21.27% One Piece: Adventure of a Lifetime / Chapter 9: Chapter – 9 Training Ace & Sabo

บท 9: Chapter – 9 Training Ace & Sabo

Author's Note: From the next chapter, I will tone down a bit on slang, and rough language, bear with it for this one.



Beneath the scorching sun, the idyllic fields of Dawn Island witnessed an intense training session. Sabo and Ace stood firm, gripping their metal pipes, while Ryuma, wielding a wooden spear, wore a mischievous grin on his weathered face. He had chosen not to use his sword to avoid causing harm to his young apprentices.

With a sly taunt, Ryuma goaded his apprentices, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Come on, you young rascals! Show me what ye've learned. But don't ye forget, a metal pipe won't be enough to match a warrior's unyielding spirit!"

Sabo and Ace exchanged knowing glances, undeterred by Ryuma's playful jabs, and they were kind of sort of used to him trying to act older than his age, so treating them as kids didn't really matter. They tightened their grips on their metal pipes, nodding in unison as they charged forward with synchronized movements.

Sabo, quick and nimble, darted around Ryuma with calculated grace. His strikes were swift and precise, aiming to exploit any opening he could find. "Haaaa!" he cried out, his pipe whirling through the air.

Ryuma deftly parried Sabo's attacks with his wooden spear, offering guidance with each block. "Faster, Sabo! Anticipate yer opponent's moves. Speed alone won't suffice, ye need strategy too. Learn to read the ebb and flow of the battle!"

Ace, driven by determination, unleashed a barrage of powerful swings. His metal pipe moved with unruly vigor, leaving sparks in its wake. He sought to overwhelm Ryuma with an unrelenting assault. "Dieeeeee!"

Ryuma gracefully sidestepped Ace's attacks, his wooden spear finding its mark on Ace's right shoulder. He offered words of guidance amid the clash. "Control yer movements, Ace! Don't let the fire within ye consume ye. Find the balance between passion and technique. Every strike ye make must have purpose!"

As the battle unfolded, the trio found their rhythm. Sabo and Ace synchronized their attacks, their movements flowing in harmony. Together, they aimed to exploit Ryuma's defenses with combined force.

Impressed by their progress, Ryuma couldn't resist taunting them further. "Is that all ye've got, younglings? I expected more from the future rulers of the seas!"

Fuelled by Ryuma's taunts, Sabo and Ace intensified their assault. Sabo's agility allowed him to evade Ryuma's counterattacks while launching precise strikes in return. Ace, now exhibiting greater control, added an unpredictable element to their onslaught.

Ryuma, sensing their growth, adjusted his strategy accordingly. He showcased his mastery by countering their attacks with calculated precision, guiding them amidst the heat of battle. His voice carried over the clash of metal pipes. "Stay focused! Observe for patterns and anticipate yer opponent's moves. Remember, a warrior adapts and evolves!"

As the sun began its descent, casting elongated shadows over the training ground, Sabo and Ace found renewed vigor within themselves. They channeled Ryuma's teachings, their strikes becoming more refined and their coordination reaching new heights.

In a final surge of determination, Sabo and Ace launched a synchronized assault. Their metal pipes whirled through the air, converging upon Ryuma from multiple angles. The seasoned warrior defended himself, deflecting their blows with masterful precision.

Breathing heavily, the trio paused, their eyes locked in mutual understanding. Ryuma, pride flickering in his gaze, acknowledged their growth. "Well done, ye young pirates in the making! Yer progress is evident, and I expect nothin' less from the future rulers of the sea!"

Ace and Sabo exchanged triumphant grins, their hands meeting in a resounding high-five. "Hehe!"

Though they had only trained under Ryuma for a month, their progress was undeniable. They could feel their strength growing with each passing day, their spirits burning bright with the promise of a grand future.

Ryuma, Ace, and Sabo sat by the cracklin' bonfire as the aroma of their cookin' meal filled the air. Ryuma, after settin' the meat to grill, glanced at his two young apprentices, contemplation in his eyes. "So... Ace... Sabo... mind if I ask ye a question? Now, I know it might delve into personal matters, and ye needn't answer if ye don't want to."

Ace and Sabo exchanged a glance, takin' a moment to ponder before finally nodding. "Sure... go ahead," they agreed in unison.

Ryuma nodded appreciatively, takin' a moment to gather his thoughts. "I can see clear as day that both of ye have an extraordinary drive pushin' ye forward. But why, I wonder, would ye choose to become pirates? Ain't pirates considered the scum of the world? And why choose piracy over the Marines? Especially you, Ace... considerin' yer connection with the Marine Hero Garp. Wouldn't it make sense for ye to join their ranks instead of takin' the pirate's path?"

Of course, Ryuma knew the reasons deep down. But he wanted to hear it from their own lips. Despite their tender age, they had already experienced more than their fair share. If they were willin' to share their reasons, it would bring him joy. In the time he spent trainin' 'em, they had grown closer to him, and Ryuma couldn't deny that he cared deeply for 'em. He wanted to help 'em, even if it was just a little bit. Especially Ace. Though the lad appeared as tough as nails on the outside, inside, he carried an immense burden.

Sabo fell silent, feelin' the weight of the topic at hand. Ace, his gaze locked on the flickerin' flames, reflected on the past eight years of his life. After a prolonged silence, he spoke with a solemn expression, his voice tinged with melancholy.

"My father... he was a criminal, one of the most reviled the world had ever seen. The wicked deeds he committed earned him the hatred of all. The world even sought to erase his wicked bloodline after his death. But my mother... she was an innocent soul, innocent of his crimes. To ensure I wouldn't be condemned simply for bein' his son, she made the ultimate sacrifice. She gave her life to bring me into this world."

Ryuma, hearin' Ace's words, asked a question that he already knew the answer to. "Yer father... was he a pirate too?"

Ace met Ryuma's gaze with surprise. "Yes, that man was a pirate, and not just any pirate, the worst one among'em." Ace glanced back at the fire, continuin' his tale. "As the son of such a vile criminal, I had no right to be born. But my mother's sacrifice defied that. Even though the world rejects me, I can't let myself wither away. That would make my mother's sacrifice in vain. If they discover who I truly am, they'll come for my life..."

Ace paused, his eyes locked on the fire's flickerin' dance. "Sensei... ye asked why I wanted to become a pirate. It's because I want to uncover the meanin' behind my existence. Even though I'll be labeled a criminal, at least as a pirate, I'll be free. But I won't become anythin' like my old man. I'll be different... better. And through piracy, I believe I can discover the meanin' I seek!"

Hearin' Ace's heartfelt words, Ryuma nodded, his eyes filled with understandin'. "I see... it all makes sense now," he murmured. Then, he continued, "But there's one thing ye've got wrong..."

Ace, wearin' a doubtful expression, asked, "What am I wrong about?"

"Ye see, Ace," Ryuma began, his voice laden with wisdom, "sailin' the seas and changin' who ye were won't magically give meanin' to yer life. We humans don't come with a predestined meanin'. It's the people we meet, the bonds we forge, the friends and family that give our lives meanin'. So instead of searchin' for meanin' in yer own existence, focus on the bonds ye make. They're what truly bring meanin' to our lives."

Ace lowered his gaze, contemplatin' Ryuma's words. "Bonds, huh?"

Ryuma nodded, a flicker of satisfaction dancin' in his eyes. "Ye might not grasp it now, but give it some thought. Ye'll find yer answer."

Ace nodded, his gaze transfixed by the flames.

Observin' Ace's reflection, Sabo felt that he should share his own reasons as well. He took a deep breath, preparin' to open up.

"As for me... I yearn for freedom. Pirates embody freedom, not only from the literal chasin' of Marines, bounty hunters, and other pirates but metaphorically as well. They bear no responsibilities, free to do as they please without worryin' 'bout the consequences. To me, pirates symbolize freedom, and that's what I strive for."

Though Sabo's reason may not have carried the same weight as Ace's, there was depth to his desire. Both Ryuma and Ace understood this implicitly.

"I see... freedom," Ace muttered, contemplatin' Sabo's words. He couldn't quite fathom what shackles Sabo wanted to break free from, but he understood that freedom held great importance for his companion.

With both of them havin' spoken their truths, they turned their gazes toward Ryuma, askin', "Sensei... what 'bout you? What do ye want to do when ye grow up?"

Realization struck Ace. "Now that you mention it Sabo... we know next to nothin' 'bout you."

Ryuma chuckled softly, takin' a moment to collect his thoughts. "As for me... I want to have fun. I want to embark on grand adventures and unravel the mysteries and wonders this world has to offer. So when I grow old, I can look back and say, 'Aye, me life was worth somethin'. And when the time comes for me to depart this world, I'll do so with a smile. In short, I want to live a life without any regrets."

"A life without regrets, huh?" Ace and Sabo echoed, their expressions thoughtful.

A few months later

Ryuma gazed upon his two apprentices, Ace and Sabo. With a serious expression, he posed a question, "Oi, have either of ye ever 'eard of Haki?"

Ace, scratched his head, a bit clueless. "Haki? Nah, never 'eard of it," he admitted, the term was entirely new to him.

Ryuma nodded, a knowing look on his face. "Figured as much," he responded. Turning to Sabo, he inquired, "What 'bout you, Sabo?"

Sabo, his brows furrowed, shook his head. "Nah, not a clue," he confessed.

"I see, no surprise there, I'll tell ya' I suppose," Ryuma acknowledged. He then fixed his gaze upon the two youngsters, his tone serious as he began to explain, "Haki is a dormant power within every soul in this world. The thing is, only a select few manage to awaken it in their lifetime... Those who do, they become the big shots of the sea, the mightiest pirates, the toughest marines, the bravest explorers and warriors... Haki is a common trait among 'em all."

Ace's face grew serious, thoughts racing through his mind. 'So, that means... That man and the ol' geezer, they use Haki too?' he wondered to himself.

Ryuma's next words confirmed Ace's thoughts, as he continued to emphasize the importance of Haki. "Those legends, like Pirate King Roger, the strongest man Whitebeard, and the Marine hero Garp—they all wield Haki," he stated, the weight of his words sinking in. "Mastering Haki makes all the difference in battle. Even the most skilled and quick-witted fighters stand no chance against a Haki user. It's like a vast chasm separates 'em," Ryuma explained, his words bearing the rough wisdom of his experiences.

Sabo's eyes sparkled with fascination. "That sounds incredible!" he exclaimed enthusiastically.

Ryuma smiled in agreement. "Aye, it is incredible indeed," he replied.

Ace, his mind fixated on the mention of Roger, couldn't help but grow more serious. 'If that man had Haki...'

Unbeknownst to Ace's thoughts, Ryuma pressed on, enlightening them further. "Now, there are three types of Haki," he began, "First is Observation Haki, also known as Mantra in some places. It lets ye perceive the world without relyin' on yer eyes, ears, or touch."

"Second is Armament Haki, sometimes called Ryuo in a few places. It allows ye to coat yerself and yer weapons, makin' attacks and defenses stronger," Ryuma explained.

"Now mind ye, everyone's got the potential for the first two forms o' Haki," Ryuma emphasized, his voice carrying the rustic wisdom of his village. "They can be learned or awakened through trainin'. But the third form, Conqueror's Haki, ain't somethin' ye can learn or unlock. It's the spirit o' a King, a rare talent gifted to only a select few. They say only one in several million folks are born with Conqueror's Haki."

Though Ryuma couldn't discern their exact thoughts, he respected their silence, aware that they were wrestling with their desires. Finally, they looked at him, their eyes brimming with anticipation, awaiting his next words. They yearned for his guidance in Haki yet understood the importance of not speaking too freely to impart such a valuable skill to them.

"As for teachin' ye more 'bout Haki," he spoke, his words echoed in their hearts, "I'll gladly impart the knowledge of the first form—Observation Haki. It'll sharpen yer senses and grant ye the gift of foresight." he revealed, directing his question to both Ace and Sabo. "Are ye both interested in learnin' it?"

Ryuma, refrained from teachin' Armament Haki to his apprentices. He hadn't quite mastered it himself. Though he had started trainin', progress was slow. At this point, he couldn't even coat a specific body part, let alone master the hardenin' and other techniques. So, Armament Haki was off the table for now.

As for Conqueror's Haki, neither Ace nor Sabo had awakened it yet. Ryuma, bein' aware of Ace's innate Conqueror's Haki, knew that he had the potential. However, unlockin' it was still a task for the future. As for Sabo, he wasn't sure if the he even possessed the King's potential.

See, Ryuma hadn't had the opportunity to see the end of One Piece in his previous life, so he couldn't be certain. But personally, he believed that Sabo might just have it in him. After all, he would grow up to be the second in command/chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army, earnin' the title of Flame Emperor after the Reverie thing.

And in Ryuma's experience, them with the titles of King or Emperor all possessed Conqueror's Haki. So, it stood to reason that Sabo might have it too. However, Ryuma wasn't plannin' to teach it to him just yet. They were both young whippersnappers, around eight years old, and couldn't quite control such power.

So, for now, Ryuma's focus was on teachin' 'em the first form of Haki—Observation Haki.

Ace and Sabo exchanged determined glances, their spirits burning with a desire to grow stronger. "Aye, we wanna learn!" they both nodded in unison, Haki was somethin' mighty important, and Ryuma didn't take the teachin' of it lightly.

Ryuma nodded in approval. "Very well," he replied. He paused for a moment, his gaze firm, before issuing a warning. "But remember, no one must find out ye're learnin' Haki, and especially not that I'm the one teachin' ye. Understand?"

Both Ace and Sabo nodded solemnly, fully grasping the importance of secrecy. "Understood," they replied in unison.

Ryuma's smile returned, his eyes glinting with anticipation. "With that settled, let's begin yer advance training," he declared.

As Ryuma devoted his time to trainin' Ace and Sabo, he never neglected his own growth. With newfound knowledge on expandin' the diameter of his nerve fibers, enhancin' his information processin' and response speed, he was determined to push his limits further. The flame within him burned brighter than ever.

The next two aspects he yearned to master—enhanced regeneration and Armament Haki. The former would grant him the ability to recover from injuries faster than ever, while the latter would provide an impenetrable defense and a forceful offense. These were skills he craved to wield with precision and finesse.

It was time to start the next phase of training.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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