84.14% A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World / Chapter 69: Going Out

บท 69: Going Out

Fang Mei has become a true phoenix. a true embodiment of the crystal of birth and destruction, an existence that could only be rivaled by the purest form of dragons which had disappeared.

but with her appearance, her grandparents didn't stay for long. Sora was one thing, and for his wife-to-be, this would cause huge chaos within the universes, so they left leaving Sora and Giga Chad behind to themselves. Sora didn't want to go, and his strength allowed him to not need to worry about much, in a way Sora was amongst the strongest in the universe, no one would bother Sora unless they were sure they could make sure Sora wouldn't return to existences.

Sora's grandparents pretty much kidnapped Sora's wives, and the rest of the members from the 12 heavenly Dragons. Sora would be worried if he didn't come to love these grandparents of his. As for Dan Fei, and Luan Xing, they had strong backing so of course they couldn't take these two as they wished.

Cao Jin tried to escape during the chaos, but he found a seal on his chest. Giga Chad had sealed off his connection to his dimensions, making it so he couldn't draw out anything from there. this even went for his soul, which stored many things.

"what are you going to do?" Giga Chad asked calmly while looking at Sora who was holding all of the treasures which he couldn't store away. it was safe to guess these treasures had many people itching to attack Sora,

"I want to break past this wall of infinity, I'm bored with everything. I sense this fruit of an infinite life would allow me to tap into the fullest potential, and break past this wall of infinite." Sora said calmly, Giga Chad looked at Sora for a moment and nodded.

He didn't ask for anything from Sora, instead, he turned and disappeared. he had to find his own opportunities and awaken more of his bloodline. As for people targeting him, even Sora would have trouble finding Giga Chad if Giga Chad wanted to hide.

through Giga Chad, Sora knew that there were many walls of infinity out there. the true immortal realm was simply into 5 stages. early, Mid, Late, Peak, and Supreme.

those early had a power level from 1 universe to a quadrillion. those at mid-universes had a power level from a billion to 1.0E30 universe

Late had a power level of 1.0E30 to 1.0E45

The peak had a power level of 1.0E45 to 1.0E60

Supreme had a power level of 1.0E60 to infinity.

One should know those who could already have the power of more than one universe were considered a multiversal existence. Of course, the lowest tier, multiversal was just an existence that would affect more than one endless universe

Above the True Immortal realm was True God, their power levels were measured by multiversal, which were infinitely higher than Universe. Just a power level of 1 multiverse, was equal to an infinite number of universe

Anyways, Sora threw growth out of the window, he had a date to go to. but the trouble was with who? Luan Xing or Dan Fei? This was the trouble with being too handsome, so he just took both of them out, a scene which made countless people hug their knees while crying. how could they not cry? these two were the most beautiful in the universe, and one person had them both.

"You can cook?" Luan Xing asked with a weird look, Dan Fei also had an uneasy look while looking at Sora who was getting ready to cook.

"Nope, I let my fist do the cooking," Sora said while cracking his fingers, and before the two speechless eyes, Sora began fighting the ingredients beating them up until a cool meal was placed before their table.

"I'm the strongest. you heard the saying that the strongest fist makes the rules... I think thats how it went. Anyway, my dao allows me to beat up anything until it goes my way. of course, this isn't my main ability, more like a sub-ability I gained by luck." Sora said with a smile, but Dan Fei and Luad Xing ignored him. They were enchanted by the foot in front of them

the smell, alone caused her mouth to water none stop. this of course was of the highest quality food, just the smell alone caused the air, walls, and so on to come to life, all gaining wisdom, only for them to eye the food on the table with hunger.

At first, Dan Fei and Luan Xing were not planning on eating, what if Sora drugged them... but such thoughts were out of the window. They slowly eat the food, with Sora looking at them with envy. his Law ad its limits. he couldn't eat his food, it was like spitting spit into a cup only to drink it. So he could only watch them eat while thinking of having a chief one day.

but he snapped out of his envious thoughts as the sound of a moan caused his little brother to awaken, it awakened so fast it almost pierced through the plants. the walls and other stuff which came to life thanks to the smell of the food blushed upon hearing the moan, forget the food, such a sound was trillions of times better

Sora looked at Dan Fei who had a hand on her cheek, her face was bright red from the pleasure of eating. she couldn't resist letting out a moan, such an enchanting sound affected even Sora, which was shocking as Sora's mind was not weak.

Luan Xing had to use everything she had not let out such a sound, but because of this, she was eating much slower than Dan Fei. but in the end, when she saw how free Dan Fei was, not carrying about anything and just enjoying the food before her, she let go of her pride and enjoyed the food, letting out a moan which caused Sora to feel pain at how hard something was down there.

the two quickly finished their food, and let out one last moan. they never knew food could taste so good, they looked toward Sora wanted for seconds, but Sora rejected them without a second thought.

"Just look at the chaos you two caused. not even my cooking was this chaotic." Sora said unhappy, causing the two to look around, only to see the many things which gained wisdom had their soul leave their body, they couldn't take it anymore and died.

forget them, but outside many lifeforms were laying dead on the ground, many with holes in the ground, they tried fucking the ground, but it wasn't enough, leading to their death.

to say the least, the two were caught off guard by such a scene, they didn't expect such things to happen. but this was the curse of being ranked first as the most beautiful in the universe,

"Fufu, your willpower is strong. or did you do something when we were not looking?" Dan Fei laughed while sizing Sora up and down, Sora simply gave them a blank look, not revealing anything, even though he was in a lot of pain right now.

"Calm down." Luan Xing said her voice holding a strong power that hit Sora, his little brother shook unwillingly against this power, before going back to sleep. With Sora not wanting it up, and this power now attacking it, it loses. Sora looked down at the hole in his pants, and back at her in confusion,

"Her Dao is all around telling people what to do, such an arrogant woman. you shouldn't marry her or else she would be telling you want to do." Dan Fei said softly, Luan Xing Dao was pretty much how she saw the world. if she wanted something, it should go the way she wants it to go.

this allowed her to do pretty much anything she wants, but lately, her Dao's heart had cracked, how could it not with Sora walking around?

"this coming from the whole who seduce countless others. It's a shock you haven't spread your legs open for a random guy." Luan Xing said coldly, causing Dan Fei's face to turn cold as a whip appeared in her hands.

"you spoiled brat, do you think just because you were born into a powerful background you are something? if you were born on the streets like me, I have no doubt you would be walking around with 100 children from 10,000 different men." Dan Fei said coldly, causing Luan Xing's face to turn hard as she pulled out her sword,

"Alright, calm down. what's with all of this? and what do you mean by her being born into a powerful background, were you not?" Sora asked curiously, to which Dan Fei snorted while explaining how she grew up.

She grew up as a commoner and luckily caught the eye of the powerful experts on the day she was about to be married off. form a young age, Dan Fei knew well her beauty was like none other. she was weak, and it was the only thing she had to use to reach the heights she had

plus this, and the expert who took her in who was an old man, she lived an alright life. but the old man wanted her to marry his grandson, which she of course was unwilling. so she ran away, only to run into another powerful expert, this time a woman who took her in and raised her like her own daughter.

but she too would soon try to marry Dan Fei off, forcing Dan Fei to flee once more. Dan Fei had never liked the idea of others controlling her life, she wanted to have control of her fate, this was her body unless she allowed it, and she was unwilling to marry someone she didn't see as worthy of it. plus, if the time ever comes, her virginity might become a priceless thing she could use.

for countless years, she was jumping from one back backing to another, some saving her only to try and use her, while others saving her only to try and sleep with her. through it all, her looks were both a blessing and a curse. but she managed to build her Law and Dao around the thing which saved her and been with her so much, her looks.

Her fate changed for the better when she found her current master, a true immortal who had no interest in marrying her off to anyone

meanwhile, Luan Xing grew up in one of the most powerful forces in the universe. she was spoiled from birth and looked down open countless people. she did as she wished, and got what she wanted. that was her reality, and how things should be for her.

the two were completely different, they were like fire and ice, and they disliked each other, Dan Fei looked down upon Luan Xing, and Luan XIng found Dan Fei super annoying.

"well, this can't do. it seems there are things you two are too proudful to admit," Sora said calmly, making the two frown as they looked at him, to which Sora shrugged and said nothing,

"Well, it seemed like I should say something about myself... you two should know my parent's background, a star hit my mother when I was still in the womb, which seemed to have given me a second life or something. I'm still not sure if this is my first life or now. I don't have anything much to say, I don't think I did many impressive things." Sora said lazily making the two lips twitch, the fact Sora was not trying to act looked only made their fist itch.

Sora's growth speed, combat power, breathing common sense, the 12 heavenly dragons, and so on. everything around Sora was all impressive. it's just that Sora was shining so bright everything else didn't look that impressive.

everyone in the 12 heavenly dragons had laws that rival Sora's old law, with some of them trying to push beyond that and have laws that could try and keep up with his current law. Sora wasn't a freak, he wasn't a super Freak... no, he embody the concept of an ultra freak.

"So, now that we eat, let's go have fun," Sora said with a smile, to which their face tightened with an unwilling look. they were not Fang Mei who enjoyed the same thing as Sora, but Sora rolled his eyes as he teleported them away, appearing within the void, where he took out a treasure called the Creation Cube.

this Cube had the power of creation, allowing Sora to create pretty much anything. and yes, his grandparents gave him such a thing. then again, such a thing was useless to people of their strength, as it could at most create things with a power level of around 1.0E97

Sora created a world, where the two found themselves in a world that looked a lot like Earth. Under the world's rules, they were turned into mortals, along with Sora who waved his hands while looking at the two.

"This is the universe that fell before our universe, my universe... at least thats what I think, I'm not that sure," Sora said with a smile, stunning the two as they didn't know such a thing. they looked around, and indeed the rules that govern this universe were different from their own.

the Creation Cube was powerful, from simply Sora's memories of Earth, it was able to almost perfectly recreate this world with all its rules, along with everything Sora remembered, and filling out the blinks with the powers of possibilities,

to two were shocked and amazed by this new universe, but their eyes soon landed on the Amusement Park behind Sora... and so the date begin, Sora took this time to fully enjoy everything he couldn't enjoy back when he was on earth, and Dan Fei and Luan Xing although it took time, they relaxed and began enjoying this new world.

being a mortal was a strange experience, plus the strange new laws for them to comprehend, they were not complaining in the slightest... so they stayed there for a few years, years they used at first to try and gain all the knowledge they could, but in the end Sora pretty much got them to relax and enjoy themselves.

"This is life, growing stronger all the time, fighting, and so on. it's cool and all, but it's sitting back and enjoying life that hits differently." Sora said with a smile while laying on the beach, bathing in the sun. Dan Fei and Luan Xing were laying at his side, both reading manga, which happen to be dragon ball.

"Why do you want to get stronger?" Dan Fei asked while eating ice cream, she could honestly get used to this life. the only trouble was watching out so she doesn't get facts or anything,

"Never really thought of it, but the basic I against would be for perfection. the strong bully the weak. can you truly have peace if you are not the strongest?" Sora asked lazily, to which the two looked weirdly at Sora. Didn't he run around causing trouble? She ignored them, and simply looked at the sky, indeed he had to look deep since and find the reason why he seek strength

"Well, 3 years was enough. I should get going to get stronger. the next time we meet, I shall marry you two." Sora said softly while getting off the ground making Luan Xing's eyebrow raise, when did she agree to marry him?

"if a refuse?" She asked coldly, to which Sora pulled her hand, pulling her off the ground and into his arm. Luan Xing's heart froze for a second, as Sora had his hand wrapped around him, and their body was close. this was the first time she was ever so close to a man, much less held in such a way

"You can refuse, but you will not," Sora said with a smile, Luan Xing's body shook at Sora's words. She never felt so... valuable before, this feeling she wanted to reject, she dislike such a feeling, but she couldn't push it away.

"y-yes I will." She said softly, to which Sora pulled her closer, causing her to lower he face which was bright red. but Sora flitted her chin gently and slowly brought his head closer to her. She panicked seeing this, was this going to be her first kiss? She knew nothing about this, but she pressured her lips together.

Dan Fei's eyes were wide open as she looked at this scene, she never thought she would see the day that arrogant woman would show such a side to her. but the kiss never names, instead, Sora kissed her forehead, stunning Luan Xing.

"Stealing your heart is enough for now, your kiss shall wait until I take your hand in marriage," Sora said with an evil smile, stunning Luan Xing who angrily pushed him away. She angrily turned away from Sora, only to place his hand on her chest, with Sora not watching. she didn't know what got over her, this caused her mind to raise as she tried to comprehend all of this.

"oh, since you stole my heart long ago, are you going to try and steal my first kiss?" Dan Fei asked with a smile, causing Sora to freeze slightly, but before he could answer, Dan Fei jumped dodging a sword ray that shot towards her.

Laun Xing stood there breathing heavily, under the law of this world she was a mortal, but she forcefully unleashed that attack. but seeing Dan Fei and Sora looking at her, she froze for a moment. what got over her, just hearing that Dan Fei might kiss Sora before her caused her to be swallowed with a strange feeling, all she wanted to do was kill this evil woman who wanted to...

"I-I..." Laun Xing couldn't say anything to explain, in embarrassment, she took out a treasure which teleported her out of that world, leaving Sora and Dan Fei standing there, shocked.

'she managed to break free of this world's laws?' Sora was in shock, Luan Xing was strong, but she was light years away from doing something like this. Dan Fei who had gotten stronger than Luan Xing after the battle with Sora, also couldn't do something like that, so they were left in shock for some time...

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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