86.61% TBATE | Chronicles of Legends / Chapter 107: Alacarya

บท 107: Alacarya


As consciousness gradually returned, I peeled my heavy eyelids apart, feeling the cool stickiness of saliva beneath my cheek. The realization that I had lost consciousness washed over me, interrupting the fleeting elation of regained movement.

Carefully lifting myself off the damp floor, I couldn't ignore the overwhelming sensation of thirst that parched my throat. Swallowing, I tried to moisten my dry mouth with the meager remnants of saliva. As I struggled to quench my thirst, I took in my surroundings and examined my body.

Sitting upright, my eyes were drawn to my own hands. The sight that greeted me elicited a baffled exclamation. My hands, once weathered and marked by battles, now appeared pale and flawless. The calluses that had adorned my palms, testaments to years of wielding a sword, were absent. Even the scars that adorned my knuckles, souvenirs from hard-fought encounters, had vanished. The remnants of the battles I had fought, including the scars on my wrist earned during my clash with the toxic witch, were replaced by smooth, pearlescent skin.

A mix of wonder and apprehension surged within me as I gnashed my teeth, attempting to push aside thoughts of Sylvie's sacrifice. I refused to succumb to a deeper abyss of dread.

Continuing my examination, I noticed further distinctions manifesting in my hands. While my arms still bore the toned muscles developed through rigorous training, they appeared thinner. My hands seemed smaller, and my fingers possessed a delicate grace, albeit devoid of calluses and scars.

However, it was when my gaze descended to my forearms, specifically my left forearm, that a sharp pang shot through my chest. My heart quickened its pace as panic surged within me.

The mark was gone.

Confusion and disbelief intertwined as I stammered, struggling to comprehend. Frantically, I turned my arm, hoping against hope to find the mark on the other side. But it was all in vain. The mark, the indelible symbol of my bond with Sylvie, had vanished without a trace. In its absence, every scar and blemish that had adorned my hands and arms had also disappeared, erasing the physical remnants of my journey and sacrifices.

"Before you start shedding tears, take a gander to your right," a distinctively cynical voice resonated in close proximity.

Oddly unthreatened by the voice, I turned my gaze towards the source and discovered an iridescent stone, approximately the size of my palm, resting nearby.

My eyes widened, and instinctively, I lunged towards the vibrant stone, clasping it firmly in my hand to examine it more closely.

"Is this...?" I began, my voice trailing off in disbelief.

"Yup. That's your bond," the voice responded curtly, as a shadowy figure materialized at the edge of my vision.

A teardrop-shaped, black will-o-wisp, slightly larger than a marble, floated into view. Yet, this particular dark apparition possessed a pair of piercing, pure-white eyes and two diminutive horns protruding from its...head?

My mouth agape, I struggled to find words, but before I could gather my thoughts, the black teardrop-shaped entity, adorned with eyes and horns, drew closer. It inclined, as if bowing, and spoke with an exaggerated tone.

"Greetings, my pitiful master. I am Regis, the magnificent weapon that has finally manifested and emerged from your metaphorical posterior."

My anger flared at the sight of the black ball of flames.

"Why..." I seethed.

"Why what?" it responded with a hint of confusion, its expression uncannily lifelike and infuriatingly sentient.

"Why?!" I roared, launching a slow and arduous swing at Regis.

My hand passed through its snarky visage, the momentum causing me to lose balance in my feeble body. I tumbled forward, my face colliding forcefully with the cold, smooth floor of this unfamiliar place.

"Don't do that!" the will-o-wisp snapped, muttering under its breath, "...I feel violated."

Rage continued to surge and escalate as I stared at my left hand, the very spot from which Regis had emerged. "Why? Why in the world are you appearing now? After years of siphoning my mana and wreaking havoc at your leisure, why do you choose this moment to show yourself?"

I lifted my head, glaring at the black flame through blurry vision, tears welling up in my eyes. "If only you had emerged earlier, I could have triumphed. I could have saved everyone!"

A flicker of something resembling guilt crossed Regis' face, but the horned will-o-wisp quickly averted its gaze. "Well, aren't you a bundle of sunshine. Even Asuras would struggle to fight over a sentient weapon, yet here you are, wallowing—"

"I needed you," I whispered, tears falling onto the smooth floor as my fingers clawed at its surface.

Regis fell silent as I allowed the floodgate of emotions to wash over me. I was angry with Regis, but in truth, I was also using him as a scapegoat for my own shortcomings.

After what felt like an eternity, my tears ran dry, and my parched throat emitted raspy stutters as I tried to draw in more air.

Regis' voice came from a short distance away. "There's a pool of clean water here. Drink before you turn into a human mummy."

I hesitated, uncertain if I even deserved water, while the small iridescent stone glimmered in my peripheral vision.

"Yes, that's it. You can do it! Do it for the sake of that rock!" Regis cheered, buzzing around me like an elusive fly.

Pushing aside the weight of emotions burdening my body, I mustered the strength to drag myself in the direction that Regis directed.

Even as I moved, my pale arms appeared foreign to me. I felt as though I were still encased in a suit of armor, despite being practically bare.

Time crept along as I slowly pulled myself across the smooth floor, my primary motivation being to regain my strength and silence Regis.

"Come on, pretty boy, almost there," he continued, his voice echoing in my ears.

"Shut...up..." I managed to utter, my voice barely more than a wheeze.

"If you have the strength to speak, you have the strength to crawl!" he retorted.

I vowed to kill him.

I focused all my attention on the marble fountain, which beckoned to me with its spouts of crystal-clear water, resembling smooth glass.

After a struggle, attempting to hoist myself up onto the rounded base that held the water, I promptly submerged my head inside.

The sensation was akin to smashing my face into an icy wall, yet I paid it no mind. I opened my mouth and eagerly swallowed, the water flowing cool and crisp down my parched throat.

I continued to gulp mouthfuls of water until my lungs could no longer bear the absence of air.

"Gah!" I pulled my head out, gasping for breath, only to find my vision obstructed by a curtain of beige.

Attempting to brush it aside, assuming my shirt had become entangled around my head, I heard Regis chortling behind me.

"You're acting like a pup that's just discovered its own tail."

"What are you babbling about?" I grumbled, persisting in my efforts to free my head from the perceived confinement.

"That, my oh-so-wise master, is your hair," Regis snickered.

"Huh? That's impossible..." I looked down, catching sight of my reflection for the first time since awakening. My eyes widened.

The figure staring back at me bore a striking resemblance to my former self, albeit with more defined features and skin as milky white as my arms.

The red scar that once encircled my throat, a result of my battle with the witch, had vanished, revealing a smooth, elongated neck and prominent Adam's apple.

Yet, what truly stunned me were the changes in my hair and eyes. My irises shimmered with a piercing golden hue, while my once-auburn locks had been drained of color, now bearing a grayish wheat shade, even paler than Sylvie's human form.

My chest tightened at the sight of my reflection, my altered hair and eyes serving as a painful reminder of the sacrifices my bond had made for me.

"W-What is this? Why do I—" A scream abruptly tore through my throat as a searing pain ignited within me, as if my mana core had burst into flames.

My vision blurred and doubled as a hazy fog descended upon me. Just as I started to lose myself in the disorienting sensation, a familiar voice pierced through the veil, resonating deep within my core.

"Hello, Art, this is Sylvia."

My heart leaped in my chest, and a mix of excitement and disbelief surged through me. "S-Sylvia?"

"I recorded this message at the same time as my first one, but I suspect it has been a while for you. I hope you're doing well, despite the challenges you've faced."

Her voice, like a soothing balm, washed over me, and tears streamed down my cheeks anew.

"I'm torn about you hearing this. On one hand, I'm proud of your progress, but on the other, it means you've endured hardships greater than before."

I listened intently, the weight of her words settling heavily in my heart.

"I imagine you've faced formidable adversaries, perhaps even Agrona and his Vritra followers. A clash between them and the Asuras seems inevitable, and Dicathen will find itself in the middle. There's so much I want to tell you, but I can only provide a glimpse of the truth without leaving a trace."

Sylvia's voice grew somber, tinged with sadness.

"The tension between the Vritra and the other Asuran clans is far more complex than they've presented to you. Life isn't simply divided into good and bad sides; there are always multiple perspectives."

A surge of confusion mingled with my other emotions as I absorbed her words.

"Agrona can't be absolved of his past atrocities, but neither can the rest of the Asuras, myself included."

My mind raced to comprehend the layers of the conflict unfolding before me.

"Agrona, always fascinated by the lives of lesser beings, discovered the ruins of an ancient mage civilization. These mages had harnessed the power of aether."

I gasped, the revelation shaking me to the core.

"Eventually, Agrona learned the truth behind their downfall. The Indrath Clan, the esteemed leaders of the Asuran clans, had committed genocide against these mages centuries ago."

I struggled to grasp the magnitude of this revelation. The Indrath Clan, revered and respected, held a dark secret.

"The Indrath Clan was revered not just for their strength but for their unparalleled control over aether, something the other clans couldn't replicate. But when they discovered a reclusive civilization of lesser beings who had harnessed their own powers, they feared their authority would be questioned. So they ordered the genocide of these ancient mages, who had only sought to improve life through technology and magic."

Sylvia let out a heavy sigh, her voice laden with sorrow.

"The Indrath Clan concealed their technology, but they were never certain if they had truly found all the secrets hidden within the ancient mages' underground cities. That's why the lesser kin of dragons inhabit both Alacrya and Dicathen, ensuring that no trace of the ancient mages remains."

My mind reeled at the revelation, my thoughts intertwining with Sylvia's story.

"Agrona stumbled upon one of these hidden ruins and threatened to expose the Indrath Clan's dark secret and their noblesse oblige over lesser beings. You can imagine how my clan reacted. They accused him of having intimate relations with lesser beings and exiled him to Alacrya."

It was like a tragic tale, one filled with political strife and personal betrayals.

"My greatest regret is allowing my family to destroy the life of the man I loved... Agrona."

My breath caught in my throat as Sylvia's confession unfolded.

"Shortly after Agrona's exile, signs of my pregnancy began to show. However, my clan and the other Asuran clans wouldn't have approved of me having a child with him. When I learned that my father planned to assassinate Agrona in Alacrya, I knew I had to reach him first."

Sylvia's voice trembled, her emotions palpable through her words.

"I was young and foolish, rebelling against my parents who had kept me apart from the man I loved. I found Agrona in Alacrya before the unit my father had sent could. But instead of the charming and coy knowledge-seeker I remembered, I discovered a man driven mad by betrayal."

She continued, her voice heavy with regret.

"Agrona and his loyal followers from the Vritra Clan had delved into the ancient mages' texts and conducted cruel experiments on lesser beings. I don't know the full extent of Agrona's plans, but I discovered four major ruins built by the ancient mages that even he couldn't penetrate. These ruins held vital information, and Agrona sought to uncover their secrets by using lesser beings as test subjects."

Sylvia's voice wavered, her words filled with both urgency and concern.

"I don't expect you to embark on some grand quest, but if you find yourself lost, weak, or outnumbered, perhaps the answers Agrona seeks are the ones you're searching for too."

Her voice faded, leaving me in stunned silence. Regis emerged from within me, jolting me out of my daze.

"Well, that was a lot to take in," the black will-o-wisp said, letting out a sigh.

I stared at Regis, taken aback by his audacious comment. "You were able to eavesdrop on our conversation?"

Regis rolled his eyes dramatically. "Well, why else would I willingly become part of you? It's not for the scenic views, that's for sure. Now, let's get down to business. I have some news for you—two pieces of pretty good news and one really good news. Which one would you like to hear first?"

I limped back towards the area where the iridescent stone lay, picking it up and cradling it in my hand—Sylvia's precious daughter, entrusted to my care.

"Let's start with the pretty good news," I replied, my voice still heavy with the weight of the revelations. "What have you discovered?"

Regis positioned himself in front of me, hovering in the air. "Based on my observations while you were recuperating over there, I believe we are actually inside one of the hidden ruins of the ancient mages."

I tore my gaze away from the stone and looked at him, disbelief and intrigue mixing within me. "Are you serious?"

Regis nodded. "Absolutely. Take a look at the door on the opposite end of this room. Along with the dried bloodstains and the drinkable water fountain, I'd say this place serves as a waiting ground, designed to challenge and deter any intruders from reaching the deeper chambers where the ancient mages' knowledge may lie."

I examined the intricately carved metal door, the runes etched along its frame hinting at the mystical secrets that lay beyond.

"You have a keen eye," I admitted, impressed by Regis' observations.

Regis gasped dramatically. "I have gained the approval of a master! I am truly worthy!"

Ignoring his theatrics, I shifted my attention back to the stone clutched in my hand.

"Now, onto the second piece of good news," Regis continued, his tone more subdued. "As you might have suspected, I delved into the stone and confirmed that Sylvie is indeed alive."

"You ventured inside this stone?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in surprise.

Regis shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, curiosity got the better of me. But don't worry, I didn't do anything to harm it or her. I simply observed."

I nodded, relieved to have confirmation of Sylvie's well-being.

"And finally, the really good news," Regis announced, his voice tinged with excitement. "The reason you were able to break through to the integration stage is that your body exceeded its limits. However, the collision between your integration stage body and your asuran body is what's causing your current weakness."

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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