80.95% FAIRY TAIL: GAMER PATH / Chapter 170: Chapter 170: 6 Years… (1)

บท 170: Chapter 170: 6 Years… (1)

A/N: Here's your chapter. I'm not updating just wanted to release this because I got good results during my finals. So here you go.


Chapter 170: 6 Years… (1)

~Silva K. POV~

[January 5 X785]


[Data of original signal have been lost!]

[Initiate Data transference consciousness activating to Replica <Caster>…]




[Transfer complete!]

[Initiate linkup sequence in…]




[Link start!]


My eyes woke up gazing around witnessing I'm in a different body muttering to myself within a cave area keeping my Caster hidden, "Guess it worked… damn."


[By bathing yourself with the blood and consume of The Black Dragon in the Book of Apocalypse you have gained a passive skill circulating in your body.]

[Skill: <Armor of Acnologia: Blood Armor of the Black Dragon> is gained!]

I smirked at this…

It worked…


I didn't think it would but bloody hell it worked!

I didn't think of re-enacting the story of Siegfried when he slew the Evil Dragon and gained a body close to one by consuming and bathing in its blood.

Adding the Philosopher Stone in my Mana Zone at the time accelerating the process I didn't think I would pull that off.

It became my plan B when Acnologia managed to erase my <Arcane Dragon Slayer> skill immediately in one hit destroying Incursio in both body and spirit in one swift attack.

I never knew he could one-shot people like that in the palm of his hand. But with this skill. That rule of his just changed.

Skill List.


<Armor of Acnologia: Blood Armor of the Black Dragon> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: This skill grants the user an ability that grants the user a Arcane dragon's body with invulnerability that allows for the user's skin to cancel physical attacks and magic without so much for a scratch apart from truly physically stronger foes or powerful Magic to make only small amounts of damage.

Yet, "Anti-Dragon" tools, Magic, or Dragon Slayer Magic would harm the user normally. By bathing in the blood of the Arcane Dragon all forms of <Arcane Dragon Slayer Magic> used against the player will be immune to their Magic.


Figures as much but it was best to be sorry.

Although stabbing myself through the chest was unnecessary it was needed because unlike Seigfried I'll be sure to fully have my bases checked leaving no vulnerability for me to be exploited.

Recovering myself and taking a deep breath I exhaled knowing I had to let the guild the news of what happened, "Sigh… this is going to be the biggest change I'm about to do. But someone must keep the Guild standing with their key members gone."

Although it did take a lot longer than it should've to regain my consciousness.

Best to check up with the guild. Walking out of my private base viewing my potions and private library of Magic Books.

This is my intended safe area where I keep my potions or theories around Magic during my time training or have my replicas prepare my spare Salves or Mana Bottles in the likely event that something killed me.

To which it kind of did but didn't at the same time.

Shaking my head though it's time I get back to the guild to check up the current state of the situation.




Keeping myself calm I walked around the crowd receiving some wide-eyed surprise making my pace towards the guild entrance noticing the lack of members.

Then again though it has been more than 2 weeks since the key member's disappearance since the new year's has passed.

Keeping to myself as I enter through the guild I notice Wakaba sitting alone on one of the tables his eyes darted towards me widening in shock tears streaming down his exclaiming my name, "Silva!!"

Yelling my name and coming forward some of the members all eyed me equally surprised yelling at me for my return.

"It's really you!"

"Holy crap your alive!"

"I'm not really going delusional you're in the flesh!"

"We thought you and the rest…"

Everyone soon gathered around me as I stood in the middle scratching my head a bit uncomfortable with the sudden attention replying, "Hahaha… you know you guys are kind of making me nervous gathering around me you know?"

I'm not used to being a people person or being at the center of attention.

"What's going on!"

Soon coming out from the Guild Master office I saw Macao eyeing the situation shocked exclaiming to me rubbing his eyes, "I'll be damned!! Silva is that you?!"

Smirking at the old timer I responded in a chipper tone taking a seat and explaining to him, "Yup. But no at the same time. Just call me Caster but currently I'm using my Magic to switch my consciousness now."

I gestured for him to come closer whispering to him what happened in a serious tone, "But can we discuss this somewhere else more private? There's a lot to unpack what happened on the island."

Confused he nodded trusting me allowing Wakaba to follow as he exclaimed to me, "Very well, but I a need Wakaba with me that fine?"

I nodded agreeing leaving the other members confused as we stepped inside the Guild Master's office commenting on it surprised, "Wait this means you are currently the new…"

Macao expressed with a smug look on his face responding to my shocked expression, "Yup! You're looking at the newest Guild Master of Fairy Tail Silva!"

Wakaba grinning and ruining his day commented happily ruining his friend's day, "You mean self-proclaimed Guild Master buddy?"

Macao grumbles at that but returns to a serious expression as he sits down analyzing my response getting a grasp of the situation, "You say you switched minds? Care to explain what happened during the S-Class Trials and the secrecy then… nah. I'm still gonna call yah Silva newbie."

Feeling a tick mark at that I exhaled letting him have the right since it would probably be confusing to address me anyway.

Exhaling out regaining my calm tone I explained to the group what happened with my confrontation against Acnologia shocking the members I foolishly went ahead fighting against the Dragon head-on.

Ultimately though Acnologia was always going to head there because of the confrontation of Grimoire Hearts attracted his attention even if I fought against him the Black Dragon would always come to the island.

Before fading consciousness, Mavis Cast the <Fairy Sphere> protecting everyone in the process while saddening myself with guilt.

The expressions of concern and worry in their eyes gazing at my original body having pierced myself with the original Balmung unlike my other fake weapons created within my Mana Zone meaning I don't have access to that anymore.

I have access to my other weapons and Lacrima Character charms, but Lancer, Berserker, Assassin, Saber, and Archer are no longer useable as only the original can create them again via my coding.

Fortunately, though I left Caster to leave ahead of time before things went south as a safety precaution in the event I failed.

To which it ended gloriously in failure.

Yet I did get useful information confronting Acnologia though that is valuable.

One constructing true glyph stopped his attacks in his tracks and magic for a few seconds because of a Dragon Slayer's weakness to motion sickness.

Two my blade Balmung managed to not only get past his Dragon Scales that are immune to any form of Magic but managed to damage and bleed the beast in the process.

Unlike my previous Dragon Weapons created they couldn't so match as only scratch the scales of Acnologia's body as Balmung managed to pierce through going for the kill.

It could also be said that my physical strength at the time could be lacking to deal with any major damage done to the dragon as well.

Considering these facts and possibly Zeref himself witnessing the fight or possibly not examining he probably noticed that Acnologia would want him to search for me if knew of the Fairy Tail member's return could jeopardize everything launching an all-out scale war early or not.

There are too many what-ifs he could play. But for so long as he doesn't know it would be best to keep everyone safe in the meantime.

Macao's eyes widen as Wakaba takes a big inhale of his cigarette puffing out smoke responding equally as shocked, "Well… fucking damn. That's some shocking info…"

Macao though regaining his composure exhaled calmly digesting the information and analyzing his cards to play with this, "Yeah… but then that means only the Fairy Tail members aren't dead but sealed away right… do you know how long?"

I replied without hesitation explaining to the man in a calm tone analyzing their expressions, "7 years. That's when I used my Eye Magic it will take 7 years for them to return."

They looked shocked but then Macao cried out happily at the news explaining it to me in a happy tone, "This… this is great news! That means I can tell my boy Romeo that Natsu isn't dead but…"

Then his happy tone turned serious explaining to me what he intends to do with the information, "With this piece of news… we can inform the members only the guys are alive and merely trapped within the <Fairy Sphere> for the next 7 years or 6 since this is a new year. But won't reveal it to the world yet because of the news."

I nodded as Wakaba agreed sharing his intake of the course of action needed in a serious tone puffing his smoke, "Yeah. Would be bad news if anybody would get back at the guild seeing the key members gone. We need to rethink how things would go from now on…"

Sighing at this Macao next congratulated me for achieving S-Class with a wry expression on his face, "Still… I know this is past due but congrats on making it to S-Class Silva. You can leave the serious side to us just go back and unwind for a bit. You need –"

Interrupting him I interjected in a serious tone not planning on just simply lazing around when there's much work to be done, "Nah. I'll be up to take some jobs soon enough since someone got to keep this guild standing for when they return. I'll just need a day to rest and start working."

The two looked at me wearily but ultimately sighed understanding my drive since the key members were gone, I just got to pick up their slack missing the years.

With this, my path to end the Black Dragon has begun.

Although I think it's time to start grinding my skills and assist in the guild most importantly…

Finish my <Spirt Arts> and <Spiria Cultivation> skills as soon as possible to never have my MP and <Fairy Heart> form be out of Mana when I need it the most.

And I have just the technique I want to create in mind…


[July ?, X785]

Standing in the front of the Kardina Cathedral everyone dressed in fancy black suits with a Priest presiding over between two members of Fairy Tail dressed for their wedding.

A lot has happened since then. But frankly, I received no daily request to increase my stats so the only option left was for me to beat up creatures or bad guys the old-fashioned way.

Aside from that my attention returned to the wedding. Everyone from the guild all waited patiently witnessing a beautiful moment as the Priest finally responded the words, "Do Alzack Connell take Miss Bisca Connell to be your dutifully beloved wife for life? And do you miss Bisca Connell take Alzack Connell to be your dutifully beloved husband for life?"

Revealing to be Alzack and Bisca both nodding and agreeing at the same time, "I do…!"

Nodding the Priest then announces for the holy matrimony between the two in a happy tone, "Now then you both may kiss the love of your life!"



"Go Alzack!"

"That's getting them Bisca!"

"What a beautiful day!!"

"Congratulations you lovebirds!"

Clapping and yelling could be heard from the Fairy Tail guild happily supporting their friends in their time as Macao tears up a bit at the scene, "Sniff… to think we would get to see when the family of the guild finally get bigger. Man, I'm getting too old for this…"

Wakaba took a jab at Macao teasing the guy sullying his mood with his personal experience, "Yeah buddy. I mean I was your best man when you had your wife. Ah… good times ain't that right?"

Macao's eyes twitched at that replying annoyed and bringing up past issues, "Gez… know to kill the mood Wakaba…"

Wakaba merely laughed as the two noticed me with genuine shock Macao responded, "No way… are you seriously tearing up?"

I deflected the issue rubbing the tears off his eyes as he tried to be tough, "No! I'm not showing happy weakness… I merely got onions in my eye…"

Wakaba merely laughed at my antics shamelessly shaking his head not buying his lie thanking him for making this possible, "Haha! Sure, it was the onion. But in seriousness though thanks for helping us get this together for them though."

I stopped the crocodile tears faking responded in a happy tone viewing the beautiful moment occurring, "No problem. I wouldn't be where I stand if it wasn't for them helping me here. I would've probably had a hard time reaching this strong…"

Saddening recalling the key member expressions Macao coughs getting his attention thanking me for the hard work I have been contributing, "Don't get depressed Silva we know they'll come back. And with you taking multiple requests you set out to be a role model for others taking on the quest to help keep this guild afloat. Heck, when I told Romeo the news, he was smiling again… I thought I wouldn't get to see him smile ever again after what happened to Natsu he was his role model you know?"

I merely nodded agreeing seeing Bisca and Alzack enjoying each other and enjoying his cooking smiling at this.

I leaned behind the church walls gazing at the future ahead looking at his hands his eyes seemingly distant to the horizon thinking to himself in a serious tone, 'I must get stronger. So strong that I alone am the enlightened one. One that even the Black Dragon can never overcome…'


~Third POV~

[March ?, X786]


In the distant land of Elentear Silva remained meditating as Selene observes the situation taking a sip of her sake from her cup, "To think it was merely 2 years ago and he returned to training dutifully trying to Master <Spirt Arts>. How goes his progression Hakune?"

Hakune one of the Moonlight Divinity members replied bowing her respects to Selene with Silva's training, "His progressing smoothly my lady. Seems like he has gotten the grasp of how to handle Spiria although it would've been done sooner if he didn't leave partway each time."

Selene nods sighing to herself and replying to Hakune in a disappointed tone, "Yes. If he were solely focusing on that his progress would've been done quicker although he does have responsibilities himself to attend towards."

Hakune remained silent scolding Silva's actions as Selene sighed.

Changing the topic she then inquired Hakune what exactly Silva wanted to create for his Spirit Arts Technique once he completes the tasks, "Sigh… regardless though it seems the man has an idea in his mind of what skill he wishes to create. Any idea why he requested you solely create the skill Hakune?"

Listening to Selene's words she replied in a curious tone giving details of the idea, "Perhaps he wishes to harness or use a concept?"

Selene raised an eyebrow at this waving her hand to Hakune furthering what she meant and explaining to her as she kneeled, "It's the only thing I could think of my lady. He inquired this with me how I created my Spirit Arts involving the concept of Freezing. And explained the means to go about it."

Interested in the subject of discussion Selene smiled wanting her to continue explaining with a curious interest, "Oh? If that's the case, how would you go about obtaining your method Hakune? From what I recall you spirit users have different means to obtain your spirit arts through training or family generations correct?"

Smiling happily Selene took an interest in her Hakune explained happily her process means of training her Spirit Arts, "Of course my lady! For me to train and gain my power I had to experience it myself. I felt the freezing sensation in my everything then wanting to emit this power… manipulate it I wanted to freeze everything. The brushing cool turning my foes to ice meant to be crushed beneath my foot…"

Selene losing interest in Hakune's words merely gazed at what Silva was trying to manage to do analyzing his attempts in a serious tone, 'Hmm… it sounds like the young man is trying something dangerous risky but fruitful given the amount of time given. I wonder what exactly he is trying to gain here…'

Keeping her eyes closer to Silva he continued practicing spirit arts creating a specific skill in mind to have an edge…

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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