92.3% MHA: Ground Zero / Chapter 12: Because You Are Here

บท 12: Because You Are Here





"What is it? Today's my day off, goddamnit."


"Oh? Well you've got my attention then."


"How the hell?"


"… The hell?"


"Ughhh… Fine! That's one favor though, you've only got two more, don't waste it…"

"… Nezu."


Katsuki was pissed.

He raced across the sky, forcing his elbow back into place during his flight. His body was still burning in orange sparks and his feet had been propelling him outside of town for the last five minutes and thirteen seconds of 'where the fuck is my family' and he was not happy about it.

A large hand tried to slam him out of the sky, so he burned the damn skin off its palm and went on his merry fucking way to find out who the fuck thought it was a good fucking idea to touch his fucking family.

A loud scream echoed behind the explosive blonde, but he was far past caring by now.

The other end of the chains around his arms and legs disappeared into the ground here in the abandoned parking lot on the edge of Mustafu, so here is where they better fucking be.

His palms finally ignited, blowing him straight towards the ground. He spun and spun, gathering his heat and the air to condense into his palms. His elbow was already giving out again, thankfully he wouldn't need it after this.

The old lady did good work, at least. His body wasn't going limp anymore, so he could really drive it home when he found out who dropped the ball.

He waited until he was only inches from the lot, and let loose an explosion strong enough to vaporize everything between him, his parents, and Auntie.

He landed in a large cavern, many spikes and thugs laid broken on the ground. His mother's wrist was broken, Katsuki noted past the red and orange mixing at the edge of his vision.

Blood dripped down her arm from the fucking knife imbedded in her shoulder, and she stood before a pile of smoking people. His father was right beside her, on his ass because of the hole piercing through his knee, and the spike going through his palm. His other was aimed at the same pile of ashy men.

It was his Auntie that stopped him in his traps. His parents were back to back, or were at least, because there Midoriya Inko was, laid in between them.

With her normal warm smile and eyes closed, she laid in a puddle of blood stemming from a cut at her temple and a large bruise covering half of her forehead.

The world erupted into static, and Katsuki was screaming in silence.


"Well fuck." Bakugo Masaru cursed for the first time in Mitsuki's life and she was fucking here for it!

Whoo! Man, she hadn't felt this alive in years. Not since she found out she was preggos with her little hellion and had to stop acting like a gangster when she went out to party.

Man, those were the days. Her, Inko, and Masaru all against the world! Nothing could stop them.

Well, maybe.

Mitsuki took another glance at her husband and once more noted the damage that had been done to all of them.

Inko was down, got hit in the head with a large rock that Mitsuki didn't have time to lather in her sweat enough to erase when Masaru ignited it. Her honey had a rock through his hand and a bullet through his knee from one of the thugs they'd exploded. And she was down both arms, one had a knife in it and her other one had a fucking broken wrist.


Was she getting old?

Nah! She's just as ornery as she was when she was a teenager, and anger keeps people alive! It's good for the soul, like aggressive positivity!

Anyways, the look on her brat's face was starting to piss her off.

Not because of the utter lack of any color in his eyes, nor was it the rising feeling of death that shrouded the second light of her life.

No, it was the single small tear that fell quietly down his battered cheek, and fell before promptly vaporizing under the heat rolling off her precious boy.

"What are you cryin' for, brat? We're just fine! Ain't nothing compared to some of the things we did back in our time." It was true, they were all well past those days. But only because she'd found something so much better than any trouble they used to get into; her brat.

"I'll tell you what though." There was no hiding the fondness in her eyes as she fell back to rest against her ever smiling husband, and gently nudged her best friend into a more comfortable spot on the ground with her back. "I'll go ahead and let you finish up here."

"There you are." The motherfucker who had dragged them here finally decided to speak up past the freaky plague mask he wore. He had some vial in his hands that he quickly injected into himself and some other bastard.


Nothing could stop her boy.

In a heartbeat, all of the men around the emo fucker were splatters of blood and gore, and the fucker was wayyyy bigger and had like eight arms. Huh, she was a bit too enthusiastic there. Blood loss was a bitch.

"Return my property to me or watch them die."

He thought he was the one?

He thought he was a match for her son?!

Fucking bitch.

"Light it up, Katsuki." Oh ho ho! Now her dear husband chose to actually talk?! Where was this when she was telling these fuckers where they could stick their little kidnap attempt.

Oh, wait a fucking moment. Her husband wasn't smiling anymore!


Did this dick munch just call her pretty much but not really granddaughter property?!?!?



His mother was bleeding.

His father… was bleeding.

His Auntie had bled, becuase of this fucker.


No one leaves here alive.

He waved his good arm and a wave of pure heat erased every risen peice of cement and the countless spikes between Katsuki and the mask fucker. Another two beams erased every single limb he had. And two more cauterized every stub he now had.

His bad hand was pointed towards the only other living people besides his parents and the pile of their victims to let loose a wave of pure force, shattering every bone in their bodies and throwing them back at the other pile.

Katsuki, very calmly, walked past his battered family, past the pile of half dead criminals, until he was right beside the piece of shit.

He was foaming at the mouth, strange black liens covered his face, and he still had the audacity to look at Katsuki like he had something to fear.

So Katsuki very calmy picked the newly amputated human being up, pocketed the ruined mask, and threw him into the pile of fuckers his family had torched and made his way back to his parents.

All three of them are safe and sound within arms reach as they should be.

He raised his good hand one more time and fired two explosions, one toward the obvious camera pointed in his direction.

And the other was towards the big pile of worthless shit polluting the world with its filth.

There is no crime if there's no witnesses, right?

Well except for the fucker who thought he was slick, trying to hide?

What's one more body?

Katsuji caught a glimpse of red before an explosion erased everything hiding the person who'd been there since he'd opened the way.

Small things were heading his way almost too quick to see, and towards his family.

Fuck that.

A large-scale eruption of heat vaporized everything. between the two, and Katsuki saw what had been coming his way.

The fucker had red fucking wings, Izu said the number three hero had red wings. Beams erupted from his fingertips, setting every feather the bastard had on fire.

Wings was thrown to the ground, and Katsuki got ready to finish up, only for the man to fling a flip phone of all things at him with the only limb Katsuki didn't put a hole into.

Katsuki caught it out of the air, and heard its last ring.

"Oh dear, young Bakugo! When you said this would not end the way I thought, I admit I expected things to come to a head later on! Not the day after your classmates moved in! Though, I suppose I should just be more excited that I've actually been proven wrong than anything else! Hahahahahh!"

The rat, of course the bastard wouldn't allow Katsuki to finish things cleanly.

"You've got five seconds to save your little pet's life, make it count."

"You'll die too. You see, we hav-"

"Someone with eyes on me? I can feel them from here. What they posted on UA's rooftop?"

"Close! A couple blocks down really. She saw you go and wanted to see what had you in such a frenzy. She was quite concerned, really."

"I'll bet." He scoffed, keeping the explosion from his palm just an inch above his skin. If he was shot, this fucker would die with him, Katsuki would make sure of it.

"You've caused quite the commotion, young man! Blasting through the city sky, throwing off every attempt to ground you, and let's not forget what you've done to that little hide away! I barely had time to hack the cameras before you arrived! Excellent response time, I must say." He could feel the

"You knew this was gonna happen when you let me add to the fucking contract."

"Of course! For someone like you, not erasing a threat to what you consider 'yours' is like telling an animal not to defend itself! Now then, let's get you all to Recovery Girl! She's quite cross with you."

Fuck, granny's got a mean stick when she's pissed. Almost caved in his skull when they met.

One of the medical bots from the exam scaled to a fucking bus appeared from the sky, landing just before them. Small media bots rushed out to pick up his parents and Auntie, and Katsuki turned to follow them, erasing the phone from existence on his way.

The winged man allowed himself to fall flat on the ground, awaiting his own rescue as he sat in a pool of his own blood.

"Get up you stupid bastard."

Katsuki stopped just before the ramp, and looked back at the wounded man with empty eyes.

"Didn't think I saw those feathers to the side, did you? I don't care if you bleed out, but Izu likes you. She says you're pretty good for your age."

The man simply lay there, meeting apathetic red with tranquil gold.

Only a few seconds passed before the younger blonde scoffed and stepped into the transport.


And that was how the matter was resolved.


Keigo kept his eyes out on the transport until it disappeared over the rim of the hole left in the top of the underground base, his face never once twitching until the sound finally disappeared.

He reached into his jacket with his one good arm, and pulled out a second flip phone. He hit the speed dial, hit the speaker, and threw it next to his ear as he reclined back in his own blood.

"Senpai." He barely waited for the stoic woman to answer before continuing. "What the hell is Nezu feeding these kids again."

"No idea." Her tone was bland for the most part, you know except for the sarcasm that was so unnatural for the sniper.

"You mad cus' he got you pinned or…?"

"I've got a hole going through my barrel, what do you think?" There was some bite to her today! Great, just what he wanted to deal with.

"Was wondering why he left my arm alone." Fucking sociopaths. Ah well, that was enough excitement for a day off.

Multiple red feathers popped up from where the explosive teenager was standing, all covered in a thick layer of ash and singes. Little shit tore through them like it was nothing.

This is why he preferred rescue operations over actual combat.

The only way he could usually win in a fight against someone like the kid was if he went lethal.

Well, its not all bad. Kid left just enough to get somewhere no one could find Keigo for the next few days so it was time for a little impromptu vacation.

Just need to stop at his favorite elderly woman's office and he'd be gone before the commissioners could even look at him.



Fucking granny, why the hell did that stupid cane hurt so much?

And little?! She was smaller than Katsuki when he was five!


"Ow! Fuck!" His voice managed to hisd out past his grit teeth as the he was once more bashed in the fucking knees. Who the hell just goes for the knees?!?

At least switch it up every once in a while.

"I heard that you little shit!"

"Bullshit!" He snarled right back, stepping back from a follow up whack, only for a passing med bot to slap him upside the head.

Okay, Katsuki calls hax.

"Get in the goddamn bed next to your mothers in the next five seconds or I swear to go-…"

"Yeah, yeah. I hear you. Just gotta do something." Katsuki grimbled as he waited by the door to the infirmary under the amused eyes of his mother who was sitting upright in bed after a fucking kiss from the granny.

His father and auntie were passed out beside her so it was just them three in the quiet evening. Izu and Kyo went back to the dorms after his break out, and Aizawa went home for the night. Midnight was apparently in charge of the dorms for tonight, so he had her swap with Mic and do a little something for him.

And there we go.

The door opened and here comes the little unicorn, scampering up his leg to cling to his chest and bury herself into his neck. He wrapped hid good arm around her and kept his fucked one back to not spoil the surprise.

Katsuki held her close for a good time, letting her shakes stop, and her heart rate settle onto something remotely normal before taking a knee and placing her on it.

"Hey, Eri. You doing okay?" Katsuki's voice was unnaturally soft for the moment, just this once. He spread his ruined palm out to her, and she took it greedily, pressing it against the scars running down her arms.

She wiped away the beginnings of tears and tugged on his fingers softly.

"You were gone." Big innocent red eyes met his own, and he cradled her chin to make sure she kept looking away from his back.

"I told you before, I ain't going nowhere."

"Liar." She warbled past the frog in her throat. "You left."

"I had to get your grandmas and grandpa some medicine." She perked up at the mention of her next favorite set of people outside of Katsuki and Kyo, and met the wide grin of his Ma with a small twitch of her own lips.


"I got you some too." She zeroed back in on Katsuki, her eyes full of confusion.

"But I'm not sick?" She was slightly scared again, better hurry it up.

"Yeah, you see, on my way to get their medicine, I found a really bad man and his friends." She froze, she knew exactly who he was talking about. "They thought someone had stolen something from them, and wanted it back." She was shaking, fuck this needed tk end now. "So I sent them some place where they'll never do anything bad again."

She'd locked up again, like back when he'd first found her. Katsuki took the plague mask out from behind his back and held it out to the girl.

Eri flinched back as if she'd been punched, staring at the beaked object in pure horror. "I figured you'd need some proof so I brought this back for ya."

Her eyes pivoted back and forth from the mask to his eyes, looking for any hint of deceit.

Eventually she closed her eyes completely, and reached out with shaking hands to homd the mask herself.

"You wanna know what we're gonna do with it?"Katsuki kept his eyes on his little girl until she finally worked up the nerve to open her eyes again and look at the mask.

He held up a palm, and turned the heat up.

A small flame, half the size of Eri herself roared to life. She blinked a trhe sudden sound and looked uo at him in confusion.

"We're gonna erase what's left of him so he never hurts anyone again, omay?" So he never hurts you again.

She stared up at him for a second. Five. Ten. Thirty. Forty six. Until she gave a jerky nod and let the mask fall into the fire, where it was incinerated with extreme prejudice.

She was crying again, but she wasn't shaking anymore so Katsuki's takin that as a win.

Quickly picking the girl up and making his way to his bed, he settled down with his little unicorn and tucked them both in under the eyes of the three elder women.

"Eveything is okay now, Eri. Wanna know why?" She curled into his chest under the covers and blinked up at him past the soft tears that fell. "Because you are here."

The lights were out by then, and the room was silent.

A good way to end one hell of a first day at UA.

Or so the principal watching the blinking cameras with all of his staff present would like to believe.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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