
ตอน 5: Chapter 5 Ritas 2/2

Hendrickson POV

After taking out all bandits i turned around to spectate fight between Claus and Vildrus

*BOOM!! A sword meet sword and shockwave appeared as a reaction

*SISH ! Another clash of swords before they jumped away to get distance from each other by at least 10 meters.

"Try this!!" Shouted Vildrus before using his magic. " Wind Slash!" A Wind enveloped Vildrus sword before it was aimed at Claus and something akin to beams were thrown at Claus who dodged them by stepping aside.

"Oh, truly interesting tricks you have but. NOT ENOUGH!" Screamed Claus before pointing tip of his index finger of right hand at Vildrus, " Ray!" A beam of purple light exploded from Claus finger, hurling at Vildrus who wasn't prepared for it and had to block it with his sword.

"Tch"Vildrus was pushed back 6 meters by Ray before it magically dissipated . But he w

"This is my magic, Mana Control, allows me to control my mana to almost incredible level, i can envelop my body with it, create beams, weapons and so much i still haven't discovered!!" Shouted Claus in exaggeration , before pointing his sword at Vildrus and shouting !" Ultra Ray!!"

This time it wasn't small beam of purple light, but beam at least wide of 20 centimeters came hurling at Vildrus.

This time Vildrus was prepared ," Wind Barrier." A barrier made out of wind pressure alone. Barrier was not only able to push back Ultra Ray but also to re-direct it back at Claus.

"Fantastic abilities you possess, maybe you could join me?" Offered Claus just before it was hit by his own Ultra Ray, but instead of damaging him or anything similar it just dissipated before turning into mana and returning to Claus.

"No," Vildrus simply stated before wind enveloped his body, hurling him at Claus at great speed.

*CLASH! Swords meet again, this time Vildrus had advantage , and pushing Claus back.

But he only pushed Claus by 4 meters before it came to a stop.

"Fool !" Shouted Claus before using his right hand to place it in front of Vildrus face, and materializing purple Ball in it." EX Ray!" Before he could fire his new attack his arm got cut off, by no one other than Hendrickson who appeared on his right side.

"You dropped your guard, fool." I said slashing at Claus , but he dodged it in last nano-second. And jumping ten meters away from us.

"AGGH, you will pay for this ! You old bastard!! " Screamed Claus before pointing his sword at Hendrickson and Vildrus this time successfully using EX Ray, to say it was strong attack would be understatement, attack was 2 meters wide, and was destroying everything in it's path, created a literal trench but alas if Hendrickson and Vildrus dodged this attack Linda and Viktus would die , as carriage are behind them by 23 meters.

"Tch, i hoped this would be my trump card." I though aloud , just before EX Ray could reach me , i activated one of the strongest if not strongest attack in my arsenal." Enchant Hellblaze." I stated before my sword was enveloped in Dark Flames from demon world itself, before slashing with my sword at approaching attack, mercilessly cutting it into two, but my attack didn't stop it continued, cutting everything in it's path, and arrogant Claus.

"AARGH!" It was last sound that escaped from Claus mouth, which was permanently shut ..

AN: This was first fight i wrote in long time ,i hope it was enough to introduce you to power system.

[Ding! Mission Completed!]

[Reward of 40,000 SP is added into User SP currency.]

A silence fell all over four still alive people, of which three are staring at Hendrickson with. Before it was broken by Vildrus.

"Your rank must be S-Class at least, Sir Hendrickson, no Lord Hendrickson. You saved my life here , and you deserve respect." Stated Vildrus bowing his head down in gratitude.

"I can't just lose my transport can't i? " I laughed, with pretty much everyone here.


"Sir Hendrickson, you truly were strong Holy Knight in your prime." Stated or Asked Linda?

"Hmm, well , we should continue our travel?" I asked for confirmation before i heard Vildrus voice.

"Wait! Lord Hendrickson , take Claus head , you will get 200,000x Silver coins for head by guild. It was quest assigned by Crimson Knights for head of course." Explained Vildrus.

"Hmm ." I though ' That amount of money would be pretty good, maybe i would be able to buy a house with it. ' " Lady Linda, do you happen to have one bag?"

"Wait a second, " She answered before climbing into trailer and taking out a bag, big enough to fit two heads for sure and throwing it at me.

"I'm truly thankful ," I responded before walking up to Claus body before severing hid head and throwing into bag.

"Oh no, we were thankful, without you .." It was left unsaid.

Hour and half later, in Ritas.

"I hope we would see each other again,Linda." I stated simply as i jumped of carriage, followed by Vildrus. After i saved her it could be said that we became acquaintance, and drooped of with formalities, same could be said with Vildrus

"I hope so too, Hendrickson."

"Well, Vildrus . Show the way Crimson Knight base in Ritas." I politely asked Vildrus who nodded before walking in direction and i followed.

As we walked i was able to look around . And i must say this town is beautiful for sure. It has over 70,000 citizens and hundreds of Holy Knights. Dozens of Orders.

'Thankfully i was able to mask my magic presence or every Holy Knight in this town would have been able to sense me, but now when i try to feel magic presences there are over a thousands of relatively strong ones.' I though still continuing to look at medieval style building with different color schemes or styles, some look blocky like modern building while others pointy , and there are also towers ..

5x minutes of walk, both of them are now in front of a building, a red building with words in purple color " Crimson Knights"

As Vildrus opened door i followed after him . And we were meet by 7 Knights all different in some way.

'Let's use status .' I though before using it, but i was also disappointed , strongest out of 7 has power level of 700, it seem it's true. Higher power levels such as over 1,000 are rare but over over 2,000 are even rarer and only dozens of 3,000 exist in Human territory, 30 of them in fact are confirmed and 20 are in Kingdom of Lios. (Demon Power Levels are unknown to Humanity but Dukes have power levels of over 2,000 at least]

"OH, Vildrus you returned!" Shouted female Holy Knight before running up to Vildrus and hugging him..

"Yes , yes i did." Responded Vildrus before adding." Elena."

"Oh, who is man behind you?" Asked Elena motioning at Hendrickson.

"This is Hendrickson , man who actually saved me from Claus the Rogue Holy Knight and," Stated Vildrus before motioning at Elena, "is my little sister, Elena."

"WHAT!!!" Uproar happened from all occupants in room, all looked at Hendrickson with unbelievable eyes.

"Impossible, a man with such strength would be famous or pretty well known, is there a proof that he only fought Claus?" Asked another Holy Knight who walked up to group, to inspect Hendrickson closer, a 8 knight from another room.

"I not only fought him, i killed him." I said before throwing my bag at the feet of unknown Holy Knight, and head rolled out of it."

"We will have to confirm if it's real," Said Holy Knight before picking Claus head , inspecting it and throwing it at another knight. " Elr, use blood magic, to make sure it's real, " Ordered Holy Knight.

"Ok," Answered Erl before chanting something at head , before red circle was formed above it and confirming suspicion of everyone." It is Claus head."

"Hmm, Arol, get 200,000 silver coins out of our treasure , Sir Hendrickson, are you for a cup of cold beer?" Asked Holy Knight turning around to look at Hendrickson this time with recognition , of a warrior.

"Why not." I answered before following Holy Knight , stepping at stairs and above before what appeared to be his office.

"Please, take a seat, Sir Hendrickson." Stated still unknown Holy Knight before, " My name is Aldarion, i'm knight stationed to be leader of Crimson Knights in Ritas."


Name: Aldarion

Age : 34

Titles : Holy Knight, S-Class

Magic :750

Strength : 750

Spirit : 600

Total : 2,100

Chapter Word Count 1411

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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