
ตอน 21: An Egg and Dojo

As the two Pokemon were about to make impact in the middle of the field. A boulder comes crashing down from above which sent Machoke off balance.


Machoke wincing from the pain, wasn't ready for the {Dragon Rush} as Lairon charged. This made for an easy direct hit which sent the Pokemon flying.


Seeing that Machoke was successfully hit I take a look over at Lairon.

'He seems to be fine, let's keep this up.' I thought to myself seeing Lairon's confident state. The iron armour had its head high, basking in the cheers of the crowd.

"{Rock Tomb} once more and do the same thing." I command not wanting to waste my advantage. I had Machoke on the edge as it was just hit directly while Lairon was still fine.

The downed Pokemon getting up, holds its chest in pain realising this battle won't be so simple for it.

"Machoke get up and use {Bullet Punch} to get through and attack with {Low Sweep}!"


Multiple rocks of similar fashion from before got launched towards Machoke. The Pokemon regaining itself immedietly uses {Bullet Punch}. Multiple boulders were being crushed as Machoke closed the distance, but it couldn't keep up this pace for long as one decisive boulder hits the left side of its body.


Machoke getting hit is sent a few steps back as it wills itself foward. Watching this with a frown I don't change my stretegy.

"Keep a distance Lairon, no need to give up your win condition." I say seeing that Machoke wanted more. "{Rock Slide} now!"

Lairon still having over half of his {Rock Tomb} active, put more of a load on his shoulders as he used another move. Because of Machoke not being at fast with {Bullet Punch} not active, Lairon succesfully pulled off the move to Bea's ire.

"{Focus Energy} and {Dynamic Punch} Machoke, you need to break through." I hear Bea command her Pokemon. Realising that her Pokemon probably still had the strenght to do this, I quickly adapt.

'Thankfully trainers scream out their Pokemons next moves.' I silently thought knowing that almost every trainer does this. This can either be because of a habit or the loud crowd. I'm able to relatively keep myself quiet to the other trainer while making myself hearable to my Pokemon.

"Lairon use {Dragon Rush} now, don't pause even if you might hit your own attack."

With this Machoke used {Focus Energy} at record pace and soon after charged up its fist. With the moutain of rocks heading for the Pokemon, it soon after jumped upwards and punched.

*Crash* *Boom*

A huge shockwave was made which cleared out and canceled the rest of the {Rock Tomb}. Machoke who was landing after using his move saw the incoming Lairon but couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Yes!" I shout seeing this while Bea just furrowed her brows. Lairon rushing up to its opponent which has put up its guard, soon after made impact without any mercy towards its opponent.



And for the second time this battle, a direct hit without any reprucussion impacted Machoke which sent it flying back to its trainer. But this time the Pokemon wouldn't be able to recover.


Machoke landing just in front of its trainer, showed no signs of movement and had swirls in its eyes. With this the last straw on the camels back snapped as the crowd who held in their breathes finaly recovered.

"Lets go Kanto!"

"That was a great battle you two!"

"Best rookies this Indigo League season!"

Multiple cheers were heard across the stadium as it seemed that Bea had earned their respects. Not because of her placement at second, but because of her Pokémon's strength.

Also not beating me whose Kanto's only top 3 trainer also helps.

With the cheers dying down both Bea and I returned our Pokemon before walking up to each other. It was a decent fight but there wasn't much Bea could do there.

Her best bet was to {Bullet Punch} + {Focus Energy}. But for a man who has needed to deal with fighting, grass and water types almost every other day for a year.

You would figure that he would come up with a counter eventually.

'I hate these handshakes so much.' I inwardly complain seeing how awkward it was. I mean my pocket monster just beat yours, what do I say after that?

Good fight?

My iron lizard just clapped your body builder without any direct hits.

Stretching out my hands, Bea does the same as we awkwardly shake each others hand to acknowledge the battle to which Bea nodded afterwards.

Soon after this the top three contestants which included me were told to stand on a podium to show us off.

Considering the tournament's prizes are a one time thing every start of the Indigo League. Additionally it's kind of a tradition for everyone to watch the first Rookie tournament which added to the pressure.

Thankfully people who started their journeys a few year back or veterans couldn't join, or else we would get destroyed no questions asked.

Making my way to the podium the staff have set up, a man wearing a suit came up to each of us individually and gave out the rewards.

I couldn't be bothered to find out his identity, but he shows up in a lot of contests is what I remember.

"Congratulations on receiving third place in this years first Rookie tournament!" The man announces which he repeated for second place till he later did the same for me.

The ceremony wasn't anything too special but my rewards were quite nice.

250k which is enough to last me my while Indigo League trip. "I wouldn't need to battle for anymore money" if I was non-sponsored trainer that didn't care about TMs.

Heap loads of Pokemon food I'll probably keep for the distant future of my Crystal Onix. Only god knows how much that thing will cost to maintain. My fourth item was a coupon I could use for any convenience store to stock up on supplies.

It has an infinite use until the end of the Indigo Season.

While the last prize is a Pokemon egg to which I'm not sure will be apart of my team, but we will wait and see.

"Here is your final prize Forrest." The man says happily while giving me an incubator. Looking at the incubator I could see an egg which had distinct colours.

"Thank you sir, I'll raise this Pokemon well." I say with a bright smile taking the incubator. The guy smiling back at me makes his way down the stage marking the end of the tournament.

(A/N: Can you guess what Pokemon it is? I don't want to describe the egg because it's too easy to find out and if none of y'all guess it right I'm disappointed.

On another note none of you guys guessed what Brock was gonna catch right. I thought it was obvious but apparently not because of you guys over complicating the wrong hints. Like I gave y'all hints, but you guys checked the wrong sentences 😂 )

Pumping my fist out towards the crowd. It reinvigorates most of them to clap and cheer more seeing that I won.

"Forrest you're the best rookie this year!"

"Scyther's back hurts from carrying the tournament."

"Fuck these foreigners!"

"Show us Clefairy!"

Hearing the constant incoming words of the crowd, I just proceed to zone off in thought.

'I should go get my Pokemon healed up.' I thought to myself realising that I need to check up on Scyther's condition.

Quickly leaving the stadium after all said was over, I put on my mask and cap which in hindsight didn't help too much.

I don't think the audience remembers my pink mask


"All your Pokemon should be fine if they keep off the stress of a full body training. Loads of stretches suited for your Pokemon especially Scyther would help as well." Nurse joy rants on to which I nod. Mentally noting most of her words I suddenly remember one of the things I wanted to ask.

"Thanks for the help Nurse Joy but I wanted to ask you for a favour. Could you teach my Clefairy {Heal Pulse} through your Chancey?" I asked to which got a mixed reply from Nurse Joy.

"I would be glad to help but I've never really tried it before. One of my cousins from Vermillion City is more experienced in this department." Hearing Nurse Joy say this I excitedly nod finaly getting a confirmation. The Nurse Joy from Vermillion would be getting a confirmation call from here so there shouldn't be any problems.

"Thanks so much!"

With these words said I was finally out of the Pokecentre. There was still a few things I wanted to do in Saffron like a certain Allied gym challenge.

Taking out a Pokeball, I sent out my trusty and very not bullied Clefairy.


"Clefairy?" The little fluff ball with a confused tone looked up at me. Her attitude soon changed though as she got tears in her eyes and went in for a hug "Fairyyyy!"

"I'm sorry for returning you, I had to focus up on the battles." I apologise to which Clefairy just nodded but got a stubborn look afterwards. With a firm grasp, Clefairy nudged itself into my arms making sure it would feel comfortable.

Seeing this I couldn't help but giggle at the comical scene of a relaxed Clefairy.

"We still got a few objectives for today, it's to visit one of the two gyms in this City." I say shuddering. Remembering my early experiences before arriving at Saffron, I got a really bad feeling.

My first objective is to visit the Fighting-dojo which acts as an allied gym.

But I'm not aiming towards the gym badge for the most part. The real kicker is that if you beat the gym you get a Pokemon.

Now I'm not one for giving up a free Pokemon. But the chance of a bred Pokemon with egg moves, count me in.


Opening my Pokedex I soon after found the location through the gps feature and was heading here. On the way to the dojo though, Clefairy spots her favourite type of place.

"Fairy clefairy!" Clefairy ecstatically freaks out seeing a cafe. Remembering that her privilege was taken away due to bad behaviour though, I get a cheeky grin.

"Don't you remeber what I said though, you aren't allowed any hot cocoa for a few weeks." I evilly said with a wide smirk.

Clefairy hearing this remembers those fateful words and how wicked, immoral, ungodly and wrongful they were.

She was just supporting her older brother.

Why would her master do this to her? The tragedy of this situation practically brought her to tears.

After consoling the little Pokemon by telling it if it worked hard to to learn {Heal Pulse} I'll let the punishment slide. To which Clefairy promptly agreed to.

I made it to the dojo after a few detours to stock up on supplies using my new 20% off coupon.

The dojo what used to be considered an official gym, was forcefully taken away by Sabrina which was quite the blessing in disguise for Saffron.

This is because there were now two power houses guarding the City boosting its economy and dropping crime rates.

"That looks clean." I comment looking at the entrance. It had a traditional Japanese design to it with a grey roof eaves and a wooden double door.

To the sides of the entrance were two walls that encased the whole place with a similar design to the entrance with grey tiles.

Opening the double doors I get greeted to the sight of two huge battlefields the size of a football pitch. One side had Hitmonlees battles while the other had Hitmonchans.

"Fairy?" The fairy Pokemon looked confused seeing the vast amount of Pokemon training ferociously.

"It's called training, im not sure if you've heard of it because you constantly eat sweets and drink hot cocoa." I sarcastically joke which made the little Pokemon pout.

Jumping out of my embrace Clefairy got on the floor and proceeded to copy a Hitmonchan she saw and do some punches.

"Cle cle cle fairy!"

Watching the cute scene of Clefairy throwing punches. I couldn't help but take pictures and record the scene like a doting parent.

While this was happening a person walked up to us.

"Hello trainer I welcome you to the dojo, I assume you're here to challenge the leader?"

(A/N: I'm sorry for the late chapter guys. I've had a headache recently and have been mostly sleeping. Ty for reading this fanfic, means a lot to see your guy's comments on each chapter!)

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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