In the midst of a peaceful atmosphere in the Shanti Kingdom, a mysterious case occurred. A number of royal citizens experience strange events that cause fear and confusion. They heard strange noises and saw invisible figures that disturbed their peace.
In the meeting room of the Shanti Kingdom's palace, King Bima leads a meeting together with Salam and Salim to discuss a mysterious case that is happening in their kingdom.
"Children, I am very concerned about this case. There are some of our residents who have reported strange occurrences, such as hearing strange voices and seeing invisible figures. You two have different skills, how can we solve this case?" , asked King Bima to the twin boys.
Salam : "I can try to use religious knowledge to help expel the spirits that disturb the peace of the kingdom's citizens, sir."
"I agree with Salam's idea. However, I also want to conduct an investigation to find out more about this case. I am sure that with logic and common sense, we can find the cause of this incident." Salim replied, nodding.
"All right, you two will work together in overcoming this case. However, I want you to be careful and not take unnecessary risks. You can ask Ustadz Manthuk for help," advised King Bima.
Hearing this news, King Bima asked for help from Ustadz Manthuk, a well-known religious figure who was known to have supernatural abilities and extensive knowledge. Ustadz Manthuk came to the Shanti Kingdom and investigated this mysterious case.
Salam and Salim are also interested in helping Ustadz Manthuk in unraveling the mystery. Even though they have different approaches to life, both of them are interested in solving the problems that exist in their kingdom.
Salam : "Ustadz Manthuk, do you think this case is related to spirits or could there be another cause?"
Ustadz Manthuk: "In my experience, incidents like this are often related to the presence of spirits. However, we cannot jump to conclusions. We must find out more information about these incidents."
Salim: "I agree, we need to find out what is the cause of this incident. I have asked the citizens of the kingdom to provide more detailed information about what happened to them. Maybe it can help us to find clues."
Ustadz Manthuk: "Okay, I will assist you in conducting an investigation. We must work together to solve this problem. However, I also want to remind you that in dealing with spirits, we must have sufficient knowledge and expertise. Don't let us create a situation getting worse."
Salam : "We will try to work carefully, Ustadz. Thank you for your help and guidance."
Salim: "We will also coordinate with the kingdom's security forces to ensure the safety of the kingdom's citizens during the investigation."
King Bima: "I really appreciate your cooperation. Hopefully we can find the right solution and solve this problem as soon as possible."
During the investigation process, Salam and Salim try to combine their respective expertise, Salam relies on the power of prayer and Salim relies on logic and common sense. With the help of Ustadz Manthuk, they managed to find out the facts hidden behind this mysterious case. It turns out that this mystery has something to do with the genie guarding the forests around the Shanti kingdom.
Ustadz Manthuk: "After we conducted an investigation, we found that this incident was indeed related to the jinn guarding the forest. However, they did not mean anything bad and only wanted to show their existence to humans."
Salam : "So what should we do to solve this problem?"
"What if we try to go straight to the forest?", asked Salim with a curious face.
"Okay then, we will try to interact with the jinn," said Ustadz Manthuk.
"What if they invite us to fight?" Salam asked again.
Salim immediately answered without fear "Then we must be ready to fight too!!!!".
Finally they decided to go to the forest. Arriving at the forest, Salam, Salim and Ustadz Manthuk were awaited by the genie guarding the forest. The genies challenged the three of them to a duel, they wanted to know how powerful these humans were.
"You humans, what are you doing here?" asked one of the forest genies.
"You are just the destroyers of nature!! get out of here!!!!", chased one of the other guardian genies.
Ustadz Manthuk "We just want to talk to you for a moment. We want you not to disturb the people at Shanti's work anymore."
"You arrogant human..... So you are here to challenge us to a duel.", replied genie keeper.
"We spoke well with you. Why did you even challenge us to fight?" Salam replied.
"If you really want to fight, go ahead!!! We are not afraid," said Salim
Ustadz Manthuk: "Good students. We shouldn't be afraid at all."
The three of them fought fiercely against the genie guarding the forest. Ustadz Manthuk showed several moves that Salam and Salim had never seen before. They were amazed by Ustadz Manthuk's great moves.
"Syatttt.... Syattt..." Ustadz Manthuk issued his style.
Salam and Salim watched in amazement how Ustadz Manthuk defeated the forest genies so easily.
"Wow, Ustadz Manthuk is indeed extraordinary!" Salam said.
"I am amazed by Ustadz Manthuk's ability. How can he be so great?", added Salim.
Ustadz Manthuk smiled while saying "This ability is not only the result of physical training, but also spiritual practice. The prayers and dhikr that I do every day are also very helpful."
"I want to learn more about martial arts and spirituality from Ustadz Manthuk," Salam said.
"Don't worry, after we finish solving this problem, I will teach you these sciences," replied Ustadz Manthuk.
After the fight was over, the genies that guarded the forest agreed not to disturb the Shanti kingdom anymore. Salam and Salim are very happy with the results of their investigation and return to Shanti's kingdom feeling relieved.
"Thank you, Ustadz Manthuk, we are very lucky to have your help," Salam said sincerely.
"Yes, thank you very much for the help. We would not be able to solve this problem without your help," added Salim.
Ustadz Manthuk smiled and said "I'm glad I could help. Remember, martial arts and spiritual knowledge are not only to protect yourself, but also to protect others. You can use this knowledge for the good of many people."
After various struggles and challenges, finally Ustad Manthuk, Salam, and Salim managed to unravel the mystery. They discover that the strange occurrences are caused by a negative energy emanating from the royal land. After finding the source of the problem, Ustadz Manthuk provided a solution to rid the land of this negative energy.
The success in unraveling the mystery made Salam and Salim realize more and more that their different approaches to life were not an obstacle. They respect each other and work together with Ustadz Manthuk to achieve the same goal, which is to create peace and happiness in the Shanti Kingdom.
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