54.72% Naruto : Pure Blood / Chapter 81: 73

บท 81: 73



Chapter 73~ It's either BE the BEST or nothing at all



In the meeting room, Naruto stood alongside Tsunade and the others, a palpable air of seriousness enveloping the space.

He had revealed to them the imminent threat of war, and the gravity of the situation hung heavily on their minds. Anxiety gnawed at them, uncertainty about their fates looming large.


Tsunade had instructed them to prepare for the upcoming war; there was no way out. They had to fight, or they would lose their remaining loved ones.

Tsunade was unsure about the other villages; she had received news about the Kage summit, and they were planning to attack their village. "Are they foolish enough to abandon their village to attack Konoha? What if their village gets attacked in their absence?" Tsunade thought to herself.


Seeing her thoughtful look, Naruto didn't say anything to her. Some time passed in the meeting room as they discussed what they would do.

"It's time to rebuild the village first," Naruto spoke, interrupting their thoughts.

No one said anything in response. Tsunade nodded to him, knowing that it would take a lot of money to rebuild the village, and Yamato didn't have enough chakra to build the entire village. However, he could assist Naruto, but Naruto declined her offer.


"See you in the newly built village," Naruto spoke before vanishing from the room. In his absence, a small stone struck the floor where he had stood, producing a soft thud.

All present fixated their gaze on the small stone. They had grown accustomed to Naruto's impressive jutsu, yet each time they witnessed it, a sense of wonder overcame them.


Naruto materialized in the heart of the vast crater, unmistakably the epicenter of the village. It marked the site of Pain's initial devastating assault—the very first crater.

Surveying his surroundings, Naruto took in the melancholic scene. Evening had descended upon the village, and the setting sun painted the sky with rich hues of red and orange. The atmosphere radiated with vibrant colors, creating a stark contrast to the ruins below. The village lay in shambles, a somber testament to the thousands of lives lost in the devastation.


Naruto began to do hand signs as his chakra surged within him, pulsating with an intense force.

Meanwhile, every sensor ninja in the village could feel the overwhelming magnitude of his chakra. Their senses went haywire in response to the sheer power emanating from him.

Within the safety of their shelters, the village's inhabitants anxiously peered out towards their ravaged village, Suddenly, a powerful tremor rippled through the land, shaking the very ground beneath them. The quake was so formidable that it sent them tumbling onto their backsides.


Naruto firmly planted both of his hands on the ground, channeling an inhuman level of chakra into the earth below.

"Earth style: earth burriel" His voice, though spoken in a low and controlled tone, carried to the ears of everyone present.

High above, on the Hokage Mountains, all the onlookers watching the spectacle unfolded below widened their eyes in shock. Fear was palpable in their expressions as they beheld the incredible display of power.


Their eyes remained locked on the scene below as the ground beneath them began to tremble with unrelenting force. The few remaining buildings that had withstood the earlier destruction now succumbed to the relentless shaking, crumbling into heaps of debris.

The earth itself seemed to ripple like a liquid, its surface undulating as if it were water. It transformed into a quivering mass, resembling a massive puddle.

Then, in an astonishing and surreal sight, the ground inverted, as if gravity had lost its hold. Rubble, stones, and even some partially intact buildings began to sink into the ground's maw, disappearing beneath the surface.



The cacophony of smashing and crunching sounds resonated throughout the village, echoing in the ears of all who watched.

Before their watchful and fearful eyes, an unthinkable transformation occurred—their entire village vanished from the face of the earth.

In the place where the once-mighty village had stood, there was nothing but emptiness. The landscape was now an expansive, featureless plain. Konoha had been reduced to an empty expanse of land.


Naruto withdrew his hand and surveyed the transformed landscape around him. In a low, measured voice, he remarked, "The cleaning part is done."

The utter power of his jutsu struck fear deep into the hearts of those who witnessed it. They couldn't help but contemplate the implications.

If this jutsu were unleashed on a battlefield, it could mean devastation and death on an unimaginable scale. The thought of Naruto potentially using this jutsu on hidden villages elsewhere sent shivers down their spines, as they wondered if he could indeed sink entire villages into the earth.


As they gazed upon the awe-inspiring spectacle, both ordinary civilians and seasoned ninjas couldn't help but feel a profound unease beneath their feet.

The fear that gnawed at them was palpable—what if the very ground they stood on suddenly gave way, and they were swallowed by the earth? The idea of disappearing without a trace, with no hope of being found, haunted their thoughts.

While they held a certain apprehension towards users of Earth-style jutsu, the reality was that they had never truly witnessed the full extent of any elemental power.

Their knowledge only scratched the surface of the vast potential hidden within elemental chakra. This ignorance was the root of their fear, for they were keenly aware that they lacked the skills and understanding needed to harness the true might of their respective elements.


Naruto tapped his foot on the ground and felt its newfound hardness, akin to solid rock.

With the transformed landscape before him, Naruto now faced two options for rebuilding the entire village.

This undertaking would be a larger-scale application of his practice and skills.


Naruto pondered for a moment, weighing his options. "Should I employ Earth Style to construct the houses, or should I utilize my Ice Release?" His thoughts swirled as he considered the possibilities. "Should I transform this Land of Fire into a Land of Ice?" he mused, contemplating the radical change he could bring.

After a brief moment of reflection, he spoke aloud to himself, "I have two options; which should I choose?"

With a mischievous grin, Naruto decided, "Let's use both... hehe, I'll turn this village into my masterpiece." He chuckled and turned his gaze toward the empty expanse before him.


Naruto's eyes shimmered with a newfound light as he activated his unique ocular ability, allowing him to perceive the wondrous world around him.

As his vision sharpened, he noticed tiny particles suspended in the air, distinct from the chakra he was familiar with. It was a different form of energy, one he recognized as "nature energy."

Unlike Sage Mode, Naruto didn't seek to absorb this energy into his body. Thanks to his specialized eyes and perfect chakra control, he could harness this energy to a limited extent.


Naruto intertwined his fingers, and in an instant, a shadow clone materialized by his side. The clone offered a confident nod, fully aware of its assigned task.

"Now, let's transform this land into a work of art!" Naruto exclaimed with palpable excitement in his voice.


Naruto began to perform a series of intricate hand signs before placing his palms firmly on the ground. "Earth Style: Stones of Vajra," he intoned, directing his chakra deep into the earth. Closing his eyes, he relied on his impeccable chakra control and sensing abilities to gauge the extent of his chakra's influence, knowing that the success of his endeavor depended on his vivid imagination.

Beneath his command, the ground began to tremble, and sturdy stones emerged from the earth. These stones, which now dotted the entirety of Konoha, assumed the forms of houses.

Their surfaces glowed with a rich red hue and boasted an unyielding, steel-like hardness. The ethereal crimson sheen cast an otherworldly ambiance upon the entire village.

Naruto's chakra had sculpted the large, spacious houses, designed in an ancient Indian style that infused a sense of timelessness into the village's new architecture.


Yet, within the village, there remained a space untouched by Naruto's previous efforts. With his eyes still closed, Naruto initiated another technique, his voice steady, "Ice Release: Frozen Ground."

A surge of chakra emanated from him, casting an icy blanket over the entire village. Snowflakes began to cascade from the sky, and the temperature plummeted dramatically.

The ice, responding to Naruto's control, flowed and swirled gracefully, forming intricate and stunning houses. The pristine beauty of the icy structures stood in stark contrast to the vibrant red rocks that adorned the rest of the village.

Now, side by side, the pure white of the ice and the fiery red of the rocks coexisted, creating a breathtaking and harmonious landscape within the village.


The transformation of the village into a land of ice occurred within a matter of seconds.

The remarkable feature of the white ice was its ability to change its color in response to sunlight. As a result, the village underwent a captivating metamorphosis every hour, mirroring the ever-shifting hues of the sky.

In the morning, as the sun ascended, the village would take on a warm red hue, followed by the gentle transition to orange, and then eventually settling into its pristine white state. The changing colors mirrored the cycles of the sun, painting a vivid canvas for all to behold.

During the night, the ice structures would reflect the soft, ethereal glow of the moonlight, creating a tranquil and enchanting atmosphere that bathed the village in a gentle, silvery radiance.


Naruto gazed upon his masterpiece, a sight so ethereal that words could scarcely capture its true beauty.

The village, now a harmonious blend of red rocks and pristine ice, appeared to be bathed in the golden light of evening.

The reflection of the sunlight off the rocky and icy surfaces painted a breathtaking picture, akin to a paradise brought to life.


Naruto's clone diligently worked to infuse nature energy into the newly constructed houses, ensuring that the interiors remained warm and comfortable, even as the frigid cold persisted outside.

Thanks to the infusion of nature energy, these homes would remain resilient against the passage of time, unaffected by decay.

Furthermore, any minor imperfections or scratches that marred the surface of these structures would be effortlessly repaired, thanks to the continuous presence of nature energy.

As a result, the ice would remain eternal, its purity untarnished, and the gentle cascade of snowflakes would continue to grace the ground in perpetuity.


"This is the true Land of Ice," Naruto chuckled, a deep sense of satisfaction filling him as he admired his creation.

Taking a deep, contented breath, he couldn't help but acknowledge the mental fatigue that had settled upon him. Guiding his chakra throughout the entire village and crafting these intricate structures had been an immense undertaking.


The onlookers were left utterly speechless, their eyes wide with disbelief. They had witnessed the entire process of village creation, but it seemed almost inconceivable. The magnitude of what they had seen was beyond comprehension, and they struggled to find words to describe it.

"Is this even possible? This isn't something a human could achieve," they thought in silent awe. They couldn't fathom the enormity of the village that now stretched before them, covering an expansive area of 40 to 50 kilometers.

"Is he even human?" The question whispered through the minds of all those who bore witness to Naruto's incredible feat. Meanwhile, Naruto sensed their emotions and couldn't help but think to himself, "Ignorant fools."

Despite the extraordinary spectacle before them, the people shivered in the cold, too overwhelmed by shock to notice the icy chill that had settled in the air.


"He's in a league of his own," Shikamaru remarked to the onlookers, his words breaking the silence that had fallen over them.

No one present could deny the truth of his statement. The undeniable proof lay right before their eyes. Naruto's sheer mastery over chakra and the staggering control he exhibited led them to this conclusion.

As they contemplated the extent of his power, it raised unsettling questions. Was Naruto already as powerful as the First Hokage, and he wasn't even in his prime yet? He was still, a brat.


As the cold gradually seeped into their bones, Tsunade couldn't help but reflect on the nature of power and its potential for both good and ill. Her gaze remained fixed on the enchanting snowy village that now graced the landscape before her.

"Why don't they use their powers like this for good, instead of constantly causing chaos and harm to one another?" she pondered silently.

Breaking the reverie, Tsunade addressed the group with a determined tone, "Let's prioritize the welfare of the civilians first, and then we can discuss our next steps."

The priorities were clear, and it was time to focus on the well-being of the people who would soon call this remarkable village home.


Tsunade's gaze remained fixed on the newly constructed village, and she couldn't help but be captivated by its sheer beauty.

Her eyes drifted toward the Hokage Tower, standing tall and regal amidst the picturesque surroundings, resembling a castle fit for royalty.

With a sense of purpose, Tsunade guided the civilians and ninjas towards their new homes. Their amazement was palpable as they stepped inside.

The warmth that enveloped them was a stark contrast to the frigid cold outside, and their expressions reflected a mixture of astonishment and gratitude for the new beginning that awaited them.


Five days had come and gone since the village had been resettled, and the funerals had already taken place. With each passing day, a semblance of normalcy returned, and the village began to function smoothly once more. However, an underlying tension still lingered among the shinobi.

Despite this tension, the ordinary citizens found solace in the newfound peace. Their worries had dissipated, and children once again roamed freely, joyfully playing in the snow, creating snowmen and engaging in various other activities.

Naruto strolled through the village, his gaze fixed on the playful children. As he made his way toward the new Hokage office, he couldn't help but smile at the scenes of happiness and innocence that surrounded him.


Naruto stood before Tsunade, their conversation turning serious. "So, you're going on a personal mission?" she inquired.

"Yes," he affirmed. "Some rats have managed to escape… I have to clean up the mess."

Tsunade's concern was evident as she voiced her worries. "What if someone were to attack our village again? You can't just leave like this. We need you here, in the village."


She couldn't deny the immense power Naruto possessed, and she was acutely aware that their village might not be able to defend itself without him. Her maternal instincts and love for the village weighed heavily on her heart, and she fervently hoped to protect their newfound paradise from any potential threats.


Naruto regarded Tsunade, empathy filling his gaze as he recognized her vulnerability despite her status as Hokage.

"Don't worry about anything," he reassured her. "I can say, nothing bad will happen," Tsunade's uncertainty lingered as she asked one more time, "Do you really have to go?"

Naruto nodded. "Yes,".


Despite her position as Hokage, Tsunade couldn't deny Naruto's authority and importance. She reluctantly gave her approval, her words laced with concern. "Okay, you can go... just return quickly."

Naruto acknowledged her with a nod before exiting the Hokage tower.

As he departed, Tsunade couldn't shake the feeling of unease, despite her own formidable abilities as an S-rank shinobi.


Standing atop a rooftop and gazing down at the village he had created, Naruto couldn't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction. The beauty of his creation was unreal.

"You've made it truly beautiful," another voice spoke beside him, interrupting his thoughts.


"Of course... It's either be the best or nothing at all," Naruto replied


The two of them shared a moment of quiet contemplation,

"Are you ready… Shikamaru" he asked.

"Yes… let's go" I was waiting for this day." Shikamaru speek to him.

Nauruto nodded to him and they both disappeared from their location.


As the original Naruto stood just outside Konoha, his clone departed with Shikamaru on their mission to learn shadow jutsu and eliminate the troublesome duo, Hidan and Kakuzu. With one clone, he aimed to strike down two birds with a single stone.

Naruto's eyes gleamed, and a sly smile crept across his face as he observed a particular individual. "Hehe...?????, your time has come. Be prepared," he laughed softly before vanishing from the spot, leaving behind an air of impending change.


AN~ Who is gonna die next?

1. Danzo

2. Obito

3. Zetsu

4. All of Them.


What do you think, is Naruto powerful than Hashirama.. in my opinion, he is… Hasirama has all 5 nature transformations so he has…. Hashirama has Wood Reslese..so Naruto has Ice Reslese… Hashirama could use Sage mode…so Naruto could Manuplaite Natrure Energy without absorbing…. Hashirama has fast Regeneration so Naruto has and even more powerful…. Hashirama chakra reserves were above 9 tails and so Naruto has… Naruto has many advantages like his eyes, shadow clones, and adamantium chains… so in my opinion Naruto is more powerful than Hashirama here.

And some of the next chapters will be action-paced or R18 so be prepared…

Tell me how you like the chapter and give me powerstones…

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