31.25% The guardian of knowledge. The beginning of the wanderings. / Chapter 5: Even zebras have black bars...

บท 5: Even zebras have black bars...

-= One month later =-

There's been a slight change of plans. My parents couldn't make it tonight. Uh-huh. Their team was assigned to help fight off the Grimms at the outpost, so it'll be a couple of days before they get there. Well, I can handle a couple of days. Aura's not going anywhere, heh-heh-heh.

- Art, you're smiling like a pervert. - Alice decided to tease me.

- Where'd you learn that kind of language? - I asked with a squint. - And anyway, how do you know what a pervert's smile is like?

- Mum always has that smile when she squeezes you. - my sister replied, with her cheeks puffed up.

- Yeah... You're right about something. - I agreed. - What are you even doing in my room?

- What do you mean? Today is your birthday! Happy birthday! - She hugged me and pecked me on the cheek.

- Thanks, Alice, I forgot! - I lied without blinking an eye.

- Hmm, sometimes I think I'm the big sister and you're the stupid little brother. - She sneered. - I'm taller than you.

- Duck. - I sighed heavily in response.

I have no idea how that happened, but she's taller than me. ARGH! I'm a year and four months older than her. How? You tell me, how can she be taller than me?! Yes, I have a complex. Also because I'm reminded of it quite often. Eh, tomato, tomato, tomato...

Art, listen!

What? Screaming? I quickly ran to the window while my sister stared at me incomprehensibly. Fucking hell!

The anthropomorphic creature was eating my neighbour's arm at the moment. The creature looked most like a werewolf from the movies. Thick black hair covered its entire body, its long "arms" ended in large white claws, as did its "legs. A white mask with red stripes adorned the top of his skull, and toward his neck the mask had bony ridges that extended down his spine. Grimm had the same growths on his elbows, wrists, and knees. I slowly started to back away from the window, looking for my sister. She stood behind me with a mute question on her face.

- There's nothing to see, Alice, follow me, and quickly. - I looked her earnestly in the eyes and took her hand and led her to the first floor.

- A-art, what's going on? - My sister asked in an incomprehensible way.

- Alice... There's a Grimm right under our windows. Sooner or later he'll smell us, and then we're dead.

An icy calm came to mind. We can't hide the scent, Grimms can smell living things by their auras and maybe even see auras. He'll get into the house easily - he'll break down the door or the bars on the window. We can't escape either, it's Beowulf, they're excellent trackers and fairly fast. The only solution I could think of was to get him as far away from the house as possible.

- Alice. Listen to me carefully. I'm going to take him away from the house. You have to push the nightstand behind the door, you have the strength, and call your parents from the scroll. - I hand her the scroll. - Afterwards, you have to hide under the bed. Don't argue. There's no other way. If I don't, we're gonna get killed.

- But, Art, what about you? He'll kill you, Art! - My sister started crying. - No, I-I'm not leaving you, come with me, we can escape. That's right! Let's-let's just run out the back, okay?

She won't let me go that easy. Forgive me, I would never lie to you about something so serious...

- Alice... We can't escape. But your brother has a plan. I'll lure the Grimm to a hunter who lives nearby, he can handle him. And then I'll be back. You hear me, I'll be back! So stop crying. I can't take you with me, and don't argue. First of all, I can't risk you. And secondly, I'm faster than you, so only I can do it. - I lied to her, looking her straight in the eye.

- Art, *whimper* you're coming back, aren't you? - she looked at me hopefully.

- Of course I will. I promise. - I lied again and smiled. - So, will you do what your big brother asked you to do?

- Yes." she smiled, still with tears in her eyes.

- That's a good girl..." I stroked her head and moved towards the exit of the room.

- "I love you. - It came to me as I approached the exit.

- I love you too. - I walked out of the room and locked the door, then waited until I heard the sound of the nightstand sliding shut.

A deceitful smile slid off my face. Akasha, what are our chances of survival?

...About two percent, Art. You're not giving up, are you?

Of course I'm not backing down, my sister's here. Besides, what kind of big brother would I be if I couldn't save my beloved sister?

You do realize you're going to die, don't you? Don't you want to live?!

Of course I know I'm going to die! But I don't know how old I am, and she's only four! Besides, how can I save worlds if I can't save the dearest thing I've got?!

Congratulations! Your spirit has reached the 99 mark! Acquired the Ice Rage / Fury ability (passive).

Ice-cold fury / rage (passive).


Anger and Fury give you strength without clouding your mind!

+10% to all physical attributes when in a state of anger.

+15% to all physical attributes in a state of rage.

Blunts the pain.

Warning. In a state of icy anger / rage the user is able to make rational decisions without being distracted by negative emotions and pain. Be careful and watch your health!

I never doubted you...

Got a new quest!

"Suicide March.

You have made your decision, and you will not back down from it. You know what your fate is... But you value the lives of your loved ones more than your own!

That is how, on all worlds, wise men have gone to defend their home, their loved ones, their loved ones. Walked in step with death, grinning defiantly in their bony faces, and died... Becoming heroes and legends!

Performance Condition:

Take the enemy as far away from home as possible.

Additional Conditions:

Fight for your life, no matter what.

The reward for success:


Your sister survives.

The world will gain the hope of survival.

Title: "The Cursed Legion"

Title: "The Little Hero."



#)O%SH "*(I*%B "K "A?

The consequences of failure:


You have no right to fail!




Level: 10

True name: %O#SH%";:":B%"; "A:

Name: Artorias Blood.

Race: Faun.

Age: 5 years.

Title: Active Growth, Bookworm.

Health: 100

Stamina: 100

Mana: Blocked.

Power: 14 (11)

Vitality: 25 (20)

Speed: 22 (17)

Coordination: 24 (19)

Intelligence: 45 (39)

Wisdom: 48 (40)

Spirit: 99 (99)

Yeah, for the last four years, all the points I've gotten have been spread out between the top four. Why?

Firstly, because every point I add to the characteristics brings a terrible pain and afterwards I feel weakness all over my body. Thus I would spend an unacceptable amount of time "infusing" the points. I have learned through scientific methods (masochism) that one characteristic point equals three hours of weakness and migraine, two points equals six hours of weakness and quite severe pain, three points is the maximum I can add at the moment, they equate to fainting and nine hours of sleep (well, and the worst pain).

Secondly, if I hadn't done that, I wouldn't have been able to reach my maximum faster. Even if I could add all the points I needed at the right moment, I wouldn't be able to use even fifty percent of them. Of course, the fewer points, the quicker the performance is pumped, and that's certainly useful, but maximum efficiency is more important than fast pumping. I would just spend more time practicing next time...

There was also something strange going on with the spirit. It was added randomly. It took me a while to find the pattern. It was pumping at all my "firm" decisions. From "Give my cake to my sister" to "No, I have to mop the floors before I go to sleep."

Yep, there's the parents' room.

Parents have a safe, and in that safe is hidden a tanto. A tanto made of ashes - a blade about thirty centimetres long with a double-edged blade that could hurt a Grimm. Yes, I will die, but I will not surrender without a fight...


Looks like he's finished with his roommate... We gotta hurry!

Okay, code code, yeah. We take the tanto and run as fast as we can to the back door. Well, break a leg!

To hell with it!

I go outside, lock the door. I run behind the bars and shout loudly:


And now I run, run, run, run...


Another wave of tranquillity spreads like a pleasant chill over my body. Right, look underfoot, now look back quickly. Yes, he's got it! He's approaching quite fast, I've got about a minute. It's about two metres high, I've got to get it into the thicket, it'll be hard for it to move and turn there. That'll give me some advantage, I'm not very tall.


WHAT? Did he speed up even more? Oh, fuck, I'm not gonna make it that way! Right, there's a tree up ahead, I need him to crash into it, that'll give me a couple of minutes. I pray to the gods and the system with the librarian that he turns out to be a stupid animal and doesn't stop...

Yes! He's not going to stop! He's not thinking about inertia! Ten metres...

Seven metres...

Five metres...

Now! Roll to the right! The Grimm's muzzle is inches from me, and I can smell the blood coming from his mouth.

Come on, run for it!

There was a deafening rumble and a furious growl from behind me.

I looked back, continuing to run. The Grimm had already risen and was now shaking his head violently in different directions, standing in a cloud of debris and dust.

Fine, that would give me the time I needed, and I'd have a chance! Chascha's already ahead.


I think he's furious... Just what I need.

There's the bowl. Yeah. I have a plan, but it's stupid and insane. Why? Planes were once considered stupid and crazy, too.

The plan was as simple as a stick:

1. Get to the thicket and survive.

2. Lure Beowulf there.

3. Before he catches up with me, climb the tree.

4-а. If the Grimm starts pulling the tree out or breaking it, jump to another tree.

4-б. If the Grimm starts climbing the tree, you should try to put a tanto in his brain through his eye.

5. Repeat point 4-a until point 4-b appears or until help arrives.

What else am I supposed to do? I don't have the strength or speed to fight him directly. My aura isn't revealed, and even if it were, I wouldn't be able to fight him. Besides, I have no tanto skills at all. I don't own a weapon at all. Only in theory...

The trees in this thicket are quite large, close and thick, so Beowulf shouldn't be able to break them quickly and I can jump over in time... That's also in theory.

Well, there it is. Explore! I hope I get lucky.


Explore (active) has reached level 25!

Explore (active)

Level: 25

This ability allows the user to see information about the target. The higher the rank of the skill, the more information you see. Warning. You won't be able to see anything more than the name and title/s of the object above your level.

Name: "O%SH "I%B "K:;A!%

Level: ????

Title: Hungry Rage, Corpse Eater, $$@^&%!$&%$, Ogre, Cursed Empty


Did his eyes used to blaze scarlet with such power? Nothing good could come of it...

The Grimm ran towards the tree I was perched on and crashed into it with all his speed. The tree withstood the impact, but started to tilt a bit.

- Fuck! - I got hold of a branch just in time.

It had gone completely mad, the force of the impact almost threw me off eight metres. That would be the end of my first fight... I had to be more careful.

Grimm shook his head, roared, and began to slash at the tree with his claws.

Okay, the tree won't hold much longer, we have to move to another one. The main thing is to be careful! The tree is quite shaky from Beowulf's furious attacks.

And... Jump! Oops, immediately grabbing the branch and looking up at Grimm.


He clearly didn't like the bouncy prey, so he rips into the tree again.

# Punch #

What a bastard! I had to grab onto the branch with all my strength and wipe the skin on my hands bloody in order to hold on to the tree. It took a few health units...


Ice anger activated, be careful and watch your health!

Need to hold on...

-= Thirty minutes later =-

# Heavy breathing #

I've been bouncing around these trees like a goat on a mountain for about thirty minutes, the area has turned into a clearing, my hands are up to my elbows in blood and my health is down ten units. Had to cut two scraps from my T-shirt in the moments before hitting the tree and bandage my hands at pace if this keeps up...



...Phew, managed to jump another tree in time. If this keeps up, I'll either bleed out or run out of trees. Or I will slip - it's hard to hold on tight with rags wet with blood. Stamina's at eighty units. We have to hang on, sooner or later the Grimm will get tired of destroying trees. I hope...

-= Ten more minutes later =-

There are hardly any trees left. There are only six around mine. But that's not what worries me, or even the Grimm...

Half an hour before backup was supposed to arrive. Twenty minutes away, on a cliff, is the hunters' academy, the Beacon. After calling Alice to her parents, her parents would call the director of the Lighthouse - Ozpin. He shouldn't have refused help. So something happened...

Or I've been stupidly dumped. Who am I to this director? And who are my parents to him? Yes, they signed a contract with the academy, a contract with Ozpin... He runs all the hunters in Vale anyway, what's the life of some faun children to him? He probably doesn't care as much as the rest of the people in this stupid world...


Ice Fury activated, be careful and watch your health!

A growl came from below, and I experienced another bang on the tree. The tree started to fall over and I had to jump to the next one.

There were three trees left. I got either an insanely stupid and patient or a very clever Grimm. Maybe he saw the tanto and because of that he doesn't climb the tree so he doesn't take any chances? I'll probably never find out the answer...



Two trees. Two trees separate me from death. Of course it's stupid to die like that, but I don't have a choice anymore. I'll have to jump him, I doubt anything will change... WHAT? What is he doing?

Grimm walked over to the tree, which had a lower branch protruding conveniently, just right for... Just right for me to climb. Beowulf growled and began to climb the tree. I take back what I said about the smart one. He's incredibly stupid and stubborn. Turns out, until he spotted a branch to climb, he didn't start climbing...

This is my chance... I've got one shot at this. I have to let him get as close to me as possible and put my blade with all available force into his eye. It's hit or miss...

He's slowly rising. I tensed all my muscles and gripped the blade tightly. It's more than four meters from me to the Grimm, and he can't get any further than that-the branches are too thin. I doubt he'll climb the trunk. He's never done it before. Probably too big claws or inappropriate hand shape...

Grimm grabbed the next branch, but it snapped. He growled and looked up.

I looked straight into his bloodshot eyes, slowly grinned and shouted:


And the Grimm jumped.

Time slowed down for me, I tensed up as much as possible and prepared for the impact...

There was about a metre between us. Akasha's voice exploded in my head:


I held my breath and started to roll to the right, swerving my body with all the force I could muster towards Grimm's muzzle. There, where I'd been a second ago, his mouth was closing. I had to twist the dagger slightly toward the eye...

The blade began to enter his eye, but Beowulf jerked his head sharply, with incredible speed and...

...the blade snapped in half...


Grimm's growl came through the cotton wool. My head was spinning with a hundred thoughts as I stared wide-eyed at the broken end of the blade. It seemed as if my heart had stopped...

There was only one thought in my head: "I CANNOT... I CANNOT do it again...".

Time gradually picked up its pace. I felt the back of Beowulf's paw touch my right side. There was a nasty crunch, and I was thrown to the side like a cannon. My back counted every branch in flight until it was stopped by the ground.

The impact knocked all the remaining air out of me. Something crunched again and my eyes went black. I coughed up a clot of blood and, wheezing, inhaled. A punctured lung. Health was flashing in the red zone - twenty-two points.

So I'm still alive... Hehe. Yeah, I didn't mean to die from the fall... I'm gonna get eaten...

- Aha-ha-ha-ha... *ha-ha-ha* - I let out a chuckle and coughed up blood again.

I was very sleepy, and I closed my eyes tiredly. Someone was screaming in my head, but I wasn't paying attention...

ARTORIA...! A...R...T...WAKE...UP...ART!

I'll just lie down... A little sleep never hurt anyone, did it...?

- ART! - I heard a shout.

The voice was something familiar... I... I'd heard it before, but where? And when?

- ART, NO! - the familiar voice was filled with terror.

W... Who? Alice? No, she can't be at home, she must be fine, I made it, after all. TELL ME I MADE IT!

No, I've got it... I-it's not her...

- ART!

Gotta open my eyes... It's hard... But... Gotta. OPEN. EYES!

I struggled to open my eyes and slowly turned my head in the direction of the scream. My gaze floated, but I spotted someone near a fallen tree. I couldn't focus my gaze on that silhouette... But I noticed golden hair...

Golden hair... Alice? But she's home... It can't be Alice, I saved her... Her...

- A-art! - Shouted the familiar voice once more.



Congratulations! Your spirit has reached the 100 mark! Proclus...

A grey haze hit me in all directions...

A lot of system windows sprinkled in, but I wasn't paying attention to them. It was just me, my enemy, and Alice in the world now.



The Ice Madness has been activated! Behold...

I slowly rose from the ground, I hadn't felt this good in a long time. After all, I'll just kill him, save her, and that's it. I'll be able to rest. Simple, isn't it? Yes, I'm sure you agree with me! It's a great idea, and what's more, it's so easy!

I took a step towards my enemy and... I fell. Oh, I'm so clumsy, why? Is my leg bent unnaturally? Ah-ha-ha, here it comes. I'll fix it!

# Bones crunching #

There, good as new. All right, I need to get up and kill my enemy again! Then I can rest!

* Crunch *

Well, well, well, what am I going to kill him with? How about chewing him up? Fi, that's not aesthetically pleasing. Maybe gouge out his eyes? Or knock out all his teeth? Oh! You know, how about I gnaw his eyes out? Hee-hee-hee-hee. Sounds good. Sounds like. The plan!

* Crunch *

Stupid foot! Muffling the sound of the melody! Ouch, okay, I forgive you this time, well, well, well, what's that in my right hand? A knife? I LOVE KNIVES! Give it back, you stupid hand, I'm your master and you don't listen to me! It's a shame, you know...


There you go, that's another thing! Hee hee hee!


Wow, what a big dog... Mm-mm... Well, well, well, wait. Let me think!

* scratching his temple with a knife *

Ow! I'm so clumsy, ah, ah, ah! А! That reminds me. You're my enemy, aren't you? Oh, I'm sorry, doggie, but I'm gonna kill you... And wrap your guts around my neck! Like a... Like a scarf! Boo! And then we're gonna dance! Yes...

* Crunch *

Why does it crunch? What's wrong with your leg? We've been together our whole lives! Hee hee hee! Okay, one more step, no distractions!

* Crunch *

There! Why are you looking at me like that? And your eyes look red... Is it rabies? We have to help the enemy and put him to sleep! Yes, yes, yes, I'll help! Hee-hee-hee-hee...

* Crunch *


Why, why are you growling at me? I can, too...


Oops! Hee hee hee. I must have overdone it a bit, I must have frightened all the birds. How clumsy I am! But how swiftly the enemy ran at me!


Wow, what a fast dog! He's almost got me! What about me? I'm standing there, I gotta... I gotta run at him, too! Yeah, that's what they used to do in the movies! Running towards each other! I run towards the enemy and... And kill him! Genius idea! Hee hee hee...

# Crunch-crunch-crunch #

And how do I kill him... The knife's a little broken... Wow, how wide his mouth is open, I'll... I'll just stick the knife in his mouth and kill him, yeah!


That's it! Ow! Where's my left hand? All right, dead enemy, what's my hand doing in your mouth! Answer me! * Kicked my foot* Oh, man! I never liked you anyway, left hand, goodbye, I'm out of here!

Well, the enemy's been killed, but... Where is she? Is she all right? Ah-ha, I found her, she's sitting there shivering! Yes, it's not a warm day and it's drizzling on the ground... Oh, that's just my blood! Hee-hee-hee-hee, how clumsy I am! Well, now that the enemy's dead and she's all right, I can rest. Yes... Rest...

Health (004)

Endurance (000)


You have gained the title: "On a pale horse..."


?:;O":SH:*?I%";B?; "A:*

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C5
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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