Soon, they were surrounded by Fargo guards and their team immediately raised their weapons.
Crow narrowed his eyes at them, analyzing. Because their level differences weren't high, it wasn't easy to determine their levels accurately.
There was no guard in their temporary team, and he was the strongest one at level 8. Crow then looked at the enemies and the highest seemed to be around level 7, though most of them ranged from level 5-6.
Crow looked at the others and nodded at them, gesturing towards a narrow alleyway. They understood what he was talking about, and they immediately moved upon his signal.
They went back to back and targeted a random side to open a path to them. Sunny was one of the shieldsmen in the team and she held out her Class D shield, pushing forward along with others. Behind her were the spearmen and swordsmen who would stab through the gaps between the shields.
Thank you for reading and supporting, Alterans~! Esp. I also saw a few sending golden tickets (some in bulk!) and gifts! Love you!
Come on come on!