95.91% Arifureta: God of Extinction / Chapter 47: Chapter 47: What End Awaits

บท 47: Chapter 47: What End Awaits

A wolf among a flock of sheep.

A true predator whose might couldn't be opposed.

Within the Orcus Labyrinth, that was the position Suzu Taniguchi held.

After obtaining unmatched strength, everything else simply fell into place.

The vicious monsters that once tormented her thoughts ceaselessly were no longer an insurmountable threat. 

With power, a great force which severed, crushed, and decimated every foe that stood before her, she was invincible.

The ferocious claws and fangs that once tore her flesh were now incapable of even reaching her.

What was she even afraid of again…?


In response to her greatest desire, a single barrier manifested into existence, the key that had served to facilitate her perpetual reign—an indestructible forcefield.

Armed with various absurd abilities, she quickly traversed through each floor at a speed beyond comprehension.

She was able to defend herself against any and all attacks the monsters in the labyrinth had to offer, whilst simultaneously dispatching her enemies with a concentrated assault.

She acquired many different skills through the act of consuming such creatures, only serving to bolster her growing dominance.

Yes, what had been with her from the moment she was summoned to this world had ultimately become her greatest asset.

A rather unconventional weapon, but a weapon that couldn't ever be replaced.

"Tch…! Haa…So annoying…!"

However, despite her seemingly indomitable strength, despite her ironclad will to overcome all adversity, she…she just couldn't defeat that annoying little vampire girl.

No matter how many times she attacked, no matter how many times she dodged and defended, she couldn't win.

"Fucking hell….!!"


Deep divots formed in the dirt beneath her feet as she was forced back by Yue's powerful strike. The ground shook magnificently under its oppressive weight, flinging curtains of soil and debris into the air.

In front of Suzu's outstretched hand was a semi-transparent dark red forcefield, formed in the shape of a half-sphere. Steady ripples spread out across its surface, succeeding in mitigating the damage as best it could. 

Staring into Yue's indifferent blood-red eyes, she snarled viciously. Steady streams of mana gathered in her free hand, ready to be released at a moment's notice.



The mana she had gathered fizzled out of existence, leaving her dumbfounded. It was only then that Suzu realized her mana reserves had dropped to dangerously low levels, and the crippling exhaustion that slowly but surely crept in.

If this continued any longer, she would undoubtedly collapse. But that also wasn't acceptable. She hadn't even defeated Yue yet; how could she tap out now?

No, it couldn't end like this.

"...Don't be stubborn." 

Just then, a high-pitched, calming voice suddenly rang out, disrupting the previously tense atmosphere.

The vampire girl stepped forward.

"...You've lost."

Standing regally with an unflinching gaze, Yue spoke with utmost certainty. Though she said that, the girl herself also was not in a state where she could continue for much longer.

And it didn't take a genius to realize this fact either.

"Pffft~.... As always…you're full of shit. If I didn't know any better, I'd think a light breeze could carry you away at any moment."

Suzu also took a step forward.

"So, tell me again—why should I give up."

Her body swayed unsteadily, slowly but surely closing in on the annoying vampire, and Yue too, refused to retreat.

Both of their mana reserves were all but depleted. 

Fatigue was evident in their heavy breathing and sluggish movements.

The only reason neither of them had died or sustained any fatal injuries thus far was because of their insane healing and lifesaving abilities. 

Yue, of course, possessed far more mana than her, but Suzu being the monster that she was, could efficiently utilize a more diverse set of skills with almost no effort.

With all that, coupled with her higher physical stats, she'd managed to fight on even ground with Yue. An achievement no one else in the world other than Aziel could boast.

"...Do I need to spell it out for you? You can't beat me. Quit before you die." 

The Vampire Progenitor's tone was cold, cold enough to make one shiver, instilling the belief that she would undoubtedly follow through.

"What bullshit. I guess I'll have no choice but to rip you apart again to finally shut you up."

And Suzu was no different.

Both sides weren't willing to give in, as that would be no different from surrendering, conceding to the other party's wishes.

Neither could allow that to happen.

Be it their pride, beliefs, or affection for Aziel, there was no room for any of it to be trampled upon.

As women carrying such vast amounts of power—no one had that right.

"...Then die."

Yue came within a few dozen feet of her, meeting Suzu head on as she gradually quickened her pace and lashed out with her fist.


But Suzu was prepared for it, immediately blocking the heavy punch with both arms that would've otherwise caved in her nose had it successfully connected.

Still, Yue gave her no room to relax, releasing a sharp roundhouse kick toward her head.



"Don't make me laugh…!"


Guarding the side of her face with a single arm, Suzu effortlessly blocked Yue's attack, before countering with a straight punch of her own.

Yet, as it was about to make contact, Yue had only just managed to tilt her head in time, barely avoiding a crushing blow by a hair's breadth.

Reeling her arm back, Suzu, already prepared to create some distance, suddenly found Yue taking advantage of her momentary opening as she lowered her stance and leaned towards her.

It was a swift motion, so fast that it gave no time to react—



The vampire's fist sunk deep into her gut, forcing her to retreat in haste whilst painfully clutching her stomach.

It was an unexpectedly aggressive approach from one with an obvious disadvantage in physical ability, so much so that Suzu had not even anticipated it.

And by the time she'd realized, evading was already out of the question.



Strands of snow-white hair obscured her face as she chuckled silently. Rather than anger or frustration, there was amusement. 

This fight…it was starting to get quite fun.

"...See what happens when you try to steal from me?"

However, Yue had heard nothing, remaining unaware as a smug look slowly etched itself onto her face.

No matter how small, it was the superiority of gaining the upper hand.

Even so, Suzu stood up straight, stretching her back as she calmly rubbed her stomach.

Then, with a twisted smirk, she brought a hand up to her face, pushing back one side of her bangs so that it partially revealed her forehead and…her gleaming dark red eyes.

"Haaa~...You sure do have an odd way of speaking." She slowly began walking toward Yue. "It almost seems like I'm the guilty one here." A gradual increase in speed, suddenly accelerating. "But I'm just taking back what originally belonged to me…!"

She leapt into the air, turning into a full spin whilst simultaneously shifting her posture into a winding kick….!


Yue was immediately sent sliding back a few meters, digging deep trails of dirt and soil that followed two long paths beneath her feet. Bruised red, steam hissed from her injured arms, which had also been hastily raised to guard her face from that attack.

Her whole body trembled, not from fear, but—

"...Fufu~ yet, he's already mine~" Yue taunted.


Like a blur, they instantly clashed, a fury of punches and kicks, an exchange of countless blows.

The air shook with intensity as deafening echoes reverberated throughout the forest.

"Don't try and stake your claim, princess, it's pointless. That man was never yours."


"...You're still so delusional. Ah, I'm sorry, even trying to convince you was a mistake. After all, he's practically already my husband."

"!!!…Is not…!"


"...Is too.


"Is not…!"


"...Is too."


"Is not…!"


"...You fight like a girl."

"Jackass—I am a girl….!"

At once, both of them viciously swung their fists towards the other, striking each other's faces with the same attack before recoiling in pain.

Staggering, they retreated swiftly, holding a death stare that gave no indication of having finished yet.

"Ugly vampire…"

"…Retarded human"

"Filthy bloodsucker…"

"…Retarded human."

"You've said that already…!"

"…You talk too much."

"Then make me stop…!"

Suzu rushed forward, spun on her heel, and struck with her elbow.

Yue countered by redirecting the force with her palm, before kicking the back of Suzu's knee to break her balance.

Feeling herself stumble, Suzu quickly grabbed hold of Yue's wrist, maneuvered it over her shoulder into a hip tossing position, and lifted her off the ground.



However, Yue wasn't going to let her do as she pleased, deciding to cling Suzu's arm and neck whilst in mid air and pull with all her strength, resulting in both of them being flung across the ground.

The two girls rolled in the same direction, becoming stained with dirt and sediment. And after a few long seconds, they eventually stopped, ending up on their backs as they faced the obscured labyrinth ceiling.

Ragged breaths escaped their lips. Sweat drenched their skin and clothes. They were undoubtedly haggard in appearance, yet their faces displayed the opposite.

Almost inexplicable, but if put into words, it was some form of serenity.

Somewhere in their minds, they had come to understand something. Whether or not it was mutual was a different matter entirely.

In such a peaceful silence, they continued staring blankly, only interrupted by the sound of their breathing. However, the still atmosphere was soon disturbed as a tired voice rang out.



"Haaa…stop being petty…"

"…What do you want?"

Hearing Yue's resigned tone, Suzu turned her head slightly to look over, surprisingly meeting the vampire's gaze.

It was far less intense than expected.

"Are…are we done now?"


"I don't feel like fighting anymore."

"…Then we're done."



"For giving me the chance to beat your ass…"

"…Crazy bitch."


With that, the curtains were finally drawn on a battle between two monsters, marking the conclusion of a feud that had lasted from the moment they first laid eyes on each other.

Naturally, a heated rivalry may have yet persisted, but in the process, some form of respect for one another had undoubtedly been established.






"The fuck happened to you…?"

Confusion, mirth, and exasperation all mingled within that single question as the young man stared incredulously at the two figures standing before him.

To this, the two figures in question both awkwardly averted their gazes, silently trying their best to focus on anything else other than his judgmental stare.

Aziel could 'hardly' believe what he was seeing and was even more 'shocked' at the fact that he had even somewhat expected this result.

Naturally, the two girls in front of him could be no one else but Yue and Suzu.

The blonde vampire princess stood with one arm folded behind her back, timidly grabbing onto the other that hung loosely at her side as her eyebrows twitched on occasion. She displayed an aloof demeanor, a straightened posture, and an unperturbed facade that would have otherwise been believable if it weren't for the obvious bright red tint dyeing the tips of her ears.

Rather than poised, the way she carried herself now seemed a lot more bashful than what she had probably intended to display.

It was cute.

Very cute.

And the demure white-haired girl beside her wasn't faring any better.

With both arms crossed in front of her chest, she shifted her feet uncomfortably every few seconds, seeming to have taken a 'genuine' interest in the ordinary-looking rocks scattered across the dirt.

No matter how casual she attempted to appear, her clearly forced smile failed to hide the embarrassed quiver of her lips.

Of course, there was no doubt that they were both ravishing, an enchanting sight to behold.

No, to put it simply, they were girls any man would quite literally die to pursue.

It was no exaggeration.

However…their appearance at the moment was… Less than ideal, to say the least.

For starters, whatever clothes that remained draped over their bodies had been left in complete tatters. Torn in odd areas that revealed a substantial amount of bare skin.

Not only that, but their hair, previously silky, lustrous, and smooth without flaw, was now disheveled, caked in dirt and wildly unkempt.

Even so, in spite of their questionable condition, no wounds could be found on either of them.

They seemed untouched aside from their new beggar-like makeover.

Still, what had happened was made apparent to Aziel without him even having to ask.

After all, he would have to be a true moron if he didn't realize from the start that this was an inevitable outcome.

As though too exhausted to remain awake, he allowed his already half-opened eyes to fall further, sighing softly upon not having received a proper response.

Now, the only question on his mind was but a single thing, something of vital importance that couldn't be overlooked.

"...Who won?"

At this, the two girls halted all movement, sharing a brief but meaningful glance with each other.

It was a mutual understanding; one they had not been able to reach previously.

It seemed that a sort of trust was built, believing that the other would fully convey the honest truth—

"I kicked her ass."

"...I crushed her."

Yea, no, that much was impossible. 

Yue and Suzu's voices blended together, each proclaiming victory over the other at the same time.

Raising his brows with a none-too-surprised expression, Aziel opened his mouth for a moment, before closing it immediately after.

He nodded in silence.

On second thought, it was better to watch this play out instead.

"…How about you tell another lie…" Yue spoke dismissively, rolling her eyes.

"What's there to lie about? I literally tore you apart…!" Suzu clapped back, clawing at the air exaggeratedly with her fingers.


"If I'm lying then what's the truth, huh? How about you tell me since I'm lying. C'mon, say it, I wanna hear."

"...Hpmh… Do you not remember how many times I killed you…?"


Yue's words were followed by an abrupt silence, bringing about a tense atmosphere, and a rare trace of solemnity from Suzu.


"Did you really think killing me would be enough to make me die?" 

A frigid tone, a voice full of conceit.

Aziel almost spat out his nonexistent drink. 

What the hell did she just say…?

Yue, on the other hand, was at a complete loss for words and could only stare at her blankly.

But after a few seconds of not-so-subtle embarrassment, Suzu finally moved. 

Stiffly, she put a hand up to her mouth as she cleared her throat.

"A-ahem…! So, anyways, that gorilla monster really wasn't that strong after all. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I might be too powerful for this place, really. Insane, right? Wow…! Would you look at the time… It looks like we'll have to leave soon, or we'll be late for school. Come, lads, let us depart—Mphhhh!"

A flushed heat rose to Suzu's face as the words spilling from her lips became weirder and weirder by the second, but her mindless rambling was promptly cut short by a pale, dainty hand reaching out to cover her mouth.

"...Stop…stop talking, please…" Yue whispered, her expression a mix of helplessness and exasperation.

She truly wasn't in her right mind.

Yue wasn't too sure about how she felt at the moment, considering they had just poured their emotions out at one another not even a few minutes ago.

However, she understood by now that this seemingly mature white haired girl was not only straightforward, extremely vocal, and aloof, but also easily excitable.

Or rather, very easily excitable.

Suzu, though normally calm and composed, would become somewhat intoxicated during intense battles or upon slaughtering her enemies.

And as it was, she still hadn't come down from her crazed high after fighting Yue just yet.

Regardless, the vampire princess wasn't one to concede so easily…. Or let things rest, for that matter.

"...Just admit you lost. You don't have to put up a brave front, it's fine, really." Yue prodded gently.

If one wasn't aware of the context, they would've certainly denied the belief of her words carrying any malicious intent, but one look at her curved, crescent-like eyes proved otherwise.

Suzu struggled a bit as she eventually broke free from her grasp, before turning to glare at the blonde girl venomously.

"Are you crazy…?! Are you trying to stop me from speaking or breathing? Please pick one…!"

"…Yes, yes, you're right and I'm wrong. You're always right, Suzu." Yue gazed at her with kind eyes.

"Why does it feel like you're looking down on me?"

"...That's because I am."

"I fucking hate you, you know that?"

"...You say it so often so how could I forget? Come, say it some more why don't you. You like to talk, right?"

"Yeah, you're absolutely right, I like to talk. I'd just reeeaaaally prefer it if it weren't with you."

"...Then don't talk to me, I don't care."

"Sure, if you say so. I won't say a word to you anymore."

"…Then why are you still talking?"

"B-but…*cough* how else would I respond…?"

"...I don't know, just mouth it to me or something?"

"If I did that, you wouldn't even understand, would you?"

"...Ah…probably not."


"…Alright, you can talk to me…"

Watching this strangely comical scene play out between the two of them, Aziel was pleasantly surprised. 

The manner in which they spoke to each other had become far more subdued than usual, and the look in their eyes spoke of their rather complicated relationship.

Full-blown negativity was no longer present in their interactions, and had instead taken on a humorous atmosphere.

The barrier they had erected to separate themselves was finally broken.

"Ah, right, before I forget."

Suzu smacked her thigh before turning around with a stiff smile.

"Azi…" her voice became docile.

"You see, about my clothes… Do you, uh, do you mind making another set…please?"

"...Mn, Mn." Yue nodded in agreement with her words as they both looked up at him with pleading eyes that cleverly hid their guilt.

It was a sight that no man could ever say no to.

No matter who it was, the answer would always be the same—

"Hmm… No." Aziel spoke without an ounce of hesitation.



The girls' eyes widened in disbelief, but Aziel continued regardless of their reaction.

"You want me to make you some new clothes so you can just destroy them again? I stitched those clothes together with my bare hands and yet you…"

"...B-but still…just this once, okay?"

"C'mon, Azi~ Pretty please~?"

They both pleaded sincerely, but—

"Not happening."

"...Aziel, don't be mean."

"Right, right, did I really do something to deserve such treatment?"

"Nah, you must be joking. First, you had me stay back here to fuck off all by my lonesome. Then, you come back damn near naked, acting mighty ungrateful, and still have the nerve to ask me for some clothes…? Should I just do whatever the hell you tell me to do now…?"

"T-thats… Then what are we supposed to wear…!?"

"...Mn, Mn…!"

"You see all these leaves around here? Just pick up a few and you'll be alright."


"…N-no, I won't stand for this."

"Then sit down."

Now, with that, Aziel walked off, waving his hand as though giving them a farewell.

However, his last statement seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back, as Yue and Suzu's faces went blank for a moment, before turning to look at each other in silence.

No words were exchanged, but naturally, they both understood, and using such an understanding, they turned back towards Aziel.

"Come back here….!"

"…Don't you dare walk away from me…!"

Dashing forth, the two girls jumped onto him from behind, clinging to him without any signs of letting go.

Aziel groaned in protest, but they paid no heed to it.

Though, as usual, it was unknown whether his current attitude was how he truly felt, or a facade with the intention of achieving this kind of effect.

After all, when two sides share a common goal, they tend to get along far better than ever before.

However, in the end, it was just that, mere speculation.




After traveling for a little over half an hour, they found the path to the last floor.

It certainly took longer than expected, but…they had finally arrived.

Standing in front of the massive double doors that were laden with near incomprehensible designs and patterns, the trio wore casual expressions that were completely out of place in a grim setting such as this.

That was because rather than apprehension of what might await them, they felt relief that they had finally reached the end.

Their journey in the labyrinth was at its conclusion, carrying the weight of many emotions that had been exchanged throughout.

New bonds, those broken and mended, and those yet to come. It might've been the end of their labyrinth conquest, but it was also the beginning of a new chapter.

One that might possibly last for Eternity 



How long has it been? a few years or something?

Anyways, I'm not here to make any promises on a schedule, since that always ends badly(for whatever reason)

I have some inspiration, so I'll see how far that takes me. All I can say.

But still, I thank thee that have been waiting so long for me to post, as I have been a most unreliable author.

Sincerely, I...I-

Put your stones in the bag.

No, seriously, I might just get motivated or something.

Try me

3657 words

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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