The following week, Alterra received visits from a few Lords. One was none other than their new (secret) ally, Yassop. He was with Ladron, who went back via the array before it closed to escort him to Alterra.
Yassop was beyond the level cap so he was not able to use the array, but they did leave for Alterra the same day he received the notification. He arrived the afternoon of the following day and there, he found out just how truly different Alterra was.
At the same time, he lost confidence in even getting an alliance.
When Alterra returned the slaves without a proper explanation, he was just confused. Ladron also didn't know why, and he just passed on what they told him.
Anyway, at first, it didn't make any sense. Even if they were unskilled, they were still hard labor with minimal costs to maintain.
Last few chaps before time skip! What do you wanna see~? (timeskip ~7 or 8 months)