74.28% My Yandere girls in Marvel / Chapter 26: Spider Woman's hero complex

บท 26: Spider Woman's hero complex

Seeing Gwen jump so high to the top of a skateboard track that's up to 15 meters high, and pulling out spider webs from her wrists to swing on some intricate-looking factory metal poles.

Lynn was amazed.

Not because of Gwen's incredible physical strength after being bitten by the radioactive spider or the spider web that she could now remove from her body. But he was amazed by how flexible Gwen's slender body could maneuver in the air while swinging in all directions.

Perhaps this was one of Spider Woman's strengths that made her better than the male version of Spider-Man. Unlike the male version of Spider-Man who excels in strength. Spider Woman has an advantage in agility and most of her power stats are more balanced than the male version of Spider-Man.

This is why in the original work. Ghost Spider or Spider Woman is rarely injured in battle and may only suffer some minor injuries if her opponent gives her a hard time.

If it's Spider-Man. Well how many times has the male version of Spider-Man been injured so badly in the original work? Against Doctor Octopus, he almost died... Against the Lizard, he almost died... Against Green Goblin, Peter Parker almost died... Against super villain duos like Venom and Sandman, Peter Parker would have died if not for plot armor.

Although Spider-Man always wins in the end. He will always be severely injured after the battle is over and will have to recuperate for several days or weeks.

To be honest, Spider-Man is quite pathetic and Lynn sometimes wonders if Spider-Man/Peter Parker hasn't become masochistic after taking so many beatings in his life?

If it's Spider Woman... In the original work, although in some battles she often chose to retreat because she wasn't strong enough to fight her enemies. But it was a smart move and not as stubborn as the male version of Spider-Man who kept pushing against enemies stronger than him to hurt himself badly.

Spider Woman from different universes, they are superior in brains than brawn. They don't have as much of a hero complex as the male version of Spider-Man and for the most part the enemies they fight. If they manage to win against super villains, they are not hurt so badly and at most only suffer some minor injuries.

From this it can be seen that Spider Woman and Spider-Man, both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Many people or society will definitely prefer Spider-Man who is very kind and willing to sacrifice his life to save people he doesn't even know.

In terms of popularity, Spider Woman is definitely inferior to Spider-Man. But put other people's opinions aside.

Even without the bias that he likes Gwen, Lynn would definitely prefer Spider Woman over Spider-Man.


Because he likes superheroes like Spider Woman who values her own life more than people she doesn't know.

It's not that Lynn dislikes or hates superheroes who are willing to sacrifice their lives for strangers. In fact, he has some respect for people who are willing to sacrifice their own lives for strangers.

The premise was as long as the person was not someone he had a close relationship with, especially his own woman or a woman he liked. After all, who would like to see their family or loved ones sacrifice themselves for strangers? If it was him, Lynn would not like it.

If in the future Jean or Gwen had such a stupid idea of sacrificing their lives for strangers. He would definitely stop the girls and slap their asses to ditch their stupid hero complexes.

If they were stubborn? He would lock them up in his bedroom and restrict their movements using his various Honkai technologies.

'Um... Why do I think like a yandere? Do I have yandere tendencies? What the hell!'

Lynn was dumbfounded by what he had just thought.

Honestly, now he even had strong possessive and protective feelings towards Jean and Gwen.

He realized this.

However, he did not expect that it would drive him crazy enough to become a yandere.

"Lynn. What do you think of me now?" Gwen who had finished doing her acrobatic act was now looking at him anxiously and nervously.

Probably because of seeing his confused face, she was even more nervous and worried that he was disgusted or afraid of her.

'This stupid girl...'

Lynn smiled wryly and the smile gradually became soft.

Gwen who saw Lynn's smile felt the scenery around her turn into spring.

She knew it was just her imagination, but still. Even after gaining superpowers, she still couldn't resist Lynn's charm.

Her heart was beating fast and it was exactly the characteristics of a girl in love!

She stared blankly at Lynn's handsome face and scrutinized his expression to the micro level to see if he was really not disgusted or afraid of her?

The result was absolutely nothing.

There was only a gentle smile on his handsome face that made her obsessed.

{It might be good to test how strong my cobwebs are by tying Lynn up and seeing if he can break free or not.}

Lynn involuntarily shuddered at what Gwen was thinking.

Damn, what is this girl thinking all of a sudden?!

He had to quickly divert the crazy thing she was thinking about.

"Ahem! Awesome... Gwen, you have superpowers now?"

"Yes... You don't feel bad about me?"

"Why should I? You didn't turn into an ugly monster or anything. You still look cute as ever."


"Do I need to kiss you to prove that I'm not disgusted or afraid of you?"

Lynn grinned as he said that.

Gwen blushed and there was also a look of relief on her face. "Thank goodness... I thought you would..."

"Does that mean agreeing to be kissed?" Lynn asked.

"You... Hmph! You're teasing me more and more these days. Do you really want to kiss me?" Gwen put her hands on her waist, and her face looked pleased.

She did not know if Lynn was joking to lighten her mood or if he was really serious.

Either way she suddenly had an idea.

Looking at Gwen who suddenly smiled flirtatiously and put both her hands on his shoulders, even wrapped around his neck.

Lynn was excited!

But he did not expect that what Gwen said next was...

"You can kiss me. But before that can I try swinging through the city on my spider web with you in my arms, Lynn?"

"Don't worry. With my current physical strength, I should be able to lift your body easily."

"...." Lynn fell silent.

Was it just him or did the girls around him have unique tendencies?

Jean sometimes wanted to dominate him.

Emma? She clearly has the ambition to seduce him with beauty trick.

Natasha likes to be looked at with disgust by him.

And Gwen? This girl, despite looking cute and harmless. She sometimes reveals her tomboyish side that wants to act macho like a man. For example, this girl wants to carry him like a prince who wants to save the princess from nowhere...

It's really strange and somewhat different.

For Gwen's request.

The answer is obvious...

"Forget it. I was just joking about the kiss and I'm thirsty anyway. Why don't we find a vending machine around here?"

Lynn smiled.

Gwen pouted.

She sighed and said: "Okay."


Gwen led the way to a location where vending machines were located nearby. As the two drank canned drinks on the side of the road, suddenly a giant TV screen attached to a building displayed a shocking news.

"Lynn, it looks like something bad has happened..."

"Let's take a look first, Gwen. It looks like an interesting news story."

Holding their drinks, the two watched the news. Not only them, but many other people on the street were also doing the same out of curiosity.

Apart from watching from the giant TV screen, many of them were also watching the news on their cell phones.

The news showed that there was a Green Titan running around New York and was said to have just escaped from a military center. Unlike the previous Green Titan who was stopped by Iron Man. The Green Titan this time looks bigger than before and his appearance also looks more sinister with dark green skin and some sharp bones protruding from his spine.

In short, the monstrous monster is running somewhere while destroying everything in front of him and even killing people who get in his way.

Many people panicked of course, especially people living in New York. Many of them who had seen this news looked around in fear and started running around to hide.

Many of them thought it wasn't safe to be on the streets of New York, so they had to hide inside buildings and rush back to their homes to feel safer.

Although New York is vast, there is still a possibility that the creepy Green Titan might appear at their location.

Looking at the people who started running to hide. Gwen who had superpowers became restless. Not because she was afraid, but she was confused about what to do?

She had superpowers now.

Should she try to help the police or the military to capture the Green Titan?

She subconsciously turned to Lynn and asked. "Lynn... What should I do? You know. I have superpowers now. Should I help to stop that Green Titan?"

Lynn was not surprised to see Gwen's agitated state as she seemed to want to act as a hero. But she was hesitant and still considering many things.

This was what he liked about Spider Woman.

At least she didn't immediately rush to fight any evil without thinking too much like Spider-Man.

He reached out his hand and pinched the blonde girl's cheek gently. "Gwen... Do you really want to be a superhero?"

"I..." Gwen hesitated.

But Lynn was happy to see her reaction like this.

"Are you sure you can defeat the big monster featured in the news? You know from physical strength. That monster definitely looks stronger than you, right? You realize that."

"...." Gwen nodded. Looking at the Green Titan that could destroy buildings easily regardless of its size. She clearly knew that her physical strength which had increased many times was still even inferior to that Green Titan.

It was unrealistic if she thought her small fists could defeat the Green Titan in a fight.

Besides that. She had no fighting experience and was only good at swinging with her spider web after practicing secretly several times a week.

Right now it was clear that she was also not confident that she could defeat a monster like the Green Titan!


"But you feel you have a responsibility to stop that Green Titan, right? Or at least you want to try to help."

"Lynn, how do you know?" Gwen was surprised Lynn could guess what she was thinking so clearly.

"I just guessed it from your expression."

That was a lie.

He was using his mind-reading ability.

But put that aside. Lynn removed his hand from Gwen's cheek and folded his hands with a rather serious expression.

He suddenly remembered the iconic line from many versions of Spider-Man that made Spider-Man often wake up.

'Uncle Ben!'

'I'm going to borrow your words and change the meaning a bit!'

With a smile on his face, he said: "Gwen, with great power comes great responsibility."

"That's the feeling of confusion and restlessness you're experiencing right now."

Gwen's eyes lit up. She thought the wise words Lynn said sounded cool.

But instead of feeling lighter, she felt more depressed.

"So Lynn, I really have to go fight that Green Titan, right?" Gwen asked.

Lynn shook his head.

"No, you don't actually have to."

"Uh, then what should I do? You know if I don't help, I don't feel right..."

"Instead of trying to defeat the Green Titan who is clearly stronger than you. Why don't you just focus on saving the people around where the Green Titan is? Aren't you interested in becoming a superhero to help people in distress?"

Gwen opened her eyes wide, she felt what Lynn said sounded reasonable.

"But Lynn, what about the Green Titan? Who will stop him?"

Lynn shook his head again and said: "Gwen, have you forgotten that there are other superheroes in this world, there is even a group of meta humans who are sometimes active to fight evil? Leave the Green Titan to them. You don't have to bear everything alone as if you have an obligation to help everyone in the world."

"Even if you have superpowers, you don't owe the world and if you feel like being a hero. Help people as much as you can and if you feel you can't do it."

"Leave it to others because you're not the only person with superpowers in this world and most importantly... You should be more concerned about your own life than people you don't know."

The last one was emphasized more because Lynn really didn't like the idea of Gwen sacrificing herself for people she didn't know.

He was selfish and tried to manipulate Gwen with his words to keep her from taking a path he didn't like.

Many Spider Women in other universes have issues blaming themselves when they can't save everyone. That's when their hero complex has grown tall enough.

But for Gwen/Spider Woman in this universe. Lynn would not let Gwen's hero complex grow and prevent her from becoming too obsessed with being a hero.

Remember acting as a hero is fine, but it should be done in moderation and not so much that you want to sacrifice yourself.

Gwen felt enlightened after hearing Lynn's words and she clenched her small fists.

"Lynn, then I'll do it!"

Lynn nodded. "Okay, but Gwen. Do you already have a superhero outfit/suit to hide your identity? You're not thinking of exposing your own true identity while acting as a superhero, are you?"


Heard about the superhero battle suit.

Gwen fell silent.

Actually now she was wearing her school clothes. There was a jacket wrapped around her waist, a short striped skirt, and black stockings wrapped around her thighs and legs.

There was also her school bag that was placed in Lynn's car.

But put that aside. She didn't have any combat clothing that could hide her identity at all!

She hadn't made one despite having the idea of becoming a superhero recently.

In this situation, did she want to pretend to be a superhero while showing off her Gwen Stacy face in public?

No, definitely not.

If her parents found out what their daughter was doing. When she returned home, she would definitely be scolded!

Besides, it would be really troublesome if she didn't hide her identity while acting as a superhero.

Gwen could imagine that her face would appear on the news and many people would question her. Not only her friends at school, but there would be other problems like the police, etc.

Scratching her cheek awkwardly, she looked at Lynn and said: "I... I don't have one yet."

Lynn couldn't help but laugh.

Who was excited to become a superhero before?

In the end, before leaving to beat up villain, she forgot that she didn't have a combat suit to hide her identity.

Gwen felt embarrassed. "Lynn, stop laughing! Don't laugh at me!"


"Lynn! Stupid, stupid... Stop laughing!"

Gwen's face felt hot, she pouted and looked at Lynn who was laughing at her with annoyance.

Lynn knew he had to stop laughing now. Looking at Gwen who looked confused again because she didn't know what to do.

He pretended to take something from his pants pocket and at the same time used his Herrscher of Reason creation ability.

"Gwen, take this and wear it."

Lynn took out a white bracelet from his pocket and gave it to Gwen.

"Lynn this... I'm glad you gave me a gift, but..."

"Don't rush Gwen, it's not an ordinary bracelet."

Seeing that the bracelet in her hand was no ordinary bracelet, Gwen thought of something and looked at Lynn with surprise in her eyes.

"Lynn, is this bracelet as unusual as the healing potion you gave me back then?"

Lynn smiled and nodded. "Yes, think of it as an advanced technology that I developed and the bracelet really has the ability to transform the user's clothes into whatever the user imagines."

"Wow!" Gwen could not help but be amazed.

She understood why Lynn had given her this advanced bracelet.

At the same time she looked at the man in front of her tenderly.

There is an expression like a girl in love that is not hidden.

Should she kiss him passionately now?

"Well Gwen, you can thank me later. Now quickly change your clothes in the car because when we don't have much time to waste."

"Abomina-- cough! I mean, right now the Green Titan must be making trouble somewhere and a lot of people are in danger."

Lynn urged Gwen while pretending to care about the people he didn't know.

Actually, he was only interested in seeing the Hulk's nemesis in the flesh.

It was the second generation Hulk and at the same time a super villain in the Hulk story.

A cunning subordinate who had dissatisfaction with his boss, and had hatred for Bruce Banner for beating him up which made super soldiers like himself feel humiliated.

Lynn remembers Abomination's real name in his human form.

If I'm not mistaken, it was Emil Blonsky.

He was one of General Ross's subordinates who must have betrayed and no longer cared about military rules because he felt very confident in his power after becoming a monster called Abomination.


Author Note

Hi all. Power Stones, please.

By the way...

In this chapter I confess that I'm venting my dislike for fictional characters who like to sacrifice themselves for strangers. And to be honest, I like characters who are not too good and bad. That's in fiction of course. If it's in the real world, I would like everyone to be good.

Speaking of characters who like to sacrifice themselves for strangers. That reminds me of some stupid characters with shitty hero complexes. The one I remember the most was a certain heroine who had a stupid hero complex where she wanted to save everyone she didn't even know by putting herself in danger. And then the MC had to step in to help the heroine and blah blah blah, both endangering themselves for strangers who were basically insignificant NPCs.

DogLickerGods DogLickerGods

Creation is actually quite easy, I just need motivation and ideas to do it. I would appreciate it if you guys support me by making reviews, throwing power stones or joining my pâtreon.

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