2.51% Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card) / Chapter 2: Kai the Almost Fool

บท 2: Kai the Almost Fool

Kai returned to his cardboard shelter, the scene of the battle playing over and over in his mind. He had seen the hand seals the old man had made and the way chakra had coursed through his body. He couldn't waste this opportunity – he had to try it for himself.

Closing his eyes, Kai tried to recall the hand seals he had witnessed. His hands were shaky and unsure as he attempted to replicate the intricate gestures. At the same time, he focused on the minuscule amount of chakra within his body, willing it to follow the pathways he remembered from the battle.

His first few attempts were clumsy and uncoordinated, and he didn't feel any change in the flow of his chakra. But Kai was nothing if not persistent, and he continued to practice, refining his movements and concentrating harder on his chakra.

As he repeated the hand seals for the tenth time, he noticed something astonishing. Even though his hand seals were still shabby and lagged behind, his chakra continued to move through his body, following the pathways he wanted it to. It was as if his body had memorized the pattern, even without the hand seals.

"I don't have to use hand seals?" Kai asked himself, completely dumbstruck. From the little he knew, hand seals were the basis of executing jutsu. Without them, it was supposed to be impossible to use any jutsu at all.

Feeling a mixture of excitement and disbelief, Kai decided to test his newfound ability further. He focused on the chakra within his body, willing it to move without the use of hand seals. To his amazement, he felt the energy coursing through him, just as it had during the battle.

His heart pounded in his chest as he realized the implications of his discovery. Not only did he not need hand seals to use chakra, but he could potentially learn and execute jutsu far more quickly than any other shinobi. He was no longer a powerless orphan struggling to survive – he had a chance to become something more.

But with this newfound power came a heavy danger. Kai knew that he couldn't let anyone else discover his secret. If the Konoha Shinobi found out about his abilities, they would surely try to take him away and exploit his talent, just as they had done with so many other children.

"I can't let them take me," Kai whispered to himself, his voice shaking with determination. "I have to protect this secret, no matter what."

Over the next few weeks, Kai practiced in secret, honing his chakra control and learning to use it without the need for hand seals. He quickly discovered that his unique ability allowed him to learn and execute jutsu at an unprecedented speed. The thrill of discovery fueled his determination, and he pushed himself harder than ever before.

One evening, as Kai sat in his cardboard shelter, his thoughts turned to the old man who had fought the Konoha Shinobi. He had been brave and selfless, willing to sacrifice himself to protect the girl.

Kai couldn't help but think that the old man was a fool. He had seen it many times before – good intentions often led to disastrous outcomes. If you weren't strong enough to stand your ground, you shouldn't try to help others. More often than not, it backfired, putting both yourself and the person you were trying to protect in danger.

What if the old man's actions had angered the Konoha Shinobi, causing them to take their frustration out on the little girl? They were only planning to take her to Konoha, and there was at least some hope that her living conditions might improve there. If the old man had been stronger, perhaps he could have made a difference, but he wasn't. He had some talent and power, but because of his weakness, he should have considered other measures, like ambushing the Shinobi or finding allies.

Despite his young age, Kai had a deep understanding of the harsh realities of life. People weren't soft and tender on the inside, like marshmallows covered with a protective shell. No, humans were bastards covered with more layers of bastardry.

As Kai continued to practice his chakra control, he became more and more aware of the potential dangers his newfound abilities could bring. He knew he had to be cautious in how he used them, lest he attract the attention of the Konoha Shinobi or anyone else who might try to exploit him.

One day, while he was practicing in a secluded area, Kai heard footsteps approaching. His heart raced as he quickly tried to suppress his chakra, fearing that someone might discover his secret. He hid behind a tree, peeking out just enough to see who was coming.

To his surprise, it was the young girl from his village, the one the Konoha Shinobi had tried to take away. Her eyes were red and puffy, as if she had been crying, and she looked lost and vulnerable.

Kai's first instinct was to reveal himself and offer her help, but he hesitated, remembering the old man's foolish bravery. Was it really wise to get involved? What if it put both of them in danger?

As he watched the girl from the shadows, he could see the fear and loneliness etched on her face. She seemed so small and fragile, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy. He knew what it was like to be alone and afraid.

Kai watched from where he was hiding, torn between wanting to help and fearing the consequences. He hesitated, unsure of what to do, when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. A teenage boy, a year or two older than the girl, appeared on the scene, his brow furrowed with concern.

"Are you alright?" the boy asked gently, taking a cautious step towards the girl.

The girl sniffled, wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand. "I'm... I'm okay," she whispered, though her voice trembled with emotion.

The boy sighed, his expression softening. "I saw what happened with the Konoha Shinobi and the old man. I wanted to help, but I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry."

The girl shook her head, her eyes brimming with tears. "It's not your fault. You couldn't have known. And besides, they took the old man instead of me. I... I wish I could've done something to help him."

The boy hesitated for a moment before reaching out to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We'll figure something out, alright? We just have to stick together."

As the two teenagers continued to talk, Kai felt a mixture of relief and guilt. He was glad that someone had come to help the girl, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he should've been the one to do it. He knew, however, that his secret was too important to risk.

Suddenly, the air around them seemed to shift, and a group of Konoha Shinobi descended upon the scene, surrounding the two teenagers. Their leader, the same man who had taken the old man, looked at the boy with a wicked grin.

"Well, well," he sneered, "this girl truly is our lucky charm. Since that old man, three others came to her help. It works every time!"

Kai's eyes widened in horror as he realized the truth behind the Shinobi's words. The girl, crying, weak, and small, was a trap set to lure out any villagers with chakra abilities. With a puff of smoke, she transformed into a full-fledged Kunoichi, her previous vulnerability replaced with a smug smile.

"You... you tricked us!" the boy gasped, his face pale with shock.

Kunoichi laughed, her eyes cold and merciless. "Of course we did. Only someone with strength and the ability to use chakra would dare to help or even get close to me. Normal people would be too afraid to even approach. And now, you've played right into our hands."

As Kai watched the scene unfold from his hiding spot, he felt a surge of anger and disgust. He had almost fallen for the ruse himself, and now he understood just how treacherous the human heart could be. He silently cursed himself for nearly jumping out to help her, and vowed to be more cautious in the future.

The Konoha Shinobi moved in, closing the circle around the boy. The boy's eyes darted around, searching for an escape, but there was none to be found.

"Please," He pleaded, his voice cracking with fear, "I don't want to go with you. I just wanted to help."

The Shinobi leader smirked, clearly enjoying the boy's distress. "I'm afraid that's not an option, kid. You've shown us that you have potential, and we're not about to let that go to waste. Welcome to the ranks of Konoha."

Kai could see the despair in the boy's eyes, and it was all he could do to keep himself from intervening. He knew that if he revealed himself, he would be putting his own secret at risk just like that boy did.

Withdrawing from the scene, Kai moved swiftly and silently, doing his best to put as much distance between himself and the village as possible. As he navigated through the dense forest, he couldn't shake the feeling of guilt and shame that had settled in his chest. He knew he was doing what was necessary to protect himself, but it was little comfort.

The further Kai ventured into the forest, the more he noticed something remarkable. Ever since he had discovered his unique ability to manipulate chakra without the need for hand seals, he had found that he could draw energy from the air around him. This newfound source of sustenance seemed to nourish his body, alleviating the constant hunger that had plagued him for as long as he could remember.

Although he didn't understand why this was happening, Kai couldn't deny the benefits. His body felt stronger and more energetic, and he no longer had to worry about finding food. It was a welcome change, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for this newfound ability.

As he continued to navigate through the forest, the shadows of the trees seemed to envelop him, providing a sense of protection and security. He knew that he couldn't return to the village – not with the Konoha Shinobi searching for those with chakra abilities. The forest, as dangerous and unpredictable as it might be, was his best chance for survival.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months, and Kai grew more accustomed to his life in the forest. He practiced his chakra control daily, refining his abilities and learning new jutsu. His unique talent allowed him to progress at an astonishing rate, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his accomplishments.

Over the course of three years, Kai had grown immensely, both physically and mentally. Now a 14-year-old, he appeared more like a teenager, with a tall, muscular build that belied his young age. His wavy black hair fell down his back, and his piercing blue eyes, gifted with the ability to see chakra, held a unique charm that could capture anyone's attention.

In the time he had spent in the forest, Kai had developed numerous shinobi abilities, all without the use of hand seals. His chakra seemed to have a mind of its own, following his commands like a loyal puppet. He could walk on trees and water as if it were second nature, and he had mastered several jutsus he had witnessed the old man and Konoha Shinobi use. Henge, Fire Style: Great Fireball, Wind Style: Great Breakthrough, and Lightning Style: Lightning Blade – he could use them all with ease, despite the different chakra natures required.

One day, as Kai practiced his Wind Style: Great Breakthrough, a powerful gust of wind tore through the forest, toppling trees and sending leaves swirling through the air. He marveled at the sheer force of his jutsu, the pride in his newfound abilities shining in his eyes.

"Amazing," he whispered to himself, his breathless voice barely audible over the howling wind.

Kai stood atop a tree branch, surveying the destruction he had caused. He knew that he needed to continue honing his skills, pushing himself to the limits to ensure his survival. Despite the power he had gained, he still felt a deep-rooted fear – the fear of being discovered by the Konoha Shinobi, or anyone else who might try to exploit him.

As he prepared to practice his Fire Style: Great Fireball, he sensed a presence nearby. His keen eyes scanned the surrounding forest, searching for the source of the disturbance.

"I know you're there," he called out, his voice steady but wary. "Show yourself."

A masked boy emerged from the shadows, his long black hair swaying gently as he walked. His eyes, compassionate yet burdened with heavy decisions, met Kai's. Kai couldn't help but feel an immediate connection with the mysterious stranger, sensing the pain that seemed to radiate from him.

"Who are you?" Kai asked cautiously, his voice betraying a hint of curiosity.

The boy hesitated for a moment before speaking, his voice soft yet firm. "My name... it doesn't matter. I was just passing through, lost in thought, when I sensed your powerful chakra. I didn't expect to find anyone out here."

Kai studied the boy carefully, sensing the turmoil within him. "You seem troubled. Is there something on your mind?"

The masked boy sighed, the weight of his unspoken burdens evident in the sound. "I have a difficult decision to make. One that will affect not only my own life but the lives of many others. I... I don't know what to do."

Despite not knowing the details of the boy's situation, Kai felt a surge of empathy for him. He too had faced difficult choices, and he knew how torturous it could be to grapple with the consequences of one's actions.

"What's holding you back?" Kai inquired gently, sensing the boy's hesitance.

The boy paused, his voice tinged with sadness. "It's a decision that goes against everything I've been taught. To protect the ones I love, I must betray the ones I've sworn to protect. It's a choice between selfishness and selflessness. If I choose to be selfish, I might save those dear to me, but at the cost of the lives of others."

Kai listened intently, his heart aching for the boy's anguish. He could tell that the boy was struggling with a profound moral dilemma, and he wished that he could somehow ease the burden.

"I can't tell you what's right or wrong," Kai said quietly, "but I believe that there's a time when being selfish is necessary. If you strip away the selfishness from a person, what remains is an empty shell – a puppet that can be controlled and manipulated by others. You have to protect your own interests, your own happiness, in order to live a fulfilling life."

The masked boy seemed to consider Kai's words carefully, his eyes downcast. "You speak with wisdom beyond your years," he said after a moment. "But can one really justify such selfishness when it may result in so much suffering?"

Kai thought for a moment, trying to find the right words. "Suffering is an unavoidable part of life," he said slowly. "No matter what decision you make, there will always be consequences, and there will always be pain. The key is to find a balance between your own needs and the needs of others. Sometimes, that balance may tip in favor of selfishness, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong."

The boy looked up, his eyes meeting Kai's once more. "I appreciate your insight. It gives me something to think about as I face this difficult decision. I only hope that I can find the strength to live with the consequences of my choice."

Kai nodded, understanding the gravity of the boy's situation. "Remember," he said softly, "you can't control everything. You can only do your best with the choices you have, and trust that you'll be able to handle whatever comes your way."

The masked boy smiled, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, for taking the time to listen and offer your perspective. It means more to me than you can know."

With that, the boy turned to leave, vanishing into the shadows as swiftly and mysteriously as he came.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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