A/N: One more chapter later today~ I looked at my stockpile and it seems like I can upload some bonus chaps every Sunday after this!
For this December '24, I can do the +1 bonus chap if we retain Top 2 and I'll try to do +3 Bonus chaps if we land Top 1 for the week~ (Hopefully, we don't lose it during the last few hours of the month again like last time lol SOBS)
Regardless, all support would be loved and appreciated! *HUGS* Your support keeps the story alive!
On to the story~
Elsewhere, there were plenty of other reunions abound.
For example: Ghesso, after making the announcement, only had to wait at the park outside the Village Center.
Novas had quite the distinct features—they looked very different from Terrans or the locals—so they found each other very easily.
"Ghesso!" Gaudi yelled from afar, immediately running to his old friend. Ghesso flinched as he stood up.
Hint: The Novans will have smthg to do with our next and final satellite. Guess what place it will be?