"I see it! I see the light!" Tot yelled, eyes wide as they fixed on the only source of light they had other than the eerie two moons.
Many others also saw, but they did not dare get too excited.
They were hopeful but also cynical. Maybe they were dreaming?
However, more and more people saw the light coming from the same direction, and everyone felt like crying.
Immediately, they rushed towards it, just the sight of Light adding energy to their otherwise half-dead bodies.
However, even after running for a while, the light was still far away, and they realized that it was not as near as they thought.
"It's actually farther than I thought. What could be causing such a brightness?" Tot asked, eyebrows furrowed.
Cree was running along with them, and his eyes were narrowed. "It might be the Lighthouse, a special building some richer territories could afford."
Poor guys xDDD