pleads, though his wording is still refined and polite. "I understand what was done warrants it, but remember your position both formal and informal. What you do carries weight."

"And its precise that what I do carries weight that this must be done." Leos retorts. "They barged into a ducal daughter's tea party uninvited, threatened her, harmed her follower and a personal friend of mine– am I supposed to just let it go unpunished?!"

The teacher looks away, unable to find the right words. Leos huffs and turns back to the Prince, who continues to stare him down with burning defiance.

"What do you expect to get out of this if you somehow win, boy?" Leos asks. "Some kind of pardon from the Redgraves? Retaining your claim to the throne?"

"Marie Fou Lafan's freedom and safety." Julius says, straight-backed and to the point. "So she may continue studying in the Academy."

"I already told you that she's being transported to the Royal Palace for questioning by your mother the Queen, Duke Redgrave, and Minister Atlee– under Her Highness' authority no less. Which outstrips even yours." Leos repeats, facepalming. "I can't tell whether or not you're selectively deaf or just plain stupid with how stubborn you are. And you're supposed to be the future King of the Kingdom?"

"I don't care for any of that!" Julius roars back. "All that matters is Marie! Nothing else! Now accept the duel, Bartford!"

"Releasing a person suspected of doing harm, willful or otherwise, to the Kingdom and its interest?" Leos barks a laugh. "You're insane if you believe there is any prize equal to the release of your precious little witch!"

"Don't ya' call Marie that!" Greg stomps forward. "She's the purest, nicest, loveliest woman in the whole school- no, the whole kingdom! I'll fuckin' smack your gob for–"

"Mr. Seberg, enough!" the teacher roars, with such heat and suddenness that Greg jumps in place. "You are not contributing to this discussion!"

"Thank you, teacher." Leos nods at the older man, then back to Julius. "Again, what would be equal to me releasing your woman if I were to win our bout, boy?"

Julius grits his teeth, and Leos almost laughs at how the mental gears in his head crank and spin. Even Jilk and Greg are hesitant to state anything, even if the former has neckties stuffed into his mouth. Leos huffs, and moves to dismiss the whole thing–

"Our inheritance!" a new voice cuts in, the speaker pushing through the line of Leos' men to stand beside Julius. "Our position as heirs to our respective households!"

"Hah! You expect me to believe you are willing to surrender the riches and luxuries you've known your whole lives?" Leos laughs harshly. "You want me to believe you're willing to give all of that up for a child?"

"Yes." Julius answers, resolute. "I have no need for the throne or my status! As long as I have Marie, I will be content!"

"Y-Your Highness…!" the teacher gasps, shocked that the Crown Prince would be willing to give it all up for the likes of a Viscount's daughter. "I-I beg you to reconsider–!"

"No. If that's what it takes to guarantee Marie's freedom, then so be it." Julius slashes a hand through the air before him. "My inheritance,, that is what I will stake!"

Jilk makes muffled sounds through the necktie-gag in his mouth, obviously voicing his support for Julius and likely saying the same thing as him. The dumbass.

"Heh. Seeing you two all fired up has me riled up too." Greg laughs, grinning at Leos. "What the hell, I'll back Julius in this too– for Marie's sake!"

"I as well." Brad nods, moving to strike a pose that would have been impressive to anyone else besides Leos. "We stand with Julius Rafa Holfort in this duel as his fellow champions for Marie Fou Lafan's freedom and safety!"

The teacher is choking on air from the display of foolishness he's seeing.

"Pick up the glove, Bartford." Julius dares, sneering. "Unless your reputation as a warrior is greatly exaggerated?"

Leos looks at three boys currently present in front of him, mind racing even as fury roils like a magmatic ocean in his heart even as his men echo their support for Leon as representatives and or fellow champions if he chooses to fight this himself.

They could goad and insult him all they wished, but he still had the upper hand here– with Queenly authority at his back and his superior moral position in this, he could simply refuse the duel and nobody would fault him for it. His reputation, with the backing of multiple influential noble houses, would be impervious to whatever attempt at smearing or criticism from the court's less-than-stellar side. He had nothing to gain from accepting Julius' challenge, while the boy's demand is flimsier than a piece of paper. Moreover, there is literally no other benefit to accept his challenge beyond catharsis and satisfaction to the harm he inflicted onto Olivia and the scare he put into Angelica as well as Clarice– even if the latter was rowdy enough to not let it show.

The best choice and action is to say no and walk away, let their households and parents deal with their stupidity– likely disinheriting them regardless and possibly cutting them off from both financial and political support. It would be a good wake-up call for them, if too little too late for their families' standing and reputation among their peers.

But then Leos hears the girls behind him gasp.

"Olivia! You're awake!" Angelica says. "Thank the Saint…!"

"Get the healers here! NOW!" Clarice barks. "Hold on Livia, help's comin'! Everything's gonna be okay!"

"...i-it hurts…" Olivia sobs. "A-Angelica, Clarice, it… ahh… i-it hurts…!"

The building fury in Leos' chest erupts.

"You barge into a tea party demanding answers, threaten the daughters of a Duke and an Earl, assault one of my dearest friends– and you have the nerve to doubt my integrity as a warrior?" he asks while bending over and picking up the glove, voice level even as veins throb angrily along his neck. "Fine. I accept your duel– all four of you at once against me. At least then it wouldn't be over too quickly."

"Your overconfidence serves only to better our odds of victory." Julius crows, as though he's already won. "We meet tomorrow in the arena at noon. Do try not to tarry."

"Teacher," Leos nods at the pale faculty member. "I trust you to serve as a key witness to this declaration and my acceptance. I leave the disciplining of these fools to your capable hands." he turns to his men. "Ravens! Assist the teacher and help with damage control!"

"Yes sir!" his men echo back.

Leos turns to the girls and speedwalks over. Angelica and Clarice make way, revealing Olivia.

The state of her face and the conspicuous lack of a tooth make his blood boil, but he smooths it over with a lifetime's worth of experience. He takes her hand in his and traces circles on her knuckles.

"I'm here Olivia. It's going to be okay now." Leos tells her, voice gentle. She whimpers. "Come on, let's get you to the infirmary. Up and at'em, let's go."

"I-It hurts…" she sobs. "It hurts s-so much…"

"Where the fuck is that healer?!" Clarice demands, red-faced and furious.

"I'll contact my father, have him send House Redgrave's best and have you back to full health as soon as possible Olivia. They will even be able to restore that tooth of yours, I swear on my honor." Angelica rambles, panic and worry overtaking her senses. "I will see Julius punished harshly for this, even if I must relinquish my position as his fiancee. He will regret this day till his death, this I promise you–"

Leos grunts and scoops the commoner girl up in his arms when she struggles to stand.

"Make a hole, make a hole!" he shouts, running into the hallway. "I have injured coming through, get clear!"


The news of Julius and the others' altercation with Lady Redgrave reaches Chris Fia Arclight while he was helping Sybil with her mechanic duties servicing Leon's Armor, relayed by a breathless runner affiliated with the Ravens. It has both Chris and Sybil scrambling out of their jumpsuits, into their proper clothes, and rushing to the infirmary.

They find the halls leading there guarded by Ravens, who nod tightly at him and Sybil as they pass. He tries not to think of the glimpses of metal he catches between the gaps of their uniforms.

They pass more and more Ravens in the hallways leading to the infirmary, all of them armed and vigilant. All of them are angry, but not at anyone present and possess enough self-control to remain polite if a little stiff and curt when other students try to make conversation with them. Outside the infirmary itself the pair find a small crowd of students murmuring curiously. Chris is about to ask them to disperse when Leon steps out of the infirmary and claps his hands once.

"Meandering out here will not answer your questions. Disperse immediately before I get a teacher." he orders. The crowd hesitates. "Do not make me repeat myself."

That is enough to get the crowd to move away, their murmuring only slightly quieted. Sybil moves to talk with Leon, but Chris grabs her wrist and shakes his head when she looks at him.

They wait until the last of the students have dispersed before walking up to Leon. He sees them and sighs.

"Chris. Sybil." he grunts. "I hope you two aren't bringing more issues to me today."

"No, but we heard about you and Julius from a runner." the beastwoman says. "Is Olivia alright?"

The Viscount opens his mouth to speak, but decides against it and just gestures to them to follow. He leads them inside the infirmary, bringing them to one of the occupied beds.

There, Chris finds Olivia asleep on the cot, her left cheek bandaged and wads of cotton peeking past her lips. Angelica cradling her face in bloodstained hands as Clarice rubs her shoulders comfortingly, both of them worrying about their commoner friend on the bed. Beside Clarice is one of her followers, the tall young man with the ear piercings and red hair. Behind them is one of the teachers, a suited gentleman with a finely groomed mustache.

On the other side of the bed is one of the academy healers, who looks on sadly.

"Is everyone present then?" the healer says, looking around for a brief moment. "Alright. First and foremost, the girl has been treated and looks to make a full recover. Besides the bruise and some dizziness, she will heal just fine."

"And the tooth?" Leon asks.

"...that, we cannot repair." the healer hangs his head. "The impact didn't just dislodge the tooth out of its socket– it was broken near the base. Meaning the roots are still in her jaw. We may need to surgically remove it to prevent complications and promote full healing."

"I will cover the costs." Angelica murmurs. "Just… please. Make sure she heals properly."

"I know a good doctor– I'll have it done." Leon says. "We'll even have a replacement ready for her."

"I-I can't let you do that, Le– Lord Bartford." Angelica turns to him. "She is my follower and she sustained that injury under my care–"

"But she's also my friend. And I look after my friends." he reaches over and squeezes her shoulder. "Don't beat yourself over it so much, Angelica. We all know who's to blame here."

"Regardless," the healer cuts in. "Even if she's healed and brought back to full health, the loss of a tooth will no doubt affect her emotionally as well. She will need support to recover from it fully."

"We'll take care of it." Clarice says. "Thank you, healer."

The man nods and leaves the group on their own. Chris sees the hurt look on Sybil's face and reaches out for her hand to give it a comforting squeeze. She smiles at him, a warm feeling to the otherwise dark mood.

For a long moment, no-one says anything. Then, the teacher sighs.

"With his disruption and severe violation of multiple Academy rules, it is likely that His Highness would be suspended from schooling for a time." he says. "Expulsion is possible, but him being a member of the Royal Family renders that possibility unlikely."

"We'll take what we can get. Give Livia some space to recover." Clarice nods. "It will be up to her to decide whether or not to forgive him. Personally, I hope she doesn't."

"She will." Angelica chuckles sadly. "It's not in her to hate someone. She might not speak with him for a while and would be rightfully afraid to even approach him, but… she'll forgive him. Eventually."

"Olivia was always too kind for her own good." Leon smiles. "All the more reason for us to look after her, then."

"You're correct, Lord Bartford." the Atlee follower nods. "We'll see to it that this doesn't happen again. You have my and my fellows' word."

"That aside," Chris speaks, turning to Leon. "You have a duel with Julius and the others tomorrow, yes?"

"Yeah. Four of them against me." he nods. "I think I should handicap myself a little against them, don't you? Maybe start off without guns or boosters?"

"Leon, as much as I trust your skills in battle, it is still four against one." Angelica protests. "Do you really need to further handicap yourself against those scum? They may not be as capable as you but they have the numbers advantage– piloting the best Armors in the Kingdom with tactics taught to them by some of the best instructors their families could hire."

"My Armor's better." Leon smirks. "What's more, I have a great mechanic with me– I won't have to worry about any malfunctions. Sybil, I expect my Armor to be operating at one-hundred percent come tomorrow."

"Aye-aye, boss." the beastwoman salutes.

"Chris, I want you on my honorguard tomorrow when I walk into into the arena." Leon continues. "Not to fight, just to herald my entry. I want to make an impression."

"Hah. Quite vindictive, aren't you?" the Arclight heir grins.

"They hurt my friend." Leon smirks, eyes sharp. "I intend to humiliate them in every way I can."


The sun shines bright overhead, the arena filled with cheering and excited adulation from the students that had gathered to watch the dispensing of justice onto the villain that was Leon Fou Bartford. Julius and his fellow Heirs stand side by side, their Armors arranged in similar order; Jilk's, Julius', Greg's, and Brad's. They make up quite the impressive ensemble if Julius had to say.

Across from them are four Armors, three of matching designs and one very familiar to the Heirs.

"Chris…!" Greg hisses. "Damn it, I should've known Bartford would've sunk his claws in him!"

"You would stand with the likes of Bartford, Chris?!" Brad demands the light blue Armor saluting with the other three Armors with practiced synch. "What is there to gain from associating with someone who would willingly stand in the way of true love?!"

"Honor. Brotherhood. Righteousness." the swordsman booms back from his Armor. "Far better than associating with the likes of a woman-beater."

His fellow Heirs hiss and argue on Julius' behalf, saying how it was done in the heat of the moment and how he hadn't meant to hurt the commoner girl. He does not wince at Chris' words or the jeers from the crowd, but they do sting. It's an understandable reaction, and Julius too hates the fact that his emotions overcame him at that moment– it went against every teaching and belief instilled upon him by his royal tutors and even his own mother. He was even half-sure that Marie would hate him for it too.

But it mattered little what others thought of him or his actions. As long as Marie was free and safe, then he would gladly accept all the criticism and hatred levied at him– even give up his position as Crown Prince. As long as his beloved was alright, then it would all be worth it.

Then he sees it, the looming form of a blue-white armor stomping out of the tunnel and into the light. The legendary Kingslayer, standing 8 meters tall with weapons on those rotating holsters on its shoulders as well as the infamous Kingslayer Blade attached to the Armor's left forearm. The crowd screams at its appearance, eager to see it in action.

"I'll admit, I'm impressed that none of you tried to sabotage my Armor last night." the Raven starts. "Not that you would have succeeded given how many guards I posted around my personal hangar. Perhaps there is some shred of honor in you left after what you did to my friends."

"It was an unavoidable outcome!" Jilk yells back, veins bulging along his neck. "You will suffer dearly for your transgressions against His Highness, Bartford!"

"Then climb into your Armors and let's find out." Bartford opens his arms. "Hurry up, I don't have all day."

"Oh, I'm gonna enjoy kicking your ass, Bartford!" Greg laughs, hurrying into his Armor. "I call dibs on the first hit!"

Jilk just smirks as he climbs into his Armor, the number of weapons on it indicative of how seriously he's taking this match.

Julius waits until everyone's in their Armors before climbing into his.

"Defeat will come for you, Villain!" Brad proclaims. "This we swear!"

"For Marie, our goddess! The love of our life, the light of our existences!" Greg adds.

"Right, right, she's whatever." their opponent dismisses. "Now, unlike you lot, I do not indulge in harming the weak and powerless. So I will offer you a choice–" he spreads his Armor's arms. "I have on my mech, two physical blades, a shotgun, a super rifle, an assault rifle, and the Kingslayer Blade. In addition, my mech has its flight boosters, and two functioning arms. I give each of you one choice of weapon or arm to forbid me from using."

Julius blinks once, twice, then burning offense lights up in his chest.

"You mock us!" Brad voices, pointing his Armor's short spear at him. "Just because you have the upper hand in experience does not secure you victory!"

"We don't need handicaps! We can take you just fine!" Greg shouts, spinning his spear and assuming a stance. "Ref! Get us started!"

"Oh? Are you sure?" Bartford eggs on. "Then let me sweeten the pot a little."

One of his weapons unlocks and slides up– the super rifle . Chris steps forward and pulls it out of its holster.

"Are you sure you don't want another handicap?" Bartford bargains. "Either way, I'm still beating you."

"Cocky bastard, aren't you?" Greg growls. "Fine– drop one of your swords!"

"Both of them!" Brad adds. "Lets see how good you are at melee without your vaunted blades!"

The Armor shrugs and its weapon holsters spin again, this time the swords sliding out. Two Ravens stomp forward and pull them out.

"Your Armor's right arm." Jilk says. "Let's see if you can back up your hubris."

Without even hesitating, Bartford raises the Kingslayer's right arm.

"Chris." he orders.

The Arclight Heir's Armor draws its sword and swings. The crowd gasps as the limb flies off at the elbow, landing heavy on the dirt. In the stands, Julius hears an outraged scream.

"Oh shut up, this is what I pay you for anyway!" he laughs, along with his Ravens and even Chris.

"A little excessive, Bartford?" Julius cocks a brow. "You could have just as easily deactivated it."

"But that would open up the possibility of you crying foul or some such nonsense." Bartford laughs, rough and mocking. "Now, Your Highness? What do you want removed?"

"...nothing." Julius shakes his head. "I will fight you as you are, nothing more or less."

Murmurs erupt in the stands, the onlookers surprised at Julius' choice. The Ravens and Chris behind Bartford trade looks but say nothing.

"Hmph. So there's some self-awareness in those empty heads of yours." Bartford comments. "Should have used that before laying a hand on my friend, though."

"Enough dallying." Julius declares. "Referee, if you would."

"Duelists, step forward!" the referee barks, and everyone obeys; Julius leading his comrades to the middle of the arena while Bartford steps forward alone– lacking one arm and a shotgun in the remaining limb. "Duelists, recite your names and causes!"

"Brad Fou FIeld." Brad's purple Armor assumes a regal pose. "I stand here to free my beloved from this man's chains and to humble him properly!"

"Greg Fou Seberg!" Greg's red Armor twirls its spear. "I'm here to teach this fucker a lesson on why you don't abduct other men's women!"

"Jilk Fia Marmoria." Jilk's green Armor loads a round into its rifle. "I fight in Marie's honor and in support of my Prince, Julius Rafa Holfort."

"Julius Rafa Holfort." Julius moves his Armor to salute with its sword. "I would raise my blade to vanquish the evil that seeks to stand between us and our beloved."

"Leon Fou Bartford." Bartford says, stance lowering. "I fight to avenge the harm inflicted upon my friend, Olivia of Freycross, and the assault of two noble ladies– Angelica Rafa Redgrave and Clarice Fia Atlee."

"The duelists have aired their grievances! Let those matters remain here, regardless of the outcome of this battle!" the referee decrees, immediately backing up. "Duelists! You may begin on the count of three! One!"

Julius and his fellows crouch low.


They tense.


Julius blinks and Bartford is already in their midst, his Armor's left foot smashing into Brad in a blur of movement.

The purple armor is immediately sent flying, impacting the far wall with a great crash of metal on stone. The Kingslayer lands on the ground, skidding to a stop even as he brings his shotgun around. Greg and Jilk make shocked noises even as they turn around.

"One down." Bartford laughs, smug, as he shoots.


Clarise Fia Atlee cheers as Leon dismantles the Four Stooges with the same ease a man would wipe sweat off his brow. The crowd roars with her, awed at the display of skill and speed the Kingslayer shows despite being down an arm and lacking its swords.

Leon empties his shotgun at Greg's red Armor, forcing the smaller machine to buckle and kneel. Julius surges in to slash at him, but he side-steps the attack and kicks the fool away before rushing to Greg. Overhead, Jilk's Armor opens fire with its rifle but even without using his flight boosters Leon's machine is fast– able to duck and weave through incoming fire with the grace of a dancer. In seconds he reaches Greg and grabs the red Armor by the leg.

He pulls, using his momentum to pull Greg's Armor into the air as he spins– like a hammer throw. On his second revolution, he tilts upwards and flings Greg into the sky– towards Jilk.

"YES!" Clarice screams as the red Armor impact's Jilk's green one. "BRING HIM DOWN LEON! MAKE HIM SUFFER!"

As though hearing her, Leon switches to his assault rifle and takes aim at Jilk's airborne form as it struggles to keep Greg from falling. He fires thrice and the green Armor's back bursts into flames. It wobbles in the air for a moment before descending– much to the crowd's excitement.

Then, she sees Julius' Armor charging at Leon with a war cry, sword raised to slash as magic vents out from behind it. Gasps and terrified shouts come from the crowd amidst the cheering– worried for Leon's safety.

They shouldn't have bothered.

The white-blue Armor doesn't even look away from its green counterpart as it wobbles in the air. Instead it shoots its assault rifle at Julius' Armor, still not looking, forcing the prince to bring up his shield to block the shots. It also leaves him blind to Leon's next move– shooting its legs out from under it.

The white Armor topples and trips, falling onto its knees. Still not even acknowledging it, Leon holsters his assault rifle before rushing forward; using Julius as a stepping stone to jump higher up. It reaches high enough to grab the green Armor's left ankle, forcing it out of the sky.

Clarice screams herself hoarse as Leon angles his Armor to one side, the uneven weight distribution coupled with it already holding on to Greg sending Jilk's Armor into a spin. It's grip on teh red Armor slips, and Greg falls into the arena floor– his Armor damn near disintegrating from the impact despite the short fall. Jilk brings his rifle around to shoot at Leon, but the Kingslayer is faster, pulling itself up and bending forward in an impressive show of dexterity to kick the green Armor in the chest.

It stuns Jilk enough to drop its rifle and free-falls fully. Leon shifts his Armor's weight again so he spins, smashing the green Armor into the arena wall while landing cleanly on his feet– sliding and spinning across the ground.

"TAKE THAT YOU TWO-TIMING SONUVABITCH!" Clarice yells, fists pumping and eyes tearing up– from satisfaction or pain or something else, she doesn't know. "THAT'S WHAT YOU DESERVE! FUCK YOOOOUUUU!!"

"Clarice, calm down!" Angelica grabs her wrists and tugs her back into her seat. "You're embarrassing yourself!"

"S-Sorry," the earl's daughter clears her throat, sitting down. "I… kinda got overwhelmed…"

"I can see that." Angelica smiles. "Well, at least you're enjoying this."

"Not as much as Leon I think." Clarice laughs. "Look."

The Kingslayer slows down to a stop in the middle of the arena, unharmed and undamaged while three Armors smoulder and smoke all around. Across from it, the last Armor finally stands up and brandishes it's sword and shield at Leon.

"And then there was one." Leon crows.


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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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