95% Born of a Star (HP FanFic) / Chapter 19: Chapter 19- Family Business and Resolve

บท 19: Chapter 19- Family Business and Resolve

The day after the report cards came in, the new training began, and for the first time, he was understanding of why people called the Blacks fucking mental.

"You want to use what?"

Arcturus showed him a potion recipe as evidence. "Don't worry, we've been using this method for a long time, though admittedly we normally start once the young reach their third year of schooling. It will not only improve your combat survivability but also your resilience and occlumency. It could push you to the third tier by the start of the year."

"Or drive me fucking insane," Rigel answered back. "Training under the cruciatus and imperious curses is dangerous. Too long an exposure and I could end up a vegetable."

His grandfather looked at him with a surprising show of pity but nonetheless continued to defend his viewpoint. "The cruciatus will only be performed at the lowest potency and only once a week to allow your mind to rest. Additionally, we will use this potion to restore your nerves to health to avoid long-term difficulties." He sighed, moving over to his heir. "I know it's daunting, but I have adjusted this for you…and we both know you are at high risk of being struck with the cruciatus again in the future."

Rigel couldn't argue with that. The other two who were sat stunned at the proposed training, one for its cruelty and one for its illegality, remained silent, gawking as the boy nodded in acceptance.

"And the imperious will strengthen your willpower as you resist it, and train you to recognise when you have been placed under the effects of one. That reminds me, there's a rune both of you will need to place in your mouths for protection against mind-altering potions and substances. It won't stop an imperious, but amortentia will become nothing but water as it enters your mouth." With a cough, he brought himself back to the original line of discussion, "Both of you will be performing the anti-imperious training as it isn't dangerous to the body or mind."

And so later that afternoon, for almost an hour after duelling practice, Arcturus placed them both under the imperious curse, making them perform sophisticated and elegant dancing with each other so as not to waste time. The ease with which Rigel felt his body compelled to listen to his orders was horrifying. It was as if his words and commands had taken absolute priority in his mind, and the idea of succumbing, of obeying, was almost pleasurable. As he listened to the orders, he felt warm, like when he would get hugs from his mother, and no matter how much he resisted, fighting off the demands was impossible for him currently.

"Won't you get in trouble for using that spell? Even one use is a guaranteed trip to Azkaban, right?" Jasmine asked, wiping the sweat off her body drawn out through the physical demands of the dances. 'By the end of this, both of us are going to be world-class dancers,' Rigel reckoned.

With a chuckle, Lord Black pulled out the wand he'd been using, and Rigel, who'd been training with him almost every day noticed the difference. "It's not the same wand." Unlike the Aspen wand with dragon heartstring, the new wand was a darker colour and didn't seem as lively in his grandfather's hands.

"Indeed. This is what I call an alibi wand, as the spells I cast with this, won't be traced on the wand registered to my name. A few of the darker families sometimes purchase them, as well as criminals planning an attack. Expensive, as most wand makers are more than willing to work with the ministry, receiving cheaper materials and tax benefits, but sometimes necessary." He then pointed the tip towards his heir and with a quiet voice and a sorrowful expression, cast a spell of blazing red. While both of them knew that the spell was underpowered, channelled through a desire to train an heir, rather than inflict pain, Rigel clenched his teeth, having experienced it before.

"AAARGHH!" he shouted from the burning heat, thrown to the floor by his own body contracting instinctively in an effort to escape the pain. It took some time before he could stand, and he knew that he needed to resist it. Clamping down with his occlumency, he spoke out hoarsely, "Again." Sirius went to intervene but was stopped by his son, who looked at him with absolute conviction in his shimmering blue eyes. "Again," he reaffirmed, and with clenched teeth groaned as another burst of pain struck him, coursing through his body like an invading virus.

Arcturus looked at the panting boy and brought over a potion he'd brewed in preparation for this week, forcing it down the boy's throat. It wouldn't nullify the pain but would heal the nerves and numb what pain there was, allowing him to continue with his week. Sirius looked at his son with misty eyes, unable to bear the pain of watching his newly acquainted son struck with the same spell that had ruined his friends, the Longbottoms.

"Why? Why would you put yourself through this?"

Surprisingly, it was Jasmine who answered, proving her intelligence was far beyond Harry's, "It's because of him. Because Voldemort isn't dead. Not really. And if he could possess someone once, he could do it again. That's right, isn't it?"

Rigel only nodded to her, explaining to his father the potential of his return or the attack of one of the darker families for harbouring and legally protecting the defeater of their master. Sirius scowled as he remembered the families that had gotten away with literal murder, claiming to have been imperioused in trial. 'A single dose of truth serum would have proven otherwise, but nooo, they give a quick bribe and continue to live at the top of the world,' Sirius seethed. "Besides, Grandfather was right in his explanation of building resilience. Being able to resist it could save my life or those of the people I care about."

The imperious training continued each and every day following Rigel's own private study, physical exercise and duelling practice with Arcturus or Sirius. For better or worse, he was starting to better recognise the feeling of being hit with it, especially since Arcturus had begun casting them when he wasn't looking, or mixing in a confundus and asking him to determine the difference and the intended mission given in each. While a confundus left a person feeling dazed and could be brushed off with occlumency at the first or second stage, depending on the caster, the imperious was less like a gentle nudge and more like the moon to a moth, easy to recognise but FAR harder to resist. 'Regardless of the shit Harry Potter pulled in book four with Mad-Eye. No occlumency and to be frank, a rather weak mind in general. I'm not sure about the original universe, but in this one, there is no fucking way he'd have managed.'


After the second of his Cruciatus sessions, Rigel noted that the time spent writing letters to his friends was driving him mental, which was fitting for his family. "There's a reason muggles use phones, you shitty incompetent wizards," he said leaning back in his chair, head towards the ceiling with his eyes shut. With a sudden snap, his eyelids flipped open and he sprang from the upholstered seat, racing to his drawer.

Pulling out the shard of mirror Sirius had given him, he could now see the glow of the enchanted mirror. Covered in runes that he, unsurprisingly had little knowledge of besides their base functions, he had a brilliant idea.

Giving Corvin the collection of letters and a seeded fig, he left the room, racing down the stairs in the early morning. He knew his grandfather would complain about the lack of decorum, but the possibility was worth the scolding. "Dad?"

"In here." Rigel followed the sound and almost crashed into him in his excitement. "Woah, what's wrong?"

"What? Nothing. Did you make this?" he asked, looking up at his father expectantly. Sirius looked at the mirror with a rueful smile.

"Remus and Lily did most of the making for the mirror, I had a bigger role with the map though." Rigel didn't ask about the map because currently, he knew where he could get it but knowing how this worked could earn him and his family immense wealth and power. "But yes, I was there when this was made, why?"

"Because I need to understand how it," Rigel said, shaking the piece, "was made. I need to know how to connect the recording feature to a viewing one." Sirius was confused by the insistence, but stood from the sofa and returned with a journal from his sixth year. He'd gotten in the habit of writing a journal after he rebelled against his family, finding comfort in writing out his problems while writing about his positive experiences with James and his family made them seem more real.

"Some of the explanation is in here, but I can't help but wonder why you need to know so desperately." Rigel hadn't heard anything after he heard the explanation was in the journal, taking it and taking off to the library single-minded in his goal. With both a basic level exploration of runes on his lap and the journal of his father, the heir sat noting down the runes and placement, later returning with his father's mirror to compare them for shared or differing runes. Drawing out the complete diagram with labelled annotations, he spotted a flaw he would hope to improve on.

While the mirror had been made from one mirror, split into two fragments, thus sharing a 'link,' Rigel hoped to create a magical link between pieces, rather than a physical one, as it would allow for pieces to be more easily connected to each other in a systematic way. Taking what he had, he made his way to his family members, who had left Jasmine to practice some flying inside one of the more spacious training rooms.

"Grandfather, Father. I've mapped out what was done to the mirror." Arcturus had heard his grandson had locked himself in the library but not the reason why, but he was more confused now than before.

"Are you trying to copy it? You'd have to carry around dozens of shards in your bottomless bag just to be able to connect with your friends."

Rigel almost rolled his eyes, catching himself. "That's why I'm trying to improve on it, using a magical connection rather than a physical one. That way someone could choose to connect to a specific piece, making it capable of multiple connections and practical usage."

"Like a phone," Sirius said understandingly. "But you see, there's a whole system that operates th-"

"I know that," the man's son hissed. "I lived in a muggle orphanage, after being raised by a muggle-born." Taking a breath, he continued, "Which is why, I'd like to link each piece with a ID code, like AAA-111-16, which would mean someone could link the call to that specific mirror. People could memorise, or write down who has what code and use them for rapid messaging, and more if my idea works out."

Arcturus was intrigued and raised a question, "but what stops someone from just using a different mirror, or different system?" It was an easy question that seemed like a test more than anything.

"We can patent the device and the service, especially if we make a business for each. And as we make them and own the system, even if someone makes a new device, by then they would have to use our system, which we will charge a subscription fee to use." The bright smile told the boy he'd answered correctly and he sighed with relief.

"Plus, if we can somehow get one piece to connect to multiple simultaneously, we could replicate a tv for live events." Sirius whipped his head around in shock.


Rigel pulled out a diagram explaining it for his father while Arcturus listened like the wizened wizard and investor he was. "Again, if we control the system, we can have one piece record something, for example, a quidditch match, and people could pay an additional fee for a subscription to the service that allows them to connect to that specific program. People from anywhere in England, or the world really, could connect and watch the game from their mirrors."

Sirius was beyond excited imagining the creation of not only instant communication but also tv that would be born using the remnants of his friends' creation. And proud that it was his son that had recognised the potential. Arcturus called for Kreacher and wrote a letter asking for absolute secrecy to its recipient, saying it was an old friend that Arcturus could trust with absolute confidence. That being said, of course, he also began writing out a magical contract enforcing said secrecy. Prepared to use it with his trusted friend in order to provide his family and heir with the potential to dominate the magical world with wealth and opulence once more. 'In a way, this could be a three-generational project. Sirius and his friends made them, Rigel came up with an improved method of use and pointed out some potential runes that to me look like they might work and I will provide a master of rune-work to help develop the devices in exchange for ignoring the rather large debt his family owes me,' Lord Black thought.

It took three days for the mysterious old man to arrive, and in that time both Rigel and Jasmine had received the oratory rune to defend against mind-altering potions and drugs. A process that involved cutting into the roof of one's mouth and healing the cut area while channelling magic through the entire process.

Rigel had been working on his transfiguration, working to turn steam from the kettle into a shark rather successfully when Kreacher presented a guest. Looking over at the man Rigel could only assume he was the trusted man his grandfather mentioned. Rather tall and with a figure similar to Jack Skellington, he was somewhat daunting despite his small frame. He had a warm smile though, rather than the haughty upturned nose someone might expect a Black family guest to hold. His skin was pale, but not just by British standards. The man looked like he would stand out in Scotland for being pale, but thinking of the name Yuri, that left parts of northern Europe as his most likely place of origin.

"Yuri, I'm glad to see you could make it. You must have apparated as soon as you got the owl."

Yuri's voice was rather dry, not unlike Professor Binn's but with how old wizards could get, Rigel wasn't going to hold that against him. "Pretty much. Anything that requires 'Absolute Secrecy,' is usually something dangerous or intriguing. Thus, making time of the essence."

Arcturus shook his hand and passed over the magical contract enforcing absolute secrecy on the topic without the other member's consent whether he accepted the job or not, and with a flick of his wrist, a name in red was signed on the page.

"Yuri Blishin…author of the advanced rune translation book used in 6th-year ancient runes?" Yuri smirked a little at Rigel's shocked expression.

"Indeed. I'm surprised someone so young recognised me." Rigel grew a little embarrassed, not by his comment or celebrity shock factor, but because of one thing.

"I…was reading your book last night trying to figure out possible rune combinations." While Kreacher prepared tea for his masters and their guest, the Blacks provided the entire explanation of the mirror and discussed the potential for it, showing the detailed annotations and mapping Rigel had done of the original mirror.

"I see. While I'm not experienced with muggle contraptions, I can recognise the value this would have if only one of your ideas worked out, let alone both. I assume you want me to work to figure out how to make them connect to multiple 'devices,' as you called them, and create the system itself for the pieces to connect to." At their nods, he bit his knuckle in thought. "And what are you offering me?"

"You and your family's debt to us would be paid off." Yuri was shocked. His uncle, maker of Blishen's Fire whiskey had made an egregious mistake in signing a loan contract without reading it, having trusted him, only to find an interest rate that would make goblins look like kind teddy bears performing charity work in comparison. "I could hold onto the debt your family has, and take legal ownership of everything you own when you die, or…"

"I can help you create possibly the best magical technology since brooms," he finished for him. "Will I be credited as a co-creator?"

Arcturus looked over at Rigel who shrugged. "I can give ideas but realistically I need this to be absolutely prominent and flourishing within two years. Which means you won't have long to work on it, so," he said turning to Yuri. "Still got enough magic for one more runic masterpiece?"


It was a shame for Rigel honestly, as despite the fact he had a world-class runic master in his house, he still had yet to master the basics of the art, so his presence only made to frustrate him, unable to understand the complexities the wizard was talking about with an excited face.

It was lucky that the duelling competition would be happening in a few days, providing the perfect distraction and entertainment as it would be a chance to meet up with school friends for the first time in over a month. The fact his birthday would pass during the tournament was an added bonus, if only for the possibility of winning hours before he turned twelve.

He'd invited multiple people to come watch the duelling tournament, including the Grangers, who were so supportive of a world they hardly understood. And so, with his tussled hair neatly hanging over his eyes and an excited and confident smile on his face Rigel entered the arena building.

With Arcturus back at home with Yuri helping design a patent for the new technology, Sirius escorted both his son and his ward as they moved through the space, drawing attention from other early attendees and those supporting competitors, who had to enrol before a set time or be unable to compete. A giddy middle-aged man in a flamboyant and revolting attire made his way over to the trio, shaking Sirius's hand excitedly despite the ex-Azkaban resident being neither a Lord nor heir himself.

"Hello Mr Black, I am pleased you are in attendance. Are you here to spectate with your son and Miss Potter?"

Sirius had a constipated look on his face due to the man's chipper tone, something both Rigel and Jasmine seemed to understand. "No, Ludo, my son is competing in the tournament." The man turned almost giddy and his rather protruding belly jiggled as he bounced on his feet.

"Are you confident young mister Black?"

"Heir," Rigel corrected with a casual expression but answered nonetheless. "As long as nothing out of the expected happens today or tomorrow, I'm going to take that trophy. And if something does happen, I'll make sure to win anyway," he said with a light-hearted grin. 'No damn way I'm going to let my time with Arcturus lose to some snooty nobles raised by tutors. Not to mention that while there would be a few students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, as some preferred the amazing curriculum and extracurriculars the French offered or the combat specialisation in dark magic and blood purity Durmstrang did, the majority would be from Hogwarts. While Hogwarts had a great history, the only teacher that covered combat in the last 5 years effectively, was Flitwick in Charms.

'When I win this, I will get permission to compete in the international tournament in December. And even better, if Flitwick decides to teach me, I won't be wasting the majority of my time trying to teach myself combat. Even if I told Jasmine about the room of requirement and trained with her, there was still a significant gap between the two, as she realised watching Arcturus and I duel. But with Flitwick teaching me, not only might the duelling club open, but I could build a relationship with the second most magically powerful teacher of Hogwarts and one of the least biased of the lot.'

Being brought out of his thoughts as he saw Ludo leave, Rigel signed the application and waited for the fun day out to begin.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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