

'Man, I really hate sand...' thought Andrew, staring out over a vast stretch of desert known as the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea. The grains of sand filling the region were so fine and transfused with microscopic particles of magicite that the desert ebbed and flowed like an actual sea. It was similar to the aerated 'liquid sand' from Andrew's previous life. As such, if someone fell into it without some kind of floatation device, they would immediately sink into its depths, never to be seen or heard from again.

While Vaan made his way to the edge of the sandsea, carelessly scooping up a handful with a look of awe, Andrew listened in as Basch explained to Penelo the path they would take. Raithwall's Tomb was situated far to the west. Reaching it required them to traverse two Sandseas, the Ogir-Yensa and Nam-Yensa, each larger than the whole of Dalmasca. Fortunately, the Rozarrian Empire had constructed an expansive network of abandoned oil rigs that facilitated travel through the area. However, as they were 'forced' to abandon the site due to constant aggression from a sapient species of bipedal crustaceans known as the Urutan-Yensa, anyone attempting to travel through the region did so at the risk of falling prey to the relentless, flesh-eating pack hunters.

After hearing Basch's explanation, Penelo asked the obvious question, specifically, "If it's so dangerous, can't we just fly over...?"

"Not by airship," replied Balthier, drawing the pig-tailed girl's gaze as he explained, "This region is Jagd. The constantly shifting magicite creates an invisible field that interferes with the operation of Skystones. It's one of the few things preventing Archadia from sailing its armada directly into Rozarrian territory."

With nearly everyone's gazes turning to him, Andrew took a moment to consider his response before stating, "I should be able to fly over, but it would be difficult for the rest of you. The safest course would probably be to have me fly over, create a waypoint, and teleport everyone to the other side. But, as tedious as it might seem, crossing the Yensas on foot has its merits. We're likely to be attacked by the Urutan-Yensa, but battling them is an opportunity to improve our teamwork and grow stronger."

As Andrew passed his gaze over them while speaking, Ashe, Fran, and Penelo understood his final few words were directed at them. The most reliable way to earn AP and LP was to defeat fiends/monsters. Allowing Andrew to teleport them across would save considerable time and effort, but their growth would invariably be stunted if they consistently defaulted to the most 'convenient' solution.

"We shall cross on foot," Ashe decided, her usually muted grey eyes filled with a fierce, fiery resolution. Her words caused Balthier to sigh and shake his head, but before he could protest, Fran surprised him by stating, "This is the proper course."

"And here I thought Viera hated the Jagd..." remarked Balthier, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. He trusted Fran almost implicitly, but it was clear to him that something was amiss. Fortunately, Ashe alleviated his fears fairly quickly, turning to Andrew and asking, "You pledged unilateral support to my cause, correct?"

"Yes...?" replied Andrew, raising his right brow and meeting Ashe's gaze with a marginally confused look.

"Then I would have you temporarily vest your power to the members of our party," said Ashe, reasoning, "That way, everyone will be on the same page, and we can communicate even if separated."

"Mmm...it's possible..." admitted Andrew. However, as he had numerous self-imposed restrictions in place to prevent him from sharing his powers arbitrarily, Ashe's request put him in a somewhat 'inconvenient' position.

"It feels like my script is missing a few pages," remarked Balthier, crossing his arms. In response, Andrew met the Sky Pirate's gaze, smiling wryly as he explained, "I can disseminate my powers with others and provide them with the means to become stronger. The caveat is that the extent of the power received is based on several factors that typically make women the most suitable recipients.

Turning to meet Ashe's gaze, Andrew explained, "There is another issue. I am bound by preceding agreements that state I am not to disseminate my power willy-nilly. The decision is ultimately mine to make, but if I were to ignore the agreements I've made with others, I would be undermining the integrity of 'all' my contracts."

Preempting Ashe's response, Andrew looked to Basch, Balthier, and the approaching Vaan, smiling as he mused, "But, for the sake of clearing the air, I can at least give those present a taste of my power and an overview of how my system functions. Consider it a special service and a kind of 'teaser.' To acquire my power long-term, you would need to ally with the restored Dalmasca permanently."

Hearing Andrew's final remark, Ashe blinked in surprise. While she wasn't fond of Balthier, Fran, or Vaan's chosen careers, the trio saved her life and rescued her twice. Balthier and Fran, in particular, possessed exceptional skill, so they would prove useful even as they were. With the added boon of access to Andrew's power, they could far surpass any ordinary warrior or Knight...

While Ashe was seeing him in a new light, Andrew invited Basch, Balthier, and Vaan to be his friends before explaining the functions of his system and providing each of them with a Jade Bracelet. The cool-to-the-touch-when-hot and warm-to-the-touch-when-cold bracelet could bestow the Body Temp and High Tide Abilities to the wearer. Andrew wasn't sure how the latter would function in the world of FFXII, but the former would allow the group to traverse deserts and tundras alike without suffering the side effects of extreme hot and cold temperatures.

After hearing Andrew's explanation, Balthier had an uncharacteristically serious countenance while Basch looked at him like a precious treasure that needed to stay within the borders of Dalmasca. Vaan's response was far more honest or, more accurately, innocent. Penelo informed him of the possibility of learning how to fly 'without' an airship, placing Andrew in the unenviable position of listening to the sandy-haired youth beg and entreat him for lessons...




As it took 3-5 days to cross the Ogir and Nam-Yensa Sandseas, Andrew volunteered to be the first to keep watch at night as he had spent the day in the back line, observing everyone else fight and periodically providing aid in the form of healing magick. Everyone else made use of the Tents he had supplied in place of the SeeD Cottages, as the oil rigs' catwalks didn't have space to accommodate such a large structure.

'It's quite beautiful at night...' thought Andrew, once again staring out over the sandsea. This time, however, the vast stretch of liquefied sand looked like a celestial nebula in motion, the magicite within the sand twinkling like countless stars or bioluminescent algae.

Extending his right hand toward the sight, Andrew gradually brought the energy in his surroundings under control, eventually allowing him to shape and manipulate the sad despite the platform he was on being more than twenty meters above the ever-shifting dunes. The magicite-infused sand was extremely responsive to external influence, so the thought of using it to teach others how to control and manipulate 'magickal' energy entered his mind as he created a spiraling, galaxy-like vortex that glowed brightly at the center.

"Quite the mesmerizing sight..." came the voice of Fran. However, as she had to cross a metal catwalk to reach him, Andrew wasn't even remotely surprised as he could feel the vibrations of her steps as she approached.

"Do you enjoy interrupting people as they're thinking...?" Andrew asked, wearing a relaxed smile as Fran came to stand beside him, leaning onto the rail encircling the massive oil rig with her elbows.

"On the day of our departure from Rabanastre, I detected the markings of several Viera on you..." remarked Fran, causing Andrew's brows to perk as he revealed, "I encountered a pair of twins while familiarizing myself with the city. They then dragged me to an unmarked establishment that, to my surprise, was a private underground bathhouse."

"Vieras only mark those they have a strong attachment to our intend to repay for a favor," revealed Fran, half-turning to stare at Andrew out of the corner of her eye as she asserted, "You must have done something fairly consequential to earn their favor..."

Shrugging his shoulders, Andrew responded, "Not really. I just felt sorry for the circumstances they had been forced into, so I gave them about a hundred kilograms of gold to give their commune a bit of breathing room."

"Mmm...that would explain it..." said Fran, nodding in affirmation. Then, seemingly out of the blue, she asked, "Are there no Viera in the Kingdom you originate?"

Shaking his head, Andrew replied, "Unfortunately, no. But, depending on how things play out here, that could change. Alexandria is a melting pot of various cultures, and there are many untamed wildernesses and forests in the vicinity of the capital. I'm currently considering requesting the Viera in the bathhouse to become Ashe's Queensguard, but if they would prefer to settle in Alexandria, I certainly wouldn't mind ferrying them over..."


Gazing down at the beautiful but perilous whirlpool Andrew had created, Fran seemed to deliberate for nearly a minute before whispering, "Hume society is not kind to the Viera. It is cold and distant, and most only help one another when their interests align. Some fifty years have transpired since I parted my ancestral Wood, but my heart yearns for the sisterhood and community I left behind..."

Inhaling and exhaling audibly through a nose, Andrew joined Fran in leaning against the guardrail, his expression gaining a hint of melancholy and longing as he expressed, "I can only imagine what you and those in similar circumstances have gone through, but I can empathize with what you're saying. Most of my problems result from decisions I've made, and there are times when I wish I could just stop, settle down, and take things in stride. But, for the sake of my people and those I care about, I have no choice but to continue pushing forward..."

Turning to meet Fran's gaze, Andrew smiled, adding, "Lucky for me, those moments are fleeting as my power, generally speaking, permits me to do as I please. I also have the backing of at least two Goddesses and a bevy of extraordinary women, so if I grouse and grumble too much, they might smite me for being ungrateful."

Returning a faint smile, Fran remarked, "It sounds to me as though you've found a community to belong to. Be sure to treasure it dearly."

Raising his brows, Andrew countered, "You realize you belong to that very same community, right? Certain arrangements prevent me from permitting you to meet and interact with our broader group of members, but that will change once Ashe has reclaimed her throne. After that...well, let's just say you should prepare yourself. There is so much more to life than even your fifty-plus years of experience can't steel you for the wonders waiting just beyond the horizon..."

Though she would have thought they were flowery, poetic, and ultimately hollow words from just about anyone else, Fran got a different impression from Andrew. There was a perceptible certainty to his words, and the look in his eyes was filled with traces of the wonders he alluded to. It was the look of someone that had witnessed and experienced the truly fantastical, a stark contrast to the 'jadedness' she often observed in the countenance of her reflection.

Catching Andrew a little off guard, Fran abruptly bumped his shoulder with her head, keeping it there with closed eyes as she muttered, "I have grown weary of roaming without direction or purpose. When the veil you allude to has been lifted, I will have you familiarize me with the wonders you speak of personally..."

Adopting a somewhat cheeky smile, Andrew replied, "Of course..." while wrapping his arm around Fran, resting it on her outer right thigh. He would have placed it on her hip, but her bodice-like top was adorned with a kind of frilled metal skirt with sharp edges. As a result, he had 'no choice' but to place his hand in the far more precarious location. Fortunately for him, Fran didn't appear to mind as she rubbed her temple, or, more accurately, the base of her rabbit-like ears against him, marking him with her scent...




(A/N: Sorry for the late post. My cat had to be euthanised due to an incurable viral infection, so my motivation is in the dumps)

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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