90% Fate Breaker (HP) / Chapter 9: The Wizengamot

บท 9: The Wizengamot

AUTHOR'S NOTES; Goddamn, did this chapter murder me. Idek y'all, it was so troublesome to write, but I'm … decently content with it. Sorry it took so long, guys.

It's been a while, but not long enough for me to feel bad considering all the fics I update. Lol.

Feel free to check out the rest of the series if you want to read about the MC's interdementional cycle of reincarnation, but all installments can be read separately.

As always, y'all be killing it with the support, particularly comments, which are my favorite fuel for writting. You guys are the best. Seriously. 💙

So, without further ado, I give you the next chapter. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!




I watch gleefully as Wizengamot members quake in their boots at the sight of the long absent Lord Black and the once disowned Andromeda Tonks and her muggleborn husband. Slowly, the shocked silence turns into whispers and I will myself closer to my people, admiring Kilgharrah, still pretending to be a broach on Andi's robes.

"Lord Black, we were not expecting you to make an appearance after all this time," a voice rings out, and I turn to see an old lady in dark purple robes. I take note of the elaborate gold pin on her robes and the position of her box on the bottom level, decorated with themes of quilts and wands and swords and realize that this is likely Millicent Bagnold, Minister of Magic.

Arcturas just waves this away in an elegant, but nonchalant movement. "I have regained my title as Lord Black after my son's death, so I will come and go as I please. Today, I'm here to witness a daughter of my House-," People actually gasp here, one witch literally swooning and clutching her pearls, making me giggle wickedly. "-make history."

Andi steps forward then, and for a moment I wonder why she's just a hint too stiff. Andromeda was a woman who did not fear a crowd. Rather, she manipulated and bent them to her whims with pleasant smiles and scary eyes. The moment she stepped into a room, it became hers to do with as she wills. So, why… I snort in realization, bursting into mental laughter again.

Oh, she's trying not to piss off the dragon masquerading as her jewelry by moving to much,

I watch,, amused as she saunters forward with just the slightest bit less swagger than normal as she addresses Bagnold. "I, Andromeda Black-Tonks, request to be sworn in as Proxy to House Emrys and Le Fey, who will henceforth be known as House Emrys Le Fey for the undetermined future."

I grin, (-Mentally? How does this work when I don't have a body?-), as the room explodes into noise for the upteenth time. My Houses were probably the two strongest in our continent's magical history, both in status and magic, and the implication of the two famous rival houses combined and coming back from extinction is apparently too fucking much, despite the rumors having been deliberately circulated months ago. I watch, fascinated as Dumbledore's face actually drains of color and his eyes latch onto Andi with almost disturbing intensity. 

Andi was a wild card to these people. A bloodtraitor, but a Black. Did her seemingly good relationship with Arcturus mean she was siding with the blood purists and conservatives? But what did her muggleborn husband's presence indicate? I watch their minds whirl and panic as Bagnold and Amelia Bones, I think, as the new Head of Magical Law Enforcement, verify her proxy documents and the Gringotts authentication and notarization of the paperwork regarding my Houses' reestablishments.

"That's impossible! Both Houses are extinct!" One man bellows, and judging by his box, his House is only a Noble one, some kind of ugly ass squashed squirrel thing it's sigil.

Arcturus turns to give him a cold stare that might as well have been him telling the other man he isn't worthy enough to breathe in his vicinity. "Are you accusing a daughter of my House of deceit and Line Theft?"

Oh, shit! I'm starting to think it's very good that no one can see or hear me because surely they would lock me away for the crazy laughter I'd be letting out with a physical form. Line Theft is a serious ass crime in the Wizarding World when someone falsifies info to obtain the assets of a House. This could be a lot of things from trying to steal Family Magic by deliberately getting knocked up, or knocking someone up out of wedlock, marrying into a house under false pretenses, or falsifying documents to get their money or votes. Because it is such a big deal, especially due to the incredible abilities that can be held in one's family magic, like soothsaying or Metamorphmagi, the punishment is severe as well. A dementor's kiss isn't off the table. And naturally, anyone who falsely accused someone could expect retribution to be nearly as damning.

The foolish man blanches and quickly backpedals, clearly not relishing the idea of an honor duel with Arcturus Black. Old he may be, but the Blacks were known for their powerful curses that toe the line of legality and usually resulted in permanent damage and or death. Arcturus still moved like a man in his thirties, and me personally? I wouldn't try that shit, either.

"The-the documents have been verified. Both House Emrys and Le Fey are united under a single head and Madam To- Pardon, Lady Black-Tonks is confirmed as proxy…" Bagnold stutters, a little bug eyed. "Lady Black-Tonks, please take your oaths."

Andi does so, after she moves to kneel near a small altar in the center of the room. The crazy, torture chair with all the chains they had prisoners sit in in canon is no where to be found though. This shit really is nothing like the books or movies. She swears a bunch of boring shit about upholding the law and justice and blah blah, hand pressed to the glowing stone, runes alight on it and spiraling across the floor, all majestic and whatever. 

But, more interesting are people's reactions. Lord and Lady Lovegood smile serenely, both having known ahead of time as our vessels and allies, their box covered in whimsical images of the night sky, (-A reference to the Emrys?-), and fantastic creatures with glowing eyes. Dowager Lady Longbottom, or more accurately, Lady Regent Longbottom, looks viciously smug as she burns holes into Dumbles from behind, their family box depicting beautiful plants around a fierce looking armored Griffin. 

Lady Lucretia Zambini, who I'm getting a glimpse at for the first time, is a stunning, dark skinned woman whose smile is both seductive and threatening as she leans back in her chair, the slit in her robes revealing one daringly bare leg tossed over the other. The Zambini's are a powerful House, but not in the UK, so instead she sits menacingly next to the Greengrass couple in their box, their faces impassive, but their eyes piercing. The Greengrass box has a giant tree, I think, represents a tree of life, a wand in its trunk, runes circling it.

Lucius Malfoy… is shitting himself. He and Narcissa are easy enough to identify, especially because Andi and her sister look an alarming amount alike. Their crest was a slytherin knock off, much to my disappointment since I was expecting peacocks or something, but I guess it makes sense since they were a vassal family to House Slytherin for a few centuries now. Interestingly enough, Narcissa isn't showing the same horrified alarm as her husband at the sight of Arcturus and Andi together. Instead, she looks almost… hopeful?


Arcturus saunters past, reaching out only briefly to pat Narcissa on the cheek, a silent conversation passing between them, as he ascends to the Black Box, portraying their family crest and motifs of wands and giant black dogs? No, grims, and skulls coiled in vaguely poisonous looking flowers that were homage to the Le Fey, since the Blacks were vassals to them.

Damn, is that why Sirius is a giant black dog? I can see him feeling some type of way about that, actually.

"But, why exactly has the Head of House Emrys and Le Fey not come in person?" Dumbledore speaks up, heading to his own box. I know there is a Dumbledore Noble Box, and other boxes under him currently, but he has chosen to reside in the Chief Warlock Box during this Wizengamot meeting, which was decorated in concentric circles to represent the Wizengamot as well as scales, books, and quills for justice, wisdom, and unity.

"Her Majesty has her reasons," Andi shrugs gracefully as she and Ted head to the highest level and my box, leaving some utterly scandalized as they lass, although if it's because these two outcasts were taking the highest position in the Wizengamot and sitting where no one else had in centuries, or that the Houses were being revived at all, I'm not sure.

"Right, well,-" Bagnold starts, only to be cut off silkilly.

"Her majesty demands that Sirus Black be tried. According to her Sight, he was falsely accused and imprisoned without trial," Andi states, dropping multiple bombs on the already in disarray audience and smiling, as chaos erupts once more.

She's wearing the same smile Arcturus is wearing, the Scary Black Smile™, all poison under chocolate, that meant they were going to use those barely legal curses on anyone who dared get in their way. I decide to practice in the mirror and use that shit because goddamn, it was effective. Bagnold blanches magnificently, Dumbledore actually gapes, Lucius double takes, and a man that might be Barty Crouch Sr. turns… purple? Huh, I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually do that before?

Bagnold flounders, because surely her administration wouldn't have sent a member of an Ancient and Noble House to fucking Azkaban without trial. Her eyes bulge and she dies what any good politician would and shoves the blame onto someone else.

Crouch gets thrown under the hippogriff heard. He gets fucking fed to the dragons and eats threstal shit. It's glorious as the Wizengamot turns on his ass faster than a nimbus 2000 can fly. See, it wasn't that they disagreed with his foolish and unethical choice of tossing someone in Azkaban without trial. No! It was because Andi had just confirmed that my legendary Family Magic was back in the current Head; Me. You'd have to be fucking stupid to willingly get on the bad side of a Soothsayer, especially when we Emrys were known for being Seer Soothsayers in particular. Add to the fact that said Seer is head of two extremely powerful houses with a shit ton of votes, and people were scrambling to appease me, and I've not even gifted them with my presence yet! That's not even mentioning how much people feared Arcturus and the Blacks, and that this was about his blood, even if Sirius was considered disowned.

All of it is really feeding the megalomaniacal urges I hadn't even realized I had.

"This is an outrage!" Augusta cried out, doing some fantastic fear mongering. "A member of a Noble and Acient House sentenced without trial! It could have been anyone of us!"

"It is rather odd that Sirius, who was quite vocal about his anti-bloodpurist values, to the point where he was disowned by his parents, would suddenly switch sides," Lady Zambini purrs, eyes glinting viciously.

"I remember Sirius fighting Death Eaters as an auror. If it was an act, it was one he pulled for at least half a decade," Aurthur points out, shocking several people who hadn't noticed the unassuming ginger enter the room and take up the lordship, (lordships actually, considering Molly inherited the Prewett Lorships herself), that he hasn't touched in over a decade himself. I note that the Weasley crest leans towards fire and unity, chained interconnecting lines, surrounding a fiery feline chimera with vicious, bloody fangs and claws, wings spread wide, a snarl on its lips. "But, frankly, it doesn't matter. The trial needs to be conducted regardless and I'd rather not test her majesty's patience. She is not one to let such things go without consequences."

I grin when Arthur adds fuel to the fire, tapping his box with his wand, the large feathered wings of the chimera turning dragon like, a silent declaration of his family's new vassal status to the Emrys. Arther did it so nonchalantly even though it is a fucking massive deal that it makes me laugh, watching as he plops into his seat almost lazily, and it's suddenly very obvious from his wicked smirk, only partially hidden by his bowed head, that it was him the twins inherited their mischievousness from. In a single move, Arthur had declared his loyalties, his vassalage, and confirmed having met the Head of Emrys Le Fey, further establishing my pseudo presence. The Weasleys have always been known as benevolent and honorable, even when considered bloodtraitors for seemingly abandoning the Old Way and leaving politics. Arthur's words would unconsciously be accepted on this, simply because no one would expect a Weasley to be deceitful, hence giving more credibility to Andi and I.

Nicely played, Arthur!

It is with haste that Sirius's trial is declared for the very next day.


My eyes flutter open to darkness, blind as always after a vision. The overwhelming panic I used to feel at opening my eyes to nothingness had passed, leaving only a bit of discomfort. A part of me was disappointed that I couldn't just move past it, but, well… I've never met a visually impaired person who didn't fear losing the rest of their vision. I let out a breath that is only the barest touch uneven and abruptly realize I'm no longer in the bay window of the study. Instead, I catch the scent of my father's cologne, the ruffling of parchment, the feeling of familiar bedding and blankets under me. I melt, turning to face the beloved aura next to me.

"Papa," I call out, rolling to fetch up against his leg more. I guess Papa had taken me to his room while I was Seeing and had tucked me into his bed next to him as he read, not an uncommon occurance, actually. My father never said anything, but the tightness in his aura and the clamminess of his skin were almost always present when I didn't wake up fast enough.

The rustling of paper, the pages of a book turning, stop, before a cold hand is pressing to my forehead. "Hello, Habibti. See anything good?"

I let out a slightly crazed giggle that has my father worriedly pulling me into a seated position. "Oh, it was goooood, Papa, real good. They were all floundering!"

Papa snorts. "That's nice, dear."

I crawl over, turning to rest on his chest. "Anything new?"

My father hums, gently resting on my head and rubbing my back. "Actually, yes…. Your grandparents will be arriving back in the UK in a few days. And my sister has graduated as well. Are you still okay to meet them?"

He seemed a bit unsure, and I force down my own brush of anxiety over the thought of my extended kin, something I'd never really had to deal with in my past life. "Papa, I told you it was fine to tell them about magic if you trusted them. Bring them here if you want. I… I would like to have more family."

It's not a lie. It would be nice. It would also be nice if my father could interact with his loved ones without having to hide things. But, based on my past experiences, it was better for me to go into this with my expectations lower than a grace. I'd also need to talk to Andi about some... contingencies should the reveal not go well. My stomach fills with dread at the thought.

Papa nods hesitantly. "I'm not actually worried about them reacting badly. Both my mother and father are likely already aware of magic existing due to their status as diplomats. And my sister is very free spirited. If anything, Danae will be overexcited. I just don't want you to feel as though your secrets are being exposed without your permission."

I turn to look up vaguely at where his head should be, smiling wide to pacify him. "It's fine. I'm not one to keep secrets I don't have to."

"Why's that?" Papa asks softly, hand heavy on my head, but comforting.

I pause, wondering, but the answer comes relatively quick as I make the coneection. "Huh. Oh."


I hesitate. "It's… kind of grim. In my last life, I never kept secrets when I didn't have to because all things hidden will eventually see the light, ya know? I never wanted their to be anything for anyone to use against me, especially not my mother. So, I kind of just… owned it all. Every sin or shameful act or bit of cowardice, I never denied any of it."

Papa's aura is deeply sad, but understanding. "You lived a hard life, huh, kid."

For some reason that made my eyes water a bit, but I just shrugged. My father sighed, pulling me tighter to his chest. I felt a tug on my magic, letting me know that someone's entered the wards and the others have made it back to the castle. "They're home."

Papa nods, scooping me up in the crook of his arm. Rather than taking the normal travel route to meet them, I had my father go up a single floor to my room and take the Master Travel Door, significantly cutting down our journey, the only person I'd decided to reveal its existence to so far.

Together, we share a celebratory meal before Ted, Andi, and Grampa Arty leave for the Longbottoms to do more political shit with all our allies joining them there. Andi very eagerly handed Kilgharrah over, looking terribly relieved. I guess she didn't get the same bome deep amusement as I did over wearing a legendary creature as jewlery.

Lame of her, if you ask me.

Then I decide it was finally time for Papa to experience some of his Emrys heritage. Hence, leaving him to Kila. I snicker, watching as my father switches between screams of alternating joy and fear as Kila swooped and dived, Papa clinging onto his, (currently), terracotta back. Dora passes me the popcorn as we huddle under a few blankets around a small bonfire brought by our brownie butler, Oak, on my room's balcony, the highest point of the entire castle, since the family tower is the tallest. Oak was helping us make s'mores while making sure we didn't kill ourselves as little kids were prone to attempting. While Dora would be going to Hogwarts soon, and while I've made very sure to emphasize my all knowing persona and unchildlike behavior, I still did stupid shit occasionally so it is probably for the best. For example, the time I bundled myself into a blanket ball and rolled myself down the grand staircase, something I should have known would hurt, but, at the time, I'd been far more interested in how fun it would be.

To be fair, it had been both fun and painful, but I digress. Sometimes, the consequences just didn't occur to me and my impulse control was shit, side effects of an underdeveloped brain, no doubt.

I wheeze into Dora's shoulder, accidentally wiping marshmallowy goodness on her as she crushes me under her significantly heavier body, her pink hair finding its way into my mouth as she topples over onto me in her giggle fit. So, soon Sirius will be getting his trial, we'll maybe be getting a baby chosen one with him, and I'll be getting an extended family, and no, I'm not fucking scared of potential familial rejection, thank you very much. I don't need more family, I never needed any to begin with but now I had Papa and the Black-Tonks family, way more than my last life. Everything is fine and I'm the least bit nervous because I haven't been able to see what will happen next, not even with Kilgharrah's help. But that is okay because I'm not a control freak who panics at the first sign of her schemes falling apart. No, I am perfectly content and not slowly being crushed under anxiety the longer I think about it…

I promptly sit up, stuttering out that needed to go do…. something to Dora and running into my room to take the master Travel Door to the study to hyperventilate in peace with only Balinor's painted eyes to see.

…. I never was good at lying to myself.


AN; Feel free to leave suggestions on what house crests, sigils, and motifs should be, I was kinda pulling that shit out of thin air 💀

And let me know how it was.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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