98.36% The Legendary Trainer / Chapter 59: Chapter 59: An exciting Battle

บท 59: Chapter 59: An exciting Battle

As soon as the referee announced the start of the battle, Hitmonchan immediately without any command began to close the distance between itself and Bellosome. On this Rocky terrain Hitmonchan was right at home.

While rushing towards Bellosome Hitmonchan fist lit up with fiery red aura there's no doubt that it was going to struck Bellosome with Fire Punch.

At the same time, without the command of Kaede, Bellossom has already had a lot of dark-green energy leaves revolving around Bellossom, This is Megical Leaves.

A large number of Magical Leaf accompanies her dancing lightly and gracefully under the control of Bellossom. Before Hitmonchan came near, Bellosome has turned into a leaf Twister and surrounded her, making her beautiful dance faintly discernible.

After Hitmonchan approached the leaf Twister, a pair of Iron Fist wrapped in flames suddenly struck, and at the speed it swung his punches at the leaf Twister that the naked eye could not keep up. There were bursts of loud impactful noises.

In an instant, the leaf Twister was quickly defeated by the Fire Punch. A large number of energy leaves were ignited and then turned into ashes and fell.

But Hitmonchan was not happy at all as it was only able to destroy the Leaf Twister and couldn't land a hit on Bellosome.

"Bellosome keep using Magical Leaves twister to tire out the enemy"

Bellosome having created some distance between the two kept using Magical leaves on Kaede command. Hitmonchan on the other hand constantly using fire punch began to pant and got a little tired.

"Good opportunity, use Magical Leave to attack it."

With such a great opportunity, Kaede would naturally not let it go, and immediately commanded Bellossom to launch an attack.

Bellossom hearing this, its beautiful eyes immediately lit up a burst of green light, and then suddenly stirred up a short waltz on the spot. Numerous leaves lit up with green aura and started revolving around Bellosome now under its control move towards Hotmonchan.

"Go back and use the big rock to block the opponent's attack."

For Hans instructions, Hitmonchan undoubtedly performed very well, using several rocks on the Rock field to weaken the Magical Leaves controlled by Bellossom.

Bellossom felt helpless when it saw this, and could only continue to control Magical Leaves to further consume Hitmonchan's physical strength, making it too tired to cope.

Hans and Hitmonchan naturally wouldn't stay back and let this happen so when opportunity arrived Hans immediately ordered

"Hitmonchan close the distance and use Mach Punch".

Hitmonchan upon hearing this suddenly changed its momentum and started closong distance between it and Bellosome.

"Use Grass knot now".

As Hitmonchan was running towards it Bellosome eyes lit up and a pair of grass grew up right at front of Hitmonchan foot and tied its Legs.

"Carefull Hitmonchan jump up don't fall into their trap"

Hans seeing this immediately ordered but It was a little too late as Hitmonchan fell to the ground face first. And due to its own momentum Hitmonchan slid on the ground and this being a Rocky field it was injured badly due to this fall.

"Good job Bellosome now use Magical Leaves and then use Energy ball to finish the job".

When Hitmonchan was beginning to stand up under the shouts of its trainer Bellosome struck it again with Magical leaves this time it was a clean hit and Hitmonchan fell to the same pit it was standing up from.

With the constant barage of Energy ball seems to seal the deal as Hitmonchan lay on the ground riddled with scars and injuries. But this fight wasn't over yet as Hitmonchan suddenly jumped back and stood up successfully avoiding the attacks.

Hitmonchan is very embarrassed now. it can't get close to Bellossom. As long as it is within 5 meters of Bellossom, it must pay some attention to the situation under its feet and prevent fall to the ground. On the other hand Bellosome is still dancing gracefully and is still using Magical leaves from time to time alternatively with Energy ball so when Hitmonchan takes one step Bellosome takes one step back.

"As long as it can't be hit, no matter how strong or fast the attack is, it's useless. Hitmonchan lacks long-range attack ability. As long as I make good use of this shortcoming, I can make Bellossom win this game easily."

Kaede thought as he saw that Bellossom beautifully implemented the tactical arrangements he had told her before the battle and was very pleased with this.

In the end, under the expression of Hans gnashing teeth, Hitmonchan, with a strong unwillingness in its heart, finally couldn't hold on. Again falling to the ground and struck with Energy balls it fainted.

"Hitmonchan loses the combat capability, and the winner is Bellossom."

Referee raised the flag and announced the result of this battle.

The 4th round was a 3 v 3 round so even though Kaede won the first one doesn't mean he won the whole thing. Things were just getting started.

"Come back, Hitmonchan, you have done a good job, let's leave it to other companions."

Hans said and released his next Pokemon while saying.

"Mr. Sato seems to have studied my Hitmonchan very thoroughly. Pokémon like Bellossom, who is good at field control and long-range combat, is indeed a nemesis of Hitmonchan's, but the Pokémon I will send next is not of this type. Please be careful."

In the next second, a white light was released from the opened Ultra Ball, and then a strong Combusken appeared in front of Kaede.

At the same time, after Kaede used the system's detection ability to detect Combusken, he was shocked by the information he obtained, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Combusken information is as follows:

Pokémon: Combusken

Level :Level 35

Attribute: Fire/Fighting

Characteristic Trait: Speed Boost (Hidden)

Gender: Male

Level Moves: (Double Kick, Grab, Growl, Ember, Sand Attack, Peck, Flame Charge, Quick Attack, Bulk Up)

Hereditary Moves: Reversal

Inustructed Moves : None

TM: Flamethrower, Fire Punch, Protect, Rock Slide

"Good guy, it's amazing to have a Combusken with Speed boost Characteristic Trait, and from the looks of it, Aptitude is also very good."

At this moment, the three fiery-red feathers on Combusken's head are burning with orange red flames, and the feet and claws are also entangled by orange red flames. its pair of big eyes are extremely sharp, and fighting spirit is raging in them.

"Bellossom, you played very well, let's come back and take a break, and leave the next match to other companions."

In the face of Golbat, which has the advantage of flying in the air, Combusken's Characteristic Trait is almost weakened to a certain extent. In addition, Golbat restrains Combusken in Attribute. It is naturally best to use it to deal with Combusken.

"Come out, Golbat, i choose you." Kaede silently held the Pokéball in his hand, and then pressed the button of the Pokéball in his hand to release the Golbat in it. As Golbal appeared it released a piercing war cry which was anwsered in kind by Combusken.

At this time, Combusken became excited when he saw an opponent who felt his strength was evenly matched. The flames around it soared with his inner fighting intent.

Seeing that the trainers on both sides were ready, referee immediately announced the start of the battle. In an instant, a fiery orange red pillar of fire was released from the Combusken full of fighting intents and shot at Golbat in the sky.

And as always Golbat simple sidestepped to dodge the attack as it was already aware of Combusken position and it gathering energy.

Combusken followed Golbat with its Flamethrower but Golbat was able to avoid getting hit and also to increase its speed as it implicit characteristic is speedboost the more it accelerate the more speed it will gain which in turn would become disadvantageous to Kaede.

Combusken seeing its attack not working stopped the Flamethrower and started running on the ground to make any opening to attack.

"Use Gust 3 whirlwind to lock him in a small area." Seeing this, Kaede immediately directed Golbat to fight back.

In the next second, three white whirlwinds with a diameter of one meter suddenly appeared on the Rock field, and the Combusken was surrounded by the force of three whirlwinds.

"Use Double Kick and Quick Attack to rush out. Don't let the three white whirlwinds converge completely".

Combusken used double kick on the ground and a piece of rock flew straight towards one of the whirlwind using the support of this rock Combusken used Quick attack to further increase its speed and kicked the rock into the whirlwind with so much force that the whirlwind got destroyed this effectively Combusken came out of the Gust move trap. Howevet Combusken was still injured as large number of air blades struck it.

"Use Rock Slide now when Golbat is exhausted".

Combusken immediately gathered the Rock type energy to create Rock boulders the size of a football and threw them at Golbat.

"Dodge it Golbat but if you can't then use Protect".

Watching these rock heading towards Golbat Kaede solemnly commanded Golbat.

Golbat in the air managed to avoid many of the rocks with its impecable plying skills but it still couldn't parry off others so it had to use Protect moves.

"Its time Combusken go up to Golbat and Use Flamethrower".

3 minutes have passed since the match began, this is the time it takes for Hans to observe the Combusken Speed boost Characteristic Trait to be able to bless its speed to the limit. When Combusken's speed reaches the limit, the sky should be no longer be his obstacle.

In the next second, among the surprised gazes of many spectators on the edge of the battlefield, Combusken actually walked on air. His sturdy legs kicked the air at an astonishing speed to achieve this feat.

"This terrifying combat innate talent, this is the Pokémon world version of the Sky Walk, also, Pokémon's physical fitness is far above the ordinary person category, with speed bosst Characteristic Trait, its not difficult to achieve this step."

Kaede couldn't help but sweat seeing this.

"Combusken use Flame charge"

"Golbat hurry and use steel wings to block the attack"

Combusken whole body suddenly got surrounded by flames and it head straight to Golbat and Golbat which couldn't dodge this attack could only brace for impact. It used steel wings to negate some of the damage from the attack. But it still got thrown away due to the impact of Flame charge.

Combusken running and attacking for so long started to loose its speed.

"Golbat, use Wing Attack."

The weakening of Combusken's movement speed was naturally nothing to hide from Kaede, who has outstanding dynamic vision, and immediately made Golbat, who had already somewhat kept up with Combusken's movement speed, counterattack.

Kaede tone barely fell, and Golbat, who had just blocked the Combusken Flame Charge with Steel Wing again, showed a trace of bright light in its eyes. Its wings suddenly lit up and with the help of its positioning method Golbat struck Combusken head on with its wings. A strong flying type move.


combusken didnt expect for Golbat to suddenly have a burst of power and attack it head on while Hans immediately ordered to attack but it was too late even though Combusken was able to hit Golbat with it Flamethrower Golbat was fast enough to struck Combusken first this stopping it from using flamethrower.

In the next second, Combusken was hit by Golbat's Wing Attack, and then fell heavily to the ground. Golbat was uncomfortable. He was hit head-on by Combusken's Flamethrower, and fell from the air in pain.

For a while, the Rock field was covered by a layer of dust, blocking everyone's sight.

The audience watching this engaging battle couldn't help but cheer for them some inclining towards COMBUSKEN some to GOLBAT.

With a sound of "whoosh~", a silhouette brokethrough thr dust and flew into the sky again. The blue body and wide bat wings both showed that the Pokémon who stood up first was Golbat.

On the other side, when Golbat returned to the air, the dust gradually disappeared, and Combusken lying in a pit suddenly appeared in front of everyone. At this time, Combusken was riddled with scars and fell unconscious. The flying type move dealt more damage to Combusken then he realised. in addition to the fall damage it took when falling to the ground.

"Come on, Combusken, get up quickly, don't lose!!!"

Hans couldn't accept this result, and shouted at Combusken who was lying in the pit at this time.

At this time, referee began to count the seconds silently. As long as Combusken can't stand up after 10 seconds, the victory of this battle will be Golbat's.

Just when Referee had counted to 9 silently in his mind, Combusken seemed to hear Hans plea, and suddenly opened a pair of scarlet eyes, with burning fighting spirit and strong unwillingness in his eyes, and instantly stood up from the ground.

As soon as Combusken stood up, he uttered a loud scream. At the same time, a fiery-red energy emerged from his body, and then a blue flame enveloped it.

Then, dazzling but not glaring white light shot out from Combusken's body.


Kaede was amazed at his luck not knowing whether to laugh at his situation or cry. He waved to Golbat not to act blindly without thinking.

Kaede signaled Golbat not to attack. Hans and many powerful Trainers were naturally watching. In their hearts, the evaluation of Kaede not only increased but they also admired his sportsman spirit.

Bathed in the light of evolution, Combusken's body began to gradually elongate, especially his thick legs began to become longer and straight, and he gained a pair of long legs.

Soon, Combusken's evolution process was over. When the light of evolution disappeared completely, A burly Blaziken stood straight on the battlefield.

Blaziken opened his clear eyes and squeezed both of his hands, and a flame burst out of both of his hands, and the imposing manner on his body began to rise.

At this time, Kaede also immediately used the system's detection capabilities to see Blaziken's new information in his eyes.

Blaziken's information is as follows:

Pokémon: Blaziken

Level :Level 36

Attribute: Fire/Fighting

Characteristic Trait: Speed boost (hidden)

Gender: Male

Level Moves: (Blaze Kick, Double Kick, Flare Blitz, Low Kick, Catch, Growl, Ember, Sand Attack, Peck, Flame Charge, Quick Attack, Bulk Up)

Hereditary Moves: Reversal

Inustructed Moves : None

TM: Flamethrower, Fire Punch, Protect, Rock Slide

"Ai, the result of evolution is a huge increase in strength, and the odds of winning this time are unpredictable." Looking at Blaziken's new data after evolution, Kaede suddenly felt pressured.

Watching Combusken evolve into Blaziken the audience cheered uproariously this was too stimulating for them.

"It's a headache. It really makes me and Golbat look like villains, but it may disappoint you. Even if Combusken evolves into Blaziken, it may not be able to win this battle. it is now an arrow at the end of its flight."

Seeing that each and everyone on the edge of the battlefield became like a fan, Kaede shook his head slightly, thinking silently at the Blaziken who had just evolved. After it evolve the match again started.

"Golbat use Air cutter now".

A strong wind suddenly appeared. It could not help but blow away the enthusiasm of the audience on the edge of the battlefield, and also made Blaziken, who wanted to further adapt to his new body, came back to his senses.

12 Air blades appeared, of which 7 air blades were fired at Blaziken from different angles under the control of Golbat, and Blaziken saw this, lightly exerted force under its feet, and its entire body immediately flew into the air and avoided the attack.

However, Golbat would not let Blaziken go. A blue light in its eyes lit up, and a dim blue light suddenly lit up on the body of the 7 air blades and then all changed directions, like a homing missiles following Blaziken.

Blaziken seeing this immediately used Sky Walk again and left the Air Cutter behind.

"Blaziken use Flare blitz immediately"

Blaziken, who heard Hans instructions, was wrapped in hot flames, and the flames quickly transformed from orange red to blue. For a while, Blaziken walking on air turned into a deadly blue phantom, facing the Golbat imposing manner. Rushed over like a rocket.

" Use Gust Golbat go all out try to stop him dont meet it head on hurry".

Kaede knew exactly what the opponent was thinking. He would naturally not be stupid enough to meet opponent with force at this time. When the opponent attacked, he immediately tried to get Golbat to block Blaziken's attack with moves. Try to avoid confrontation with it as much as possible.

Golbat obliged and created a huge 4 meter big Cyclone with a beat of its wings straight infront of Blaziken.

However Blaziken was also not to be trifled with it instantly broke through the cyclone and came immediately infront of Golbat.

Under Kaede's ugly face, Flare Blitz of Blaziken hit Golbat's body head-on, and Golbat, who was wrapped in flames, fell from the air, raising a lot of dust.

Afterwards, Blaziken, who was wrapped in blue flames, also fell firmly from the air on to the ground.

The dust gradually disappeared, and Pokémon fell in the pit this time is naturally Golbat. At this time, its whole body is scorched, but it has not lost the combat capability. it is trying hard to get back up in the pit.

"Come on, Golbat."

Seeing Golbat's unyielding eyes, Kaede was shocked at this time, and he silently cheered for Golbat in his heart. Even though its body was exhausted Golbats will lay supreme as it manage to get back up on the ground.

Two Pokémon 2 looked at each other, and for a while, the atmosphere of the entire battlefield became quiet, as if the battlefield at this time was left with only Golbat and Blaziken.

One second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, until 9 seconds, the winner is finally divided.

With a sound of "Boom~", the silhouette of the originally standing on the Rock, the blue flame on its body was finally burnt up. As soon as the blue flame disappeared, Blaziken's body also fell down suddenly.

"The battle is over, Blaziken loses the combat capability. The winner of this game is Golbat."

The referee announced. To the sheer shock and amazement of the spectators it was Blaziken that lost and Golbat was the winner.

At this time, Kaede has already rushed into the battlefield. He is holding Golbat at this time and is full of praise for his wonderful battle this time. Golbat is also very happy for his victory this time, and he is in good spirits.

Because skipping grades to defeat Blaziken who was a strong enemy, Golbat, who was originally only Level 32, has now reached Level 34, surpassing Bellossom, who has now reached Level 33.

Afterwards, Kaede collected Golbat into the Pokéball, and then returned to the battle platform.

Hans at this time is deep in thoughts. Basically Hans is a disciple of Bruno Kanto fighting type elite dojo and has never seena set back this is the first time he has been defeated that too by a civilian trainer. He can't fathom this.

Taking back Blaziken Hans knew this battle was lost but his pride wont let him go down like this.

"Go Hariyama its your turn" Hans released his last Pokemon.

Watching this Kaede could easily solve the Pokemon again with his Bellosome but its free practice so why not let other Pokemon have there go.

"Come Growlithe its your turn"

A Growlithe appeared on the ground immediately surrounded by intense flames.

"Growlithe Guerrilla tactics"

"Hariyama Thunder punch"

Growlithe listening to Kaede showed his immense speed and started harassing Hariyama not letting it touch him. After 15 minutes of Ember striking Hariyama it lost its combat capability.

"Hariyama losses its combat ability the winner of this round and the battle is Sato Kaede".

The referee announced, The audience stood up and applauded them both this was a very good battle.

Kaede decided to leave the battle ground as the 5th round was tommorow and his opponent has been decided its a girl with the name of Moira scott.

While he returned to his room to rest Moira at this time was still in the ground thinking of how to defeat Kaede when a girl suddenly came and gave her a piece of paper.

This paper contained detailed info of Kaede tactics and Pokemons. Moira couldn't help but glance at the girl. This girl was ofcourse Anna.

To be Continued....

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