63.63% Pokemon! The real deal! / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Protect the Donphan!

บท 12: Chapter 12: Protect the Donphan!

"Like I said, hand over the Donphan and nobody has to get hurt... H-Hey hold on a second..." Butch said as he slowly recognized Kai.

"You! Well, well, what are the fucking chances of this, my luck just can't get any better right now!" He yelled, laughing to himself.

"I'm gonna make you pay for what you did the other day you snot-nose little shit, mark my words!" Butch yelled.

"Not my fault you are such a sore loser that you have to resort to stealing Pokemon!" Kai yelled back, clearly striking a nerve.

"You little shit, get them!" Butch yelled, ordering his lackeys to attack.

"Do you know this person?" The girl asked, reading the situation.

"You could say something like that," Kai said, watching as both of the thugs in front of him and Ethan threw their Pokeball's out ready to battle.

"Go Nuzleaf!"

"Go Sneasel!" Each of the grunts shouted, revealing their Pokemon.


"Nuzleaf!" The Pokemon said, clearly up for a fight.

"Wow, what is that Pokemon?" Ethan asked, quickly taking out his Pokedex.

"I don't think this is the time for that," Kai said, already knowing what it was.

"Nuzleaf. This Pokémon pulls out the leaf on its head and makes a flute with it. The sound of Nuzleaf's flute strikes fear and uncertainty in the hearts of people lost in a forest. It hails from the Hoenn region." The Pokedex said as it scanned the Pokemon.

"No way, that Pokemon is from another region?" Ethan asked having never seen it before.

"That's right kid, I got a hook-up with a friend of mine who's from the Hoenn region." The Nuzleaf's trainer said with a smirk.

"Enough chit-chat, use slash Sneasel!" The Sneasel's trainer shouted.

"Sandshrew, counter with rapid spin!" Kai yelled, deciding he would take on the Sneasel.

"I guess I've got this one, go Cyndaquil!" Ethan shouted, throwing his Pokeball into action.

"Quil!" Cyndaquil yelled as its flames roared to life.

Sandshrew and Sneasel clashed as tried to use its sharp claws to attack, while Sandshrew curled up into a ball spinning as it countered with its hard shell, knocking the Sneasel back.

"Darn it, Sneasel use icy wind and attack from a distance.

"Sandshrew use dig!" Kai yelled, knowing that an icy wind attack would do a lot of damage to his Sandshrew.

"However, thanks to rapid spins speed boost, Sandshrew quickly burrowed underground avoiding the icy chill from Sneasel before it burst up from behind and slammed into its back, knocking it to the ground.

"Cyndaquil use ember!"

"Nuzleaf, dodge it and user razor wind!"

Both trainers shouted their commands to their Pokemon watching as they jumped into action with Cyndaquil shooting a small blast of fire at the Nuzleaf.

However, Nuzleaf jumped into the air before it placed its hands together, creating a small whirlwind between them.

"Let it have it, Nuzleaf!" Its trainer yelled.

"Leaf!" Nuzleaf shouted, whipping its armed down in the air as it unleashed its attack.

"Cyndaquil use quick attack!" Ethan yelled, seeing that the blasts of wind Nuzleaf had fired looked powerful.

Cyndaquil burst into action, zipping past the Nuzleaf's attacks before it headbutted the Grass Pokemon in the face, knocking it back a little from the force.

"Nuzleaf use pound!"

Leaf!" Nuzleaf said, planting its back foot on the ground before it punched Cyndaquil, landing a mean shot on the small Pokemon's face, knocking it to the ground.

"That's what I'm talking about! Now finish it off with a leaf blade!"

"Nuzleaf!" The Pokemon yelled before it pulled a leaf from its head, making it look like a sword.

Ethan knew that the Nuzleaf was stronger than his Cyndaquil, but the fact it was a grass type and weak to fire meant he still had the advantage, all he had to do was land one attack.

"Cyndaquil use smokescreen!" Ethan shouted, getting Cyndaquil to cover the battleground with a large cloud of smoke to blind Nuzleaf, giving him a little time.

"I don't think so kid, Nuzleaf use razor wind to get rid of that smoke!"

Nuzleaf did as its trainer commanded, whipping up a small whirlwind to blast the smokescreen away, only to reveal Cyndaquil had closed the gap on it, having run through the smoke screen toward the Nuzleaf to get close to it.

"Just as I thought, now Cyndaquil use ember again!" Ethan shouted, knowing there was no way they could miss from this distance, having planned this from the start.

"Nuzleaf, dodge it with a quick attack!" Its trainer yelled, trying to get it to avoid the attack, however, due to the build-up that razor wind took, Nuzleaf was stuck in a bad spot for another second, giving Cyndaquil the perfect chance to blast it with a powerful attack.

"Quil!!!" Cyndaquil yelled, unleashing its most powerful ember attack at point-blank range, blasting the Nuzleaf with a powerful flame before it dropped to the ground unable to fight.

"No way... Nuzleaf!" Its trainer yelled, knowing it was game over for him only having the one Pokemon as he returned it to its Pokeball.

"Damn it Sneasel, use icy wind!" The Sneasel's trainer yelled, watching as Kai's Sandshrew hit it was a strong dig attack doing a lot of damage.

"Don't give it the chance Sandshrew use sand attack!" Kai yelled, getting his Sandshrew to quickly hit the Sneasel in the face with dirt from the ground, interrupting its icy wind attack and giving him the chance to finish it.

"Now rapid spin!" Kai yelled, watching as Sandshrew smashed another hit into the Sneasel, knocking it down and out for the count, leaving its trainer without any more Pokemon.

"Looks like we made short work of your goons, Butch!" Kai shouted, seeing that he was pissed.

"For crying out loud, do I have to do everything myself!" Butch yelled, taking out two of his Pokeballs.

"We're sorry boss..." One of his lackies said, slowly backing off a little from Ethan's Cyndaquil.

"I'll handle these brats myself! Go, Machoke, Graveler and Ursaring!" Butch yelled, throwing all of his Pokeballs at the same time.



"Ursa!" All of his Pokemon roared, getting ready for a fight.

Kai looked over to Ethan, who did the same thing looking at him, both of them knowing this was going to be a tough one.

"I won't let you do as you please and steal my Pokemon!" The girl suddenly yelled joining both Kai and Ethan.

"Come on Donphan, lets teach these thugs a lesson!" She said, getting her Donphan to blow its trunk in response, looking like it was ready to fight.

"Well isn't that cute, all three of you want to take me on, fine. Prepare to die!" Butch yelled.

"Get them!" He then shouted to his Pokemon, giving them the go-ahead to do as they pleased.

A triple battle... Kai thought, remembering them come to the Black and white games for the first time.

Kai also knew that if Butch was just giving his Pokemon the order to attack and not focusing on each aspect of the battle, he wouldn't be able to counter and manage all three Pokemon at the same time, putting him at a huge disadvantage.

"If we all attack together, there is no way he can handle us all!" Kai said, getting a nod from both Ethan and the girl.

"Let's do this, Cyndaquil use ember on Machoke!

"Donphan use Rollout on the Ursaring!"

"Sandshrew use dig on the Graveler!"

All of their Pokemon attacked, Ethans Cyndaquil blasted the Machoke with an ember, pushing it back as it didn't know how to react under the fire.

Donphan charged into the Ursaring with its rollout attack, slamming into the large Pokemon's chest as it tried to push Donphan back with its arms.

Butch couldn't keep up with what was happening as each of his Pokemon came under attack at the same time.

"Ursaring fight it off! Ugh... Machoke what are you doing, get close to it!" He yelled, starting to panic from the pressure.

Sandshrew suddenly burst up from the ground having used dig on the Graveler, taking it by surprise as it wasn't sure what to do, taking the hit thanks to its large defence but being hurt.

Kai could see that all three of Butch's Pokemon had been pushed together, trying to defend themselves as best they could, giving him an idea.

"Call back your Pokemon and get clear! Sandshrew, use magnitude!" Kai shouted, giving Ethan and the girl the heads up.

Sandshrew jumped into the air, twirling around to build power, giving Cyndaquil and Donphan time to retreat before Sandshrew hit the ground with its hand.

"Don't let them retreat, finish them already!" Butch yelled, trying to get his Pokemon to do something, watching as the Sandshrew twirled in the air, unsure of what was going on.

Sandshrew hit the ground with its hand, holding itself in the air for but a second before the ground burst open, unleashing a powerful earthquake around Butches Pokemon, blasting them all into the air before they dropped onto the ground unconscious.

"A direct hit!" Kai shouted, proud of his Sandshrew for landing the finishing blow.

"How! How did this happen!" Butch yelled, quickly returning his Pokemon, knowing there was nothing he could do now.

"Come on let's get the hell out of here!" One of the lackeys yelled seeing that things had taken a turn for the worst as he had been knocked down from Sandshrew's attack.

"I don't think so, Donphan round them up!" The girl yelled, watching as her Donphan got to work using its rollout attack to smash both of the lackeys into the middle of Kai and Ethan, leaving only Butch who had the high ground.

"Darn it, I'm out!" Butch yelled, quickly making a run for it into the trees, leaving them behind.

"He's getting away!" Ethan yelled, getting ready to give chase.

"No, leave him." The girl said, stopping him from running off.

Ethan stopped and turned around to look at her, confused as to why she didn't want him to chase him.

Kai agreed, not seeing why she would want him to get away.

"Don't worry, he's heading into the forest, I'm sure he will get what's coming to him." She said, causing both Kai and Ethan to wonder what she meant.

"Let's get these two tied up and call Officer Jenny, I'm sure they will spill everything to her once she arrives." The girl said, getting a nod from both Kai and Ethan and a worried look from both of the bad guys.

"If they move, fry them Cyndaquil," Ethan said, getting a nod from his Cyndaquil.

"P-please dont hurt us!"

Not long passed until the police arrived, coming in hot in their cars and motorbikes with Officer Jenny leading the charge.

Kai and the others had tied up the two lackeys while they waited for the police to arrive. keeping their Pokemon out to help with their capture.

"Over here men!" Officer Jenny yelled as she pulled up on her motorbike, skidding to a halt before jumping off with skill.

"Looks like you were right about these poachers," Jenny said as she ran over to the girl with green hair, seeing that everyone was alright.

"I'm sorry Rochelle, we should have been here to stop this happening in the first place," Jenny said.

Kai realised that that was the first time he had heard the girl's name, feeling almost rude for not asking her earlier.

"It's ok, luckily I have these two to thank for helping me out," Rochelle said, smiling at both Kai and Ethan.

"It was no bother really," Ethan said with a big smile.

"Well, I guess this time we have you to thank." Officer Jenny said to them both before turning her attention back to the two lackeys who were still tied up.

"Cuff them, we are taking them in." She said, getting the other police officers to throw them in the back of the car.

"We will send out a patrol team to look for the one who escaped, you said his name was Butch, right?" Jenny asked, looking at Kai after he had given her the information.

"That's right," Kai said.

"Ok, you two be careful on your adventure." She then said before bidding all of them farewell and left with the others.

"I can't thank you both enough for all you have done, but I hope this helps," Rochelle said before she handed them both a small neckless.

"That is amberight. It's the reason those poachers wanted my Donphan." She said.

"Wow... Thank you." Ethan said.

"It's very rare and is worth quite a lot of money, that small bit there will sell for 20,000PK$ at least."

Both Kai and Ethan couldn't believe it.

"No way, we can't take that," Ethan said.

"Please, that is nothing compared to what Donphan here has been able to find." She said with a small chuckle.

Kai nodded his head very impressed as he thought having a Donphan could come in handy if he wanted to be rich.

"Thank you."

"No, thank you, without the two of you, those guys would have stolen my Donphan here and who knows what else," Rochelle said.

"That is the least I can do for the two of you." She said.

Kai paced the string around his neck and kept the amberlight around his neck, wearing it with pride.

"Thank you again, Rochelle. I hope you and Donphan stay safe." Kai said, seeing that it was time to get going, seeing that they still had plenty of time left in the afternoon.

Rochelle nodded, thanking them once more as she watched them both get a move on.

"Hopefully we meet again one day!" Ethan shouted as he waved to her from the distance, heading off into the forest with Kai.

Rochelle watched them both leave seeing them grow smaller and smaller before they walked into the woods out of sight.

"Oh no!" She suddenly yelled, remembering something.

"I forgot to warn them about the Hoothoot forest!" She yelled, hoping that both of them would be alright.


Thats the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it!

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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