"Welcome to Aleria, the district of Innovation and Invention. This is the most technologically advanced place in the whole of Nexus, which as you know, is a world that exists in medieval times." Elias ended the sentence as he breathed air of surprise too.
"Have you been here before?"
"I think I might. I don't remember exactly, I've been in Eulith itself two to three times my whole life, so I don't know which districts I ventured through with my mother while she was alive."
"Oh…" Awkwardness took over the mood.
"This has all happened ages ago, so don't worry much haha…" He chuckled awkwardly as we started forward.
As the party approached the grand gates of Aleria, there was an air of anticipation and curiosity among us.
Elias led the way, his eyes a dark hollow as always as we moved closer to the grand district of Innovation and Invention.