Feng Jue glanced at the golden bracelet in Gu Ying's hand, then tidied his sleeves to reveal his own golden bracelet. "It's been a long time."
He wielded a formidable weapon—a large golden bracelet made of extremely thin golden threads, developed by physicists in the Utopia department. It was sharp enough to kill, incredibly durable, and symbolized the elders of Utopia.
"Hey, do you two know each other?" Xiao Cheng asked, surprised as she looked from Gu Ying to Feng Jue.
The two exchanged polite nods.
Noticing the large golden bracelet on Feng Jue's wrist, Xiao Che paused, glancing down at his own identical bracelet.
Xiao Cheng looked from their matching bracelets to her own empty wrists, her expression blank for a moment. Was it now fashionable for men to wear large golden bracelets?
As the elevator descended to about ten meters from the underground laboratory, it suddenly shook and stopped. The lights flickered out.