50% Karmic Emperor / Chapter 7: Chapter 7 - Candidacy

บท 7: Chapter 7 - Candidacy

" Congratulations, Li Duyi. You have successfully achieved your goal, with all of the ruckus you've caused. " The Sect Leader," Chu Yin said.

" To think you've skipped three stages and reached Spiritual Sea Realm in one go. While it is not that rare for such achievement but only if we talked about the disciples who were blessed with a wealthy life and were given pills at a young age. But, those disciples are either heaven-defying or... their foundations are fragile and need more time to solidify their foundation, and even that would cause their foundation to be not well compared to others who trained their foundation thoroughly. " Chu Yin said, praising Li Duyi on his achieving without guidance, but what Chu Yin didn't know is that through the 253 thousand acupoints of Li Duyi, his foundation is firmer than someone.

Someone who put all their life into strengthening their foundation compared to others. Because of those 253 thousand acupoints that can be regarded as muscle fiber and since acupoints are like a stopping point or a waiting point of the meridian, they can also be regarded as a pathway for the qi to pass through, his body is being strengthened constantly by the passing qi. If Chu Yin checked Li Duyi's qi movement, he'll be shocked to the core that defies the common sense of this world. It is so unique and intriguing that it moves freely but in an organized way, traveling all around his body, strengthening the blood vessels, muscles, bones, etc.

It could be said that Li Duyi is a unique species that should not belong or even be born as a cultivator because of how hard it is to cultivate with just the normal number of acupoints.

The cultivation stages that Li Duyi goes by Meridian Opening Realm, followed up by Qi Gathering Realm has 9 layers, and any average cultivator who are at the Qi Gathering Realm who breaks through each layer will feel their meridian pathways widen. This realm serves the purpose of widening and preparing for the next stage, the body tempering stage. In this stage, it consists of 8 layers. 1. Muscle Tempering, 2. Blood Tempering, 3. Bone Tempering, 4. Meridian Tempering, 5. Acupoints Tempering, 6. Organ Tempering, 7. Brain Tempering, and lastly 8. Dantian Tempering.

Most disciples spend most of their time in this stage and must be thorough when tempering, or else, their foundation will be shit or even worse. But, if someone achieved a perfect harmony of the body tempering stage, they'll have the best foundation to ever exist. It might sound easy, but it is easier said than done.

Achieving Perfect Harmony also has its benefits, the qi will be easier to absorb and has less resistance, ordinary weapons can't harm the body or any cultivators below body tempering can't harm or even scratch a little, and the qi will be pure and the elements are prone to favor someone with perfect harmony.

To achieve perfect harmony, one must not rely on pills and only qi from the air. That is why, if someone helps to unblock the acupoints, they can't achieve perfect harmony. Cause the qi of someone has already been polluted by other energies or elements and will reside in the acupoints.

The next stage is the spiritual sea realm where the qi will form a sea and in this realm, there are 9 stages. In each stage, the qi will form a new sea of spiritual energy, a higher level of qi. Only a few people achieve this realm. But, Li Duyi knows something that others don't know, it has a hidden stage. Only the sect leader and few others know the stage, called the Supreme Spiritual Sea.

This a stage where a higher level of spiritual energy can be created but this is one arduous path as most cultivators don't take this route as it is time-consuming cause of the fact that they need to compress their hard-earned spiritual sea but this does not apply to Li Duyi. His technique, the All-Encompassing Cultivation Manual means that he has the leverage to compress his qi and with the unique traits of this manual, it won't take long for Li Duyi to achieve Supreme Spiritual Sea.

( Note: Just to let you know, I didn't forget the original name of the manual, it's just that All Encompassing is more suited to the manual itself)

Most cultivators who achieved this realm need about 20 to 50 years to break through one stage and talented people who are favored by the heaven, could take them 5 to 10 years to break through, and for those who have heaven-defying talents, it would only take 1 to 3 years or even less than that.

That's how unfair heaven is. But, Li Duyi's ambitions don't just stop at the supreme level but to the higher one, something he vaguely feels when he reaches 1st stage, Spiritual Sea Realm.

" It's not worth mentioning, Sect Leader. I am still far away to be on your level. I am thankful for giving me such an opportunity and had the patience to prove my worth. To repay this karmic debt to the One Sword Sect, I shall work hard befitting of my title. I'll make One Sword Sect the strongest and most influential sect on this continent. No, the whole plane and higher, the immortal plane if it ever existed. " Li Duyi, full of confidence, said without any hesitation and as if heaven acknowledged his statement.

The sky shone brightly, and numerous golden rays of light appeared as it shone throughout the whole One Sword Sect by the declaration Li Duyi have said. This put a seal on Li Duyi that he must fulfill his statement or else, he'll be punished with the highest level of heavy retribution. One that could erase his existence.

This shocking event marked the day that Li Duyi, a cultivator make a bold statement to the heavens. His sentence reverberated around the whole plane, sects, clans, rouge cultivators, and all the citizens of Earthly Martial Plane heard his voice and the bold declaration.

Causing the people to despise, piques their interests, and many other emotions. Some called the One Sword Sect arrogant and knows no bounds. Because of this bold statement, sects around the world start paying attention to the One Sword Sect. Li Duyi who was the cause of this knows how heavy his words are but he is confident that he'll achieve that dream and since heaven approved of his words, the heaven also rewarded the One Sword Sect a hundred years of prosperity and luck as payment for announcing his declaration.

Heaven is also fair enough to give rewards so as not to be indebted to Karma. Even heavens can't defy the law of equivalent exchange and so, it must either repay it later or in an instant for a lower cost than delaying to pay it back.

As the center of it, Li Duyi was blessed with a higher talent than the others and because he is already talented, it won't be an exaggeration that he has the highest talent with his vision. Li Duyi knows that it is all thanks to his vision that he achieved what he has today and if he does not have his vision, he will only be a talented cultivator in the eyes of the sect coupled with the fact that his 253 thousand acupoints, he does not have any future to ever cultivate.

" Hmm, a filial disciple. Come with me, you must be tired you've spent reading those manuals. Stay at your abode and rest for a few days, I'll discuss it with you later." Chu Yin said, making Li Duyi smile faintly before he nodded as he flew to his mountain abode, which is next to the sect leader.

As for the crowds, they were dispersed by all the elders and Chu Yin conducted a meeting to discuss Li Duyi and the future of One Sword Sect. The commotion Li Duyi caused, makes the sleeping ancestors to wake up one by one as they sense the enormous prosperity and luck of the sect that they inquired what cause such a thing to happen. Chu Yin told the ancestors the whole truth that the ancestors are either mad, happy, excited, thrilled, worried, and most of all, curious about the one who caused it to happen.

Since most of them are living for thousands of years, they know that a big storm will cause the Earthly Martial Plane to have a change in power and it might be a benefit or a disaster to the world. So, with all the elders' opinions, they voted on how to make the best use of this opportunity that will die down in hundred years, it might seem long but in the eyes of cultivators, it is not enough time to produce significant growth for the sect. But, they could use the luck of the sect to find a spirit mine, a mine that could produce spirit stones.

With nothing else to say, the discussion was concluded and they disperse except for the sect leader and the ancestors as they discussed what to do with Li Duyi.

" Yin'er, have you assessed this Li Duyi personally? How's his personality? Will it cause us a major headache in the future?" One of the Anscestors of One Sword Sect said he is Anscestor Li Feng, a cultivator that has reached the peak of cultivation and also the 20th Sect Leader of One Sword Sect.

He has an aura of a kind old man but his eyes can't hide the wisdom that comes with his age. He has a robust build, long gray hair with black streaks tied in a bun. He was famous for his usage of a greatsword and uses its destructive power to cause chaos in the surrounding. Despite using a greatsword, he was also famous for his movement technique that is as fast as light, coupled with the destructive force, he is a formidable figure with a reputation still known to the world.

" Rest assured, Ancestor Li. Li Duyi is not like those young masters who flaunt their wealth and cause shame to their clans. Li Duyi is someone of great character and had a heaven-defying talent, great intelligence, and a cautious person. We could say, he is befitting to be the next Sect Leader. The thing is that he is too overly cautious and he has this principle that he will pay any debt as soon as possible. He is cold to his enemies and kills without hesitation like the one where he killed an inner sect disciple because he blocked his way. The thing is that he was a mortal when he killed a disciple who was at the 8th stage of the Body Tempering Realm. From what was reported, Li Duyi attacked the disciples' acupoints, rendering him useless and killed by twisting his neck " Chu Yin said, he also told them that Li Duyi read all of the manuals to create his own which is more than enough to let them know that Li Duyi is a kid that they can't pass by.

With a vote, they decided if they should nurture Li Duyi and make him the next 99th Sect Leader with the majority voting for him as a talent worthy to be nurtured.

A few days later, Li Duyi who was cultivating and still in the 1st stage of Spiritual Qi was called by the Sect Leader. Li Duyi woke up from his meditation as he dresses himself up and he walked out of his abode as he marched toward the Sect Leader's Mountain called Heaven Peak. Which by the way, the name of his peak is Little Heaven.

Upon arriving, he notices the people and most of them are familiar faces he has seen from the library while 10 other unfamiliar faces and all of them have those colored silhouettes, some are dark and some are light colors. Despite that, he kept his cool and looked at them as he bowed in respect.

" Li Duyi, do you like to be a Sect Leader? " Chu Yin said, cutting to the chase. This surprises the elders except for those 10 old men and women. The reason he knows is because of the wisdom they exuded and the aura of decay. He was also old at one time. Even if they hide their true faces using techniques, they can't hide from him whose vision that can see through illusions.

" I will gracefully accept such a tempting offer you've given to me, Sect Leader. But, I don't know if others will just accept it" Li Duyi said, looking at some elders who show hostilities and if he wanted, he could kill them right away to avoid potential dangers but looking at his pitiful cultivation. It is a fleeting imagination in his mind. Of course, if he wanted to, he could immediately go to the next realm in just a few years' time and kill those old hogs. But, he knows that he is lacking in fighting experience compared to them.

" No worries kid, they won't have any rights to voice out their opinions. I am one of the guardians and ancestors of the One Sword Sect, you can call me Grandpa Li. I have the most authority in One Sword Sect, I am also the 20th Sect Leader and the most senior of all. You have my protection" Li Feng proudly announces himself, surprising the elders.

To think that the ancestors had awoken to guide Li Duyi, they thought.

" Thank you, Grandpa Li." Li Duyi thanked Li Feng as Li Feng laughed boisterously.

" Hahaha, look at this Old Ming. I have a grandson now and it's the one who will open up a new path in the cultivation world." Li Feng grabbed Li Duyi as he shows him off to one of the ancestors.

" Stop that, Old Li. You are shaming us, we should maintain a dignified demeanor. What would others think to see an old man who could be considered a relic to act like you? Embarrassing. Li Duyi, what do you think of becoming my grandson, I am better than that old relic. With me, I could guide you to the path of the sword. " Old Ming said, trying to get Li Duyi to his side.

Li Feng who heard his insult, flared in rage as he immediately punches Old Ming right in the face but Old Ming dodges and punches back, with that said. Two old men were competing on whose going to take Li Duyi when the other Ancestors stop them from fighting.

" You two, despite being the one who lived the longest, you are too childish," Said a woman who looked to be in her 20s but is just a facade by using an illusion technique to look younger.

" Shut up, Old Hag. You don't have any rights to butt in " Said the both of them, also signing their doom as the woman uses her formation technique, which is her expertise, to seal off 30% of their cultivation and beat them up. Thus, the remaining seven ancestors remain silent as they are too young to stop those three of the same generation.

It only calmed when Li Duyi coughed, stopping the fighting.

" How about listening to my suggestion? What about all of you becoming my Grandpa and Grandma? This is a win-win decision for all of you, right? You'll get me, an only heaven-defying that is loved by the heavens and to add on top of that, the one who'll be the greatest sect leader to ever exist. " Li Duyi smiled faintly. It might seem innocent but Li Duyi had already planned how to make use of these ancestors to do his bidding.

This is also to ensure his safety until he could be powerful enough to fight and kill anyone that blocks his way. With these ancestors, he could rapidly grow in terms of fighting experience as well as his knowledge about the world. As for the Ancestor, they find it plausible and decided to accept his deal. Thus, Li Duyi has 4 peak levels and 6 True Saint Realms backing and protection.

Chu Yin told Li Duyi that he will be appointed as the next Sect Leader at the age of 100 and reached the realm of the Law Realm, which is the 6 out of 9 Realms of the Earthly Martial Plane. Li Duyi already know that Law Realm is where one can be considered a powerhouse. It is only right for him to reach that level if he ever wanted to be the next sect leader who'll guide the sect to prosperity. With his current age of 16, he still has plenty of time to grow stronger and he must have the best foundation of each realm so that he will be the strongest amongst those of the same realm or a higher realm.

The realms are as followed: Meridian Opening Realm, Qi Gathering Realm, Body Tempering Realm, Spiritual Sea Realm, Origin Condensation Realm, Law Realm, Law Unity Realm, True Saint Realm, and Empyrean Realm.

With that said, Li Duyi knows that any average cultivator would take more than a thousand years just to reach Law Realm, it might seem easy to reach because it is only 2 realms above the Spiritual Sea but if it takes into account the time it takes to form each sea, 9 times that averages to 50 to 100 years.

Then, the time to break through the barrier between the Spiritual Sea Realm and the Origin Condensation Realm. It would take 40 more years for the preparation for the heavenly retribution as this realm is where they'll have to condense and combine the spiritual energy and qi.

So, it is without a doubt that they expect too much from him.

" Sect Leader, isn't it too little of a time? I mean, on average, thousands or even tens of thousands of years are needed to reach Law Realm and geniuses, they might take it early but it would be in one thousand years and it might take a little longer than that, and as for the heaven-defying geniuses, they'll take at least 500 years. " Elder Mo protested, he is the one who introduce Li Duyi and also the one who knows Li Duyi the most during that short period together, he regarded Li Duyi as someone like a son.

" Right, I was a little inconsiderate. I was blinded by his brilliance that I didn't even consider his age. I am ashamed as the sect leader, I'll give you 1,000 years to reach the Law realm and while you are still young, explore and make friends, Li Duyi " Chu Yin said, Li Duyi looked at him and said.

" 200 years and I will reach the Law realm. A thousand years is too long and I might be immortal by that time " Li Duyi said, going back to being emotionless. Showing a little emotion is fine but it doesn't fit him.

Then, the meeting was concluded and Li Duyi will need to reach 200 years to become a Law Realm Cultivator.

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