33.96% Mob? More Like A Hidden Boss [Mobusekai/Armored Core] / Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Raven

บท 18: Chapter 18: Raven

The quick fall of the Carkussan city of Vierrault triggers a domino effect as the surrounding cities surrender in quick order. 422nd troops oversee the march of thousands of Carkussan soldiers to ships that would take them to prison camps in captured Carkussan territory, where they would be processed and held in for the rest of the war.

Leon didn't know whether the assurance of this war ending soon was relief or an insult to the captives, not that they could do anything about it.

With the capture of the city, Leon and his regiment were once again hailed as heroes and heaped praise by the other soldiers. Infantry pilot, commoner or noble, young or old– it didn't matter. They were all grateful for being spared a second round of being thrown into the teeth of enemy defenses in the hopes of overwhelming it through sheer numbers. That the gratitude is genuine makes Leon resent Count Jaeger all the more– but he tamps down on that resentment and channels it to something else, like planning the final assault on the Carkussan capital of Longford.

Thankfully, there's a brief lull in the war so the Kingdom can organize and properly take in their gains so far. That meant diplomats, bureaucrats, and logistics officers stepping in to help. Which is fine by Leon– he still has his Ravens to train up in the meantime.

When it came time to report his efforts to the Count, he and his officers are surprised to see Gilbert Rafa Redgrave and a few ranking military officials in attendance alongside the nervous-looking Count. The Ducal heir makes sure to nod at Leon as the Count orders the debrief into session. Leon himself makes sure to state the facts and ensure everyone involved receives their share of praise. When it came for the other officers to speak, they make sure to highlight Leon's accomplishments in the field, as a soldier and commander from fort Augur all the way to Vierrault.

All their victories are due to Leon, and all were quick to remind Count Jaeger whenever he protests during the meeting that it was Leon's and the 422nd's efforts that saw the war going as quickly as it has.

Not Count Jaeger, who continuously assigns increasingly impossible missions that the men have begun to protest to a worrying degree. Not Count Jaeger, who's callous disregard for soldiers' lives saw thousands killed for no apparent gain. Not Count Jaeger, who's prominence as the Carkus War's commander diminishes with every victory Leon earned in three months when the man himself couldn't even secure a single fort in the same amount of time.

They are all dismissed afterwards. Weeks later, rumors abound about Count Jaeger's dismissal and replacement with someone more competent in the immediate future, and all Leon can think of is 'serves him right'.

"So, what're you doing here?" Leon asks Lana Nielsen as stevedores haul freight off the corvette, now refurbished and painted an intimidating red-black color scheme. The name Red Gale is emblazoned on the vessel's port and starboard bows. "Weren't you busy making a communication network spanning Holfort?"

"I was. Still am, actually." the gynoid acknowledges, watching the crews work. "I have completely covered the west region of Holfort with comms and am 53% complete with the Kingdom's northwest and southwest regions. Some small clusters of networks have been set up in and around major cities and towns too, ones where I visited but haven't had the time to fully connect to the rest of the network, but they are still valuable as listening posts and intelligence gathering stations." the gynoid pauses. "The satellite launch cannon is just about done, though. It will be ready to fire in another month, give or take proper weather conditions."

"Mm-hmm. You still haven't answered my question." Leon cocks a brow.

"Right, right. I've started a shipping company in Holfort– been hauling freight and goods all over the Kingdom using one of the corvettes from Motherwill. One day, I received a job offer from a Kingdom representative." the A.I smiles. "My ship is one of the fastest in the Kingdom, and the war in Carkus was in great need of high-speed high-capacity ships to deliver supplies to the ever changing frontlines. So, I was contracted to help deliver supplies."

"...you've only been active for 3 months." Leon points out.

"And I've been traversing the kingdom's west, northwest, and southwest territories doing just about every job possible in between setting up the comms network." Lana shrugs, and Leon fights the urge to stare at the bouncing that motion causes. "And there were a lot of jobs for me to do."

"Whatever. Have you been keeping your nose clean?" Leon snorts. "Nothing unsavory or illegal?"

"It is neither of those things if you aren't caught." she grins, walking away and leading Leon to an Armor hangar. "And you know how good I am at keeping out of trouble."

"You better be. My hands are tied here winning this war." Leon grumps. "Thankfully, we're not too far from the Carkus capital now– Once we take it, I'd give this kingdom a week before it collapses completely."

"I honestly expected you to take this place in 3 months." the gynoid teases. "Losing your edge?"

"Hardly. The logistics and supply lines can barely keep up, and the theater commander was an asshole. I'm didn't want to over-extend and expose a flank for the Carkussan's to exploit." Leon grunts. "And I'm pushing the 422nd as hard as I can without breaking them– we've only given leave once since we got here, and even then it was cut short half-way. I worry the troops will mutiny and toss me into the abyss or something."

"But they haven't, have they?" Lana says. "And if you've been as personable to them as you have, then they'd have said something about it to you or the regiment commander."

"You know how people are sometimes– always bottling up issues, not making shit know for some reason." Leon sighs. "Alright enough about me. What kind of supplies are you here to deliver?"

"Supplies, material, personnel– the usual stuff." the gynoid lists, walking into the hangar and motioning to him to follow. "And I've got something for you. A nice little present."

"What kind of–" is all Leon manages to say before he sees the 'present'. "Whoa…"

An 8 meter tall AC stands proudly in the hangar, the same one he piloted back in Motherwill. Its white-blue paint has been reapplied and its armor repaired– making it look factory fresh and brand new. But it lacks the shoulder weapons; and in its place are two weapon hangars bearing an assault rifle, a shotgun, and a physical blade each. In the AC's left hand is the laser rifle and mounted on the opposite arm is the energy sword.

"The shoulder weapons had to be replaced– they were just too old and rusted to be usable." the A.I says. "But everything else is functionally the same. The armor's been repaired and the internals have been fixed– it's fully operational now."

"...it's a good present." Leon admits. "Still not forgiving you, though."

"Oh, this is not from me. Once Gilbert Redgrave's report of your performance reached the royal court, his father strongly advocated giving you something to commemorate your achievements. So the Royal Family sought out an impressive-enough armor and I stepped up." the gynoid shrugs under Leon's disbelieving look. "I passed it off as something I found half-buried on an island I stopped by to look for supplies."

"Don't tell me they just… accepted it? Without verifying it?" Leon groans.

"Alright, I won't tell you." it smiles at him. Leon facepalms. "If it's any consolation, it was the King that authorized the purchase when he saw the AC– he did not even bother to check the map of the place I 'recovered' this Lost Item from. The Queen barely managed to get a word in herself before her husband signed the contract."

"Fucking hell, the King's an idiot." Leon murmurs. "You didn't overcharge it or something, did you?"

"Oh, not too much." the gynoid half-cover the devious smirk on its face. "15 Platinum coins is a reasonable price, no?"

"That's 1 500,000 Dia! Why the hell–?!" Leon takes deep breath and exhales, converting his emotion into energy that he stores for later use. "No, no, it makes sense. All the money the border lords' wives spend have to go somewhere. It's still a giant chunk of change that the King forked over, without consulting his wife."

"She was quite cross with him, but there is nothing we can do about it now." hustler One shrugs.


The assault on the Carkussan capital city of Longford begins two weeks later. 3,000 men, 8 Armor Squadrons, and a fleet of 35 ships arrive at the city's metaphorical doorstep. Greeting them is a smaller but determined Carkussan force; dug in around the city with Armor support and naval guns poised to fire. The Holfortans send demands for unconditional surrender and assurances of fair and humane treatment to the Carkussan's, hoping that there were still those left who would comply.

Instead, they receive a single response.

"This is King Davian Uno Carkus IV, Ruler of the Kingdom of Carkus. I will be deploying into the battlefield in my personal Armor with 2 Armor squadrons as escorts, and demand to meet with the one who defeated my armies and heroes– to duel with him and decide the fate of my kingdom and its people." the transmission said. "You have proven yourselves to be honorable foes thus far, I beseech you to honor this request."

"...I'm guessing he wants to fight me one-on-one." Leon mutters. "He's ballsy, I'll give him that.

"We have him on scope now; 2 Armor squadrons escorting 1 large Armor– make unknown." a bridge hand states.

"It may be a trap." Gilbert warns Leon. "The sensible thing would be to open fire and kill him where he stands."

"Surprisingly pragmatic of you, Lord Gilbert." Leon observes. "But that risks staining my honor."

//"You'd prioritize honor in a critical moment like this?"// Hustler One radios, flabbergasted. Across from him, the Redgrave heir's expression turns conflicted.

"I'm trying to build a reputation here, relax." Leon assures it. "Scan the Carkus King's mech, see what intel you can give me."

//"Ugh. Men."// the A.I grumbles. //"Scanning now."//

"We've managed to get this far without resorting to dishonorable tactics. I'm sure we can go a little further." Leon says, and turns to the bridge. "Scramble 2 Armor squadrons from the 422nd. I'll go and oblige King Carkus' request."


Davian Uno Carkus IV beholds his death as it approaches– 11 streaks of blue-white color that jump off a Holfortan ship in perfect coordination. They freefall for a long moment before banking upwards and activate their flight systems, now properly flying towards the King and his escorts.

Beautiful. The man thinks. No wonder we lost to him.

The Holfortan Armors re-orient and bring their feet forward. They land as one and slide in perfect formation across the ground, slowly coming to a stop before the King. The lead Armor, about equal in height as the King's own Armor, strides forward with unshakeable confidence and unwavering resolve.

"You demanded to meet with me, King Carkus." the Armor nods, the pilot talking through the external speakers. "Here I am."

"Here you are." the man nods within his cockpit. "I will admit, I was unsure that you would actually consider my request. The famed Holfortan chivalry was not on display when your precursors began their war and initial forays into my kingdom."

"We both know that not everyone subscribes to their country's virtues. Least of all when their lives are on the line in the battlefield." the Armor nods. "But I believe we've dallied enough, haven't we?"

"Indeed." the King sighs. "I requested this duel to end this war before any more lives are lost. One life for thousands of others. Agreeable, yes?"

"It is, yes." the enemy Armor nods. "State your terms."

"If I win, you Holfortans will turn your vessels around and leave. You may keep the territories you've rightfully conquered, but your conquest of my lands goes no further from here." he says. "If you win… then the Kingdom of Carkus will capitulate to the Kingdom of Holfort and surrender unconditionally. My land and people will become yours, and the Kingdom of Carkus will be no more."

"Quite the daring proposition." the enemy says. "Do we have any assurances that your ministers and remaining nobles will follow through with your stated terms?"

"I have the document issuing that decree in the hands of my son, who watches even now from my palace." the king says. "Upon my defeat, the generals leading Longford's defenses will capitulate and my son will henceforth swear fealty to your King and Queen. Those who refuse to follow… well, they would be terrorists and insurgents then."

"...I see." the pilot nods. "I, Leon Fou Marshwell, hereby accept your terms, King Davian Uno Carkus. A duel to the death, here and now, between us."

"No more lives lost. No more blood spilled." King Davian nods, steeling himself. "One way or another, this war ends here."


//"Analysis complete. The Carkus King is confirmed to be piloting an Armored Core, callsign 'Vendetta'. It has a… peculiar design."// Hustler One reports. //"The parts are all salvaged and repaired imperfectly– the AC is likely to have been destroyed previously but was brought back into operational status with additional armor plating on its left leg. It's also been outfitted with a booster system on its chassis though, so it would have access to high-maneuverability during your duel."//

"Does that thing even have the power to do multiple boost-dodges in a row?" Leon squints at his opponent and noting its weapons as its escorts and his own fly back. An assault rifle, some kind of energy rifle, and a missile pod on its left shoulder. "And what's that thing on its right back and shoulder? I see three chainsaw blades on it, and the whole thing's hooked up to the mech."

//"Unknown, scans on it are still ongoing."// Hustler One answers, frustrated. //"However, my scans on the AC confirm that it's power source is insufficient to use that unknown attachment for long periods of time. Still, I highly recommend exercising caution."//

"I hear you, I hear you." Leon nods. "Can you replicate the boost system, though?"

//"What do you take me for, a Human? Of course I can replicate it."// the A.I huffs. //"In fact I'll have it made and ready to install on your AC the moment you get back to Holfort."//

Leon laughs. Finally found a button to push.

"All unrelated combatants have left the area. No-one will be able to interfere in time if either of us end up in trouble." the Carkussan King says. "Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be." Leon sighs, and his AC shifts into a combat posture. He readies his laser rifle and energy blade, both weapons activating with a hum. "For what it's worth, I didn't want to fight this war or take your lands. But duty can't be ignored."

"Indeed it cannot." the King laughs, a little sad. "Alas, we cannot choose where life takes us– only where we end. And if I am to end here, then I choose to end for the glory of Carkus!"

//ACTIVATING – COMBAT MODE// Leon's AC announces.

"Have at thee!" the Carkus King boosts back with a burst of his thrusters, and 5 missiles streak out.

He grits his teeth and switches his laser rifle for a shotgun. Two blasts down 3 of the projectiles, the remainign 2 veering off-course and detonating behind Leon as he boosts forward.

His opponent opens fire with his weapons, and Leon dodges as he switches his energy blade for an assault rifle. But the Carkussan King quick-boosts to the side, and Leon's forced to duck and maneuver– continuously moving and jinking to avoid being an easy target. But it's not enough.

"Sonuva–" he curses as his AC rattles from direct hits, his AP reading dropping to 96%. "Hold still!"

He switches his shotgun for the laser rifle and returns fire; using the assault rifle to bait the Carkussan King to waste a quick-boost so his laser rifle can land a hit. Sparks and debris fly as a streak of light hits the Carkussan AC, sending it stumbling backwards with a scorched frontal plate. The king across from Leon laughs shakily and boosts to the side, missiles and gunfire forcing him to move.

The Carkussan weather's through Leon's AR fire, and quick-boosts out of the laser rifle's projectiles– all while firing back. Leon dodges most of the shots, spinning and ducking and hopping like mad, but minor hits continue to chip away at his AP. His bullets lands, but not the laser beams; the Carkussan dodging whenever Leon shoots his Laser Rifle. He lands glancing hits but no direct ones, effectively only grazing the enemy AC and leaving glowing lines across its armor. What's more, the Carkussan is using his quick-boosts sparingly so as to not run out of energy in the middle of the fight.

"Heh. Not bad." Leon chuckles as his AP drops to 87%. "Alright then, lets get serious."

Leon stops sliding and starts running, intentionally letting the Carkussan hit him as he diverts energy to his mech's main thrusters. Missiles, bullets, and energy bolts hit his mech, rattling it and steadily lowering his AP percentage.

"What's the matter, warrior?" Leon's opponent taunts. "Decided to accept your fate?"

"No," Leon snorts, watching as the over-boost switch flickers green and switching his assault rifle for the energy blade. "I figured I should get closer."

His mech hops in place and the world becomes a blur as his thrusters ignite, forcing Leon into his seat as the speedometer in his AC reaches 700km/h. The distance between Leon and the Carkussan vanishes in seconds. The Carkussan barely manages to quick-boost away before Leon's energy blade slashes– a streak of light shearing off the muzzle of the Carkussan AC's energy gun.

//ENERGY AT 30%//

"H-How on earth–?!" the Carkussan King gawks.

Leon snorts and boosts in, feigning a slash. The Carkussan quick-boosts backwards, and Leon's slash turns into a stab. The AC quick-boosts to the side, avoiding the energy blade and sliding in front of Leon's Laser Rifle.

He fires once, twice– the first tags the Carkussan AC on the torso and the second blows off its missile pod. Leon lunges forward, swings his energy blade, and the Carkussan AC's left arm comes off. He roars and follows up the first slash with a second on the returning arc, but the enemy AC quick-boosts out of range and nails Leon's mech with a direct hit using its energy gun. The impact rattle's Leon's AC, sending it stumbling back and making Leon cry out.


The visual sensors short out, the screens glitching. Error messages pop up, notifying him that the visual sensors were restarting.

Leon's instincts scream, and he jerks the controls left as he boosts. The AC lurches as it spins while sliding across the ground. Outside his cockpit, he hears ground being torn up and exploding– likely follow-up shots from the Carkussan's energy gun. The young man grits his teeth and swaps the Laser Rifle for a shotgun. He continues spinning and sliding, dodging the missed shots by who knows how many inches or feet and listens, trying to determine the source of the shots.

He fires his shotgun as he spins in the direction of the incoming shots once, twice, three times–

"Gah!" goes the Carkussan.

Immediately he halts his spin and surges forward. He rears his AC back, and kicks– delighting at the sound of denting metal and something heavy smashing into the dirt. A moment later, the visual sensors come back online; showing him several smoking craters in his immediate vicinity and the Carkussan AC struggling to get back up. Off to the side is its energy gun, laying in the dirt.

//"A direct hit from an energy gun at close range?"// Hustler One teases. //"You're getting sloppy."//

"Shut up, this is my first real AC duel in ages. I'm allowed to be sloppy." he snips at the A.I. Then he addresses the Carkus king. "I suppose I can't convince you to surrender?"

"Hah. How thoughtful of you." the Carkussan laughs, genuinely pleased. "But alas… I still have one last card to play."

The AC's right arm hisses and detaches. The large part on its right back and shoulder moves.

"Behold– the great treasure of the Carkus Family! Passed down through generations from one king to another!" the Carkussan king speaks as part attaches itself to the empty right arm socket. "A weapon so powerful that it obliterates any Armor it touches!"

//"Energy spike detected from the right arm part!"// Hustler One warns. //"It's… it's activating?!"

The 3 chainsaws on the end of the part move, like a flexing three-fingered hand. It smashes into the dirt and fills the air with a deafening mechanical roar of active engines and superheated chainsaw chains revving at full speed. The arm rears back, a length of metal and machinery that is as long as Leon's mech is tall, and Leon realizes too late that he's been staring in abject awe of the part instead of shooting.

"Witness the power!" the Carkus king roars with the weapon as it surges forward. "Of the Grind Blade!"

Leon boost-hops right, narrowly dodging the grasping lunge of the Grind Blade's chainsaw-digits. Then the Carkus AC rotates, bringing the large part around to hit Leon while he's still airborne.

The Raven grits his teeth and cuts his thrusters, letting his AC drop to the ground. He ducks as low as he can as the Grind Blade sweeps past, a glancing blow nicking at his AC's back-mounted weapon hangars.

//"Weapon hangars offline! The damn thing ripped them off their mountings!"// Hustler One reports. //"Kill him now, Leon!"//

The young man grits his teeth as he forces his AC to boost forward towards the Carkussan mech. His energy blade ignites and he thrusts it forward, but his opponent leans away just enough that the energy blade carves a glowing line of molten metal across its front plate.

Leon keeps boosting and spins around, boost-hopping back as the Grind Blade comes around and smashes into the dirt where he once stood on. His shotgun comes up, fires thrice, but the Carkus King brings his weapon-part back and uses its sheer bulk as a shield– sparks flying where the shots land.

"Damn." Leon grunts. "Hustler, analysis?"

//"Whatever that weapon is, it's attached directly to the AC's power source– the thing is siphoning off so much power that there's barely enough left in the AC to function."// the A.I explains. //"But the power source itself is too weak to keep up, and the strain is damaging it. I'm calculating 70 seconds before the entire mech self-destructs."//

"You know that weapon is damaging your Armor, right?" Leon tells the Carkus king.

"It is a price I am willing to bear for the sovereignty of my Kingdom!" the man laughs. "I told you– win or lose, this war ends today!"

Leon can't stop the laugh that bubbles up in his chest. What a man.

//"I recommend staying at range and letting the mech self-destruct."// the A.I suggests. But Leon isn't listening. //"You're not listening, are you."//

"I didn't come into this duel to be denied a king's head!" Leon tells the Carkus king, dropping his shotgun and igniting his energy blade.

//"Ugh, men."// Hustler One groans. //"Setting timer now; 65 seconds remaining."//

"Come then! Take this king's head if you can!" the Carkus AC stomps forward, Grind Blade roaring. "Come on!"

Leon's AC boosts forward head-on. The Carkussan AC rear back the Grind Blade, chainsaws revving, but it doesn't swing. Both mechs close the distance, inching closer and closer until–

The Grind Blade explodes forward in a sudden burst of speed and violence, crossing meters in heartbeats. Leon dares to wait one heartbeat, two, before spinning to the side– the Grind Blade brushing along his mech's side and leaving glowing lines in the armor plating.

//"55 seconds remaining."//

Leon boosts forward and slashes, the Carkussan mech once more leaning aside just enough to avoid a direct hit. The energy blade catches the enemy mech's hip, metal smouldering in the wake of the weapon's passage.

The Carkussan king roars as he pivots spins his mech around on its heel to catch Leon in the side. But the Holfortan AC spins around and boost-jumps, clearing the massive arm. Then it boosts forwards, flinging it into the Carkussan mech's guard. The energy blade swings for the enemy mech's cockpit, light trailing behind it–

The Carkissan AC leans left, letting Leon slash at the Grind Blade's massive 'bicep'. A shallow glowing line is left behind, and Leon laughs while he boosts away to gain distance.

//"40 seconds remaining."//

"You're not getting away!" the Carkussan king bellows, the Grind Blade surging forward.

Leon's AC boost-spins, dodging the incoming weapon with a dancer's fourish and cutting into it again in the process– leaving only a shallow glowing line where the energy blade's edge cuts. He boosts forward straight to the AC, energy blade raised to stab.

King Davian moves, leans his AC right to avoid the attack, but Leon feints out of it– spinning away and slashing off the AC's left leg. The mech lists sideways and collapses to its knees, the Grind Blade tearing up the earth where it rests.

//"30 seconds remaining."//

There was no way for it dodge now, and Leon takes aim.

"Hah! You really do dance in the heat of battle, don't you?" King Davian laughs. "Like a raven in flight, giving its prey a dirge of farewell. By the gods, I am blessed! With my last breath, I name thee; Raven! And I thank you for this final honor!"

Leon laughs and boosts forward.

His energy blade thrusts into the AC's cockpit, and the Carkus War ends 4 months after Leon is deployed– the Kingdom surrendering unconditionally to Holfort.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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