"This level of heat is insane!" Inala peeked out of the Sumatra Ship and saw mist cover the entirety of the region beyond the island's confines.
Every second, dozens of thunderous sounds reverberated as pockets of mist exploded. With enough temperature and pressure buildup, not to mention charge being built up in the mist, the water molecules split into hydrogen and oxygen, carried by the billowing waves to later fuse once again, resulting in massive explosions.
Boom! Boom! Kaboom!
Shockwaves travelled across the region, with some of them even reaching Inala. Thankfully, by the time they reached him, they were merely loud sounds, having expended most of their destructiveness.
Crack! Crackle!
Not sure if you celebrate this festival. Anyway, it's perfect for today's chapter.
Happy Diwali Folks~!!!