72.91% Modern Family: Gacha / Chapter 70: Concert

บท 70: Concert

"Which one of you is going to drive me and Alex?", Zephyr asked as he watched Desiree and Matt enter the living room and plop down on one of the couches. 

"What?", Desiree muttered in confusion. 

"Huh", Matt mumbled, also confused like Desiree. 

"I told you a week ago", Zephyr answered, looking up from his book, "Alex has a concert tonight and you agreed to drive us both there". 

"Why can't Claire or Phil take you two?", Matt complained. 

"Because they hate listening to Alex play the cello", Zephyr remarked, "And because they don't appreciate classical music". 

"So you're forcing us to go instead?", Matt asked. 

"That's why I asked you last week", Zephyr replied, "Your words were literally 'Sure. No worries'". 

"That's because I thought it was an actual concert, not some kids playing classic music", Matt countered, "If I wanted to listen to classical music, I'd go to that hotel that's near Jay's". 

"Uhum", Desiree coughed into her hand as she poked her shoulder into Matt's stomach, "Don't worry. Matt's free. He'll take you. In fact, why don't you take Bella as well? She doesn't have anything to do today and it'd be a good idea to let her experience different things". 

Despite her words sounding righteous, Zephyr deadpanned as he looked at her, "You booked a day at the spa and forgot about what I told you". 

Seeing that he wouldn't be fooled, Desiree retorted, "Hey! In my defence, I need some relaxation days. I have to deal with your Dad". 

"I suppose you're right", Zephyr off-handedly muttered, "But next time, if you don't want to come, just tell me to my face. There's no need to make excuses to avoid telling me the truth". 

Desiree let out a sigh of relief upon hearing his words but felt slightly guilty as she realised what she did, or attempted to do. "Don't worry", Desiree resolutely claimed, "I'll make sure to never do it again". 

"It's fine", Zephyr waved her off, "Just make sure not to do it again. And if you're going to do it again, at least make it less obvious than writing 'spa day' on the calendar. It tends to make things rather easy to figure out". 

Desiree confidently nodded her head, "I'll make sure to remember your advice". 

"Good", Zephyr nodded his head and began to leave the room, but stopped right in front of the door, "Make sure you don't forget again will you?". 

"Don't worry!", Matt yelled, nodding his head resolutely as he looked at his son leaving the room. Once he was out of the room and had walked up the room, he turned to look at Desiree, "Did you notice? He's being really quiet today". 

"He's always quiet", Desiree remarked, "The only time he really gets loud is when you annoy him". 

"I know that!", Matt exclaimed, "But he's been really quiet today. Did you not notice how resigned he was when he was telling you off?". 

"Hm", Desiree hummed as she pondered on what he said, "You're right. It sounded like he was really tired and exhausted". 

"Why do you think he's like this?", Matt asked. 

"Desiree thought for a second and then asked, "Did something happen to his company?". 

"Nope", Matt shook his head, "If anything, his company is doing really well. Two weeks ago, his company broke past the $250 million mark and the construction of his headquarters is going well as well". 

"Then what could the problem be?", Desiree murmured, still in deep thought. 

"Is there any problem with his relationship with Alex?", Matt questioned. 

"No", Desiree answered, "Their relationship is doing as well as it was before". 

"Urgh", Matt groaned, leaning back onto the seat, "This is impossible". 

"Mom!", Bella shouted as she entered the room and immediately made her way towards Desiree. 

"What's wrong honey?", Desiree asked as Bella sat down next to her. 

"I'm going to the aquarium for the class field trip and I need you to sign this letter", Bella answered, handing the letter over to her mom. 

"Okay", Desiree nodded, standing up to look for a pen. After she found one, she quickly filled out the details in the consent form and signed it off. Returning to the couch, she handed the form to Bella. Just as Bella was about to bolt away, she was stopped by Desiree, "Hey, Bella. Do you know why Zephyr's so upset today?". 

"Hm", Bella muttered as she stroked her chin in deep thought. "No", Bella shrugged, "But if you want to know, why don't you ask him?". 

"As if he's going to tell us", Matt exasperatedly mumbled. 

"It's not a bad idea", Desiree remarked. 

"It's the only idea we have", Matt retorted. 

"If you have a better idea, you're free to share it", Desiree countered, not at all pleased with Matt's attitude. 

"I got it!", Matt yelled as she stood up from his seat, "While I drive him and Alex to the concert, you go through his room and see if there are any signs of what's wrong". 

"Seriously?", Desiree muttered, rubbing her forehead in frustration, "That's your big idea. To snoop through your son's bedroom". 

"Yeah", Matt replied, "It's not like there's a better idea". 

Desiree sighed, before giving up, "You know what? Sure. We'll try your stupid idea that's guaranteed to fail". 

"Hey!", Matt exclaimed in indignation, "My plan's not stupid. It is pure genius. Clearly, Zephyr got his intelligence from me" 

"Of course he did", Desiree drawled as she rolled her eyes while exiting the room. 

"Thank you", Matt proudly nodded his head, before suddenly halting upon realising that Desiree was being sarcastic, "Hey! Get back here!".

[Time Skip]

"Mom. Mom!", Alex exclaimed as Claire pulled the cello in her arms, "I've got it for God's sake. I've been lugging this thing around for 10 years, carrying it a few extra metres won't change a thing". 

"Okay. Okay!", Claire conceded, raising her arms in surrender, "But are you sure you don't want us to stay a-and see you play?". 

"No. I think I'm fine", Alex answered, shaking her head. 

"Yeah", Haley interrupted, "I agreed to dinner. Not tickets to the Electric Light Dorkestra". 

"Haley, don't be rude", Claire chastised. 

"No, that's our band name", Alex replied, shaking her head. 

"So why am I driving you here if Claire's going to be here as well?", Matt whispered to Zephyr. 

"Because she wasn't going to come originally", Zephyr answered, "And besides, it'll be good for you to get out of the house and relax". 

"Urgh", Matt groaned, "Stop talking like Desiree. She keeps saying the same things you do". 

"For good reason though", Zephyr remarked, "You've been overworking a lot lately. It's natural for her to be concerned about your wellbeing". 

"Whatever", Matt huffed, turning to avoid looking at his son. 

"Alex!" a nerdy boy with glasses shouted as he ran up to her. 

"Kevin", Alex greeted, somewhat concerned by the anxiousness on his face, "What's wrong?". 

"Jonathan's ill and can't come", the boy, now identified as Kevin, replied. 

"What?!", Alex exclaimed, "But he's our lead singer. We can't go on without him". 

"We know", Kevin remarked, "We called Marcus, the backup, but he won't make it back in time. What are we going to do?!". 

Alex furrowed her eyebrows as she thought about the next course of action before her eyes suddenly widened. "I got it!", Alex yelled. 

"Really?!", Kevin incredulously asked. 

"Yep", Alex nodded. Turning to look at Zephyr, she begged, "Zephyr, please? This is really important to me. Can you be the lead singer?". 

Hearing his words, indecisiveness flashed across his features. Although reluctant, upon seeing the look on Alex's face, Zephyr gave in and sighed, "Fine". 

"Yes!", Alex screamed, going to hug him but realised that she had her cello in her hands so was left standing there awkwardly. 

"But if I'm doing this, we're doing things on my terms", Zephyr stated. 

Looking at Keving who gave a nod, Alex easily agreed, "Of course". 

[Time Skip]

"How do you think this is going to go?", Claire asked Haley. 

"Zephyr's a really good singer", Haley remarked, absent-minded as she stared at the stage. 

"He can sing!", Claire exclaimed in shock. 

"Yeah", Haley nodded her head, "He even made a whole song for Alex on Valentine's. He sang it and everything". 

"Wow", Claire muttered in awe, "He's really talented, isn't he?"

"Of course he is", Matt interrupted, "He obviously got his talents from me". 

"All I can see right now is what he didn't get from you", Claire retorted, each word piercing Matt's heart and causing him to deflate. 

"Stop talking", Haley whispered, "They're about to start". 

"Sure", Claire replied, nodding her head and turning to look at the stage and ignoring the depressed form of Matt. 

Zephyr, having made his way to the centre of the stage, began playing the guitar, with the violin person following right after him with a rapid and frantic speed. As Zephyr and the violinist became more synchronised, Alex joined in with her cello and the second guitarist followed in her footsteps. Once everyone was ready, Zephyr began. 

♩ In the quiet of the night, beneath the starry skies ♩

♩ I see a world of dreams, where our hearts arise ♩

♩ With every passing moment, our paths collide ♩

♩ In this cosmic dance of fate, we can't hide ♩

♩ But they say it's impossible, that we can't be ♩

♩ They question the love that's growing inside of me ♩

♩ But darling, let's defy the odds, take a chance ♩

♩ For together we can make our own romance ♩

The crowd erupted into cheers as they heard Zephyr sing, with some people even recording him. 

♩ So rewrite the stars, let's rewrite our fate ♩

♩ Let's carve our destiny, it's not too late ♩

♩ Hand in hand, we'll conquer the night ♩

♩ Shining together, our love is the guiding light ♩

Moving back from the microphone, Zephyr continued playing the guitar with Alex taking the lead. 

♩ You believe it's a breeze ♩

♩ You think I don't long to flee with ease ♩

♩ Yet there stand peaks so steep ♩

♩ And doors locked tight, secrets to keep ♩

♩ You're curious why we stall ♩

♩ Within these walls, we stand so tall ♩

♩ But step outside, and you'll agree ♩

♩ Our hopes were in vain, just you and me ♩

"She can sing!", Haley and Claire simultaneously yelled. Smiling, Zephyr continued from where Alex left off. 

♩ In this world of expectations, we'll break the mould ♩

♩ With every step we take, our story will unfold ♩

♩ Through the highs and lows, we'll stand side by side ♩

♩ In this epic tale of love, let's enjoy the ride.♩

♩ And though they may doubt us, we'll prove them wrong ♩

♩ Our love is a melody, an everlasting song ♩

♩ So let's chase the horizon, reach for the stars ♩

♩ In each other's arms, no matter the scars ♩

As he neared the end of his verse, Zephyr glanced at Alex who nodded and sang the next part with him. 

♩ So rewrite the stars, let's rewrite our fate ♩

♩ Let's carve our destiny, it's not too late ♩

♩ Hand in hand, we'll conquer the night ♩

♩ Shining together, our love is the guiding light ♩

♩ In the face of adversity, we'll stand tall ♩

♩ With your love by my side, I'll give it my all ♩

♩ Our hearts beat as one, against all odds ♩

♩ In this love story written by the gods ♩

♩ So rewrite the stars, let's rewrite our fate ♩

♩ Let's carve our destiny, it's not too late ♩

♩ Hand in hand, we'll conquer the night ♩

♩ Shining together, our love is the guiding light ♩

♩ Oh, let's rewrite the stars, our love is destiny ♩

♩ In your arms, I've found my eternity ♩

♩ Hand in hand, we'll light up the skies ♩

♩ Forever together, as we rewrite the stars tonight ♩

As Zephyr and Alex finished their song, all the people in the cafe, and even people who crowded around the door after being attracted by the song, began cheering loudly. 

Matt, who was cheering loudly, felt his phone vibrate. Pulling it out of his pocket, he realised that Desiree was calling and quickly answered. "Hello", Matt spoke into the phone. 

"Matt!", Desiree exclaimed, "I've gone through his room like you suggested and I've figured out why Zephyr was so out of it". 

"I thought you were going to go have your spa day?", Matt inquired. 

"I decided against going", Desiree replied.

"Go on then", Matt instructed, "Don't keep me waiting". 

"The Student Advisor at Zephyr's school told him that his relationship with Alex was doomed to fail because they'd inevitably end up going to different universities", Desiree answered, "Zephyr argued that they could have a long-distance relationship but the Advisor said that long-distance relationships never last". 

"Woah", Matt muttered in awe, "This all makes sense now". 

"It sounds like you're referring to something else", Desiree mumbled, "So what makes sense?"

"The song Zephyr sang with Alex", Matt answered. 

"They sang a song!", Desiree yelled. 

"Yeah", Matt remarked, "Some people recorded it so it's probably on some social media platform by now". 

"Gotta go and see it!", Desiree exclaimed as she cut the call. 

(AN: I watched The Greatest Showman like two days ago and I just couldn't help myself)

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