20% Falling Into The Marvel Cinematic Universe / Chapter 4: Battle of New York pt.1

บท 4: Battle of New York pt.1

Samantha's POV

"So child, how did you really get teleported to midgard?" I raise my eyebrow and shrug, "turns out the tesseract didn't teleport me here." He leans closer to the glass, "then how?" I smirk, "I'll tell you when you're not controlled by a lunatic titan." I walk to the glass cage.

He looks taken back. I chuckle and sit back down on the chair, "Now don't just stand there, try to escape because i sure ain't going to help you." he gets mad so he starts to yell at me, while also try to get out using his powers. I cancel his yelling with putting on my airpods and listen to music. Just to make him more mad i start to take selfies with him.

Time skip

Finally after about fifteen minutes, loki opens the cage. "Finally. Bro i almost thought you weren't going to do it and needed my help." He scoffs, "I don't need help from a mewling quim." I got up from my chair, ready to fight a bitch, "I know what that fucking means you cheap leather wearing whore. You're lucky I can't-" Thor storms in and sees the door slide open, he gets tricked into the cage. "Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Thor hits the cage with his hammer, the cage cracks but it begins to shake off the bolts and shudders. "dude stop, your not going to be able to get out." Loki laughs, "The humans think us immortal. Shall we test that?"

Loki moves to open the chute beneath the cell, dropping Thorto, what for any regular person, would be certain death.Coulson suddenly appears, wielding a large prototype PhaseTwo weapon. "Move away please." Coulson says calmly, Loki steps back from the panel. Coulson gestures to the gun. "Do you like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent the Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Do you wanna find out?" I move behind coulson, knowing that i might die but coulson will be fine. Coulson prepares to fire the weapon when Loki disappears,reappearing behind me thrusting the point of his spearthrough my chest. I yell in pain and fall to the floor, Thor yells, "noooo!" coulson turns around and tries to help me.

Loki returns to the panel, opening the chute and pressing the button which sends the cell, and Thor, falling from the ship. Loki turns to leave but Coulson grabs the gun and shoots him, sending him through the wall. "so that's what it does." i try to laugh at the line, but i end up coughing. phil turns to me again. "kid stay with me." he takes off his suit jacket and uses it on my stab wound. he pushes his earpiece, "Boss come quick. . . it's the kid she got stabbed and is in critical condition. . . yes sir." he lets go of his earpiece, and looks down at me. "Kid why did you do it?" i chuckle, "i was sent here to help the avengers and the last time i checked my comic knowledge they made you an avenger."

Soon enough Fury storms in with a medical team behind him, that immediately start to work on my wound, "what the fuck were you thinking?" "I wasn't going to let him die, fury. Especially after i found out about sending him to Tahiti. Now get them off of me ill be fine." "but miss you got stabbed very close to your heart and is slightly punctured one of your lun-" "yeah i don't give a flying fuck now leave. Fury tell them to leave, i have to tell you something in private." Fury nods at the medical team, and they hesitantly leave.

"Now Fury call through the earpiece saying that phil died." "why?" "because the avengers need something to push them together." "what about you?" phil asks. I use the wall to get up, "i'll be fine." i take out my pen and open my pocket dimension and take out the journal. "I thought you said you didn't have any abilities." Fury says angrily, i smirk. "at the time you asked, i didn't then when i passed out and woke up in one of the rooms. i was given this journal by the person who created this universe." I open the journal and turn to the previous page i was on, since it still had room i wrote.

Samantha Mena now is now has enhanced healing.

"So you didn't think to inform us about this journal." i shake my head "nope, i'd rather have this journal on the down low for now." i grab phil's jacket from the floor and hand it to fury. "what do i do with this?" "use it to guilt the avengers so that they can work together. Originally you used his trading cards and feel like that was fucked up since i wouldn't want blood all over my stuff." "Thanks kid." phil smiles, "Don't worry about it, i'm just glad you didn't die."

"They called time on phil, the kid is fine." Fury says through the earpiece. i turn to phil,"You know you will have to go into hiding until fury calls you, right?" "Yeah, i'll just take a vacation or do low missions." "That's good, now i have to go check on the others. Make sure they haven't fucking killed each other yet." I leave the room and walk into the closet i was earlier and make an illusion on my body that i have been stabbed but was quickly stitched. i walk out of the closet with a slight limp.

I make it to the conference room and Steve, Tony, and Fury are gathered at a table. Hill standsto the side. Fury pulls out phil's jacket. i sit in the chair between tony and steve, fury throws the jacket on the table. "We're dead in the air up here. Our communications, location of thecube, Banner, Thor. Samantha do you know where they are?" "Bruce is fine he just crashed into a abandoned warehouse in new Jersey , where he will meet the 'security guard ' who helps him. He will meet us later. Thor crashed on in a empty field and is currently make his way to our next location." "What about the tesseract?" tony asks. "Yall will figure it out soon enough."

Fury begins to make his way around the table and stands behind my chair, "Yes, we were going to build an anarsenal with the Tesseract. I never put all my chips on that number,though, because I was playing something even riskier. There was an idea, Stark knows this, called the Avengers Initiative." Fury reaches for the back of my chair. "The idea was to bring together agroup of remarkable people, see if they could become something more.See if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could.Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea, in heroes." I mumble the line under my breath.

I take out my phone, but it was soon taken from my hand, i look at the person who took my phone. "What the fuck Anthony?" Tony stands and walks out with me following him.

we end up back at the detention center, Tony stand overlooking where the cylindrical glass cage used to be. Steve enters the room. "was he married?" I shake my head. "No. There was a uh- cellist, I think." I sneak behind tony and and slyly take my phone from his back pocket and put it in my hoodie pocket. "I'm sorry. He seemed like a goodman." "He was an idiot."

Tony and Steve slowly move toward each other. "Why? For believing?" "For taking on Loki alone." I pipe up, "he wasn't alone, i was there and obviously my plan didn't work." i point out my fake stitching. "Yes and that was very stupid of you. You knew what was going to happen and didn't give us a warning." i put my hands up in surrender, "Hold up, stark i was only doing what i was told. my job is to make sure the current avengers and future avengers don't die. when they aren't ready to die, i am allowed to prevent deaths. I am only a protector." "Right. How did that work out for phil?" "Well at least i fucking tried! like you tony i learn from my mistakes, for example this is a mistake. i learned what approach didn't work and i won't do it the second time. Now get off my ass! " i go to the chair i was before and take out airpods and phone from my hoodie and pretend to listen to music. tony was about to say something about my phone but steve stops him.

"Is this the first time you've lost a soldier?" Tony gets mad at steve's question. "We are not soldiers! I'm not marching to Fury's fife." "Neither am I. He's got the same blood on his hands that Loki does,but right now we gotta put that behind us and get this done. Now Loki needs a power source, if we can put together a list-" Tony looks down at the place I fell, there is a dent in the wall. "He made it personal." "That's not the point." "That is the point. That's Loki'spoint. He hit us all right where welive. Why?" "To tear us apart." "Yeah, divide and conquer is great but- he knows he has to take us out to win, right? That's what he wants. He wants to beat us, he wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience." "Right. I caught his act in Stuttgart." I get up from my chair and put my stuff back in my pocket dimension. "Yeah. That's just previews, thisis- this is opening night. AndLoki, he's a full-tail diva. He wants flowers, he wants parades, he wants a monument built to the skies with his name plastered....Son of-a-bitch." "fucking finally y'all figured it out." "weren't you listening to music?" "oh no, i was just pretending." They nod and we leave the room, steve goes towards the medical center to get natasha and clint. i follow tony but he stops and turns to me.

"where do you think your going?" "with yall." "No your not." "who do you think you are to tell me what to do?" he rolls eyes, "how old are you again?" "16" "yeah your a minor and you are going to need a guardian." he starts to walk again i follow behind him. "are you asking me if you can be my guardian?" "what, no." "its okay stark, im cool with you being my guardian." "really?" "yeah but after your officially my guardian after we go save new york." "fine, but your still not coming with us." "yes i am." we end up in a workshop Tony starts to repairs to his helmet. soon enough the helmet lights up. "why do you want to go?" "if i tell you, promise you wont get mad." "depends on what you tell me." "well i got this journal from the person who sent me here and anything i wrote on it came true." he sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose, "what did you write?" "the easier way to describe is that i now have magic and i can fly." "anything else i need to know before we go?" he starts to put on the suit, "i can shape shift and have a pocket dimension." "Do you have a suit?" i take out my journal from my pocket dimension, "no, but i sure can make one." he sighs, "fine you can help, but under one condition." i nod at him to continue as a write,

Samantha Mena now has the ability to change her outfit at will.

"you stay close to me where i can keep an eye on you." i nod and he makes his way outside. i snap my fingers and my hoodie turns into a black dress with a mesh sleeves with embroidered stars, my shoes turn into black heeled boots. my hair turns jet black and is now shorter in a rocker chic pixie, to top it off a silver elf like tiara with a teardrop shaped amethyst gem. I put on the earpiece that fury handed to me before and we get to the edge of the air deck and the quinjet, tony and i take off. "Samantha i thought i told you to get a suit." "you did and i told you that i was going to make one." "I said a suit not a dress." "I was not going to where spandex tony, if i am going to save new york, i might as well look good while doing it." He laughs, we fly towards the city, and tony's suit is running out of power.

We get to the tower, "i'll make my way inside where it's safe." "fine, but stay away from loki." i nod and make my way to where i know 2023 tony is going be and i take out my journal and write,

Samantha Mena now has a normal sheet of paper.

i take out my pen and write, Meet me down stairs when you get to the lobby- 2012 sam. i add a smiley face and tape it to the wall. loki makes his way into the room, while tony goes behind the bar. i make myself invisible and make my way towards tony. "Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity." loki scoffs. "Uh- actually, We are planning to threaten you." "we?" i make myself visible. "If you wanted to threaten me, You should have left your armor on for that." "Yeah, it's seen a bit of mileage.You've got the uh- blue stick of destiny. Would you like a drink?" "I would." tony gibes me a disapproval look, "Stalling me won't change anything." "No, no, no- threatening. No drink?You sure? I'm having one." he grabs the liquor and pours himself a glass. "The Chitauri are coming, nothing will change that. What have I to fear?" "The Avengers. It's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team.'Earth's Mightiest Heroes' type of thing." "Yes, I'm met them."

"Yeah, takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one.But, let's do a head count here.Your brother, the Demigod" ; Loki turns away and Tony slips a pair of bracelets onto his wrists. "A super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend; a teenager who is from a different universe and knows the future; a man with breathtaking anger management issues; a couple of master assassins, and you, big fella, you've managed to piss off every single one of them." "That was the plan." Tony begins to walk to the center of the penthouse whereLoki is. while i sneak a glass of liquor and coke. "Not a great plan. When they come,and they will, they'll come for you."

"I have an army."

"We have a Hulk."

"Oh, I thought the beast had wandered off." "nah he's on his way to beat your ass." "Yeah- you're missing the point.There's no throne, there is no version of this, where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. 'Cause if we can't protect the earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it."

Loki walks over to Tony, pointing his scepter. "How will your friends have time for me, when they're so busy fighting you?" Loki walks up to Tony, and places the tip of the scepter over his heart. It clinks against the arc reactor. "This usually works." "Well, performance issues. You know?"

Loki grabs Tony by the throat and throws him across the room. "JARVIS, anytime now." Loki grabs Tony again. "You will all fall before me." "JARVIS. Deploy." Loki sends Stark crashing through the window, and plummeting toward the ground.

"Deploy!" Behind Loki, the Mark Seven suit goes rocketing past and out after Stark.... the suit catches up to him and, locking on to the bracelets, attaches to him and unfolds to a full suit. Tony manages to stop his fall moments before he hits the ground and flies back up to Loki at the window. "And there's one other person youpissed off! His name is Phil."

Iron Man fires a repulsor blast at Loki and he is knocked down. Meanwhile the device has powered up and shoots a stream of blue energy at the sky, which opens into a portal where the Chitauri army waits. The hordes of aliens begin tofly through. i finish off the rest of my drink and fly towards the broken window. "Right! Army."

Tony speeds towards the incoming army, shooting at them. I follow behind him and shoot balls of purple powerful whisps, i shoot them exactly like wanda. The Chitauri fire back at us. we fire more blasts and magic,spin out the way, dodging the exploding debris.

tony continues flying higher. BAM! He is hit by a Chitauri hovercraft. He rights himself and releases mini-missiles at the Chitauri, blowing them up. "tony i'm going to help the citizens, the others will be here soon." "okay just try not get too hurt." "copy that." I fly closer to the ground while still killing the Chitauri.

Civilians are running for their lives, screaming. Several police cars show up. police sergeant and young cop step out of their car where they look up at the Chitauri. I help the civilians towards a safer area.

"Stark, we're on a..." Natasha says through my earpiece. "...three heading north east." "What, did you stop for drive-thru?Swing that park, we're gonna lay 'em out for you." tony sasses. "Im sorry did you just say we?" steve asks. "Yeah he sure did." "Mena what are you doing here?" nat says in a angry parent type of way. "Yeah sam, tell them what you told me before we left the helicarrier." tony says very passive aggressively. "You want the even shorter version or do you want the version i told tony?" "The even shorter version." "well when i woke up from my panic attack i found a journal from the person who sent me here, and the journal has the ability to make whatever i wrote come true. Lets just say i was able to give myself powers under all of your noses." They all sigh. As i was explaining i put another note for the others from the future, in the alley they first land in.

Tony flies fast, leading a troop of Chitauri, past Stark Tower - where Thor and Loki are still fight each other.He flies around the building, takes a sharp turn - causing some of the troop to crash.

Barton and Natasha are piloting the quinjet. They release the cannon gun. Tony flies past them at high-speed and they release continuous fire at the troop of Chitauri in front of them. They fly through the smoke and up to Stark Tower. I fly to make my way to where the quinjet is going to land.

The quinjet comes around a building, blasting the army who are firing at them. One of the wings are grazed by Chitauri gunfire. Causing them to crash into a semi-clear street that i semi-cleared. Natasha and Barton open the ramp, and Cap and them exit the jet. "smooth landing guys." i jokingly say. "you could have warned us." steve says. "it wouldn't have been as fun." i make my way towards natasha and clint. "Have you updated him on my situation?" "No, we were to busy trying to stay alive." i turn to clint, "Samantha Mena or you can call me sam. i give you a quick run down. I came from a different universe where this universe is in movies, played by actors and are in comic books. I was sent here to help and protect current and future avengers. In my universe we are in 2019, which means that i know y'all lives and know the future as far as 2023. Now that is out of the way do you have any quick questions?" as i said that as a giant armored Leviathan -- a warship ofthe Chitauri, flies through the portal with more warriors.They warriors jump onto the side of buildings and into the buildings where they shoot civilians.

"How old are you?" "i am 16, i was born in 2002." "Nat that is a child." " and that's a ugly picklely bitch." he looked offended and i smirk. i make a quiver appear with unlimited arrows. "Barton, here. 11 arrows are not going to stop an alien invasion." he smirks and tosses me his old quiver and i toss him, his new quiver. "Stark, are you seeing this?" "Seeing. still working on believing. Seeing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" "Not yet he's on his way on a old motorcycle." "That's fine, Just keep me posted."

Tony flies after the Leviathan. The Leviathan tears through buildings, roaring. Barton and Natasha are crouched behind a taxi cab. Cap runsover. "We've got civilians trapped."

Natasha stands and fires both her guns at an incoming group of Chitauri. I shoot my magic at them killing after a couple hits. "We got this. It's good. Go!" Nat yells. "You think you can hold them off?" Cap asks. "Captain, it would be my genuine pleasure." clint says.

Barton grabs a arrow and shoots it, hitting one alien in the head, the arrow quickly separates into more arrows, killing three Chitauri aliens.Cap leaves us fighting and jumps off an overpass,rolling onto a bus and into the street.Barton helps people off a bus as Natasha shoots her pistols and i shoot my magic at Chitauri. He runs over to Natasha and begins releasing arrows as she shoots. i stand behind them and combine my magic with natasha's bullets and clint's arrows, making them do more damage.

"Just like Budapest all over again!"

"You and I remember Budapest very differently."

"I know almost everything that happens in this universe but they still haven't revealed what happened in Budapest. What happened in Budapest?" They look at each other and smirk. "Fine don't tell me. ill find out when the black widow movie comes out, and if they don't reveal in that movie the ill wait until the hawkeye show comes out."

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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