52.5% Mushoku Tensei - A Second Chance / Chapter 63: Prelude to Disaster

บท 63: Prelude to Disaster

***** Rudeus' POV *****

We made our way north as quickly as we could, stopping by each town and village along the way to ask around if anyone had seen Phillip or Counter Arrow. Randolph volunteered to cook our meals, but I insisted on helping.

"Randolph, you always cook such... unique dishes. Let me at least cook my own meat. I'm a picky eater and I like my food prepared a certain way."

"That's understandable. My palate favors Demon cuisine. I grew up on the Demon Continent you see. Their popular dishes are vastly different from what you find here on the Central Continent."

"I'm not judging the Demon Continent cuisine. I'm just not personally a fan. Perhaps you should learn some of the meals commonly served in this region?"

"Why would I do that? You can buy that from any restaurant or street vendor. I would rather serve my own recipes from home that you can't find anywhere else around here."

"Yes, but Demon cuisine isn't very popular around here in case you haven't noticed. You can certainly offer your own recipes but if you're going to run a restaurant around here I think it would be wise to offer local favorites in addition to your exotic dishes."

"Hmm... I never thought about it that way. You may have a point. That way a whole family could come even if only the father enjoys the unique flavors Demon cuisine has to offer."

As he said that, Randolph glanced over towards Paul, who was too busy setting up camp for the night to pay any attention to what we were talking about.

"Very well. We'll cook our meals together! Maybe we can both learn a thing or two from one another."

We continued our search following Phillip's tracks up north for weeks now. So that Mother doesn't have to worry, Father has been sending her a message each morning on a pair of lithograph stones I gave them. Every time it seemed like we had just about found Phillip's group, we would lose their track and fall further behind. It almost felt like they were intentionally trying to lose us.

I was beginning to get frustrated. At this point we've already reached the outskirts of the Fittoa region and we've once again lost their trail. Since it felt like we would end up chasing them all the way to Sharia at the rate we were going, I decided to have a secret meeting with Father while Randolph prepared our dinner for the night.

"You wanted to talk, Rudy?"

"Yeah. I'm beginning to think Phillip's group is intentionally avoiding us."

"I was thinking the same thing. The route they are taking makes no sense. It's uncanny how every time we get a lead that we were right on their tail, they make an unexpected turn when we least expect it."

"It's almost like they have an informant on the inside."

"You don't mean Randolph?"

"Don't you find it strange that some random chef just so happens to join us immediately after we are given our first lead on Phillip and Hilda's whereabouts?"

"...That is a bit of a coincidence."

"And his story about him meeting up with his uncle that just so conveniently happens to be 'on the way' no matter what route we choose to take."

"I'm starting to see why you're concerned..."

"I think Randolph is an apostle of Hitogami."

"What!? You mean that evil Man-God who's out to get us?"

"Yes. Keep your voice down, I don't want him to hear us."

"That's... a bit hard to believe. I still can't comprehend how some abstract deity would have some vendetta against our family. I know you said some future descendant of yours is supposed to kill him in the future... but... it's still so hard to believe."

"Trust me, I understand. If I hadn't had the misfortune of speaking to that bastard myself I wouldn't have believed it either. I promise you though. Without a doubt. Hitogami is real."

"Ok. I get it. But... What do we do?"

"I've found that killing Hitogami's disciples is the surest way to solve the problem."

"We can't just go kill the man! He's been so good to us."

"It's all an act. Randolph is just feeding our enemy information. Hitogami probably has a second disciple with Phillip's group. Hell, it could even be Phillip himself!"

"No. Phillip might be a conniving bastard, but he has a good heart and he's loyal. He would never conspire to get us killed."

"To get us killed, perhaps not, but Hitogami is exceptionally deceptive. He gets his kicks off of telling you half truths or giving you half the context to trick you. He'll have you thinking what you're doing is helping those you love when really you're leading them to their demise."

"That still leaves us in the same predicament... what do we do?"

"If you insist we don't kill Randolph, I think the safest course of action would be to ditch him. Let's quietly leave in the middle of the night and continue on our own."


"Yeah. Make sure you tie up our horses in a place that we can leave quickly and quietly, and make sure you have your things packed and ready to leave before you go to bed."

Paul nodded in agreement and we made our way back to Randolph who had just finished preparing our food.

To be honest, it wasn't that bad. Ok, it was still pretty bad, but at least it was edible. Randolph took to heart my suggestion of learning to prepare local cuisine. While he's still not the best at it, he's at least improved to the point that he can prepare a dish that doesn't make me want to vomit.

That night, Father and I waited until we were sure Randolph was sound asleep and left to continue our search with just the two of us.

"Any ideas of where to look next?", Paul asked.

"I don't think they would go to the refugee camp. They are obviously trying to hide from pursuers and Prince Grabell would definitely have someone posted there. I vote we just continue due north. We know where they are headed, so if we lose track of them I think the best bet is just to continue towards the Northern Territories."

"Sounds like as good a plan as any."

We rode through the night and into the morning before setting up camp. We wanted to get some distance between us and Randolph before resting. Despite being within the Fittoa region, there were still towns and villages we passed by. We were just out of range of the displacement incident and now civilization was beginning to creep back inward towards what was lost.

Each town we passed through we continued to ask around about Phillip or Counter Arrow to no avail. It would seem they really did lose us. I just hope that they are still safe. For all we knew they could have been taken out by assassins and that's why we can't find anything about them lately.

Early morning one day, right around sunrise, while Father and I were leading our horses through a dense forest, I happened to pick up someone's mana trace with my magic power eye.

Through the trees, about a hundred meters out, I could see someone standing still. They seemed to be about my height and it looked like they were searching for something.

'They seem to be alone so it's unlikely they are with Phillip's group, but they could be a lookout. It can't hurt to be sure.'

I turned and whispered to Paul.

"Father, there's someone up ahead in that direction. Stay quiet and we'll walk past them to see who it is."

Paul nodded and tied our horses off to a nearby tree so we could sneak up and get a closer look.

We approached quietly, weaving between the trees to stay out of sight, when suddenly my eye of foresight warned me about an incoming attack and I held my hand out in front of Paul, stopping us behind a tree.



A large bat was suddenly pinned up against the next tree over, right where we would have walked in front of had I not stopped us.

"Got it!", a voice yelled excitedly as we heard someone running up towards the bat.

I could see with my magic power eye that it was the person we had been trying to sneak up on.

Once the hunter reached the bat, she grabbed hold of the arrow intending to pull it out.

"S-Sara!?", I yelled out in shock.

Sara jumped back startled. Evidently she hadn't even noticed us. She looked at the two of us, staring at me in particular.

"Wait... Are you... Rudeus?"

"You two know each other?", Paul asked with a smirk.

"Umm... no... we've never met", I answered.

"How did you know my name!?", Sara asked defensively.

"Huh!? Oh, um... I uh...", I stammered back as I tried to come up with something. "You're with Counter Arrow, right!?"

"Yes. I'm a member."

"We heard you accepted a job from a relative of ours. We've been following you trying to catch up ever since you left Lubert."

"I see... I guess that makes sense."

"Wait! How do you know MY name!?"

"What!? Phillip told us about you."

"Oh yeah. That makes sense."

"Hahaha! You two bicker like a couple! Nice to meet you Sara, I'm Paul."

Sara just glared at him with open hostility rather than answering.

"Well. Now that we've got introductions out of the way. Sara, are Phillip and Hilda nearby?", I asked her as politely as I could.

"Hmph! Yeah. We made camp in a clearing not too far from here. I was trying to hunt some food so we could have fresh meat with breakfast."

"I can see that. It seems you were successful in that endeavor. We could help you carry it to camp if you'd like."

"I can carry it just fine on my own!", she retorted.

Paul and I got our horses and followed Sara back to their camp. At first Sara was dragging the bat, which was nearly as large as she was, behind her while Paul and I followed with our horses. Eventually she must have realized how silly she looked because she allowed Paul to help her get the bat loaded on his horse so we didn't have to carry it.

It didn't take long before we reached their camp. They had two carriages sitting in an open clearing and an unlit campfire built nearby. Several knights were standing outside the carriages and the other members of Counter Arrow, with the exception of Suzanne, were asleep in bedrolls near the campfire. Suzanne was leaning up against a tree nearby us as we approached.

"Oi! Sara. Who are these two you've brought to our camp?"

"Suzanne, this is Paul and Rudeus Greyrat. They are relatives of our client."

"Oh really?", Suzanne stared us down with suspicion. "Well... they do look the part, I'll give you that."

"It's an honor to meet you, Miss Suzanne. Thank you for looking out for my family." I introduced myself with a bow.

"My, how polite", Suzanne laughed. "Are you sure you're related to our client?"

"Don't tell me my cousin's been mistreating you", Paul joked.

"Nah, nothing like that. He's just not very talkative with commoners like us. He's very formal and polite when we do have something to discuss though."

"Yeah, that sounds about right. Compared to most nobles, Phillip's not too bad, but he still likes to act as though he's got a stick up his ass."

"How crude!", Suzanne feigned offense, "but are you not a nobleman yourself?"

"I threw away that title long ago. That life isn't for me."

Sara looked at him suspiciously. Of course she wouldn't let go of her hatred for nobles so easily.

"Anyway, we've come a long way searching for Phillip and Hilda. If it's all the same to you, I'd like to see them now."

"Not so fast there, buddy", Suzanne raised her hand to stop Paul. "How can we be absolutely sure you are who you say? Our client has a target on his back, after all."

"Once Phillip sees us he can easily verify our identity", I answered.

"Once we let you that close it might be too late."

"Ugh", I sighed. "This argument is meaningless."

"Hey, Phillip!", I yelled out, strengthening my voice with the Howl magic I learned from the Dedoldia. "It's me, Rudeus! I'm here with my father."

Immediately my yelling caused a commotion at their campsite. All of the knights standing around the carriages drew their swords and looked my way. The other members of Counter Arrow were woken from their sleep and hurried to grab their combat gear. It didn't take long before we were surrounded.

"Hey! You! Get out of my way!"

Phillip got out of one of the carriages and ran out to meet us, pushing his way past one of the knights.

"Paul! I'm so glad to see you again! Hilda and I were worried sick for you Rudeus! I'm so glad to see you safe and sound!"

"I'm happy to see you again as well", I said while giving a 'told you so' smile to Suzanne.

"What are you guys doing here?", Phillip asked in confusion.

"We were looking for you, obviously."

"I can see that, but I mean, why?"

"After I found Rudy, we all met back in Sharia and have been living there ever since", Paul answered him.

"Eris is worried sick", I interrupted. "I gave her my word that I would find you and bring you back safe and sound."

"Eris!? You've found her too? Oh thank goodness! It's a miracle! Hilda will be so happy to hear that, I can't wait to get back to Sharia and see her again!"

"Well... about that... she left to go train at the Sword Sanctum."

"What? Why!?"

"I asked myself that same question for a long time", I said with an exasperated sigh. "I guess she just wants to get stronger. She's a headstrong girl. Once she makes up her mind, she's going to do what she wants to."

"Yeah... that's definitely true. I'm just glad to know she's doing alright."

Phillip paused and seemed to think about something.

"Paul. Rudy. Come! Follow me. There's someone I'd like you both to meet."

Phillip guided us past the bewildered knights who at this point had put away their weapons and brought us beside one of the carriages. Standing just outside the carriage was a familiar looking knight. The knight had an incredibly handsome face and had his brown hair combed back neatly. He gave an annoyed glare at me as we approached.

"What are you thinking yelling at the top of your lungs like that! If you're a friend of Phillip's you should know about our situation! You're putting our lives at risk with that stunt of yours!"

'Wait a moment? What is Luke doing here? Does that mean...'

Just then the carriage door he was standing beside started to open.

The girl who stepped out had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. She wore a red dress with white embroidery.

She approached Luke and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Now Luke, I appreciate your loyalty and concern for my safety, but these people are our treasured guests, please treat them as such."

'A golden tongue as always. Ariel's always had a knack for manipulating the situation to her favor.'

"Yes, my princess. I'm sorry", Luke said as he bowed with reverence.

Behind Ariel, a young man perhaps in his twenties stepped out behind her. He had brown hair and eyes and had a pale complexion. He wore a black mage's robe over top of green clothing and wore glasses.

"Greetings, I am Ariel Anemoi Asua. Second Princess of the Asura Kingdom. This here is Luke, my guardian knight, and Derrick, my guardian mage."

"It's an honor to meet you, my princess. I am Rudeus Greyrat", I said as I performed a noble's greeting.

Noticing Paul just standing there like an idiot, I pulled him down into a bow as well. He seemed more in shock to be randomly meeting the second princess of the largest kingdom in the world.

"Oh- Uh. Yeah, Paul Greyrat."

"Please, why don't the two of you come meet me in my carriage. There are some matters I wish to discuss."

"Yes your highness", I responded politely.

I knew Ariel quite well, and I knew that she was not one who typically stood on formalities, at least among those she considered friends, but this Ariel and I have never met.

Derrick followed Ariel back into her carriage while Luke waited for us outside, not bothering to hide his annoyance with us. I confidently walked past Luke into the carriage with Paul following cautiously behind me.

The first thing I noted was the unexpected plainness of the carriage. I was expecting an ornately decorated interior with padded mahogany seating fit for a princess. I guess that would stand out too much when they are trying to stay hidden.

"Please, take a seat", Ariel said as she motioned for us to sit.

We sat down opposite her while Derrick sat beside her. This was about as many people who would fit inside the carriage. There was seating for four people inside along with a seat on the outside for the driver. They probably needed a smaller sized carriage in order to traverse these wooded areas.

"I'm surprised to meet you out here", Ariel said with a grin.

"We're equally surprised", I assured her. "My father and I heard word that Phillip and Hilda were in some trouble and we've been trying to track them down to take them back home to Sharia with us."

"To Sharia? You've heard of the Ranoa Magic Academy, then?"

"Yes. I'm officially enrolled to start taking classes starting this upcoming year."

"Oh, how perfect!", Ariel said while feigning surprise. "That's exactly where we are headed. Derrick, Luke, and myself all plan to enroll there as well. I guess we'll be classmates soon."

Ariel shifted her position and leaned forward while resting her chin on her open palm.

"I've heard so much about your accomplishments, Rudeus. You reached the Saint rank in water magic and advanced rank in all other schools of attack magic at the young age of five, and can even cast magic without incantations."

"It's only thanks to my incredible teacher, Roxy."

"A teacher can only bring forth the best their students are already capable of. Don't dismiss your talents."

"I've heard much about you as well."

"Oh? Only good things I hope", she said with a laugh.

"I've heard of your incredible wit and intelligence and that you are unmatched when it comes to giving speeches. Most of all... I've heard that you're trying to recruit as many powerful people to back you in claiming the throne."

When I said that last line, Paul and Derrick's eyes both went wide and they turned to look at Ariel to see how she would respond. Ariel, though, just continued staring at me as a wide smile crept up on her face.

***** Ariel's Thoughts *****

I'd heard from Phillip that this young man was exceptionally talented. When Phillip told me that he had reached the Saint rank in magic at the age of five, I honestly didn't believe him. Now that I talk with Rudeus in person though... there's something about him that goes even beyond that.

I had planned on convincing his father to join my side, thinking that his young son would follow along blindly. Why is it that I'm talking with the child instead? Why is it that as I talk to him, it feels like this young boy is in full command of the situation?

All I know is that right now, there's only one thing that matters. I have to get this boy on my side, no matter what.

***** Back to Rudy's POV *****

"You're absolutely right. I'm impressed with your boldness. Are you offering me your loyalty then?"

"I'm willing to support you. But only on one important condition."

"Hmm? What is it then? Name your price", Ariel said, dispensing with formalities.

"There is a student enrolled at Ranoa Magic Academy right now that has made quite a name for herself. She's earned the nickname 'Silent Sylphy' due to her ability to cast magic without incantations, similar to myself. Every day she attends combat magic training and not once has she lost even a single duel against any other student or even the instructors."

"She sounds amazing. Exactly the type of person I'd be looking to recruit."

"That's my point. I will support you, but only on the condition that you do not go after Sylphiette. She is my best friend and I plan to ask for her hand in marriage one day. I don't want her getting involved in royal politics and put in danger on your accord. Even if she offers you her support, you are to refuse."

"That's one hefty condition. Tell me. Why should I choose you over her? Her accomplishments sound even more unbelievable than yours. Achieving the title of 'Water Saint' is a truly impressive feat, but this girl's practical combat experience is exactly what I'm looking for."

"Water Saint? I'm afraid that title does not really apply to me."

"Oh? And what rank do you claim to have, then?"

"Rank? The ranking system does not apply to me. I've developed beyond that. Please, allow me to formally re-introduce myself. My name is Rudeus Greyrat, also known as the Magic God, ranked seventh among the Seven Great Powers."

Coolex Coolex

Truth be told, I wanted to reach the exciting conclusion of the arc during this chapter, but it just ran too long. I didn't want to make this chapter THAT excessively long and also I don't want to make everyone wait longer when I had promised I'd have the chapter done today.

Stopping here for this chapter will allow me to have a more detailed and fitting conclusion next chapter.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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