97.5% My Fanfic Stash and Favorite online quests / Chapter 389: Immortus Interruptus (Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel AU) by Kalem_Lee

บท 389: Immortus Interruptus (Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel AU) by Kalem_Lee

Words: 42k+

Link: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/26157

(Premise: A man dies and goes to Heaven. Except it doesn't stick since…)

1st Note: Hey Ho!

Immortus Interruptus

Premise: A man dies and goes to Heaven. Except it doesn't stick since he's Immortal. And the hosts of Heaven and Hell will have many questions.

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss AU

1st Note: Hey Ho!

Things are going well.

"Are you sure?" said Tevin, Master of the Arcane! "Kinda looks like my old stomping grounds and I wouldn't really call it stable."

Things will work out in the end.

"I guess." Tevin took a sip of tea. "Gonna be a lotta pain before it gets there."

Yes. But Life wasn't made to be easy. One such as you must realize this.

"But can't we have a little break from the grind?"

I'm afraid not. It's not how things are done. Not for them. And not for you.

Tevin said nothing back to this. Instead he asked a better question, "You really think I can find her here?"

Anything is possible.

Especially Finding Love.

Present day…

Some School….

"I-I don't know." The blonde teacher whimpered as her breasts were needled by his hands. He didn't pinch them yet, just continued to paw and squeeze her. The thrill and sexual pulse running through her spiked with each squeeze.

Evangeline Mayberry's heart was in turmoil. She was cheating on her husband! The man she adored and had given her so many years of love. And yet the words of this smooth looking man, who only showed up at the school a mere weeks ago, had her skulking into the closet for a makeout like she was a trollop teenager!

It was so insidious. So libidinous.

And it was so damn intoxicating…

"Come on baby. The school is quiet and you're lookin real fine in that teacher suit." Tevin kissed her neck before claiming her lips. She tried to pull back but gave in all the same. It was all in the tongue technique and the close contact. He had to let her know he wanted her. To hold her and please her!

And he did. Tevin was one thing, and that was romantic.

Once the thorough spit drenched lip lock was done, Mayberry's head slumped down with her askew hair obscuring most of her face. For just a moment though. The next moment she raised her head with deadly precision and met Tevin's eyes. Her own eyes were ablaze with lust and longing.

"Fine, you Bastard." She growled.

She pulled Tevin in and resumed the kiss. No, she ignited it and straight up jumped on him. He helped her up in his arms as her whole body began grinding away at him. Breasts against chest and crotch to crotch.

He was already stripping her of the upright teacher apparel. The firm little handful of boobs were released from a plain bra so they could bounce freely. However, the pencil skirt was hiked all the way up, revealing a garter belt and panty combo. The booty they contained was the eye catcher, the one that had the staff give it another look and need to pinch.

Tevin pinched it for them. For all the lost souls that would not know this booty. And for her husband who was probably impotent.

That made her squeal into his mouth. It would seem she'd never experienced that kind of play before.

Good. Something fun to play with. Now let's just…

He maneuvered his free hand so that he could free his cock. It took some doing since, again, Mayberry had that ass of a schoolteacher.

But when he freed it, his rod sprung and slapped against the crevasse of his lover's ass.

Mrs. Mayberry paused in her attempts to kiss to look over her shoulder and peek at what was coming. Her heartbeat quickened as the length's tip was visible over her long skirt and her ass. It might even destroy her insides if she let him in.

"GIve it to me." She demanded.

They both smiled as Tevin lifted her up and positioned her glistening pussy over his erection. The only thing in the way was her underwear. In a final move to show she wanted it, Mayberry moved the panties out of the way.

Tevin dropped her on his shaft and pushed all the way to her womb.

That day, there would be a legend in the school about a moaning ghost haunting the school.

The two fucked. There was no other way to describe it.

She bounced her booty as fast and rapid as she could to feel his cock rock against her pussy walls. He suckled at her breasts and kneadled her ass and her lust with his hands. Her light green eyes morphing into pink hearts as his cock knocked again and again at her baby door. She was so close to being clocked out from the pleasure.

And that's when Tevin made his last move.

Instead of carrying her in his arms, he pushed her up against the wall. It managed to knock her out of her blissed state and look at him questioningly.

"Hold on." He made sure her legs were locked behind him and that his legs were steady. All preparations done, he pulled his back and his cock out of her…

Only to start jackhammering back inside her. Over and over again. Tevin pushed himself inside her and made sure that every inch of her pussy knew him!

"Uuuuuuuooooh!" The heart eyes were back to full power, glowing purple pink and flashing across the woman's irises. Her long blond locks stand up like she was electrified as her toes curl and she pulls the man into her pussy with a vice.

Ah. I'm cumming. It was almost a post nut thought as the torrent of sexual energy was released by Mrs. Mayberry. The loving gentle sex with her husband Jarold was almost an old memory erased by this.

She was so out of it, she didn't even realize he was coming inside her. Not that she would have stopped him. At this point, it was a better question to ask why would she?

"Ahhh." Tevin cooed as he went back to holding Mayberry in his arms. The woman was out cold now and couldn't do it herself. "That was wonderful, Eva. We gotta do this again sometime. Now let's get you to the nurses office to rest and change."

He said this as he stepped out of the closet, Mayberry still stuffed with his cock and slowly fucking herself on it with each step. He would make sure to get her number for later.

Good women may be aplenty but finding them sure was hard. Perhaps he could convince her to marry him!

A week later…

Tevin was pissed!

"How could that woman fuck Eva's husband and break her heart?! Couldn't she have done what I woulda done and seduced h-no wait I didn't either."

Evangeline Mayberry had committed suicide. After finding her husband cheating on her, she went ballistic on him and the woman, Martha Muddamaim. But she did so during a video call with her kindergarten class and subjected the kids to seeing their beloved teacher eighty-six two people. So she killed herself.

It was a terribly tragic affair.

And yet somehow, Martha survived and was now being hailed as a hero for… like having better dodging skills or a harder head.

"She shouldn't be called a hero for surviving. It was her own fault she ended up that way. And why's her husband cool with all this?" Tevin questioned as he sped through the highway and into the woods.

He had an idea on what he was gonna do when he saw the woman. Not murder but a damn good talkin to for hurting Eva like that.

It was a sound plan, right up until he got to the house where apparently…

"She's dead?!" Tevin shouted. "Who killed her?!"

"Bunch of hitmen I figure. Probably from the cannibal crimes. Short people with redskin and antlers on their heads." said the moderately attractive man who he assumed was Martha's husband. Behind him were Martha and his two kids.

"Damn. Well there goes my plans." Tevin sighed. The slight bit of righteous anger he had now died. Plus the kid's had lost their Mom. He wasn't that much of a dick to berate her kids over her mistakes. "Well I'll help ya get her remains fo-wait did you say cannibal?"


"So… was she gonna eat Eva's husband?"

"You mean that Jarold guy? Oh yeah. Frankly I woulda vetoed it. Man looked too grisly and boney to feed us for more than a coupla days but Martha won the poker game to choose and choose she did."

Tevin wasn't sure how to feel about that info. Bad for the husband cause he was gonna get eaten? Maybe. But he couldn't avenge Eva now.

But something else bugged him. "Small red hitmen you say?"

"Yeah. They called the cops on us and they're on their way to take us to jail." The Widower looked at his kids. "Stevie. Vicky. Ya'll better grab some clothes and spare guns. We're goin on the lamb!"

Tevin ignored the fleeing family as he pondered this. That sounds suspiciously like demons. Did someone do a summoning for revenge? Or was it random? Humans do have a knack for screwing with arcane matters at the cost of their souls. Case in point: me.

So then wh-


Tevin blinked as the sounds of multiple police cars brought him out of his musings. Their police lights and searchlights were blaring and zeroed in on the wooden home.

"Oh right. Cops." He said as a helicopter was approaching too. "Ok, isn't that a bit excessive for one little cannibal fam-"


Tevin blinked.

He was in the most wonderful bed. Perfect linen sheets with the most cloud concoted mattress ever designed. It was not by man's hands that this bed was made.

It was also not by man's hands that this room was made. It was too… nice. Orderly. Certainly not a room he frequented.

Tevin got out of the bed. He then blinked as he realized he was in a robe. Again it was of the best design to hug his body in warmth and comfort.

"Where's my underwear?" He questioned. Loosening the tie, he found that yes, he was naked.

He shrugged. It wasn't the first time he'd woken up like that.

"I died right? Yes. And it's been a while since I did that. I should reappear where I died in a moment."

Doffing off the robe and standing Stark in the room, he tried to remember why he was here. That was when he got a niggling thought in the back of his head and something needing to be pulled out of his magic pockets.

Tevin rummaged inside his curiosities until he found it. A golden key with a single feather attached to it.

The man looked at it and to the door. He pushed it into the lock and it turned.

A memory bubble came back to him.

"Oh right." Tevin said opening the door. "This is heaven."

He said this just as someone was passing his door.

It was a female angel. Silver of hair with grey skin. There was a layer of eye liner along her blue eyes and purple eye shadow, giving her face a look of a veiled woman, sort of like a nun. On her back were six luxurious wings that denoted her an Angel but the size gave the hint she was of higher stock.

She was wearing a light gown and seemed to be on her way somewhere when she passed by the door.

Just as he opened it, she turned to face him… and came face to face with a naked human.

Her eyes instantly went down to his cock. Her well maintained eyebrows rose higher than they ever had before and a red blush overtook her face.

Tevin took her in at the same time. Then he took on a wide smile.

"How you doi-"

He disappeared in puff of smoke.

Author's note

Wham. Bam. Here's a new thread Ma'am.

Author's note

I think I can work long enough to get this enough chapters to hang around before I get back to Autopapa and Cease SHaker. The main goal is sex and the road to get to it. Once again, the man Tevin is an Out of Context Immortal and he wasn't made in HB/HH uni. He's an Outsider.

And yes. Sera is the Goal. The far off Milfy goal.

Stay tuned.

2nd Note: Informal Invite


The Seraphim Quarters….

Sera Seraphim had gone to her private chambers. Her mind flashing with questions and penises.

"No!" She shouted. "I am NOT thinking about that!"

Unbidden, the thought resurfaced. The memory of that cocoa skinned man with that silly smile. He was only a little shorter than her but he still met her gaze like they were equal. His frame denoted the right amount of muscle for a man of hard work, swole but not bulging as if fit to burst.

And speaking of hard…

"Ughhh!" She shook her head but the penis didn't leave. It just taunted her with its girth and growing hardness.

She took breaths. Slow deep breaths and focused.

On the Divinity.

On the Order.

On the Good.

Soon the distractions finally died down and her focus returned.

Sky blue eyes and a calm complexion faced the empty room. The Seraphim took a seat, hands folded in her lap, and thought.

Who was that man?

How did he enter that room?

And more importantly, why was that room there?

It had been there since the Higher Court had formed Heaven, that much she knew was true. She never paid it any attention, what with her own duties to attend to. So it just left her notice, a memory of something that was there and never to be disturbed.

Except now.

"Alright. Gather the information again." She told herself.

That man was a human. That was correct.

He had died and come to heaven. That was also correct.

And yet… he didn't meet St.Peter. He appeared right here in Heaven, in a room that never opened.


"That room is his." The realization made her eyes go wide. "But that's impossible. We assign the places for humans when they arrive. So who could have made it?"

This occurrence had gone over the heads of the welcoming Angels. Could it be from the First of them?

Sera left her room. She needed to find answers.

Tevin blinked.

Then took a huge lungful of air that he coughed up. After that, he started breathing normally.

"I'm back." He stood up, woozy but whole. Body was intact and hair back in place. Now he was just naked in a huge ditch. Most likely caused by the explosion. Did the cops do that? Did they even look for his body?

"Oh shit! My stuff!" He took off running for his apartment. WIth his luck, they would have tried selling his things to goodwill.

Luckily, the cops had done a shitty job and had not identified him. Hell they didn't even bother to dig up his corpse for processing. THat meant his apartment was still where it was when he locked it up to go see Muddamaim. As far as everyone else was concerned, he just stepped out and came back.

He took a seat in the dining room and rang up the chinese takeout. He was gonna need a lot of food soon. For fuel and for thinking.

Now… I went to the blonde's house to confront her. And someone else killed her already. THe husband mentioned red skin and horns… That means demons. Someone summoned demons to kill her. And then the cops killed me and her whole family.

So my main reason for going out is dead.

"Well Damn." He grumbled. The case was over before it began.

The woman and her family were taken care of. There was nothing else for him to do. He didn't have resurrection capabilities and the magic of this world wasn't good enough for it so he couldn't see Evangeline again.

It was just him again.

"Yep. Just me… again." the brown skinned man moved over to the couch. He laid on it and watched the clouds go by outside the window. Tevin wished he got an apartment where he could hang out on the fire escape or back porch. Perhaps the next move he made would have that.

For now, he would gorge himself on chinese and have a huge dinner in Evangeline Mayberry's honor.

"Be at peace Evangeline. Be at peace." He muttered, closing his eyes. He then opened them. "Oh wait she committed suicide so she's in hell. Fuck."

In heaven…


In the hours, the days, the who knows how long since Sera had started her quiet mission, that was all she had to show for her searching. Nothing.

The man had no record within the holy tomes nor St. Peter's records. No record of his birth and despite him showing up here, no record of his death.

"This is impossible!" She shouted. Her eyes were narrowed to near slits as she slammed yet another book on the table. Her mind was starting to haze over her anger and her hair was in disarray as her power flared.


The growing anger dissipated when she heard that voice. She stood up and quickly fixed her appearance. She then turned and faced the newcomer.

It was another angel of the Seraphim, same as her. One could say she was like a little sister to Sera. They weren't just similar in duty but quite in looks. The only difference would be in disposition.

Emily's smiles were so open and freely given while Sera was a bit more disciplined.

Still seeing her always brought an unguarded moment of warmth to Sera.

"Hello, young Emily. How can I help you?"

"Well I saw you over here studying. I was going to attend a musical practice with a few humans in the fifth area before I saw you but since you were busy I was gonna leave you be." Emily's smile grew more concerned. "But then you started yelling. I don't think I've ever seen you yell like that before? Are you ok?"

"I'm okay, Emily. Just a little frustrated." She didn't want to include Emily in this. Not while there was still so much unknown. Could that man be a harbinger of something worse to come? Unlikely since he arrived here but since he left, it only raises further questions. She needed to find answers. "My work has me a little frazzled."

"Ah. Adam must have said something again."

Sera's face went stoic for a moment.

"He's trying to get others to call him… Penis Master."

A hand met her face as she let out a soul weary sigh. "I'll talk to him later. But no. It's not Adam. This problem lies elsewhere."

"Oh?" Sera flinched when she realized what she said. True enough, when she removed her hand, she saw that Emily was peeking at her notes and books. "Anything I can help with?"

"No. no." Sera waved a hand and all the materials on the desk floated into her arms. "This is something I can perfectly handle, Dear Emily. Thank you for your concern but I've held you up long enough."

"It's no trouble at all Sera." The young angel's eyes lingered on the gathered papers and books for a moment. Interest was still there but if Sera said no then no it was. "I'll be off then. I'll see you later!"

"You too!" Sera waved at Emily as she went away. She waited until the girl was out of sight before breathing a sigh of relief. That was too close.

No one else needs to know. I'll solve this in due time but for now, I'll stop before anyone else gets curious . Sera commanded the books to go back to their respective spots on the shelves. Once the last book was fit nicely into place, she gathered herself and left.

She needed to have words with Adam. Again.

If Sera hadn't been so quick to let things lie instead of being careful, she would have noticed someone else. Someone who had come back thanks to that moment of curiosity.

Emily went over to the bookcase containing historical texts. It was the unabridged version of the many architectural achievements in heaven. This part of the library was for Angel eyes only. The shortened and more compact versions would be on the first floor for the humans.

Emily took the book out and read the cover.

"The Dorm House encyclopedia?" Emily asked.

This dated back to the founding of Heaven. Just around when that unpleasantness found Adam and Eve by the Fallen one. Once Adam and his… third progeny and on died, the Angels had set up homes for them to live once they shuffled off the mortal coil and came here. Of course, Adam had moved out of it and made a different place after a time, and soon the others did too. Now the Dorm House housed different people.

Very little changed in Heaven so this was the most notable thing to happen.

Still this confused Emily. "Is Sera looking to make renovations?"

The answer wouldn't come anytime soon. And soon the question would fade for a little time. There were duties to do in Heaven.

At least until something else grabbed her attention.

Months later…

Spring break…

"Oh fuuuuck yes! That is some amazing tongue baby!"

"MnnnHmmmm." Tevin replied with hums and an affectionate application of tongue. The woman he was with a thick one with strong legs that led up to a killer ass. Her orange hair was tied to a long ponytail that Tevin was gettin ideas about but first he had to get her off again. Climax number three comiiiiiiin-


There we go.

"Ah! Delicious." He said as he licked his lips. The girl was still bent over and gasping. It was barely a minute later when she slid down to the ground, jizz and spit trailing out of her pussy.

Tevin slid down next to her and handed her a bottled water. SHe took it and nearly guzzled it. "Goddamn. I don't think any of my exes got me that good."

"It's mostly training and wanting to worship." He slipped a hand around her waist and pulled her in. "So helluva spring break eh?"

"It's not too bad. I heard there's a bitchin concert later on."

"I'm down for a few dances." His voice got a little low as he whispered in her ear. "And I do wanna see that ass shakin."

"Oh you!" She rebuked him but she liked it.

After a moment of rest, she got up to get back to her pals on the beach. She did leave him her number.

Tevin relaxed against the wall and let his erection calm down. He was saving it up for tonight. If he played his cards right, then he may be gettin an orgy tonight. Just gotta keep to the plan.

"Maybe a swim for now." Saying that, he got up to leave too. Just before he left, he spotted his recent partner walking with a goth babe with red eyes.

They didn't seem to notice him as they walked by the alley he was in. He watched them go down the next alley at least a door down.

"Don't wanna look like a creeper so I'll leave em be. But man that girl is stronger than I th-"

Some sound alerted him. The next moment the top of the orangette's head hit the ground.

"Oh shit!" Suddenly it was pulled into the alley. "Hang on!"

He ran over to the spot but when he reached it everything stopped. There was the goth girl, the orangette on the ground and bleeding, and someone crouched over the body.

"Blitz!" The goth shouted.

"Huh? Wha-"

That was all he managed before Tevin flew through the air and kicked him right in the face. The small man flew all the way into the wall from the force of the kick.

The goth was about to attack him so Tevin used words of Force.

"Squish!" He shouted, throwing his hand at her. Suddenly, she was thrown off her feet and forced against the wall. The force of it was so strong it made her appearance disappear. Now she looked like a goth werewolf.

"A hellhound…?" Even in his anger, he managed that question. He also raised his other hand and said, "Clutch."

"Gah!" cried the other man as he picked up and brought over to Tevin. "What the hell?! This some magic shit?! Ah whatever! Get your hands off my baby, you fuckwad!"

"After you answer some questions, maybe I won't give you a new asshole when I put my foot up it. Now why the fuck did y-" That's when he actually got a good look at the short man.

It wasn't a man. It was a red skinned goat horned demon.

"You… did you kill Martha Muddamaim?"

The little little demon shouted, "Who the fuck is called Muddma'am?!"

However, the demon dog said, "Wait, is he talking about the cannibal?"

That gave Tevin all the answer he needed. "Yo-"


In Heaven…

"Thanks for the gamer fun, you guys. Play safe." Emily called to a small group of human souls as she left their dorm room. They were a competitive fighting game group that had undergone a terrible accident but being good people, they arrived here. They strived for self improvement each day and returned to their communal home for hours of Street Dueling. It was fast paced and neat, though Emily didn't play herself.

They were one of her human friend groups and this had been her break before returning to her duties.

Such peaceful days made her want to sing. "Just another day in wonderful heaven. Splendid days made only in heaven. Oh~"


Whatever song the Seraphim had been gearing up for stopped. The whole record and melody flat out crashed against the curse word.

Emily looked around trying to find the source. It was on the first floor but it wasn't coming from the room she just came out of. Using her wings she flew around and tried to find the source. Suddenly she came across a door she had never seen before. Or at least she was sure she hadn't.

There was grumbling and curses coming from inside. Emily blushed when she heard them but shook off the embarrassment.

Obviously, someone was in distress. They needed help!

Emily tried to open it with her powers. It didn't work. She was flummoxed.

But how… why? When the curses fell silent, the gray skinned angel began to panic. Was something odd going on in there?!

So she did the only thing she could do!

She knocked really hard and very fast.

"Hello!? Is someone in there?! Are you ok?! Can you hear me?! Helloooooooo!"

The door sprung open.

"What?!" Shouted a brown skinned man.

Who was naked.

A well chiseled man with six pack abs and an impressive cock.

"Whoa… ," she whispered. Sera is gonna be shocked by this.

Author's note

I did say that something big would get me to make a thread. Come back inn a few hours and we shall see what.

3rd Note: Highway to Bone Town

"Are you going to put on clothes?" Emily asked as she stepped into the room.

"I don't have clothes here." Tevin replied, taking a seat on the bed. "Besides this is heaven. Where the beauty of the form is the norm… or at least clothing is optional right?"

Emily explained with an embarrassed look. "Kind of. But Adam had an episode with the little fig leaf and kept scratching his butt when he felt like it. So we all wear robes while the nudists are on the east side."

"Ah." Tevin replied. The two sat in the private room in silence. Tevin wasn't sure where to go with the conversation and Emily was patient enough to wait for him to continue. Her eyes did keep straying down to his flaccid cock.

It wasn't the first she'd seen, especially on a human, but there was something odd about it. About him. Something she couldn't put her finger on.

"So… you think you can loan me a robe?"

"Oh sure! One second!" She disappeared in a flash. She then reappeared with a bathrobe in hand. "Here you go."

"Cool." He slipped it on. It was a plain white bathrobe with a heavenly insignia on the breast pocket. "Nice and big. Thanks Emily."

"You're welcome." She took a seat and just kept looking at him. Her eyes did stray down to his crotch. Since he was sitting with one knee up, it still gave the young Angel a good view under the hood.

It looked… interesting.

"So… Emily, correct?" asked Tevin.


"How's it going in Heaven? Must be a nonstop party with amazing games, fighting tournaments in the afternoon, and smooth jazz to lullaby you to sleep. Wait, do you sleep?"

"Oh! I forgot you were newly instated." Emily stood up and with a quick fix of her gown, clasped her hands together and smiled.

Her halo appeared over her head and her first two wings sprang from her back. The very image of an Angel that humanity revered.

"Oh cherished lamb, I welcome you to Paradise. Oh Tevin, eternity has welcomed you into its bosom and may you never want for anything now that the end has come."

It was a nice speech. Emily meant every word she said and the warmth she embedded into them would melt the stoniest heart.

Tevin found himself clapping. "That was wonderful."

"Thank you. Oh! And as for your question… well not all of them are true . While we Angels aren't fond of violent video games, we know humans like it. There is a section in heaven for them but we still adhere to moderation here."

Emily then floated closer until she was almost nose to nose with Tevin. "Fighting among the dead is prohibited. I'm sorry but this is the place of eternal rest, free from pain and the destruction on the earth below. So real physical pain is not welcome here. But don't worry! There's so many other activities that can put your hands and energy to good use!"

She then paused as she considered the last question.

"As for music to rock you to sleep, you can request it. Really each room is tailor made for the resident so you can fall asleep to jazz."

Tevin nodded through all the information given. He also didn't move away or closer to Emily despite her being so close. Perhaps she had no sense of personal space.

There was one more question though. "What about sex?"

"Sex is fine."


"But it has to be part of a relationship. Fornication is strictly forbidden. And decency is to be observed by everyone."

"I can work with that." Tevin was sure he could talk enough to get into a new relationship. Plus if nudity wasn't a taboo, maybe some outdoor sex outside of prying eyes was ok.

"Did you have a partner before you died?" Emily suddenly asked.

The question made Tevin blink. He then frowned.

"I kinda did." He said, the playfulness gone now. "I didn't really get a chance to know her but she was nice and fun." He let out a grunt as he rubbed his head. "Dammit."

"Oh…" Emily took his hand in hers as she sat on his lap. If Tevin had any feeling for her soft bottom relaxing near his dick, he didn't think about it.

Emily looked so sympathetic as she smiled. "I'm sorry. For many, the transition to here is after a period of mourning, especially for those that died so suddenly. If you want, I could bring you to the temple."

"That's fine, Emily. I'll deal. It's what I do."

"… alright. But if you need a friend to talk to, I and many other angels are here to listen." Emily said with a small smile.

She then blinked as her halo began to shine.

"Oh! More new arrivals!" She got off Tevin and began flapping her wings. "Sorry but my job's come up. I'll see you later, ok!"

"Sure." Tevin waved to her as she flew away.

"Nice girl. Wonder if she's related to that other Angel." Tevin felt a pull on his body. It was time. "Three. Two. One."

He popped away.

I woke up with a tarp over my face. Just to be sure, I stayed quiet and listened.

"How many?" asked a male voice.

Another guy answered. "Pretty sure it's nine bodies. We're still combing the area for the rest."

Crap. Friggin cops. I must have missed the whole event. Those demons are long gone by now.

"Goddamn spring break. Why do we keep getting the serial killers? Why can't they have the week off so we can enjoy all the speedos and casual hook ups?"

"In Miami? Pfft. Dream on." They walked past where I was lying and stood a few inches away. I should use an invisibility spell and get walking but I had a hunch. Maybe I can gleam something.

"By the way, you check out the concert band?"

"Yeah. Fine as hell. Shame they probably did it. I've never even heard of a Verosika Mayday. Damn good song though. Bone town. Now that's something I wanna hear more about."

"Who's the one that's gonna debrief them?"


… Wow, really?

"That slob? I swear to god if he gets a beej in exchange for them being let go…"

The voices started to get lower. Were they leaving dead bodies on their lonesome? Well it works out for me.

I got out from the tarp. Next to me had to have been the girl he had been with. Her snmr had been Layla. Poor girl. Just like I told Emily, I didn't know her that well. It's always nice to get to know your partners. Helps fill up the memory and make it more.

"Hope you made it to the pearly gates." I said. I touched where her head was and offered a prayer. "I think you'll like Emily."

After that, I left.

It took half an hour to get to the rented space I was using and grab my shit. The place was already paid for the night so I got in and got out before any questions could be asked. I also had to change into a suit that would look in line with the police department.

Honestly, the most time wasted was getting to the police station. Goddamn traffic.

The department building was busy and there were people going in and out in like five minute intervals. Which was what I would expect from Miami.

"Ok so memory spell? Invisible spell?" I considered my options. Getting past the blues was easy and I was saving my stuff for when I got to this Verosika. It shouldn't take more than ten or fifteen minutes. Less if they don't know anything.

"Actually…" A smile was growing on my face. I had an idea.

Slipping on a pair of shades, I strolled in like a confident government agent. I rejected the urge to put on sunglasses.

"Excuse me." I asked the front desk. It was a frumpy little blonde in the old uniform.

"Yes?" She looked up at me and blushed.

I gave her a smile. "I have a few questions. And I'd like you to send a little message out."

I told her what to say and she got to work.

"Attention everyone, there's pizza here for everyone. Come down and grab a slice, Director's orders."

As the words were being sent through the microphone, I weaved a little spirit magic. Now the radio frequency was laced with hypnotic suggestion and a little mental reworking. Everyone would gather here to get pizza and be stuck here for the better part of half an hour. And just to be nice, I sent out for like twenty pizzas.

The cops began to come out in swarms to gather in the main hall. And I just slid right into the back.

I did catch one of them to ask where the holding cells were. Almost forgot that.

One. Two. And number six.

"Sorry we'll talk later!" I stepped back before the door could smash into my face. Out came an aged brown cop who practically teleported away. I held onto the door before he could close and lock. I peek in an-

Oh My…

A goddamn bronze goddess. The hair was long and nearly strawberry yellow, making it the perfect topping the rockin rock star body I couldn't stop ogling.

Holy crap, I'm chubbing up already! Can't remember the last time I got hard in under five minutes. Forget never hearing about her, just her looks alone could get her a record deal!

I mean just look at those hips! Womanly but enough oomph for a man or woman to just grab onto and hold tight. Breasts aren't that big but just enough to see her bouncing on a stage would awaken many a teenager to the female form.

And those eyes…

I slapped my face.

"Get it together, Tevin." I scolded myself. "Information first, wooing second. You've got a job to do."

I repeated that a little more before I went in.

Verosika raised an eyebrow when the new meat came in.

She was a little pissed when the pig man had been only a moment away from dropping his belt so that she could blow him and get out of here. Unlike that shithead Blitzo, she and her crew took the secrecy of the masquerade seriously. No humans could know demons were real so they had to act like humans.

Besides, she was a succubus. What's one dick over thirty seven or a hundred? A little suck and she could have whatever she could get.

And yet, she was being blown off for pizza?

She would have been more pissed if not for the new guy showing up.

"Ms. Mayday. I'll be taking over the debriefing. Call me Detective Byte."

He was a Damn sight better than the pudgy fuck. Almost verging on pretty in her opinion. Maybe this day won't be so bad.

So she turned on the charm. Not the Charm but a simple smirk and a narrowing of the eyes. "Well, ask me anything you want, Byte. No question is out of bounds."

She leaned back in her chair, giving him the barest look at her short skirt and thighs. She was also up against the wall. The image that she was trapped and with him between her and the door to freedom would be sure to make him act up. To add a little more, she gave her thigh a small slap. "Anything…"

His eyebrows went high and he tried to play it off. Oh yeah, he was ensnared.

"Actually, we've managed some new leads in the case." He said after a cough. "We have reason to believe the dead bodies may have been perpetrated by outside forces. If you have recollection of some unusual characters, it would help out a lot. Maybe short people? Or someone wearing odd accessories?"

Now that's interesting. This pig may actually be a smart man. Verosika thought. The last guy only offered the bare minimum of an explanation.

Still it would be best to play this off. No definite answers.

"Sorry but I was too into my performance. I think my bodyguard, Tex, may have seen something." She answered with a shrug.

"If you're sure, Ms. Mayday."

"Totally sure. I worked really hard on the song and I wanted everyone to hear it. May have gotten too into it." She licked her lips. Damn, it had been a good while since she supped the Beelzebub juice. She needed another drink.

She didn't need the Charm to get this guy over. She was plenty good at it. But right now, she needs the feel good juice. It didn't count.

So she tuned into her abilities. Her eyes glowed a little as she became even more desirable than she already was.

"In fact, I can perform it a little for you. Whaddaya say…?" She whispered the last part. Men love when women whisper to them. Easiest way to get a chub.

"I-uh…" He looked so delirious. Trying to deny how horny he was.

But it wasn't enough to stop a Prime Star like Verosika.

As she started humming a few bars, she slowly stood up. Her hands rubbing against the back of her neck and traveling through her hair.

"This is your final boarding call. All aboard."

Her words had him speechless. He watched her manicured digits fly across her body, letting him know of the treasures awaiting him.

"Sun's out. Take a Vacae Babe."

It didn't matter when she crossed the table to get to him. Only that she had.

His eyes strayed from her barely hidden legs to her breasts that could just as easily slip out if he reached for them. But when she licked her lips again, he was stuck in her face. In her eyes.

"Take it straight…"

Time for her favorite part.

Without giving him the moment to do anything, she sat on his lap. Her legs spread, making her skirt be little more than the smallest loincloth, shielding her panty clad pussy. Yet it was enough to offer a little separation of her crotch from his.

Because how else could she tease his erection?

She pressed herself close to him. Breast to chest. Crotch to crotch. He had a decent package under those pants and the way she could almost hot dog him with her folds only made her excitement grow. Maybe she could increase it to a little ugly bumping.

After she had her drink.

"… Boneto-"


The song and her allure was broken. Broken by a kiss.

Somehow he had broken the spell she had him under and was all up in her face and exploring her mouth. It actually wasn't bad in technique and the lust and vitality the guy had was just delicious. So much so that she didn't even mind as he pulled her in close and had his arms around her.

It felt nice. Oddly nice. A girl could get used to-


The sound of something closing on her very being broke the spell. She launched herself off his lap and fell to the ground but found she couldn't move her arms.

"What the fuck?! Is this a binding spell?!" She shouted, her face twisted in fury and shock.


She glared at the impertinent fuckhead. How dare he?!

"A Fucking Wizard?!"

"Sorcerer sounds cooler."


She didn't wait long. Her voice was waaay too loud for her crew to not hear.

The door to the room crashed open. A hulking mound of wolf fur stood there, disguise gone and ready to wreck shit. Her backup dancers all slid into the room, still in human form but no less the dangerous bitches that she traveled with.

She'd have this pathetic human's balls for this.

"Kill em!"

Vortex charged.

The human brought his arms up to guard his face. But when everyone expected an eviscerated slab of meat where the man's upper torso would be, Vortex found his claws blocked by a shield.

A magic one.

"He's some magic wannabe! Just overpower him!" Verosika chimed in.

The hulking hellhound now had a better command and was going to follow through. More and more he swiped at the brown sorcerer but the man proved to be a bit more than a two bit mage.

Byte ducked some swipes and weaved around Vortex's grabs. He looked more like a boxer than anything. Which he proved when he sent three jobs to Vortex's torso.

Too bad Vortex's abs were tougher than that.

When the man tried for an uppercut, Vortex snatched his wrist.

"Aw shit." Byte said just before Vortex lifted him into the air and slammed him into the ground. With one hand, he effectively had him pinned.

"Keep 'em there Tex, baby!" The rest of her crew came in. Good. One of them could cut her loose while the rest claw the Byte bastards eyes out.

Preferably Kiki. She had the best knives.

Byte struggles to get free but as expected, Tex was stronger. Now Verosika waited for one of her male sluts to get her out. She couldn't get out of these cuffs thanks to the magic but outside interference was another matter.

She watched as they surrounded the dirt bag and were about to kill him… only for the man to smile.

"Made you look." He raised his hand and it flashed. "Shine On."

Every succubus and Vortex were blinded by that light. Of course, Vortex kept his hand on Byte, a showing of true professionalism.


Suddenly everyone felt gravity grab them by the proverbial balls and slam them to the ground. This time, Vortex did let go.

"… !"

Byte said something as the light died down and before the succubi could react, a chain of gold sprung from his other hand and snagged her and all of her crew by the neck.

He slammed the center of the chain on the ground. A moment later, she and her crew were dragged to the center of the room, the chain now shorter and leaving them no room to run.

Byte rolled away from them and got to his feet. He looked a little winded but way too smug.

Vortex tried to get up and try again but found he couldn't. "The fuck?!"

"Eh! The hell's with this chain?!"

"We can't get free!"

Confusion and fear began to grow in her group. It sucked ass because she was starting to feel it too. This had never happened before.

The Sorcerer looked at the door. Was he expecting someone to come in?

"Better safe than sorry." He muttered. He then reached into his pocket while counting how many of them were there. "Five should be enough."

Out his pocket, he fished out five small balls. They had the same weird engravings them just like the chains.

He then threw the balls at them.

The last thing Verosika would see was a flash of light.

Then blackness…

Author's note

Needed sleep so here's the reason I made the thread. We meet the luscious and trashy Verosika and get one step closer to finding the IMP. And yes, Tevin did use a Pokeball lite to get them.

Its too bad the human side isn't focused on in HB. Would like to see what dumbass summoners do to get Succubi and others on the material plane.

Next time Verosika's interrogation. The plan is to get Tevin in hell but I may wanna screw around with the method a bit. We'll see how it goes.

Stay Tuned.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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