47.27% Reborn in My Hero Academia as a Demon Slayer. / Chapter 24: USJ Part 2: Clear Blue Sky.

บท 24: USJ Part 2: Clear Blue Sky.

[USJ-Kaito POV]

One after another the villains started to appear from the portal.

"Is this like the entrance exam where the lessors already started?" asked Kirishima.

Aizawa-sensei put on his glasses and prepared to fight, I unsheathed my swords and yelled with Aizawa-sensei.

"Don't move! They are villains."

Everyone was shocked at the realization of what was happening.

"Thirteen and Eraser-head, the information we gathered informed us that All Might would also be here." Said Kurogiri.

"Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd, too...All Might...The Symbol of Peace...And he's not here? I wonder if he'll come if we kill some kids?" said Shigaraki acting all cool.

Aizawa-sensei was getting ready to attack.

"How did villains even enter this place? Don't we have the anti-trespassers system?" Asked Momo.

"They must have some sort of person with a quirk that helps them avert the sensors. An isolated area separated from the main campus during a time when a class is supposed to be here. They might be fools, but they're not dumb. This surprise attack was carefully planned with some sort of goal in mind." Answered Todoroki.

"Thirteen start the evacuation Try calling the school. These villains even had something to counteract the sensors. It's possible someone with radio-wave-type powers is interfering. Kaminari. You try contacting the school with your Quirk, too." Ordered Aizawa-sensei.

"Sensei be careful of the purple and big guy; one is strong and the other one is the one that warped all the villains." I warned sensei.

"Thanks, but worry about getting out of here safe."

"Will you fight by yourself? With that many, even if you can erase their Quirks. your fighting style is capturing after erasing the enemy's Quirk. A frontal battle is..." Midoriya was interrupted by Aizawa-sensei.

"Midoriya, you can't be a hero with just one trick. I'm leaving it to you, Thirteen." Answered Aizawa-sensei entering the battlefield.

After a few exchanges everyone starts to run towards the exit but then Kurogiri appears.

"Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us but we have invited ourselves in to the home of the heroes, UA High School in order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace…take his last breath." Said Kurogiri appearing from nowhere.

"Huh? I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change? Well, that is neither here nor there. This is the part I am to play." Kurogiri said.

Bakugo and Kirishima were about to fuck up but I grabbed their arms and pulled them back, allowing Thirteen-sensei to use black hole.

Unfortunately, as if life hates me, Kurogiri evaded the attack.

"Well, aren't you a quick-witted one, now, are you?" Kurogiri asked.

"You knew what your teacher wanted to do and prevented your classmates from interfering right?"

Bakugo and Kirishima realized their mistake and were ashamed.

"Kobayashi Kaito, the first student to ever enter UA without a quirk, I must say that your reputation precedes you." Kurogiri said in a gentle manner.

"Cut the compliments and get to the point, you have many villains around all USJ right? My guess is that you will divide and conquer, first distract Aizawa-sensei, then make Thirteen-sensei self-destruct redirecting her attack, and finally separating us and leaving the villains either to kill us or abduct us."

I know monologuing is the first mistake in these situations but I had to divert the scale of "the most dangerous" to me, so that the others could escape but, alas they all remained still like a deer in a highway.

"Such an outstanding talent, Kobayashi Kaito, how about you join the League of Villains?" Kurogiri asked.

Along with the class I was also shocked, I thought he would eliminate me but never recruit me, he must be trying to fuel my hatred towards society using the quirkist and what not.

"Tempting offer but I'll have to reject it." I answered.

"Oh well I tried, I'm sure we will meet again I the future...if you survive of course.

"EVERYONE, DISPERSE!" I yelled when I saw Kurogiri separate himself as a purple-dark cloud.

Since life loves me so much everything went as canon with the exception that I was face with smokey face against Kurogiri and his goons near the stormy area, meaning that Tokoyami is alone but close enough to aid me, not that I need his help.

"Show me more of your skills, would you?" Kurogiri.

"Let's kill him." "Destroy the hero wannabee." "Show us your blood." Goons.

I was nervous, but also excited a part of me wants to find my classmates, another part of me wants to beat the crap out of these fuckers, since I want to do both, I'll focus on what's in front of me and then follow the script.

I unsheathed both Hashibira and Inosuke and got into battle stance.

"Beast Breathing Eighth Form: Explosive Rush!" I yelled and charged towards my opponents at blinding speeds, ignoring all incoming attacks.

While being close enough to them I went berserk but careful enough to not kill any of them.

'Beast Breathing Fourteenth Fang: Predator Onslaught.'

I swung my blades without a care in the world, this technique was not meant to neither kill nor defeat an opponent, it was made to hurt as many enemies as I could, the cuts would not kill them but will definitely make their jobs even harder. Of course, I made sure to cut them in places in where they would bleed but not die of hemorrhage.

[Kurogiri POV]

'This kid is even better than I imagined, despite all the cuts and wounds he is inflicting onto others they are not life-threatening, even if he acts like a bloodthirsty beast, he is calm enough to know the situation he is in and also is thinking how to escape.'

'His most remarkable feature is that I honestly have no clue about what he would do next, those two extra swords may be for other techniques and his body seems special compared to others, although, I have a feeling that something is missing, what could it be. Well, I certainly don't have time to think about that so I better go back and deal with the ones that were not scattered.'

[Third person POV]

Kurogiri escaped and left Kaito with the goons, knowing Kurogiri's character Kaito knew that he was not going to come back so he decided to end the battle.

"You guys were a great warm-up, however, play time is over."

Kaito sheathed both Hashibira and Inosuke and took out Tengen and Uzui.

"Sound Breathing Second Form: Encore!"

Kaito threw some black spheres that released some black mist and he surrounded himself with a mantle, afterwards he twirled his swords and started clashing with each other generating small explosion, said explosions detonated on different sides of the cloud and finally.


A big explosion engulfed the area.

Everyone from class 1-A remembered Kaito's words 'Sound Breathing and it is LOUD' they knew that there is where Kaito was.

Kaito came out of the explosion without a scratch thanks to the mantle he had, it was a shock absorbent cloak that prevented damage from shockwaves, direct impacts and of course explosions.

Not having too much to work with about the missing techniques he went a little too over the top with this one.

Kaito located Tengen and Uzui and were intact but out of gunpowder. He pressed a hidden button in the hilt and two capsules were shot from the lower part of the handle, Kaito inserted two similar looking capsules and pressed the button again, after a while he stored his swords and now had a normal katana and Zangetsu.

Kaito was now tending the injuries of the villains, he was still a hero yes, he went overboard but, in his defense, it was personal defense. After making sure no one would die due to the injuries Kaito left.

"Kobayashi was that you?" asked a familiar voice to Kaito, it was Tokoyami.

"Oh, Tokoyami how are you, and yes that was me, but don't worry I'm fine."

"With the size of that explosion I should ask if the villains are fine."

"They are alive and with no live-threatening wounds so I said they are ok." Kaito gave a thumbs up to Tokoyami.

Tokoyami prayed a little for the villains and went with Kaito to where Thirteen and the rest were.


Iida has already run off towards UA and everyone was safe from the attack. Along the way Kaito found Aoyama and Ojiro, together with Tokoyami they went towards the gate, everything was like canon and Kaito slapped himself in the forehead after seeing Thirteen injured again, like come on you get a head up but still almost die, fuck your life gal.

They were ready to go there and help in tending the injured until Kaito saw something that made his blood boil.

He saw Aizawa in very bad shape being tortured by the nomu. From the big catalogue of characters that Watanabe Kai used and still holds dear, Shota Aizawa is among them, the man despite never showing it has a great sense of justice and is prepared to sacrifice anything as long as he can save anyone.

On top of that Shigaraki was about to turn Tsuyu's head into dust.

Even though Aizawa stopped him with his quirk, the second the nomu smashed his head against the ground Kaito and Midoriya went towards Shigaraki.

'Crap, crap, crap, crap! He's clearly different from our earlier opponents! I've gotta save Asui and run away!' thought Midoriya.

"Let go of her! SMASH!!!" he yelled as he smashed his fist towards Shigaraki.

(At the same time)

'How dare he, even if I knew this was going to happen, I won't let you get away unharmed for hurting those who are important to me!' Thought Kaito filled with rage.

"Water Breathing Eight Form Enhanced: Waterfall Basin, Destruction!" Yelled Kaito after boosting himself with the tree, then did some spins to gain momentum and finally ended with a straight slash aimed at Shigaraki's body.

(IMPORTANT: MC is a kind person but even Goku gets pissed so don't judge him.)

Smoke covered the area and both Kaito and Midoriya were out of the smoke. Midoriya was carrying Mineta piggyback style and Kaito was princess carrying Tsuyu, making her blush a little but Kaito did not noticed.

"Are you ok? You feel dizzy or something?" Kaito was worried.

Tsuyu was a little off due to the princess carry so she was too embarrassed to answer.

'She seems fine but it seems the fear of death is imprinted on her, I'll cut that bird-brain in half!' Kaito said while standing up and letting Tsuyu to support on his shoulder.

He regrouped with Midoriya and Mineta and left Tsuyu to their care, he rapidly knocks Mineta out cold because, you know, precautions and handed both of them to Midoriya.

"What are you planning to do Kaito-san?" asked a worried Midoriya.

"I am the class representative, and as such I have a duty to help the class whenever and wherever a teacher is not around, Thirteen-sensei and Aizawa-sensei are out of commission but none of the class 1-A are as bad as them, I'll draw their attention to me and hold them off so that you guys can escape, can you carry Aizawa-sensei?"

"I'm at my limit with just two. And also, you can't…" Midoriya was caught off guard by Kaito and received a punch in the gut.

"GAH, K-Kaito-san?"

"Sorry Midoriya but I know how you are, even though I haven't been too long with the rest, I already see them as friends, and my #1 rule is: 'Protect those important to you no matter the cost!' Take care Midosiya, please don't hate me too much." Kaito said with a smile.

"Oi, Sero, take them with your tape! Momo prepare some 1st aid kit!" Yelled Kaito and threw all of them towards his classmates.

[Kaito POV]

"Self-sacrifice, how vomiting." Shigaraki.

"More than those hands, skin, hair color…you know what, compared to you even shit looks like a fucking supermodel." I said to see how he would react to my provocation. I had to make nomu focus on me.

"What did you say? Nomu kill him!" Shigaraki ordered.

'Well…that was easy.' I thought.

The gargantuan being rushed at me and I dodge, each strike could kill me if it hit any of my vitals so I was on thin ice. I tried to slash the nomu but I couldn't do a deep cut, worst yet the regeneration quirk heals him almost instantly.

The clash lasted a few more minutes, I was in a deadlock, I couldn't retreat and I couldn't defeat, my best bet was to damage the brain as much as I could to prevent the nomu from being active, the problem was that the brain was the most protected part of the nomu.

My train of thought ended when I felt something holding my leg, it was Kurogiri, I tried to free myself but it was already too late, the nomu uppercut me right in the gut sending me upwards. thankfully my constitution was strong enough and the bones only cracked a little.

I crashed against the ceiling but then started to fall down. 'It seems the butterfly effect made All Might or more specifically Iida to reach UA late.' I thought as I was losing consciousness.

"What do you have to say now! Eh!?" Gloated Shigaraki. "Nomu kill him once he reaches your range." The nomu started to prepare a punch.

'The repercussions will be a hassle but I guess it's better than dying.' I thought before going Total Concentration.

[Third person POV]


Everyone could hear a weird sound coming from Kaito's location.

"Total Concentration!" Kaito yelled as he unsheathes his sword and takes a stance mid-air.

"It doesn't matter what are you planning, you will die at the hands of nomu!" Shigaraki Yelled.

"Nomu forget the waiting, smash his skull open!" as Shigaraki ordered the nomu jumped and its punch met Kaito's face.

Everyone was out of breath, Aizawa was already foreseeing that Kaito would get his head crushed, Midoriya was about to cry, the rest of the class was either looking other way or praying that Kaito wouldn't die.

At that moment Kaito was calmed, as if nothing mattered more than to cut his objective, the possibility of death, the safety of his friends and teachers, the consequences of his actions, none of that mattered, he was there whether the world liked it or not, and he would do what his heart tells him.

He twisted his body mid-air evading the attack and leaving everyone in shock that he survived.

"Sun Breathing: Clear Blue Sky!!!" Yelled Kaito as his upper body twisted again and made a 360° slash.

It was as if flames burned the flesh of the nomu, who was falling with a slash mark in its chest and then crashed into the ground creating a big pit, while the nomu was crashing deeper into the ground, Kaito had a resoluted look in his eyes, they were filled with determination to live and protect those who are precious to him.

After the attack connected and the nomu crashed, Kaito started to fall as well.

'It seems we have something in common Midoriya, we are extremely reckless, hopefully when the time comes, you will rely on us to help you, even though I'm a hypocrite for saying this. I really hope I can be a better hero, but for now, I'll…take…a…little...nap. "

That was the last thing Kaito thought before falling unconscious.

ZackDKaizo ZackDKaizo

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Hope you like it, sorry 4 the cringe, sometimes I can't tell which line is cringe and which is not.

Next time in Reborn in My Hero Academia as a Demon Slayer: "USJ Final Part: All Might goes PLUS ULTRA."

Hope you like the chapter.

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