79.48% Aries Chronicles / Chapter 31: War for Blueleaf - 1

บท 31: War for Blueleaf - 1

Ezyze invoqued the new Aries. There were Grim, and Grom, two blacksmith. The former was an armormaker and the latter a weaponmaker. Three Aries warriors spawned. They were rank 3.

While they were speaking to the new Aries, explaining what they went through and who they were before, Ezyze spoke with the tree trolls. The ashen gray tree troll was called Vandal and the yellow one was called Helios.

Arthur instructed to train Vandal in axemanship, gifting a two headed battle axe. Helios was given a big round shiekd and spear and was trained in using them. The other warriors were allowed to train in the weapon of their choice. 6 of them picked 2 one headed battle axes that they would wield in each hand. One female tree troll was training with a big mace, and she didn't receive bonus when being taught how to use it since it was not a bladed weapon.

The new Aries were wearing shields and swords and were quite fierce warriors that were similarly trained by Arthur.

Everything was new and weird to them. Various races were collaborating together and fighting as one. Ezyze, their leader could even invoke new warriors from thin air. They knew that the system was a thing of wonders but had no idea that it could be to this extent.

After a long training, the Unshakables departed to get rid of a gnoll village. They were bipedal rat like beings covered with scales. While they didn't pose huge problems individually their numbers were fearsome. There was 3000 or so rank 1 to 3 kobolds that were living in cave networks. They are a race that enjoy digging for minerals and thus inhabited mountains most of the time.

Helios joining the hoplites' ranks, they were fighting waves after waves of kobolds. Eventually they reached different sections and they separated into many different groups, extending the area they covered in thr cave network. The warriors were taking the lead, while the ranged classes were behind them battering enemies.

Still not adults, Helios and Roland didn't gain much experience but their skills developed like crazy.

They fulfilled one expedition after the other and the Unshakables were starting to get some level of fame. While it was not something city wide, they were recognized as an up and coming mercenary band.

Because Lampor is an infant white langur, looks harmless and is always on or near Ezyze, mercenaries started to speak about Ezyze as 'the mercenary with the white monkey'.

Because he didn't do so, Ezyze named all the rank 2 goblins. The ones with 1 to 9 horns were called:

Goblun, Gobleux, Goblois, Goblatre, Goblinq, Goblix, Goblept, Gobluit and Gobleuf, from 1 to 9 horns.

The goblin with the A rank born warrior Trait was named Garrosh and the goblin slime creator was called Rimuru.

The weaker goblins obviously had names.

Helios reached level 10 and gained the rare class Hoplite. Roland became a rank 2 epic Gladiator swordman.

Having sexe in the inn, the many pregnant female goblins had newborns. 6 of them had the C rank trait battle sense. 86 of them were born.

The 86 were trained using a shield and a scimitar. They managed to get their first class, rank 1 goblin warrior, but were still far from reaching rank 2.

Gran, Grim and Grom have been hammering day after day. They created various armors and weapons.

The rank 1 goblin warriors were given a black armor with a goblin head for a paldron on their right shoulders. They had an helmet, without ram horns.

The Aries had the same armors that they used to have since the Ent repaired them. They are strong and allow for good mobility. They were gray, and had wooden patterns. The newly summoned Aries have gray armors.

The hoplites have the same integral armors that they used to, but black. With goblin heads as pauldrons and ram horns on their helmets.

The 12 goblin samurai still have their samurai like armors, and the goblin spearmen have black gladiator like armors, with greaves, armored skirt, cuirasse and vambraces.

The mages had black light chainmail and robes under. These robes increased their magic stats. The goblin golem was wearing heavy armor. Their armor was also black.

The scouts and archers have light black leather armors.

They finished their preparation and had a last checkup with the mercenary guild's receptionist. The mercenary guild was busy and Shuris was likewise bustling with life. Nevertheless, it was not like it used to be. Even if people were busy, a solemn and somber atmosphere was weighing on the city. They all knew that a large scale war was imminent.

Every mercenary troop that was taking part in the war was meeting at the entrance of the Western gate.

They were more than 300 000 mercenaries united in front of the gate. Ezyze was shaken and realized what it will look like to be facing wars in Astros. How many warriors were deployed and will be facing death. What it takes to truly conquer a country. He realized how insignificant his strenght was in comparison with a single town's mercenary might.

Big mercenary troops with various creatures were there. A rank 5 human wearing an armor and a spiked one handed mace was sitting atop a rank 5 behemoth. A massive creature, around 20 meters tall, with two long arms and smaller hind legs and lower canines teeth protruding from his mouth like two big tusks. Around him were warriors wearing heavy armors, wielding either longbows or lances and riding huge salamanders.

A mercenary troop was manned only by female warriors that had eagle wings and eagle like face. Some of them were rank 5. A dark mage - rank 5 was sitting atop a wyvern - rank 5 and had many skeletons of various levels around him. He seemed to have living lieutenants that had considerable might such as a barbarian - rank 5.

In total, more than 600 rank 5s were present.

Finally, many large golden disks landed from flying in the air. A rank 5 Shurissi enlightened sphinx was leading his troops and was surrounded by 30 rank 5 Golem spearmaster and 270 rank 4 golem Spearman.

"My name is Andros Khirissi and I am the head of the Khirissi family. I have but few things to say. We are 300 000 mercenaries and will be leaving on these golden disks for the central region of the Blueleaf kingdom. We will be joined by the colonel Yanamoto Kureshi who will undergo his first campaign as general. He will be with 700 000 mercenaries and soldiers. There, you will be dispatched to the frontlines. You have been hired as mercenaries of the Blacksaber kingdom. We are are a renowned mercenary kingdom and such wars are our livelihood. Do not tarnish your predecessors' name and honor the name of the Blacksaber mercenaries."

They all boarded huge golden disks, that were golems enchanted with flying magic. Those that were riding flying creatures mounted them. Smaller and bigger mercenary troops were each had their own allocated disks. 246 Unshakables among 300 000 mercenaries departed for the Blueleaf kingdom.


The Blueleaf kingdom was a kingdom of nature. The Shuris dynasty having been beaten by the empire, the Shurissi kingdom that spawned further North and West lost its ruler. The capital city, in the Northern arid region was destroyed. The Blueleaf clan, was a prominent clan of poisonmakers. They were a rare race of dryads and were monsters that were both spirits and tree monsters. They are stealthy and many of their members are alchemists, making potions, poisons and elixirs, and assasins. When the Shuris were driven out of the kingdom, they established themselves as a ruling power and created their capital city, Yggdra in the center region, where vegetation is and forests are in abundance.

The Shuris mercenaries arrived in the central western part of of the Blueleaf kingdom, and landed on an open field. There, the Blueleaf army was waiting. There were bipedal people of various races. Humans, wolfmen, dogmen and several other beastmen were present, as well as Glakis people with long arms and legs that were riding wears, big wolf like beasts with bear heads. They were numerous different armies that had units. They were working in the same manner than mercenaries, with their own units and legions, that were part of a larger army. In total, they were 5 million strong and Ezyze was stunned to see so many people with the same purpose.

Ezyze saw a human surrounded by people that had massive armored hands and a big scorpion's tail coming out of theirn back.

Scorpio - rank 4

The human was surrounded by several human warriors and bipedal monsters that were riding atop centipeds. They had a very long spear, had a crest on their small head that had two big beaded eyes. They were bulky, with arms that reached the ground.

Crarps - rank 4

Ezyze was sure that he found another chosen one, the first since he came to Astros. Since he was an Aries, and he found Scorpio people, he thought that more of the zodiac signs were sent to Astros. Still, he didn't know how to deal with the situation. This earthling could be a potential enemy, someone who wanted to become a ruler in this new kingdom, or an ally, someone that will fight other races that faiked their world and were sent to Astros. He decided not to do anything and to concentrate on the war ahead.

Big Zeppelins could be seen from a distance. They landed not too far nor to close to where they were. 700 000 people disboarded the zeppelin. They were from various races and were also monsters. Andros greeted them and Andros, a black hair human and a dryad were standing atop of a golden disk, facing the mercenaries and Blueleaf army.

The black haired human had a neath leather armor like uniform. He had a black leather coat and two swords dangling from his waist. The letter B was engraved in gold, while the rest of the uniform was mainly black with few touches of red.

The female dryad looked a lot like a human. Her hair and eyes were cyan and her hair had cyan leaves growing attached to her hair. She was around 1.8 meters tall, a voluptuous body and was wearing a Dark blue leather armor. On her back was strapped a trident, which head was coated in a blue substance.

"My name is Argua Blueleaf and I am a princess of the Blueleaf dynasty and the chief commander of this army. While we used to focus on ourselves and share our resources between together, we had less and less to give to the Empire as tribute. While we spent years trying to negotiate and use diplomatic means to find a peaceful outcome, the Empire rejected all of our offers, stating that we had to either pay them tribute, or give them our territory. We would either loose our people or our lands and grow poorer and less able to pay them tribute. The Empire declared war on our kingdom and our scouts gained intelligence that they were preparing for war. The goal of this war is to protect Bluleaf's borders and kill the enemy figureheads. My sisters, brothers and I will lead our troops in 3 different battlefields, and thus defend 3 different fortresses of the Bluecliff region. We are facing extinction. Please warriors, lend us your strenght."

Argua blueleaf - rank 5


The warriors shouted and their cries echoed loudly in the plains. The earth itself seemed to answer the call. In the middle if the day, with a cloudless sky, as lightning fell on the plains.

Blueleaf is a matriarchal dymasty. While the most powerful princess is chosen to be the next ruler, the princes were given honorary positions in the kingdom. When they reach rank 5, they compete in wars, expeditions and others, in order to prove their worth.

The swordman with the black uniform came forward.

"I am Yamamoto Kureshi, general of this mercenary army and belong to the Blacksaber clan. We accepted to be hired by the Blueleaf kingdom in their was against the Empire. We will separate ourselves in 3 groups and you will be dispatched according to the regions that you camr from. The Bluekeaf army have around 10 000 rank 5, while we have around 2000 rank 5 among our mercenary troops and a total of 6 million warriors for our combined forces. Our scouts reported that the Empire is around 10 to 11 millions troops strong. We have the advantage of fighting in fortresses and otherwise have vantage points from the terrain and have thus fair chances of winning. You must all prove your worth. We will be able to win this war if all of you are true warriors."

Yamamoto Kureshi- rank 5

While his speech was crude, it made them face the reality of this war. With fair estimations, the mercenaries knew what they will face.

Ezyze followed the group that he came with. And embarked the disks once again. They will be going to the Everain fortress, in the North of the Eastern region.

While they were flying on the disks

"Arthur, in your world, was there a Scorpio race or Empire?

Yes, they had an Empire in the Southern continent. While we didn't face them, they are known to be tough warriors and quite straightforward. They used to focus on defense and defended their land very aggressively but didn't engage in conquests or wars. Their Empire was quite small. We had the occasion to do some trade with them but otherwise had few contacts. Why do you ask this question?

Well, I was among few chosen ones from my world and was tasked with guiding the Aries household. I saw among the Blueleaf army a human that was surrounded by Scorpio. I think that he is from my world and I don't know how to deal with this situation. I thought to wait and see how things will unfold. We are very weak at the moment.

As I understood from what you told me, they can be either great allies or strong foes. It is sensible to wait and see. I think that you will eventually meet him for real and it is better if you are in a position of stenght when you do so.

I agree."

They flew to the Everain fortress. It was located between 2 huge mountains and was atop a big river. There were 3 paths leading to the fortress. The fortress was made out of blue stones and had an enormous wall circling it. There was lots of vegetation and even fruit trees and other places that were growing things to eat. With big well kept trees and flowers all over the fortress, the space between irs walls looked more like a sanctuary than a warmonging platform. The fortress was surrounded by a huge mana shield that prevented flying creatures from accessing its airspace. It was not only raining but pouring rain.

When the 300 000 mercenaries landed, they were greeted by an army of 1 million Bluekeaf soldiers. While many dryads were present, centaurs, water trolls, river ogres and many other creatures were merged together.

While the mercenaries and soldiers were standing neatly in front of the Southeast -at the opposite of the Northwest entrance that was facing the border with the Empire - Andros flapped his enormous wings and reached the top of the wall. He greeted a dryad with short cyan hair with leaves growing on it. She had a wooden mask on the side of her head and a leather armor. 2 daggers were dangling from her waist. Behind her were 2 male dryads with short cyan hair. One was 1.8 meters tall and wearing a mage robe. The other was buffer, 1.9 meters tall and had a big scythe strapped on his back with a blue substance dripping from it, and wearing a Dark blue plate armor.

"My name is Argia Blueleaf, second princess of the Blueleaf Kingdom and behind me are my brothers, Edigo and Dizio Blueleaf. I am the commander in chief of the Everain fortress and will be seconded by my brothers and Andros Khirissi from the Blacksaber kingdom. Our goal is to defend thus fortress and kill the invading army of the Empire. It is a simple goal, but hard to implement. The 3 bridges are surrounded with water and are the only access to Everain. We will need to defend them with our lives. While they are quite large, cavalry troops will be hard to utilize as it is difficult for them to turn back. The infantrymen will be our main assets on the bridges. Magic class and archers will be our main offensive asset, either from the backlines or atop the wall.

Your commanders will give you the outline of our strategy and the tactics that you will have to follow. Come on in and rest for today. In a week to 10 days, we will fight. It will be a long and harduous war, but I am sure that we will win it."

At the foot of the 550 meters tall rampart, Ezyze felt like an ant. When entering it, he realized that the fortress had towers, and an enormous castle at the surface, while many levels were seen underground. The underground was lit with glistening green cristals. There, many waterfall, vegetation and construction were seen. Habitations, fields, training areas, crafting stations, laboratories, forges and an arena were present underground and the whole thing had at least 20 levels. While less than 2 millions soldiers were now present at Everain, the fortress can hold up to 15 millions people. They had some room to spare when it comes to housing.

Ezyze and the Unshakables settled underground. The blacksmiths could focus on their arts and their belongings were watched by them.

They spent the rest of the day training to fight as a unit. The unevolved goblins had a hard time picking up the pace but they otherwise managed to improve slightly.

The morning of the next day, every leader of a mercenary band met in Andros' quarters in order to discuss strategy and capabilities. Andros had to figure out the skills of the various leaders present here. They were 308 mercenary leaders in total. Ezyze had the smallest number of mercenaries in his clan.

The mercenaries that seemed to have importance were:

Sauruüne rank 5 - ghost armored warmonger. He was the one sitting atop the behemoth. He had 113 600 mercenaries under him. They were called the behemoths and were a clan that spent their lives wandering from battlefield to battlefield. They had humans, orcs and yak beastmen. They had mainly warriors among their ranks and few magic classes. They are the mercenary troupe with the highest number of rank 5s with 148 legends.

Nefrus rank 5 is from the race of the forgotten, a humanoid race, with very white skin and a tiny mouth and 4 eyes. He is a dark necromancer and have around 15 000 alive mercenaries and about 250 000 invoked skeletons. When taking into account his death army, he was a master of 68 rank 5s. They called themselves Death Awoken.

Buzers - rank 5 - Thunder valkyrie. She was leading a very elite clan of mercenaries that had 3000 members. She has 92 rank 5s and otherwise ranks 4. They were called the bird of prey.

Andros Khirissi - Legendary warrior, predator of the land. He was the general of the mercenaries and was leading 130 rank 5s. His troupes consisted of golems, sphinx and various humans. This was the band with the most diversity, with many ranged and close combat classes. They were 73 000 members strong and called themselves the Shurissi.

Kleops - rank 5 - mirror battle archmage. He was leading 65000 mercenaries and had 30 rank 5s. They had warriors wearing shields and koplesh and mages. They were called the pharaohs legion.

Ezyze introduced himself as a rank 3 Champion, colossal axe hacker and the mercenary of the Unshakables. He explained what classes they were and how they were fighting. He made quite a good impression on others and they were positively seeing him having an epic class. He decided to leave aside him being able to cast spatial magic as this was a rare form of magic and these mercenaries would eventually be facing him. He didn't state what kind of goblins the Unshakabkes were either.

The other clans were smaller or less powerful. Still, some had rank 5 leaders or several rank 5 among them. Others didn't have any rank 5s. They all knew it: this war was both an opportunity for growth and a possibility to lose everything.

After making sure that they would be able to heal, not die and / or not be destroyed, the various mercenary organisations sparred against each others in order to understand what each was capable of.

They will be sparring for the following 3 days and each evenings, the mercenary leaders discussed strategy, how best to defend and the Blueleaf army officers joined them as well. It was quite hard for soldiers and mercenaries to understand each others and communicate. The former thought that the other were selling their soul, that they would never understand what it means to fight to defend their families and homes. The latter thought that the soldiers were too rigid, slaves of a kingdom and useless pawns to further political agenda. Still, the mercenaries were strong warriors while the Bluemeaf kingdom was paying. Despite some outbursts that were quickly dealt with, they managed to strategize together.

Every mercenary band had a crafter; a blacksmith, leatherworker, tailor, jewelmaker and others that maintained their armors. Argia Blueleaf came with iron dwarves, a race that is known to make excellent armors, weapons and even ego weapons and ego armors. Unlike on Earth where dwarves ate people of short stature, on Astros, dwarves are as tall as humans, but have a bigger build, a bigger head and arms.

Argia stated that everyone had to cooperate for the duration of the war and that the forges will be open to all. The 3 Aries blacksmiths were relocated there, as well as many other craftsman.

They were finally separated in different groups. Buzers and the bird of pray would be manning the rampart with koplesh and his pharaonic legion.

Sauruüne and his behemoths, Nefrus and Death Awoken and Andros and the Shurissi were to stand ready to engage the troops. The smaller mercenary bands were allocated to bigger groups and the Unshakables were with the Behemoth. It seems that because of how numerous they were, the smallest mercenary band would be fighting alongside them.

The Blueleaf army would primarily man the walls and use their vantage point to kill the Human Eternal Empire's troops.

Ezyze came to Sauruüne's tent. He was a 2.3 meters tall human, wearing a Dark gray heavy armor. He had a full helmet that had crown like spikes. Ezyze didn't see it previously but he also had a hammer made of white crystal hidden under his dark cape, and a one handed mace that was filled with spikes on his back.

Inside the tents were a bulky gray orc, 2.5 meters tall. They are a race known as warmonger and are known to be bloodthirsty. This big gray orc had a two handed battle axe on his back, with a single head. He was a axe grandmaster.

Jarral - rank 5

A big yack beastman with an enormous two handed hammer. He was a nature's crusher.

Hulnel - rank 5

A female human with blonde hairs and a burnt scar on her left cheek. She had one blue eye and one brown eye, was wearing a dark robe with sikver linings and had a staff that had a transparent gem with strange gray souls floating around. She was a soul sipper archmage.

Varna - rank 5

A male human with brown hair had numerous scars on his face and a steel bow, making him a steel archer.

Trop - rank 5

A female human was 2.5 meters tall and had a plate dark gray armor. She was brimming with muscles, her long brown hair were flowing from her helmet. Whe was wearing a one handed mace and a towering shield. She was a Defensive berserker.

Trap - rank 5.

A slender man with a pale skin, red eyes, long canines and wearing a light leather armor was a vampire and had the legendary class blood archmage.

Nebrus - rank 5

A big woman with incredible muscles and an otherwise pale skin was wearing plate armors without pauldrons or am helmet. A big two handed butcher knife was strapped on her back. She was a vampire and a butcher master.

Ariel - rank 5.

Lastly, a female beast yak was wearing a light plate armor and had long katana next to her. She was a great army commander.

Hulann - rank 5.

Sauruüne was seated in a big chair with skulls adorned on it. On his left, standing was Jarral and on his right, standing was Hulnel. Seated on his right was Hulann, her katana resting on her chair. Varna, Trop and Trap were seated opposite of them and Nebrus was on the Sauruüne's left. While Ariel was behind Nebrus.

Many other officers were standing, near the great round table. All of them were rank 5. The table displayed a 3 D representation of Everain with its surroundings.

When Ezyze entered the commanders' tent, he was assaulted with enormous pressure. Lampor was shivering in his arms and Arthur had a stiffed face.

"Come, Ezyze. Said Sauruüne. Sit."

His voice seemed to be ethereal, yet some sort of dread was carried with it. Ezyze sat between Nebrus and Trap and Arthur stood behind him. He felt about to be crushed.

"Now, now. You are the only mercenary band that joined us in this war. It may be because we have great numbers, and it may be because we have quite the reputation that a greenhorn may not have heard. Let me tell you though, I have never failed an assignments. We fought in more than 100 wars and subjugated more than 1000 villages and monster towns. We are fearless, and are known to be very cruel. I just say that we repay our enemies, an eye for an eye. Now that you know, your little mercenary band will have to keep up. We don't accept useless baggage.

Now I must tell you, leader Sauruüne. It is true that I am only a rank 3 and that we don't have rank 5s yet. And I am saying yet. We have killed numerous rank 5s monsters already and if you just have to check some of our members to know it. Also, we have slaughtered thousands upon thousands of beasts and monsters. We are a young mercenary band and we have much to learn. This is our first war. I am actually delighted to be fighting with you, who won over 100 wars. I know for a fact that by the end of this war, you will be glad to have us by your side. Your strenght is impressive and would be a good goal for us. Thank you for the warning, we will not take the war lightly. Behind me is my trusted aide Arthur, and my little companion is my familiar. As I can see, you were about to strategize, what does it entail?"

Ezyze was actually very scared. He said those words but knew that with that many rank 5s here, it wouldn't take 10 seconds before Arthur and him are dead. It was lucky that he could sit because his legs felt like jelly. He had to create some illusion of him being tough.

The officers present released even more of their aura at Ezyze's words. It felt suffocating and his heart seemed to be crushed by an invisible hand. He was sweating despite him doing his best to maintain a poker face.

"Now, now, everyone, let's not bully the greenhorn."

They masked their presence. Ezyze could breathe once again.

"We believe that the Eternal Empire will be facing us soon. From what my information network states, the emperor's lifespan is coming to an end and those that have been raised to be future rulers are ranking up achievements. In every single neighboring kingdom, the Empire sent its armies. It is a good thing for us because they wouldn't have much reinforcements and this war is mainly for achievements to them, when it is a matter of survival for the Blueleaf kingdom. Also, because they are not fully comited to wage a war, they did not contract mercenaries. Hulann, please explain.

As leader said, only the imperial army will be deployed, and we have data on them. The prince Ivan Goodheart will be the commanding officer of the incoming army. What is special is that his personal army has a cavalry of Nemean lion's riders. Also, he has a unit of royal knights, and trust me, they are fearsome warriors. Finally, he is supported by the White tower and they have a battalion of light mage classes. The generic imperial armies have usually several infantry. They are either acting as a legion, wielding tower shields and spears, warrior units, with swords, axes, maces and whatever kind of weapons. They will have infantry archers, mounted archers, battalion of imperial mages, cavalry slearmen, cavalry knights and maybe several special classes, but that is something for which we can't emit any theory.

For shield warfare, they will have ballistas, catapults and rams."

While Hulann was speaking, Varna was displaying small units using her souls. They felt alive and it was good to picture what kind of enemy they will be facing.

She resumed

"The blueleaf army is composed of various races, monsters and classes. Water trolls and river ogres are a race of monster that swore allegiance to Argia. They are extremely fierce warriors that are really difficult to kill. An army of them is a nightmare. Argia herself is a killer with great efficacy. She is fast, stealthy and decisive. Her brother Edigo is a powerful water archmage and Dizio is a lethal poison reaper. They are both extremely strong and are already known for having killed countless imperial soldiers. Because they are the one fighting for their lands, it is likely that they will take the lead in defending. I think that they will soon deploy theyr hyppogriff units that is feared across the entire Southen continent. There are 3 things that we will need to be careful of. The Empire can't approach our gates. If they are breached, we will fight in Everain and will more likely lose. While Sauruüne's familiar is the behemoth, it is unclear if we will be able to hold on against the Empire's might. The second thing is their siege artillery. The ballistas and catapults are magic weapons that can pierce or destroy the rampart. The third thing that will be most problematic is Ivan's personal army. They are more than 1000 strong rank 5. The Nemelian cavalry is often nicknamed the uninjured and it is not for nothing. We are tasked with defending the Western gate facing the border with the Empire. Do you have any questions or remarks.

How will we defend if we are under artillery fire?

That's simple, we go out in the open and destroy them. Now we must have a look at your combat capabilities, in order to be able to make accurate strategy. As you have 250 troops, we will make you fight 250 of our orc warriors in a mock battle. Worry not, only rank 3 and 4 will be present, maybe one rank 5."


In an underground level, in an arena with earth soil, the Unshakables were wielding their weapons and had regular clothes. Facing them were 250 gray orc warriors that were wearing only a loincloth and weapons, most of them were battleaxes of hammers. Only 2 of them orc sabers. The Arena was filled with Behemoth mercenaries and was packed.

Arenas were either buildings to host death match or were enchanted with various magic. These magic protected the public from being harmed and casted a shield of immunity on an individual, protecting him from dying and then teleporting him outside the arena, instead of dying. These forms of magic could not be used outside of the arena since a oath was made, where both side agreed to fight a confrontation where they would be protected before death by immunity magic and teleported to the mercenary camp. On these terms, the magic oath activated and activated runes that were powered by am enormous mana circuit that was running on a green like magic substance . The arena here was an arena where no one would die, thus would not gain any experience in their system when they 'killed' someone. The real fighting experience, and the capacity to fight real life or death battles however stayed and could be honed.

Hulann was in the middle of the 2 groups, that were separated from around 300 meters.

"The rules are simple here. Kill the enemy force. When I leave the arena, you may start."

The Unshakables had the goblins warriors in the frontlines. The hoplites were directly behind them. The hydra goblins were on the right while the Aries were on the left side of the hoplites. Ezyze , the archers and goblin mages were behind the hoplites. The scouts were mixed with warriors Aries and goblins.

The orcs were standing like this, like a group of brutes.

Greypanter Greypanter

Longer chapters! I hope that you will like it

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