(Listed as found chronogically)
Updated whenever I feel like it. Comment here if you feel like I missed something.
Sandstorm (rock), Solar Beam (grass), Fire Blast (fire), Hyper Beam (normal), Reflect (psychic), Safeguard (normal), Hidden Power (X), Dig (ground), Surf (water), Rest (psychic), Dragon Claw (dragon), Moonlight (fairy), Poison Jab (poison), Hone Claws (dark), Aerial Ace (Flying), Ancient Power (Rock), Flash Cannon (Steel), Shadow Ball (Ghost)
(This is slightly AU; for example: eating one Rawst berry won't suddenly cure Anakin of all his burns when Obi-Wan chucked him into lava because he had the high ground. It's all going to be a little more realistic but still stupid OP compared to Earth food. Berries also do something else that's going to be discovered/discussed later in the journey. No spoilers for that, until I edit it in. Maybe. You could guess.)
Oran Berry
- blue, round, pimpled, like an orange, really
- grows on trees with coral-colored leaves
- aids in wound recovery
- great food additive, can be consumed daily
Leppa Berry
- red top, yellow bottom, two long green leaves on the stem, think of two-colored apples
- grows on bushes with five-seven pink leaves around each berry, brambled thorny branches
- aids in energy/stamina recovery
Rawst Berry
- light blue strawberries, literally
- small, knee-high leaf-y bushes, like strawberry bushes just with orange leaves
- aids in burn recovery
- can be eaten or mushed and spread on wounds
Pecha Berry
- looks like a peach
- trees with grey and green leaves, never grow taller than roughly Pete's chest height
- acts as an antidote to most poisons
Lum Berry
- looks like an unripe, green plum
- grows on single stalk plants with silver grey leaves, a single stalk may never grow more than 4 berries at the same time naturally
- great remedy for common illnesses and abnormal symptoms like muscle stiffness, etc.
Cheri Berry
- looks like a bright red cherry
- trees with very short branches and light blue leaves
- aids in paralysis recovery
Chesto Berry
- isn't technically a berry but a nut, like a chestnut
- taste a little bitter and are very dry
- trees have very bushy coral colored leaves
- acts like a stimulant when tired, likely contains caffeine or a caffeine-like substance
Aspear Berry
- looks like a bright yellow pear with green markings
- trees have bright red leaves and are almost 1.5x the size of Pete when fully grown
- helps with blood circulation and aids immensely in curing hypothermia
Persim Berry
- looks like a slightly elongated salmon-colored persimmon
- trees have bright blue leaves and grow wide
- helps calm the mind
Razz Berry & Bluk Berry
- look like raspberries and blueberries
- trees look identical, except Razz Trees have white leaves and Bluk Trees have pale red leaves
- ease aggression and soothes strong emotions
Mago Berry
- looks like pink, yellow tipped mix between chili and a pig's tail but tastes like mango
- trees look like very short apple trees with pink trunks
- similarly nutritious like Oran Berries and aids in wound recovery to a lesser degree
- sweet taste makes this berry particularly popular with most young pokemon and children
Occa Berry
- look like orange cacao fruit pods
- trees look like short palm trees with green leaves arranged in an upside-down bell
- helps in wound recovery for burns, though not as a paste on wound application
- if properly processed can be used to make chocolate milk like beverages
Rindo Berry
- look like pea pods for three to four peas with a slight curve
- trees look like pink spheres with very small pink leaves and beige trunks
- can be pressed into an oil, highly nutritious and widely applicable
- to a small degree hinders grass type energy from causing damage to a pokemon who recently ate the berry
(I won't list food that's literally Earth food just spelled different in the pokemon world. If I write they are close enough to the Earth counterpart like the potatoes in Chapter 5, I'll call them potatoes. No need to make this more complicated than needed)
I scramble the words of stuff the food plants are closest to in Earth terms. Like the berries where rawst berry is just straw berry with the first part scramled. (pecha = peach, Leppa = apple, etc.)
Yoseban Tree
- grows fist sized fruit with grey skin that turn light-green when ripe
- literally tofu, just has a taste close to Farfetch'd meat (e.g. chicken, just a little more fatty like duck) according to the books Pete finds
- Yoseban is just the word soybean
Bocan Mushrooms
- stalk looks like jerky meat, cap is blood red and wrinkled with white 'veins' running through both
- too much at once slows down heart rate; the responsible toxin is either countered with Pecha berries or digested after a few days, so no overconsumption or you ded
- Bocan is just the word bacon
The MC and I are not vegan. But since he (read: I) is also not a butcher, someone who finds cleaning guts, blood getting everywhere and stuff icky, he won't kill pokemon for meat consumption. It's why I created a few plants that he could eat that would substitute meat for him. That also makes way more sense to me than every human on the pokemon planet eating a Pidgey a day.
He will still drink milk, make moomoo cheese (eventually, I guess) and definitely eat some yummy honey.
Still not sure what to do about eggs. Obviously people don't eat regular pokemon eggs casually. If you have ideas, comment here.
Also Tauros steaks make no hecking sense to me. Who the heck would be stupid enough to raise pokemon for slaughter that can learn hecking Giga Impact naturally? Who? Rich people of course. Honestly PETA in that world should just grab a Hyper Beam or Earthquake TM in that world and sneak into the farm one night. Goodbye meat industry.
Tauros steak is therefore a super luxury item that I will not incorperate in MC's farm.
Fish can go eat a bag of sticks though, I have no problem with cleaning fish by the river, so Magikarp and all the other random fish pokemon are on the menu.
[Pete Lang: MC of this story]
[Professor Elm: He is it.]
[Vivian: Wife of Professor Elm, has several Johto starter pokemon]
[Benny: Elm and Vivian's son]
[Clara: Blacksmith in New Bark, has several Lairon and other Aron line pokemon]
[Valentino: Assistant at Professor Elm's lab, responsible for gathering field data, has Aggron and Tyranitor (pokemon of his father), 2x Lapras]
[Fred: Assistant at Professor Elm's lab, compiles data, married to Becca, has Scyther and 2 unknown pokemon]
[Becca: Assistant at Professor Elm's lab, responsible for research, married to Fred, has only 1 unknown pokemon]
[Herbert Feelgood: Seed merchant, friend of Vivian, has Exeggutor]
[Isabelle Feelgood: Herbert's wife]
[Lucifern Feelgood :Eldest son, makes money by selling Corviknight eggs, wife Chloe has a Togetic, has a shiny Corviknight]
[Lily ~: Married to Tom, mother of Emily, second child, loves color pink, has pink Starmie (Pinkan Berry variant) ]
[Tom: brother of Orange League Gym Leader Cissy [Mikan Island], has a Raichu]
[Rose Feelgood: has currently unnamed girlfriend, third child]
[Buddy Feelgood: fourth child - will likely inherit the seed company, has Exeggutor, Blastoise]
[Sophie Feelgood: Twin sister of Jasmine, fifth child - wants to be fashion designer, has Jasmine's Corsola, 2x Milotic]
[Jasmine Feelgood: Twin sister of Sophie, sixth child, future gym leader of Olivine City, MC love interest, has Mega Torterra, Steelix, Gliscor, Garchomp, 2x Rhyperior, Claydol, Excadrill, shiny Quagsire, Camerupt]
[Nurse Joy of Violet City: Betty Joy, helped Reuniclus (then Solosis) learn Heal Pulse. Learned about Comfee and became one of the Nurse Joys of the Alola expansion. Currently in Alola, has at least one Blissey and one Comfee]
[Courtney: originally future Team Magma admin, became second hand on Pete's farm after his visit to Hoenn, has Camerupt, Mamoswine, shiny Vileplume,...]
[Whitney: Gym Leader of Goldenrod City. Has Miltank, 2x Farigiraf, Lickilicky,...]
[Steven Stone: Champion of the Hoenn region, has shiny Mega Metagross and his original team + Carracosta from Pete's cover fossil]
[Leona: Gym leader of Mossdeepy City gym in Hoenn, aunt of future gym leaders Liza and Tate. Guardian of Mt Pyre, has a shiny Claydol, Farigiraf, Starmie, Hypno, Gardevoir]
[Clair: Gym Leader of Blackthorn City and cousin of Champion Lance. Has Mega Altaria, Charizard, Aerodactyl, Dragonite and several of its evo line, Gyarados,...]
[Iris: Future Gym Leader and Champion in Unova, has roots in Blackthorn City, has future Haxorus, Hydreigon (pokemon of her father),...]
[Bugsy: Future Gym Leader of Azalea Town in Johto, has Scyther, Beedrill,...]
[Valerie: Originally future Gym Leader in Kalos, fashion designer, has Sylveon, Mawile, Aromatisse, future Togekiss, future Gardevoir, future Azumarill,...]
[Luna: niece of Kanto's elite 4 Bruno, long time friend of Goldenrod City Gym Leader Whitney, interior designer + architect, has several Aron and Magnemite and its evolutions]
[Carl: father of Luna, brother of Bruno, a little crazy - runs construction company, has several Machop and its evolutions]
[Paolo: owner of the bistro Alola's Touch. Calls Pete 'Recipe Professor' for his cook books and berry cider created with typing energy. Alolan native, has Alolan Raichu]
[Professor Oak: The original from Kanto]
[Professor Sycamore: Professor from Kalos, specializes in mega evos, loves drinking cider]
[Pryce: Original Gym Leader of Mahogany Town in Johto, nobody likes him. He likes ice (pokemon)]
[Old Man Preston: Original Gym Leader of rock type gym Olivine City [Gentleman Preston is a gym trainer in Olivine in the gym (he has no steel pokemon)], has Rampardos, Tyranitar, Golem, Growlithe]
[Giovanni: Original Gym Leader Viridian City in Kanto, Leader of Team Rocket, currently in hiding. Pokemon on the level of champion Lance of Kanto. Has ex-Mega Beedrill, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Golem, Alakazam, Persian, Magmortar,...]
Tell me if I missed someone
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