* before the name means among those they own there is a shiny
# before the name means they have a mega evolved version
I'll only list fully evolved pokemon even of pokemon Pete has only in egg form to make it easier for me, and I will sort them based on their primary typing for everything that isn't fairy for Pete. Everything that has a secondary typing (or primary/secondary in case of fairy) I will put in (typing) behind the name. Comment if you think I missed something.
|| Pete's Pokemon [Affinities: fairy, grass, ground, psychic, water, ice]:
Psychic: *#Reuniclus (ice), Espeon, Meowstic, Gallade (fighting)
Fairy: #Milotic (water), Dedenne (electric), Alcremie, Gardevoir (psychic), Togekiss (flying), Azumarill (water), Whimsicott (grass), Florges, Carbink (rock), Sylveon, Comfey, Slurpuff, Wigglytuff (normal), Hatterene (psychic), Mimikyu (ghost), Primarina (water), Alolan Ninetales (ice)
Ground: *Golurk (ghost), Flygon (dragon), Terreon (ground Eeveelution, OC)
Water: *Slowbro (psychic), Milotic, Swampert (ground), Ludicolo (grass), Empoleon (steel)
Grass: Sunflora, Serperior, Torterra (ground), *Jumpluff (flying), Flapple,(dragon), Shiftry (dark), Breloom (fighting), Leafeon
Fire: Arcanine, Rapidash, Blaziken (fighting), Talonflame (flying)
Fighting: Conkeldurr
Poison: Nidoking, Dragalge (dragon)
Steel: Metagross (psychic), Klinklang, Corviknight (flying)
Dragon: Dragonite (flying), Altaria (flying)
Dark: Zoroark, Umbreon, Absol, Liepard
Electric: Zebstrika, Jolteon, Alolan Raichu (psychic)
Normal: Cinccino, *Miltank, Farigiraf (psychic), Farfetch'd (flying), Smeargle, Drampa (dragon), Eevee
Bug: Vespiquen (flying), *Combee ♂ (flying)
Ice: Glaceon
Flying: -
Ghost: -
|| Jasmine's pokemon [Affinities: ground, rock, grass]:
Steel: Steelix (ground),
Ground: Gliscor (flying), Donphan, Rhyperior (rock), Flygon (dragon)
Grass: #Torterra (ground)
Water: *Quagsire (ground)
Dragon: Garchomp (ground)
|| Courtney's pokemon [Affinities: fire, ice, grass, water (Suicune's blessing)]:
Ground: Flygon (dragon)
Fire: Camerupt (ground)
Ice: Mamoswine (ground), Glaceon
Bug: Leavanny (grass)
Grass: *Torterra (ground)
Electric: Ampharos
Normal: Eevee
Water: Quagsire (ground), Vaporeon
Rock: Bastiodon (steel)
|| Valerie's pokemon [Affinities: fairy, electric, flying, psychic]:
Fairy: Aromatisse, Mawile (steel), Sylveon, Azumarill (water), Togekiss (flying), Dedenne (electric), Gardevoir (psychic), Ribombee (bug), Florgess (grass)
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