17.89% Reincarnation of the strongest sword god-reincarnating once more / Chapter 15: Becoming a millionaire and a flame (1)

บท 15: Becoming a millionaire and a flame (1)

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


After Feng arrived at Blackiwing City, he hailed for a horse carriage, bringing him to the Business District of Blackwing City. After more than ten minutes had passed, Feng alighted from the carriage, arriving at an Engineering Shop.

This Engineering Shop was not large. It was only a small building with two floors. There was an old-looking, wooden signboard hung at the entrance with the words, "Cruze's Workshop" carved into the wood.

Feng pushed open the door, entering Cruze's Workshop.

The caretaker of the shop was called Luciola, a shy-looking girl who had her hair tied into two ponytails.

If one used Observing Eyes, they would quickly discover that this frail-looking girl was in actuality, a Professional Mage, a Job that advanced two tiers, from an Elementalist. Furthermore, she was even at Level 100.

Very rarely did Cruze's Workshop have customers, and Feng's entry into the shop immediately roused Luciola's attention.

"Lord Demon Hunter, I wonder what items my lord requires? Our shop has a variety of items, and we guarantee their quality," Luciola walked towards Feng, asking respectfully.

"Do you have Frost Grenades here?" Feng currently didn't have use for the other items in the shop, or he couldn't afford them, so he decided to just buy the Frost Grenades for when he went to get the Ice-Blue Devil Flame. After all, the the monsters there had a very high physical resistance, and the system update will happen in a few hours, so his stamina will be limited. He didn't want to waste much time on those, and since he didn't lack money, it's simpler to just grind them with Frost Grenades. 

"We do." Luciola spoke as she went to grab something "Lord Demon Hunter, these are the Frost Grenades that you requested. They are categorized into three tiers. May I know what type you are seeking?"

[Basic Frost Grenade]

Effective against monsters (and players) below Level 30.

Deals 200 frost damage in a radius of 10 yards, which freezes targets for 5 seconds, then reduces Movement Speed by 60% for a duration of 12 seconds.

Price: 1 Silver 50 Coppers

[Intermediate Frost Grenade]

Effective against monsters (and players) below Level 70.

Deals 800 frost damage in a radius of 12 yards, which freezes targets for 5 seconds, then reduces Movement Speed by 60% for a duration of 12 seconds.

Price: 10 Silvers

[Advanced Frost Grenade]

Effective against monsters (and players) below Level 120.

Deals 2,000 frost damage in a radius of 15 yards, which freezes targets for 5 seconds, then reduces Movement Speed by 60% for a duration of 12 seconds.

Price: 70 Silvers

"I want three stacks of Basic Frost Grenades, one stack of Intermediate Frost Grenades and ten units of Advanced Frost Grenades." Feng said after some thought. A stack of Frost Grenades consisted of 200 units.

"Lord Demon Hunter, you can enjoy a 10% discount in our shop. The total amount for these items is 32 Gold 40 Silver," Luciola brought out all the requested items, saying after making a quick calculation.

"Alright." After purchasing the Frost Grenades, Feng rode on the horse carriage to the heart of the Trade Area, the Blackwing Auction House.

The Blackwing Auction House was one of the most majestic buildings within Blackwing City. The land it took up was the size of four football fields. Moreover, the building possessed 188 floors. After arriving at the Auction House, Feng, who had disguised himself as Black Flame, simply queued up; remaining unnoticed by the players in front of him. 

After some time, the gates to the Auction House opened, allowing the masses entry into the building.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but you are not allowed to enter." A Knight blocked the players in front of him, while he went past them and entered the auction house.

"Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, please come over here. Take the floating platform up to the 66th floor; there will be a person assigned there to receive you," a golden-haired beauty stood beside the floating platform, saying with a smile.

The floating platform of the Blackwing Auction House was extremely large, capable of fitting more than 50 people at a time.

To say the least, the Blackwing Auction House was extremely large in size. It was categorized into three different sections, which were the Common Section, the VIP Section, and the Luxury Section.

The auction venue for the Common Section was located from the 4th floor to the 36th floor. As long as one possessed the Blackwing Insignia, they could participate in the Common auction. However, there were much less rare items auctioned there.

The auction venue for the VIP Section was located from the 50th floor to the 100th floor. One must have a certain amount of status before being allowed to participate in the VIP auction. As for the items auctioned, rare items were the mainstay of the auction, with the occasional precious item.

The auction venue in the Luxury Section was located from the 150th floor to the 180th floor. Aside from those with transcendental strength, they were usually the overlords of a region. 

Feng arrived at the auction venue on the 66th floor.

The entire venue was about the size of a single football field, and at this moment, it was completely packed with people. These people were all NPCs with the status of nobles or above, and it was an extremely difficult task for players who wished to compete for items with these NPCs. These NPCs were here specifically to prevent players from easily winning a bid without any competition.

Frankly speaking, the NPCs were just props at the auction venue. If a player's bid did not reach the standard amount, then the item would be taken away by the NPCs, preventing players from conveniently obtaining rare items.

As Feng sat down, he subtly looked at all the people present 'Good, she's here.' he was relived when he noticed Aqua Rose in one of the seats. Even though he knew she would be here, he was still relived when he finally saw her. After all, it would create many problems if he didn't meet her today. 

After everyone was seated, the auction officially started. After a white-bearded old man walked up to the stage, declaring the start of the auction, an item was slowly brought out onto the stage.

The first item auctioned was a Level 20 Secret-Silver Chestplate, its starting bid set at 2 Gold. Although Feng could easily outbid everyone here and get it, he decided that it would be a waste of money, since the price would exceed the value. Even if Feng had a lot of money right now he didn't want to waste it on unnecessary things

After which, piece after piece of Secret-Silver Equipment was brought out. There was even Fine-Gold Equipment being auctioned, of which Feng bought a few that he thought were worth it. 

Half an hour later, the equipment phase of the auction finally ended, and the auction for other items began. 

"The following item being auctioned is a Weapon Forging Design. This Forging Design is a fine work of Master Corian, and the bid for it will start at 3 Gold Coins."

Although Feng knew what it was, he still clicked to check on the item's information, just to be sure. 

[Silver Dawn Forging Design] (Secret-Silver Rank, One-handed Sword)

Level 10

As soon as the bidding began...

"15 Gold." Feng immediately bid, not allowing the price to rise. Seeing that someone immediately bid 15 Gold, the NPC Forgers shook their heads at this price, no longer planning to compete in the bid.

"Congratulations to Mister Black Flame for winning Master Corian's Silver Dawn Forging Design!" the white-bearded old man clapped his hands, congratulating Feng. 

After auctioning off the Forging Design, the white-bearded old man continued, "The next item is a super-rare skill for melee Jobs, the bid starts at 5 Gold Coins."

[Thunder Flame Explosion] (Action-type)

Requires: Melee Weapon

Causes 200 base damage, and additional flame and thunder damage to enemies within a 5-yard radius. Enemies struck will be placed in a fainted state for 4 seconds.

Cooldown: 45 seconds

"40 Gold." Feng immediately bid once again. The others who were planning to compete gave him looks of disdain. At that price, the skill book would no longer be worth it. Only Feng knew that the price would rise much more if he didn't immediately place a high bid, and it could still rise. 

The Tier 4 NPCs didn't put a higher price. If they did, the fool would probably rise it even more, and if they tried to compete against him, they might make a loss, thus it was easier to simply give up. 

Just as everyone thought that Feng would get it...

"45 Gold!"

A resonant voice resounded throughout the entire auction venue.

Feng cast a side glance at the voice's originator, and notice it was the same Tier 4 female Wizard

"50 Gold." He directly increased the price by five Gold. The Tier 4 female Wizard knit her brows slightly and decided that it wasn't worth it anymore, she wasn't willing to spend such a large amount of money just to buy it. 

Seeing Feng bidding with such a high price, the other NPCs looked at Feng like they saw a fool. Even if they were to hire a Tier 3 or Tier 4 Job-related tutor to teach them a skill, the fees would not exceed one or two dozen Gold Coins. Moreover, the skills they could learn were much better than the Thunder Flame Explosion. Now, Feng was actually spending 50 Gold Coins to learn such a skill. He was no different than a fool for doing so.

Without any more NPCs joining the bid, the white-bearded old man finally slammed the hammer. 

"Congratulations to Mister Black Flame for winning the Thunder Flame Explosion!"

Meanwhile, Feng was glad that he saved five gold by immediately offering a high price.

At this moment, the sound of a notification from the System arrived.

System: The Glimmer Chestplate Forging Design you have placed on auction has been sold. After deducting the processing fees, a total of 4 Gold 31 Silver have been added to your bag space.

System: The Glimmer Chestplate Forging Design you have placed on auction has been sold. After deducting the processing fees, a total of 4 Gold 44 Silver have been added to your bag space.

System: The Glimmer Chestplate Forging Design you have placed on auction has been sold. After deducting the processing fees, a total of 4 Gold 27 Silver have been added to your bag space.


A series of notifications arrived, fattening Feng's wallet. When all the designs he placed on auction sold, even after spending some Gold Coins to buy the Frost Grenades and some stuff at this auction, he still had over 1000 Gold Coins. 

Following this, the auction went on for another hour or so before ending. However, none of the items that appeared were the ones Feng needed right now. Moreover, every one of those items was auctioned off at prices of over a hundred Gold. The final item to appear was even an Epic Ranked item. Many Tier 4 NPCs madly bid for the item, with the final bid priced at over 5,000 Gold. Even Feng could only observe the bidding process at that time, unable to join in on the actual fun. 

After the auction ended, Feng walked out the entrance of the Auction Hall and continued walking like he had somewhere to be. After walking for a bit, he turned around and asked "Do you have some business with me?"

"May I know if you are Mister Black Flame?"

At this time, a beautiful female player walked over, asking. The girl looked to be between the ages of 21 and 22, her appearance extremely beautiful, and her body garbed in a gorgeous purple robe. The girl had her lips pursed; her eyes squinted into a smile as she looked at Feng. On her delicate white cheeks, a tinge of blush could be seen as she smiled at Feng, further increasing her charms. 

"That's right, and you are?" Feng asked his First Vice-Guild Leader.

"Hello, you can call me Aqua Rose. We previously met inside the auction venue, but you might have missed me there," the elegant girl named Aqua Rose said with a smile.

"Hello. I didn't miss you, you were in the north-west corner. As I've asked, what business do you have with me?" Feng asked in an indifferent voice. 

"Oh, I didn't expect for Mister Black Flame to notice me." Aqua Rose became startled upon realizing that Feng had noticed that she was in the auction. Even she didn't pay attention at what part of the Auction House she was seated, let along where other people were. She continued saying, "I am representing Twilight Echo to seek cooperation with you. I wonder if Mister Black Flame would be interested in this?"

Receiving Aqua Rose's invitation, Feng nodded his head in agreement.

"I know a good restaurant up ahead. Let's have a chat over there," after Feng agreed to her invitation, Aqua Rose revealed a faint smile. She then guided Feng towards the restaurant.

Red Rose High Class Restaurant: It was one of the few upper class restaurants in Blackwing City. Just the NPCs that were guarding the restaurant's entrance were already Level 180 Tier 2 Jobs. Moreover, the delicacies served here were of absolute perfection. Even if the food served was just a virtual object, eating it would give one an unspeakable sense of satisfaction. However, the average player would definitely not have the courage to dine at this place. That was because just a random cup of tea already cost over a dozen Silver Coins.

Inside a luxurious private room on the fourth floor of the restaurant building, Aqua Rose had casually ordered a few of the most expensive teas available. She sat down quietly, staring at Feng, pretending to be unfazed at spending more than 30 Silver Coins on just beverages.

"Whatever sorts of cooperation you have in mind, just speak. If you just keep staring at me like that, I might get the wrong idea." Looking at Aqua Rose's smiling expression as she stared at him, Feng chuckled. 

"Pardon me; I was just very curious about you. I never imagined that the famous Chief Forger of Star-Moon Kingdom would actually be such a matured and composed man like you. Originally, I had even thought that the Chief Forger would be some quirky old man in his fifties or sixties," Aqua Rose smiled.

"I didn't know that Miss Aqua would be so interested in Forging. Could it be, Miss Aqua wishes to recruit me into your Guild?" Feng drank a mouthful of the black tea served, smiling faintly.

Aqua Rose shook her head, softly saying, "No. I know that Master Black Flame's ambition is not that small. Hence, I do not have such an intention. I only wish to purchase a few Glimmer Chestplate Forging Designs, and also some equipment made by Master Black Flame. For example, a Secret-Silver Weapon such as the Silver Dawn. In addition, I wish to make a long-term purchase of Gold Coins from Master Black Flame. Naturally, I would buy the Coins at 20% above the market price. I wonder how Master Black Flame feels about all of this?"

"There won't be a problem with selling you the Forging Designs and equipment. However, I can only say that I am helpless about the sale of Gold Coins. Moreover, I have an additional condition myself," Feng said after pretending to think for a moment.

"Master Black Flame, please speak. If it is something that we, Twilight Echo, can carry out, we will definitely do so," Aqua Rose joyfully said as she saw Feng agreeing to her conditions.

"I need various types of ores and stones. You should know that a lot of ores and materials are required to forge equipment. With the influence of Twilight Echo, I deem that it should be very easy for you all to purchase a large number of ores, right? In addition, I also require the entry pass for Blackwing City. If I cannot frequently come to Blackwing City, I would also be unable to conduct trade with you all," Feng calmly said.

"At this point, Master Black Flame can rest assured. I can obtain as many ores for you as you want. Moreover, their prices will definitely be cheap. As for the entry pass to Blackwing City, even if Master Black Flame does not mention it, we will definitely prepare them for you." Hearing Feng's request, Aqua Rose's smile became even more dazzling.

Twilight Echo's location was situated in the Storm Empire. The Storm Empire was a giant at ore production. Hence, the quantity of ores available was extremely high, while their prices were extremely cheap. It would be a very easy task for Twilight Echo to obtain a large amount of ores and stones for forging. Moreover, they could also earn a large sum of money from selling the ores and other materials.

"Let's trade the Forging Designs first, then. As for the other equipment and materials, we will trade them on another day. How about two days later?"

"Master Black Flame, you too should know that God's Domain has only recently started its operation, so every Guild is slightly tight on Gold Coins. Can we perhaps conduct the trade with both Gold Coins and Credits? If we can conduct the trade in this way, Master Black Flame, I will purchase as many Glimmer Chestplate Forging Designs as you possess," Aqua Rose said in a slightly embarrassed tone.

"Oh dear..."

Feng pretended to sigh, showing a troubled expression. Seeing this, Aqua Rose became slightly panicked.

Right now, every large Guild was tight on Gold Coins, and though they wished to purchase them in bulk, it was an extremely difficult task. After all, God's Domain only acknowledged Coins, not Credits. Moreover, the officials of God's Domain had also declared that they would not activate the mechanics of exchanging Credits to Gold Coins. Instead, they only conducted the exchange of Gold Coins to Credits.

Regarding the selling price of the Glimmer Chestplate Forging Designs, Aqua Rose had previously conducted an investigation. Each Forging Design was sold at around 5 Gold Coins. If she was to use only Gold Coins to conduct the exchange, she would at most be able to buy four to five pieces. However, after purchasing them, the Gold Coins spent would greatly affect the development of her Guild.

Yet, looking at Feng's appearance, he did not seem to be very lacking in Credits. If she had to trade in only Gold Coins, then she would truly be left helpless.

"Miss Aqua, I wonder in what ratio you wish to trade at?" Feng let out a dry cough, softly saying.

"If possible, 1% Gold Coins and 99% Credits. What do you think, Master Black Flame?" Aqua Rose's curved eyelashes flickered as she spoke in an embarrassed tone.

"Miss Aqua, after arriving at Blackwing City, you should know that the items sold here will be of great help to us. However, the items here are just too expensive. In addition, the Auction House would often sell top-tier items. The value of Gold Coins goes without saying. The ratio for Gold Coins you offered is truly not enough. At the very least, it should be at 10%," Feng unhurriedly said.

"I know that I am troubling Master Black Flame. However, Twilight Echo is truly unable to bring out that many Gold Coins. If Master Black Flame is willing to reduce the ratio down to 5%, I am willing to pay out an additional 40% in Credits. I wonder if that would be possible?" Aqua Rose was similarly helpless. However, the Coins in God's Domain were simply too valuable. Even the Coins obtained by the money-farming teams of Twilight Echo, which consisted of 3,000 players, was not enough to support the Guild's expenditure. Although Twilight Echo was constantly expanding the size for the money-farming teams, from beginning to end, the amount obtained was never enough. Otherwise, Aqua Rose would not be bargaining ceaselessly with Feng.

"Alright, we'll go with 5%, then. How many pieces of the Forging Design does Miss Aqua wish to buy?" Feng nodded his head, asking. He didn't really care at what percentage they traded, since he'd only trade for 10 Gold coins like in his previous life, while the rest goes in credits. In fact it's better to have an increase in credits, since currently 1 Silver Coin was priced at 120 Credits.

Aqua Rose stretched out five of her delicate fingers.

"Five pieces, is it?" Feng asked with a raised an eyebrow.

Aqua shook her head at Feng's words.

"Oh, so it's five thousand pieces? Alright, I can do that. Your total is 1,250 Gold Coins and 399,000,000 credits." Feng spoke with a smile, as if he had just realized what Aqua Rose wanted. 

"No, I want 500 pieces." Aqua Rose nearly chocked when she heard Feng speak and hurriedly corrected him. She had originally wanted to tease him a bit as she brought up the number, but she didn't expect for Feng to immediately jump to five thousand and give her such a huge price. 

"Oh, are you sure? You'll be able to make a much bigger profit if you get 5000 pieces." Feng verified once more, pretending to be disappointed. 

"Master Black Flame, I am very sure of it. However, with such a large transaction, I too have an additional condition," Aqua Rose said.

"Speak," Feng said.

"Within Blackwing City, your Glimmer Chestplate Forging Designs are only allowed to be sold to us, Twilight Echo. Moreover, with such a large transaction, even if only 5% of it would be traded in Gold Coins, that would still be 125 Gold Coins. I can only pay all these Gold Coins in installments. Of course, the first payment would be 10 Gold Coins. Afterward, I will make sure to pay off the debt within a month. I wonder if you can be satisfied with that?" Aqua Rose said.

Feng immediately said in a generous tone, "Alright, and since you are buying that many pieces, you only need to pay 10 Gold Coins. The remainder you can just pay it all off in Credits." 

Feng passed 500 pieces of the Forging Designs to Aqua Rose, receiving 10 Gold Coins in return. At the same time, Aqua Rose immediately deposited 41.832 million Credits into Feng's account. Feng had become a millionaire within an instant. 

Aqua Rose became overjoyed when she received the 500 pieces of Glimmer Chestplate Forging Designs. With Twilight Echo's influence, she would definitely be able to sell out all of the Forging Designs, earning a large sum of Gold Coins. The speed at which she earned Gold Coins would be several hundred times faster than that of the money-farming teams. With this many Gold Coins, the development of the Guild would definitely rise greatly. Who would be able to compete with Twilight Echo from then on?

"Master Black Flame, let's set our next transaction to be at three days later, then. At that time, I will bring you the various ores that you require. Also, please don't forget to bring more Weapons and Equipment. I want as many as you have."

"Alright, you won't be disappointed."

After the two of them finished their trade, both promptly departed from Blackwing City, returning to their own respective countries to make preparations.

'I have about two hours.' Feng thought as he looked at the sky that was growing dimmer. He then hurried to the Auction House, buying everything he thought was important, he then ran to the bank to grab some materials and the Book of Creation, before running to the Forging Association.

After renting a room for three hours, Feng took out the Silver Dawn design and the Book of Creation. He then used Blessing of Creation[1] on the Forging design. The Book of Creation opened, and a white holy light shot out of it, landing on the Silver Dawn forging design, causing the design to glow. 

Fifteen seconds later, the glow subsided and Feng checked the information of the improved design. 

'It became Fine-Gold.' Feng smiled happily when he saw that the Silver Dawn Forging Design now makes Fine-Gold Silver Lakes. He then clicked to learn it.

Following which, Feng took out the materials for the Silver Lake. 

Although the materials for the Silver Lake had increased, it wasn't by much, so he still had enough to make 12. He chose to not use the Runic Steel, since it would be unable to increase its rank anymore, and he didn't need the extra success rate. Even without its 10% increase in success rate, his success rate was still around 90%.

Feng glanced over the details to make the new Silver Lake, and noticed it was pretty similar to what he remembered for the Secret-Silver Silver Dawn. He then started making the Silver Lake. After a little over ten minutes, he was done and clicked the Generate button.

Following which, the red-hot metal began to take shape, transforming into a silver-colored longsword.

He investigated the weapon's information.

After a full 5 seconds...

System: Silver Lake has been successfully forged. Forgery Proficiency increased by 3 points. Obtained 10,000 EXP.

System: Due to the Book of Creation's Quick Mastery, Forging Proficiency increased by 1 point.

Feng held up the Silver Lake that gave off a blue glow, checking its Attributes.

[Silver Lake] (Fine-Gold Rank, One-handed Sword)

Level 10

Equipment Requirement: Strength 45, Agility 80

Attack Power +73

Strength +15, Agility +20

Attack Speed +1

Durability 70/70

Additional Passive Skill - Flowing Shadow

Creates an afterimage effect while attacking. Simultaneously, the faster the Attack Speed is, the greater the damage caused. Damage can be increased up to a maximum of 50%.

'Its attributes are lower then the one I previously made, but that one had the Blacksteel Insignia's effect triggered. Moreover, I can continuously make these.' Feng thought as he inspected the Silver Lake's attributes. Although it was only Fine-Gold, if Feng who had personally made it for himself used it, it would have the prowess of a Dark-Gold Weapon. 

He then continued to make Silver Lakes. When he clicked to generate the forth one.

System: Book of Creation's Chance Upgrade triggered; rank increased by 1.

System: Silver Sea has been successfully forged. Forgery Proficiency increased by 5 points. Obtained 50,000 EXP.

System: Due to the Book of Creation's Quick Mastery, Forging Proficiency increased by 1 point.

Feng immediately became ecstatic when he saw the system notifications. Even when making the over 200 Glimmer Chestplates and the 25 Garrison Armors, the Chance Upgrade from the Book of Creation never triggered. Feng had even forgotten about the skill, yet it had triggered now. He then checked the upgraded sword's information. 

[Silver Sea] (Dark-Gold Rank, One-handed Sword)

Level 10

Equipment Requirement: Strength 60, Agility 100

Attack Power +89

Strength +24, Agility +29

Attack Speed +3

Durability 200/200

Additional Passive Skill - Flowing Shadow

Creates an afterimage effect while attacking. Simultaneously, the faster the Attack Speed is, the greater the damage caused. Damage can be increased up to a maximum of 75%.

Additional Active Skill - Killing Glow

Increases strength by 40% for one strike, sending the target into a fainted state for 4 seconds

Cooldown: 6 minutes

After checking the attributes, Feng continued making the Silver Lakes. 

Two hours later, the sky in Red Leaf Town was growing dimmer. The players outside the Town were all starting to return. After dark, the monsters in the wild would have their strength increased by 20%. Moreover, their numbers would greatly increase. If a player had the misfortune of being wrapped up like a dumpling by the monsters, dying back to Town, then that would be a true tragedy.

However, the color of the sky suddenly changed. The azure colored sky turned rainbow-colored. It was a magnificent sight, which bewitched a person's mind. Immediately after, the entire sky had let out an overwhelming sound that resounded throughout the entire God's Domain.

System Announcement: Emergency notice! Emergency notice!

System Announcement: God's Domain will be undergoing a system upgrade. The system upgrade will require 12 real-life hours. May all players please logout of the game within 10 minutes.

System Announcement: God's Domain will be undergoing a system upgrade. The system upgrade will require 12 real-life hours. May all players please logout of the game within 10 minutes.

System Announcement: God's Domain will be undergoing a system upgrade. The system upgrade will require 12 real-life hours. May all players please logout of the game within 10 minutes.

A series of four consecutive System Announcement resounded throughout the entirety of God's Domain. Countless players were shaken by the sight and sound coming from the sky, all of them starting a discussion over it. They did not understand just what had happened to God's Domain. Why was there a need for such a sudden upgrade to the System?

Once the System Announcement ended, every single player began looking for a safe location, preparing to log out of the game.

Although many players held resentment towards the System upgrade, God's Domain was quickly entering nighttime. Even if they stayed in the game, they would not be able to do much. The only things they could do were to trade off the day's harvest or chat with their companions, enjoying their time.

Inside an Intermediate Forging Room. Feng had just finished making the eleventh Silver Lake, when he heard the announcement. While making the Silver Lakes, Feng didn't fail a single time. Moreover, when he made the ninth Silver Lake the Blacksteel Insignia's effect triggered and boosted its attributes, making it the best Silver Lake he ever made, including the one in his previous life. 

Seeing that he still had ten minutes, Feng decided to use up his materials and make another one. He had been originally planning to sacrifice the ten Silver Lakes he just made and the Fine-Gold sword he got from the Sun Temple to the Abyssal Blade to upgrade it to Level 10, but since he could make Silver Lakes, he decided to use them for the Abyssal Blade and save the sword. 

He was also secretly hoping to trigger the Chance Upgrade again. Unfortunately, he didn't have such luck, as it turned out to be a regular Silver Lake. However, when he made it, it gave him the last EXP he needed to level up to Level 9. Feng quickly stored everything in the room since he only had a few seconds before he got forcibly logged out. He had went as fast as he could to finish making the last Silver Lake with only a few seconds to spare, he didn't even have time to go to a hotel before the time ran out. 

Following which, all players who still remained in God's Domain were forcibly logged out. 

As the morning sun rose, Feng got up from his bed, removing the advanced gaming helmet from his head. It was eight o'clock in the morning, just in time to start his usual morning training.

Feng turned on the old and small TV in his broken down apartment. He then switched the channels, discovering that every TV channel was interrupted by the same news report.

"Today at 5 a.m., the top 1,000 largest global corporations all announced their decision to invest in God's Domain. They wish to improve the development of the virtual economy further. At the same time, each of these corporations will all be establishing their own God's Domain Workshops.

"As for the latest report on God's Domain, according to official statistics, all the vendors selling the God's Domain virtual gaming helmets were flooded with customers within the short three hours since the announcement. This is all due to the corporations across the globe investing in the game. As a result, the player population of God's Domain suddenly increased by over 800 million users. At the same time, the current player population was boosted to 1.8 billion users, breaking the world record for the number of players of any virtual reality game."


Various news constantly played on the television. The news reports were advertising the idea of making God's Domain a second world for mankind, encouraging everyone to experience the game. Also, to further advance the data collection by the Main God System, further completing God's Domain, the price of the basic virtual reality helmets reduced from 8,000 Credits to 4,000 Credits. As for the price of advanced virtual reality helmets and virtual gaming cabins, those remained unchanged.

After going through his morning training, Feng prepared to leave to buy a better home. It would have a negative impact on his body if he continued staying in this rented apartment, surrounded by an unhealthy environment. Since he had earned quite a bit of money, it was high time for him to switch to a new place. 

He already new what apartment he was going to get since he already bought one in his previous life before he moved to the villa at the Big Dipper training center, and never used it after that. 

When he was done with getting the new apartment, his quantum watch rang and vibrated, notifying him that his class monitor, Zhao Ruoxi, was calling him.

"Class monitor, what's up?" Feng answered and asked. 

"Nothing much. The date of the Fellowship Party I mentioned to you the last time has been confirmed. It will be held next Friday. Every participant will be required to pay a fee of 5,000 Credits. I've already paid it for you, so don't forget to show up."

Finished speaking, Zhao Ruoxi immediately disconnected the call. 

'I should look for a opportunity to return her memories.' Feng thought to himself as he stared at the black screen, before he proceeded with what he was doing. 

"Ruoxi, why did you notify Shi Feng? You've even paid the participation fee for him. He's not anything good, to begin with, always keeping his thoughts and emotions to himself. He must have a hidden motive. There is a wide gap between both of your statuses, and to change his own fate, he will definitely use unscrupulous means to get close to you. You better not let him trick you," Ling Feilong pretended to care about Zhao Ruoxi. However, inwardly, he was close to the point of going insane with anger. A poor bastard like Feng actually received Zhao Ruoxi's attention. She even footed the participation fee for him. Her actions revealed that she indeed possessed some interest towards him.

"Enough, Ling Feilong. Whoever I pay for is my own business. I don't need you to butt in on it," Zhao Ruoxi said in displeasure. 

Ling Feilong was speechless. However, he did not dare to display his thoughts, hatred for Feng permeating his heart. Originally, everything had been smooth sailing for him. Yet, Feng's sudden appearance caused everything to run amok.

'Shi Feng, just you wait... If I can't deal with you myself, then I'll just tell Zhao Ruoxi's uncle. We'll see how he takes care of you...' Ling Feilong inwardly sneered. With Feng's lowly status, Zhao Ruoxi's uncle would definitely reject them being together. As long as he exerted a little effort, he could easily deal with a small fry like Feng.

At 6 p.m, Feng returned to his rented apartment. After eating some food and drinking a bottle of A-rank Nutrient Fluid, Feng laid on the bed, donning his gaming helmet and resuming his conquest in God's Domain. 

The sky above Red Leaf Town glimmered brightly.

Players, one after another, appeared on the wide, spacious road, all of their faces filled with excitement. They all wished to dive into experiencing the new changes to God's Domain.

However, these players were all quickly disappointed.

Be it the System Interface or all of Red Leaf Town itself, there was not a hint of change felt. Everything was just the same as usual.

"What kind of bullshit is this? I've painstakingly waited for twelve hours, and this is what you give me?"

"Why isn't the official website showing the changelog for the upgrade?"

Many veteran players started their discussions on the streets. There were also some players who paid no attention towards the upgrade, immediately heading out of Town to kill monsters and level up.

Aside from these veteran players, there were tons of newcomers in Red Leaf Town now. Most of these newcomers were curiously enjoying the novelty of God's Domain.

"Looking for top-tier experts to carry me! I'll pay 100 Credits for every level-up! If you are looking for a fool to scam, then don't bother talking to me! I'm looking for serious inquiries only!" a new player shouted on the wide street.

Following, several more newcomers similarly shouted. However, though their offers were all lower than 100 Credits, they all acted like tycoons, standing proudly as they shouted out their offers.

When Feng logged in, he noticed that he was outside the forging room he had previously been in, and remembered he had only rented it for three hours. Following which, he went to the Auction House and cleared out whatever was important and placed some more Glimmer Chestplate Forging Designs, before he went to the Bank to store some items.

After Feng finished busying himself, he switched back to his original appearance and departed Red Leaf Town, his destination: north.

Due to the matter regarding stamina, Feng did not hurry too much. The quicker he ran, the quicker he would run out of stamina. Instead, if he maintained his running speed at a certain threshold, the rate his stamina replenished was equal to its consumption. However, this threshold differed for every player as it depended on the player's Attributes, making it extremely hard for players to obtain.

When Feng passed by the Level 5 monster area, Gray Wolf Prairie...

In the midst of the grass that grew to the waist of an adult, players' corpses randomly lay about, scattered. From a glance, the majority of players who died were solo players, while a minority consisted of parties who party-wiped.

Going several hundred yards deeper into the prairie, the thick grass suddenly grew restless. 

Soon after, two Level 5 players rushed out from the thicket, their appearances extremely unsightly. Bloodstains littered their clothing, and their weapons were no longer on their persons. When the two of them noticed Feng, without hesitation, both of them immediately rushed toward him.

After the two players ran out of the grass, a group of Level 5 White-eyed Gray Wolves similarly came running, closely pursuing the two players. The White-eyed Gray Wolves howled as they chased their prey as if announcing the location of their quarry to others of their pack.

[White-eyed Gray Wolf] (Common Monster)

Level 5

HP 540/540

"Brat, count yourself as unlucky for meeting us. Since you are going to die anyway, you might as well help us lure this wolf pack!" an Assassin looked towards Feng, laughing grimly.

Saying so, the speed at which the two ran at Feng increased somewhat slightly. When the players were about to run past Feng, Feng's hands immediately latched onto the two's arms. With his superb Strength, he immediately tossed the players back to the pack of wolves that rushed ahead.

Before the players could even react, they landed in the middle of the wolf pack. Their bodies smashed onto a few of the White-eyed Gray Wolves as they landed, eliciting a few anguished wails from the wolves.

"You..." before the Assassin could even curse, the surrounding White-eyed Gray Wolves snapped at his neck and limbs. His flesh being torn apart, the Assassin's HP madly fell as he let out an agonizing wail.

The Ranger beside him was naturally not spared this fate, and very quickly, the wolf pack finished him off as well. 

While the wolf pack was attacking the two players, Feng took the chance to use Thundering Flash the instant the two players were about to die.

Like a fierce tiger released from its cage, the green colored arc of lightning loosed an earth-shaking howl as it pierced the bodies of the White-eyed Gray Wolves, causing a series of damages over -300 points. The White-eyed Gray Wolves died instantly, and only piles of burnt ash remained.

Although Feng had killed over ten White-eyed Gray Wolves with a single attack, he was already Level 9. The total EXP of several hundred points was negligible to him now.

After collecting all the loot, Feng used the Ring of Nothingness and disappeared. While he was walking, he noticed that someone was following him and remembered the matter with Absolute Heaven, thus he decided to kill him right now. Even though he was no longer able to see players when using the Shadow of Nothingness, Feng didn't need to see with his standards. Domain realm experts could see everything around them from a third person perspective, thus, even though he couldn't see with his eyes, he could still see with his senses. 

 Meanwhile, Absolute Heaven, who has been following him, was staring in confusion at the place where Feng disappeared. Just as he was going to go and check the place, nine pitch black chains appeared and bound him. Before he could react, an explosion of thunder and flame landed on him and his vision vision turned gray. From start to end, he had no idea how he died. 

Feng picked up the item Absolute Heaven dropped and continued forward. After exiting the area where there were players, he activated Rocket Boost and flew towards the Level 15 monster area, Hundred Ghost Forest, and used Seraphic Speed to increase his speed mid-way. After three minutes passed and the Rocket Boost ended, Feng was already close to the Hundred Ghost Forest; and arrived in a few minutes.

The Hundred Ghost Forest was a cursed location. In this dark and withered forest, where sunlight never reached, only the Cursed Apparitions lingered. These apparitions had a 60% resistance against physical attacks and possessed 20% evasion. The monsters also had insanely high Attack Power, and to the current Feng, they only needed to land three or four hits to kill him. However, these monsters only had 600 HP, and magical attack damage was increased by 100%. Hence, the Hundred Ghost Forest was a leveling heaven for mage classes.

Due to God's Domain evolving, these Cursed Apparitions had become much more sensitive to their surroundings. They were widely different from the other beast-type monsters. Instead of scent, these monsters could easily sniff out the aura of living beings within a hundred-yard radius, and even if one used Stealth, the Cursed Apparitions could still detect them.

However, Feng had come prepared. He took out a bottle of Dispersing Potion, immediately emptying its contents. The potion concealed the aura of a living being for 10 minutes.

With the aid of the Dispersing Potion, Feng only needed to be slightly careful to avoid the detection of the Cursed Apparitions. 

After arriving at the Hundred Ghost Town, Feng directly went to the side entrance. Since he already had the tactic from his previous life, he decided not go through the main entrance[2]. 

Feng ran through the cellar and directly kicked open the steel gate without bothering to use the key. 

After only taking a few steps into the secret passageway, Feng discovered that his surroundings were littered with pearly white bones, while the walls on both sides were filled with the scars of battle.


At this moment, a large group of pitch-black Evil Spirits came rushing out from the depths of the secret passage, roaring. Their scarlet eyes firmly locked onto Feng as they bared their fangs and brandished their, speeding towards him.

[Cursed Evil Spirit] (Common Monster)

Level 15

HP 700/700

Cursed Evil Spirits, when compared to Cursed Apparitions, were much more ferocious. They were unlike the Cursed Apparitions who were sluggish in their motions, depending solely on their instincts to move. Cursed Evil Spirits possessed a set intelligence and were extremely lively. They also possessed an instinctive madness and sensitivity to flesh and blood.

The Cursed Evil Spirits were all Level 15. Meanwhile, Feng was only Level 9. However, since Feng had the Abyssal Blade and Rocket Boots, there wasn't any level suppression.

Feng switched to his Demon Hunter title and slashed at the approaching Cursed Evil Spirits. Three streaks of thunder shot out and passed through the group of Cursed Evil Spirits, taking away all of their HP. 

System: Level 15 Cursed Evil Spirit killed. Level difference of 6. EXP obtained increased by 600%. Obtained 3,600 EXP.

System: Level 15 Cursed Evil Spirit killed. Level difference of 6. EXP obtained increased by 600%. Obtained 3,600 EXP.

System: Level 15 Cursed Evil Spirit killed. Level difference of 6. EXP obtained increased by 600%. Obtained 3,600 EXP.


System: Proficiency of Thundering Flash raised by 3 points.

A series of more than thirty notifications appeared in Feng's view. Although ghost-type monsters gave the least amount of EXP, the rewarded EXP for killing monsters of a higher level was still extremely high. Moreover they were great for Skill Proficiency. 

After these Evil Spirits died, they dropped quite a lot of Copper Coins and Tiny Spirit Essences. Ten Tiny Spirit Essences could be used to form a Spirit Essence, one of the needed materials to forge magical attachments. Hence, Spirit Essences were also worth quite a lot of money.

Feng picked up the loot and continued running. 

Half an hour later... 

Feng finally arrived at the secret passage's exit.

The secret passage was very long, and on his way here, he met with the ambushes of another five groups of Evil Spirits. 

The gate that opened to the Hundred Ghost Town was widely agape. Before Feng exited the secret passage, he could already hear the countless roars and wails outside.

Above the secret passage was the Hotel of Hundred Ghost Town, and one could just imagine that the number of ghosts there was definitely not few. However, in such a cramped space, it would not be a good idea for Feng to use the Frost Grenades.

Having no better choice, Feng activated the Ring of Nothingness.

The state of nothingness was different from Stealth. Feng entered another space entirely, and even the ghosts could not discover Feng.

He quickly departed the Hotel, dashing towards one of the private houses. 

When he arrived at the private house, he deactivated the state of nothingness so that the Evil Spirits would notice him before he ran in. 

Suddenly, the heads of the countless ghosts on the streets all turned towards Feng, revealing sinister expressions. 

Amongst these ghosts, there was no lack the Elite-ranked monster, Ferocious Evil Spirit, and they all rushed towards Feng.


The Level 15 Elite-ranked Ferocious Evil Spirits let out an ear-piercing screech. Immediately, more Cursed Evil Spirits dashed over, crowding the private house. Under the command of the Ferocious Evil Spirits, they all stormed into the house in a well-organized manner.

The private house was not large, and the place was a mess, with dust covering every surface. Meanwhile, the main door of the house could, at most, fit only two people at a time.

The moment the Cursed Evil Spirits squeezed through the main door, Feng used Thundering Flash and killed them all. 

With the first wave of Cursed Evil Spirits dead, the ones behind rushed forward once more.

Feng waited until they started squeezing through the main entrance before using Thunder Flame Explosion. While the Cursed Evil Spirits were in a Fainted state, he charged up Earth Splitter and released it, finishing off the Cursed Evil Spirits. 

Another wave followed and Feng again waited until they started squeezing through the main entrance before throwing a Basic Frost Grenade. Once again, the Cursed Evil Spirits halted. Feng then used the skills that had their Cooldown completed before using another Basic Frost Grenade to finish off these Cursed Evil Spirits.

Countless Cursed Evil Spirits swarmed the Hundred Ghost Town. There were also the Ferocious Evil Spirits continuously screeching and luring the other Cursed Evil Spirits over. By this time, Cursed Evil Spirits and Ferocious Evil Spirits overflowed the private house's yard.

With the deaths of batch after batch of Cursed Evil Spirits, Feng's EXP and Skill Proficiency rose without stop. 

With the slow decrease of Feng's remaining Basic Frost Grenades, the number of Cursed Evil Spirits also continuously fell. This situation greatly enraged the Ferocious Evil Spirits, and they worked even harder at summoning their allies. 

Feng continued massacring the Cursed Evil Spirits for over a dozen minutes, his experience bar rising to 72% of Level 9. As long as he continued grinding like this, he could definitely reach Level 10 very soon. Unfortunately, Feng had cleared out all the Cursed Evil Spirits that once filled the streets. Finally, those Ferocious Evil Spirits were no longer able to remain idle. They released angry roars, intending to rip Feng to shreds with their own bare hands.

The scene frightened the other Cursed Evil Spirits. They hurriedly parted to give way to the Ferocious Evil Spirits.

Suddenly, over a dozen incomparably sinister-looking beings stormed the private house, every one of the Ferocious Evil Spirits intending to rend Feng into tens of thousands of pieces.

[Ferocious Evil Spirit] (Elite Rank)

Level 15

HP 5,000/5,000

Compared to the Cursed Evil Spirits, not only did the Ferocious Evil Spirits have larger bodies, but their Attack Power and Movement Speed also greatly surpassed the former. They had many powerful melee skills, in addition to their 5,000 HP, 70% resistance, and 30% evasion to physical attacks. They were capable of easily decimating any melee class of the same levels. Moreover, the damage of magical attacks used on these monsters only increased by 50%, while magical damage of the same attribute would reduce by 50%. As a result, even mage classes were helpless against them.

However, those were still not the most frightening aspects of these monsters.

After God's Domain underwent its first evolution, Common Monsters above Level 10 all possessed a certain amount of wisdom. Meanwhile, these Level 15 Elites possessed even greater wisdom, increasing their battle prowess by manyfolds. 

Just as the Ferocious Evil Spirits were about to rush into the house...

Feng took out an Intermediate Frost Grenade from his bag, throwing it.

The Ferocious Evil Spirits already had a rough understanding of the Frost Grenade's formidable power, and they showed extreme disdain towards it. Without even attempting to dodge the Frost Grenade, their pitch-black claws abruptly extended forward, slashing towards Feng's heart. 

However, after the Frost Grenade discharged, the cold air that expanded was several times colder than before. At this moment, the Ferocious Evil Spirits immediately realized something was wrong; the sinister expression on their faces revealed a hint of fear. In the blink of an eye, cold air invaded the forms of all the Ferocious Evil Spirits, transforming them into ice sculptures.

The Intermediate Frost Grenade caused -1,320 damage to each of the Ferocious Evil Spirits. With Feng's Demon Hunter title equipped, the Ferocious Evil Spirits only had a maximum of 4,500 HP each, and this attack instantly destroyed a third of their HP.

Due to using the Intermediate Frost Grenades for the first time, it achieved the maximum effect. When used the next time, these Ferocious Evil Spirits would possess ice resistance, greatly reducing the potential damage of the Intermediate Frost Grenades.

Feng unsheathed his swords, his feet moving to an appropriate position before using Thundering Flash. Three green, electric arcs encompassed the Ferocious Evil Spirits.

Thundering Flash belonged to the lightning-type magic damage; hence, its damage increased by 50% when used on the Ferocious Evil Spirits.

The Level 7 Thundering Flash dealt damages of -379, -492, and - 640 to these frozen monsters. The skill also placed an additional amplification effect on the monsters, increasing the damage they received by 30% over the next 20 seconds.

With the Ferocious Evil Spirits unable to move for a full 5 seconds, Feng was able to launch attacks at them freely. 


Double Chop!

Earth Splitter!

Physical-type damage was no different than a scratch to these Ferocious Evil Spirits, and even a fully-charged Earth Splitter caused no more than 200 damage.

As the seconds ticked by, the ice covering the bodies of the Ferocious Evil Spirits started showing signs of cracking. It would only be a moment before they struggled free of their imprisonment.

Feng leaped lightly, the Abyssal Blade raised high as it condensed the power of thunder and flame around it. When Feng landed in the midst of the group of Ferocious Evil Spirits, an abrupt explosion occurred. Thunder and flame instantly swallowed the surroundings, enveloping the Ferocious Evil Spirits and causing damages of over -500 points.

Feng tossed out another Intermediate Frost Grenade, turning these Ferocious Evil Spirits into ice sculptures yet again. This time, the Intermediate Frost Grenade only managed to cause -860 damage to the monsters. However, it was enough to devour the rest of their HP. 

System: Level 15 Ferocious Evil Spirit killed. Level difference of 6. EXP obtained increased by 600%. Obtained 12,000 EXP.

System: Level 15 Ferocious Evil Spirit killed. Level difference of 6. EXP obtained increased by 600%. Obtained 12,000 EXP.

System: Level 15 Ferocious Evil Spirit killed. Level difference of 6. EXP obtained increased by 600%. Obtained 12,000 EXP.


A series of notification appeared in Feng's sight. Immediately, Feng's experience bar rose. A golden flash surrounded Feng's body as he reached Level 10. All Attributes increased by 10 points and HP by 100 points. He unequipped the Crimson Blade and equipped Silver Sea, causing his attributes to greatly increase. 

Without the leadership of the Ferocious Evil Spirits, the instincts of the Cursed Evil Spirits towards flesh and blood immediately flared, all of them fervently squeezing through the entrance of the private house. However, Feng quickly dealt with them using the Basic Frost Grenades and his skills, the deaths of the Cursed Evil Spirits increasing his experience by a few percentages. 

Following which, Feng collected the drops from the monsters. With the entire street of ghosts murdered by Feng, it took him over half an hour to collect all the loot that dropped.

After clearing out the ghosts from the entire street, Feng effortlessly arrived at the central plaza of the Hundred Ghost Town.

Although there were no longer any ghosts left on the street, the central plaza was still densely packed with even larger numbers than before.

Meanwhile, at the center of the plaza, a faint blue flame burned brightly above a fountain, giving off a deep blue glow. This flame was the Ice-Blue Devil Flame, and it was currently guarded by Ferocious Evil Spirits. Furthermore, there was a knight, clad in jet-black armor, standing among the Ferocious Evil Spirits. The knight carried a silver-colored greatsword on its back, and both its eyes gave off a green glow as it stood quietly by the side. All of the ghosts surrounding this knight treated it with respect, awaiting his command.

The nature of this knight was different than the other ghosts. Its entire body was just a skeleton covered in faint-blue flames. The heat given off by those flames caused the land around it to dry up and crack.

[Ghost Rider] (Chieftain Rank)

Level 15

HP 100,000/100,000

Feng used Phantom Kill and gave the doppelganger over a dozen Basic, Intermediate and one Advanced Frost Grenades. The doppelganger then rushed towards the plaza.

The moment the doppelganger set foot into the plaza, the Ghost Rider discovered it immediately. The Ghost Rider's pearly white skull turned towards the doppelganger, the flames in its eye-sockets flaring. 

"All living beings must die!"

The Ghost Rider unsheathed the silver greatsword from its back, pointing it at the doppelganger. The blue flames surrounding its body abruptly moved to engulf the greatsword as well, warping the greatsword in shape. The pommel of the sword transformed into a white-colored skull and sinister-looking barbed tips appeared on the blade.

Following the Ghost Rider's command, the countless Cursed Evil Spirits in the plaza surged towards the doppelganger like a tidal wave.

The doppelganger activated a Speed Scroll and started luring them until they were as compact as possible, before using Thundering Flash. As the three streaks of thunder passed through the horde, all of the Cursed Evil Spirits that came in contact with the thunder died. Afterwards, the doppelganger started using its other skills and the Basic Frost Grenades to kill the rest of the Cursed Evil Spirits. 

"The rest of you, go over and kill that human." Seeing that the Cursed Evil Spirit were useless, the Ghost Rider sent the Ferocious Evil Spirits. 

As the Ferocious Evil Spirits rushed towards the doppelganger, it took out an Intermediate Frost Grenade and threw it at the approaching Ferocious Evil Spirits. Some avoided the grenade while the ones who were caught within the blast were turned into ice sculptures. The doppelganger continued to throw the Intermediate Frost Grenades while retreating. 

The Ghost Rider, who was observing the doppelganger, suddenly noticed another human slowly approaching it from another direction, and this one seemed more powerful than the other one. It actually sensed danger from the small human. 

"Hey." Feng greeted with a smirk as he calmly approached the Ghost Rider. 

The Ghost Rider, not wanting to spare any words, suddenly appeared before Feng. The Ghost Rider then raised its White Bone Greatsword, the faint blue flames surrounding the sword immediately raising the surrounding temperature to scorching-hot levels. With an abrupt wave, the greatsword transformed into a flowing stream of light, splitting apart the air as it descended towards Feng's head. 

"Not in the mood to talk? That's fine." Feng easily dodged the strike and slashed at the Ghost Rider with Silver Sea. 

Thundering Flash!

Three green, electric arcs encompassed the Ghost Rider dealing over 2000 damage to it. The current Feng was different from when he was only Level 9. Not only had all his attributes increased by ten and he equipped the Silver Sea, but the Rocket Boots gave him even more attributes now that he passed a minor threshold. His battle prowess has practically doubled. Moreover, though to the Demon Hunter Title, the Ghost Rider's attributes decreased while Feng did even more damage to it. 

Meanwhile, the Ghost Rider was shocked that its sword did not yield it an immediate victory, it was even injured. However, it waved its sword for a second strike. The flames on the White Bone Greatsword soared, rising over 5 meters into the air as the sword slashed at Feng.

This was the Ghost Rider's Devil Flame Slash. When this move was used, all beings in its path would lose their lives and reduce to ashes.

However, Feng merely retreated and activated Defensive Blade. He then took out five Frost Grenades and threw them at the Ghost Rider. The Ghost Rider had already seen the Frost Grenades' abilities, so it ignored them, thinking that they wouldn't have any effect on it. But it failed to notice that one of them was not like the others.

The four Intermediate and one Advanced Frost Grenades exploded, and the Ghost Rider became frozen. Although it wasn't effected much by the Intermediate Frost Grenades, the Advanced Frost Grenade was made to injure level 120 monsters. Even with its flames, it became an ice sculpture and took over 2000 damage. 

Feng took out a deep blue-colored Tier 2 Magic Scroll and spread it opened in his hands. Although he didn't want to use his limited magic scrolls, the Ghost Rider's resistance to physical attacks was just too huge. As he didn't posses many magical attacks, he could only rely on them and the Advanced Frost Grenades to kill the Ghost Rider. 

Within an instant, the water-attributed mana from the surrounding environment gathered above the magic scroll.

Although the Ghost Rider's flame became much bigger as it tried to break out of the ice, it was still too slow. 

Abyssal Bind!

Tidal Overflow!

Feng pointed the magic scroll towards the Rider, a dark blue magic circle forming above the scroll while nine black chains bound the Ghost Rider, further immobilizing it and reducing its defense by 100%. Immediately, a violent torrent poured out of the magic circle, engulfing the Ghost Rider. The resulting water pressure even caused a deep pit to form on the ground. 

The Ghost Rider was thrown far back. Although it was a Chieftain, it wouldn't go unscathed with a Tier 2 attack at point blank range, while its defense was completely removed. After all, it was still only a Tier 1 creature, even if its power is at Advanced Tier 1. Thus, after suffering a direct hit from Tidal Overflow, its HP was less then 10%, but it was still alive. 

"Despicable little rat, I will definitely make you suffer a living hell!" The Ghost Rider immediately went Berserk. The faint blue flames covering its body flared up several times greater than before, and it swung its White Bone Great Axe to the ground with all its might.

Boom! The entire central plaza started quivering. The ground of the plaza cracked apart, spitting out tens of pillars of flames, sending countless debris flying. 

Feng had already activated Rocket Boost and flew high when he saw that the Ghost Rider had survived. He approached the Ghost Rider in the air while avoiding the flame pillars. The Ghost Rider suddenly leaped up towards Feng and swung its greatsword at him. Feng activated Seraphic Speed and flew out of its way. 

The Ghost Rider wanted to leap up again after it landed, but it suddenly sensed something small flying at him from behind. Just when it wanted to slash at the item, it exploded, freezing its flames. The doppelganger, who had already killed all of the Ferocious Evil Spirits, had rushed back and thrown its Advanced Frost Grenade.

Feng took the opportunity to throw another Advanced Frost Grenade when the Ghost Rider started to break free, freezing it even more. Although the Ghost Rider had gone Berserk which increased its power and flames, the Advanced Frost Grenade still did around 2000 damage to it. However, the damage it takes keeps reducing with each grenade. 

The doppelganger used Thundering Flash just as its duration was about to expire, dealing another bit of damage as its last service while disappearing. Feng arrived at the Ghost Rider's back with Silent Steps and used Thundering Flash, lowering its HP to less then 1,000. 

Killing Glow!

Thunder Flame Explosion!

The attack put the Ghost Rider in a Fainted state, and left it with only a thread of its HP left. 

Earth Splitter!

Double Chop!


With that, Feng took away the last bit of whatever little HP the Ghost Rider had. 

System: Level 15 Ghost Rider killed. Level difference of 5. EXP obtained increased by 500%. Obtained 300,000 EXP.

Although it sounded like a lot of time passed, only one second had passed since Feng's and the doppelganger's Advanced Frost Grenade exploded. If they had not stacked the frost effect together, the Ghost Rider would have broken out of the frost effect before the one second cooldown on the Frost Grenade ended. At that point, it would destroy or avoid any other Advanced Frost Grenade they threw, so Feng had to kill it right then and there, or it would have been much more difficult later. 

Following which, Feng went to collect the Ice-Blue Devil Flame and the drops from the Ghost Rider and the rest of the Evil Spirits. Although he had used three Advanced Frost Grenades and over a dozen Intermediate Frost Grenades, along with plenty of Basic ones, it could be considered he made a profit just from the drops, not to mention the Tier 2 Ice-Blue Devil Flame.

After collecting all the drops, Feng took out a Return Scroll. Thirty seconds later, he turned into a streak of light. When Feng returned to Ref Leaf Town, he immediately went to the Forging Association. He rented an Intermediate Forging Room and took out a dark blue flame from his bag. This dark blue flame was just like a flame sprite, joyfully jumping about in Feng's palm. Furthermore, the flame gave off a scorching heat, causing the temperature in the room to rise quickly. 

System: Do you wish to bind the Ice-Blue Devil Flame as your personal Mysterious Flame?

He immediately turned his pain perception to 20% and chose to bind the Ice-Blue Devil Flame. Suddenly, the Ice-Blue Devil Flame started transforming. The small flame within Feng's palm momentarily burned fiercely, wrapping Feng's entire palm. Feng immediately felt a scorching heat surrounding his hand as if he had just dipped it into boiling water.

A binding loading bar appeared, slowly increasing.

Successfully fused 3%... 4%... 5%...

Feng easily endured the pain. After the fusion bar reached 50%, the Ice-Blue Devil Flame started spreading throughout Feng's entire body, turning Feng into a flaming man. Feng's entire body burned with a deep blue flame, just like the Ghost Rider.

Compared to the Ghost Rider's flame, however, the flame burning Feng's body was much more pure and dazzling. Even the ground below his feet started showing signs of melting.

The floor of the Forging Room had undergone special strengthening techniques specifically to resist high temperatures. The floors of the Forging Room were much stronger than even a Secret-Silver Weapon. However, this floor could still not withstand the flame surrounding Feng's body. One could just imagine the frightening temperature that was emitted by the flame.

Right now, if someone were to attack Feng using a Bronze Weapon, the scorching flame would, most likely, melt the weapon before it could even come near Feng.

Fortunately, Feng had long since familiarized himself with pain. He had also adjusted his pain perception down to 20%, so this much was nothing to him. 

After enduring the same process for twenty minutes, the fusion of the Ice-Blue Devil Flame finally completed.

System: The Ice-Blue Devil Flame has been bound as Player Ye Feng's personal belonging.

System: Fusion of the Ice-Blue Devil Flame completed. After undergoing the tempering of the Ice-Blue Devil Flame, player's physique has improved. Strength +10, Endurance +10, Agility +10, Ice Resistance +20, Fire Resistance +20. Able to fully control the Ice-Blue Devil Flame..

Feng then chanted a name in his mind, a deep blue flame appearing in the middle of his palm. This was indeed the Ice-Blue Devil Flame. Following Feng's thoughts, the flame freely moved about, growing and shrinking.

[Ice-Blue Devil Flame] (Tier 2 Mysterious Flame)

Can be used in battle to increase damage by 20%, and an additional 40% damage to ice or fire attributed skills. Simultaneously, it increases the success rate for Potionmaking, Forging, and Cooking by 10%.

Feng then left the the Intermediate Forging Room. Just as Feng was about to go to the teleportation hall to go to White River City, he discovered that many players in Red Leaf Town were currently discussing a single matter.


1. Changed Improvement to Blessing of Creation. 

2. Couldn't be bothered to come up with something for the main entrance. 

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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