Baron stared at the now-empty pot with regret, and it was only now that he had the mind to return to the previous topic.
"You've been to the other side of this place." He asked, "Then do you know where the Village center is?"
The others looked at him with interest, Baron continued speaking. "Other than looking for you guys, we were also walking around, determining where it is after we saw the announcement.
"My cousin is an engineer, but she didn't really practice much.
"Her hobby was mostly carpentry, she auctioned off a number of special resin tables and carved furniture." Baron sold his cousin proudly like it was all his achievements.
"She's living in the other house though, she was injured a bit during our final run before arrows from the towers killed the monsters chasing us..."
Sheila, Harold, and the others nodded. They remembered this person. She was very strong, standing tall even when her body was gushing with blood.
Thanks for the continuous support guys! I LOVE YOU ALL