
Volume 1, Part 13 : Early Years - Emergency Meeting.

~5100 words


So here it is. There are like a few chapters left in the first volume "EARLY YEARS." Let me know of your thoughts on this chapter and the volume as a whole until now. Leave a vote if you your brother didn't push you off a table as a kid.

And I'll see you all next time.


It has been a week. A long, tiring and tear-filled week, ever since Julian left.

Zenith has gained herself back after getting the first letter from Julian. It said he was fine and would be taking the evaluation test from the Adventurer's Guild tomorrow. Since the letter takes time to arrive, it means that he would've already taken it.

He also mentioned that he would be write another letter about his results, which would arrive in a day or two.

As for Paul, he has been training harder. Not out of competitiveness or being sour that he lost to his 6-year-old son but rather for the sole reason to last longer next time.

Although, he had to practice outside, mostly in the forst becaue our lawn was left in shambles. It took us the whole last week, trying to recover our lawn. It took us the whole last week, trying to recover it. After I woke up and first saw the lawn, I couldn't believe my eyes. The whole ground was uprooted, charred to an extent that it seemed like a pathway for molten lava.

The little trees were uprooted, their leaves burnt to crisp from the sheer amount of speed and intensity of his attack and battle aura.

The rich soil beneath that had a vibrant hue was now charred black, losing its prior fertile look.

I heaved, picking the shovel and shoving it into the soil, filling in the huge holes that were left where he had stepped. The place where his technique deployed initially had left a huge crater in its wake.


I looked back, my eyes trailing towards the area from where I had heard the chant. The broken little tree snapped back into place, gaining a lively look, once again. The caster---Sylph looked at me with a sheepish smile, slightly grinning as she jerked her head towards the tree.

"Excellent work, Sylph." I exclaimed, a warm smile spreading across my face as I gently patted her head. Her hair felt smooth and glossy under the sunlight, a tantalising aroma wafting from her whole body.

Gets me all jizzed u-- ehm, I mean, makes me happy that she is taking care of herself.

Her whole body quivered under my touch, and she took a half step back, but her eyes sparkled with a mix happiness and something else as well.

Instantly realising my misstep, I swiftly withdrew my hand, curling my fingers into a fist and letting it hover hesitantly in the air. "Oh, I'm sorry," I apologised, the memory of her previous unease washing over me.

My heart sank as I saw her pull away from me.

It was truly a miracle already that she had chosen to be here with me, playing once again.

I shouldn't be expecting or demanding so much when I was the one who messed up everything.

However, much to my surprise, her face flushed a delicate shade of pink as she softly hummed and reached out to enclose my hand within her own. With a shy smile, she guided my hand back to her head, placing it gently in position.

The blush on her face intensified, resembling a volcano on the verge of eruption.

My heart skipped a beat, or maybe even a few, as a surge of affection filled me. She was simply too adorable for words.

With a tingling mix of anticipation and tenderness, I slowly uncurled my fingers, one by one, as if unwrapping a precious gift.

Each digit moved with deliberate pace, hesitant yet ecstatic, extending outward like delicate tendrils reaching for the heavens, or something of equal value.

A symphony of emotions played within me, an orchestra of fluttering heartbeats and whispered desires, growing with every passing second.

Every movement of my hand felt deliberate, as if time itself had slowed to savor this precious moment. Each millimeter of progress brought me closer to her, bridging the gap between us with a whisper of anticipation.

Placing my hand on her head, I slowly patted her. She coo'd, out of satisfaction as I felt her squirm underneath.

'Guess she actually likes it.' I thought as I saw her cast her gaze downward.

I couldn't believe her sudden boldness, but hey, who am I to complain, right? This unexpected twist was like winning the jackpot of unexpected moments, dawg. I couldn't resist the temptation—I was going to milk this opportunity for all it's worth, hehe.

With a mischievous grin on my face, I extended my fingers once again, like a secret agent on a top-secret mission to tickle her funny bone. Inch by inch, my hand inched closer to her neck, as if I was about to initiate the most epic head-patting maneuver known to mankind.

Suddenly, lo and behold, I tickled her.

Yes, tickled, you heard it right. Nothing else. Get your minds out of the gutter, fucking morons.

She burst into a fit of laughter. "R-Rudy, ahahah, stop."

Well, if there's no one around and she says stop...

Who's gonna stop me, eh?

Speeding my mastered tickling techniques, I increased its speed. A tear formed at the corner of her eye as she fell down, dragging me down with her as she held on to my sleeve.

Now, would you look at this view, gad dyam!!!!!

From the loose buttons to her disheveled hair. Plus her troubled face that's blushing. How can a man as cultured as me could resist. RIGHT?

Well let's dive right in!

"Ruuuddyyyyy~ Time for practi- oho?"

Ah, well. Never mind, everything turned chaotic after that.


It's been one week since I left home.

The journey, on the way to my first destination was, unexpectedly serene for the most part.

I had half expected people to pounce on me as soon they saw a kid my age riding all alone, but the few travelers that came across me just greeted me and went on their way.

I was skeptical at first since this was a common tactic. Appearing friendly and scouting vulnerabilities among people. However, as time went by and hours turned into days, the skepticism started to die out.

Letter take a few days to reach to their destination. Knowing what I'd be doing as soon as I reach my destination, I wrote exactly that on the letter and posted it for my hometown. It was one way to put Zenith at ease.

Finally, today, after 8 long days of travelling with my horse---Kalajav, we finally reached out destination.

Fittoa region of the Asura Kingdom.

Paul had warned me about Greyrats in this city. Apparently, they were the lords here. Well, it would be fine as long as I don't come into contact with any of them. It's not like I was afraid of them, but attracting trouble without having enough authority in this place can prove fatal.

My father, Paul, might be a low ranking noble, but since he was disowned by his father, it won't help me in any way.

"Hm, let's see. It should be around here." I talked out loud, to myself as I looked around here and there, trying to spot a building that would look like a "Guild", so to say. However, in this world, appearances often betray the purpose. Since I had learned how to write and read, it shouldn't be so hard.

However, there can two things that can spell trouble here.

First of all, of course, was my encounter with any Greyrats in this city. It wasn't that much of a problem since they probably don't know me. However, the second, was something that was more probable to make me fall into some trouble.

That was my accent.

All humans usually talk using the human tongue. However, there are multiple dialects to it. The human language in the central continent can be split into 3 types, there are some differences in the various human languages.

But the only differences are something like American English and British English.

I'm using the western area's human language in the central continent, and the western area's language is also used in the northern side. But it's best not to use that elsewhere.


This is because it's common knowledge that the western area has rich people, so many people---most probably thieves, will be attracted to them.

Of course, it could be resolved by not talking much. However, it could also hinder my social skills... which aren't very good to begin with.

Well, I guess, I will think about it when the time comes. Time to get myself admitted into the guild.

I walked through the bustling bazaar, sounds of vendors, people shouting in attempts to sell their products. It was quite lively, compared to the ever-serene surroundings of my village. A refreshing change. I was prone towards living a life devoid of any excessive and troublesome things like this, but, somehow, after all those years in a quiet peaceful village, I felt myself craving for all the chaos again.

This is how human nature works, I'd suppose.

After a few minutes of walking here and there, I finally found the guild. The adventurer's guild stood proudly in the heart of this vast, bustling town, its exterior reflecting the energy and excitement that permeated from within its walls.

The entrance was a giant double door made of solid oak, polished to a shine and engraved with the guild's emblem—a crest featuring crossed swords and a blazing torch, symbolising the courage and determination of the guild's members.

Above the entrance, a weathered wooden signboard swinged in the wind, producing a slight clatter as it declared the establishment as the "Adventurer's Guild."

Around the entrance, there was a constant flurry of activity.

Adventurers, clad in various attires, wielding weapons, and carrying backpacks came and go, their footsteps echoing against the cobblestone street. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and even competition as adventurers shared tales of their exploits and prepared for their next daring undertaking.

Letting out a deep breath, I walked in, gripping my hilt tighter.

Stepping inside the adventurer's guild, visually, the first few seconds I was greeted by a lively and vibrant atmosphere.

The main hall was expansive, with high ceilings supported by sturdy wooden beams. Sunlight poured in through large stained-glass windows, casting colorful hues on the polished stone floors. The walls were adorned with maps, ancient artifacts, and mounted trophies, recounting the triumphs of legendary adventurers.

However, the more I stepped into it and 'actually' observe it, the more quickly realisation dawned on me.

The stench of alcohol and grime filled the air, and in contrast with the first impression, the whole environment continued to get heavier as I walked deeper into this abyss of old and new adventurers, chattering, arguing... some even ready to fight each other.

The body odour from some of them was repuslive enough to make me almost throw up the bile that had creeped up to the back of my throat. Technically, one shouldn't be able to smell this bad. I guess this is an achievement of his own, whoever it is.

However, this was the exact image I had in mind for such a place.

Not only normal but nobles and outlaws alike opt for the profession of adventuring. So this much was within my expectations. I was wearing a baggy black robe that was a bit large for my size. It was around Roxy's size. I should be able to fit into it in the coming few months if I continue to grow like this though.

To be fair, I pretty much looked like someone who had been equipped with stolen gear. From the oversized robe to the uncanny sword---that didn't match my size---and the huge backpack strapped to my back, full of homecooked food.

That would kind of justify the weird gazes I have been getting.

Regardless of that, I was able to learn a few things about Guilds during my journey.

Adventure Guilds can be found in all major cities in this world. Adventurers can take missions up to one rank above or below their current rank. It's main headquarters is found in Millishion, Holy Kingdom of Milis in the Adventurer's District.

Spotting a huge desk with a woman behind it, I deduced it must be the receptionist. The gazes I had been getting were increasing a lot, so I decided to just be done with the registration and have my first task. I'd prefer something easy like finding someone's cat, since I don't think I'd be able to handle monsters.

"Good morning." I greeted as the receptionist, a woman, looked down at me. She had black hair tied in a bun and similar coloured eyes, with glassed on them. She seemed confused at first, tilting her head to the side.

"Oh my, sorry. Good morning." She replied to my greeting after realising she had been staring for too long. "Are you lost?"

Oh well. She already thinks I am a lost kid.

"No. I am here to register as an adventurer." I replied, bluntly. Playing with words right now would just indicate I was trying to press a narrative without having much strength behind it.

"A-Are you sure?" She asked, genuinely concerned. It was quite weird at first, but I guess good humans do worry about everyone, related or not.

"Yes, I am."

"Uhh... okay. What would you like to know first?" She asked.

"Is there something specific I should know about?" I asked back.

She placed a finger on her chin, thinking. Then suddenly clicking her tongue, she started explaining a few things.

First of all, she told me about negative conduct. If prohibited actions are discovered, a fine will be applied and Adventurers guild qualifications will be revoked. Some actions that are considered prohibited are;

Actions which go against a countries laws.Actions which disgrace and cause the reliability of the guild to fall.Actions which interfere or obstruct other Adventurers jobs.Buying, selling, and trading of jobs.

After knowing the negative conduct, she told me about the ranks, promotion and demotion.

Everyone started at Rank F and then had to climb up the ranks by fulfilling multiple missions, pre-determined in this case, to avoid any prejudice towards anyone.

There are seven ranks from F to S based on Adventurers proven skills. As a general rule of thumb, you can only take jobs within one above or below your current rank.

Also, if you fail a certain number of jobs in succession, your rank will be demoted by one.

There was something else that caught my attention as well. In the case that a country is under attack by monsters and a request for assistance is made from the guild, you have an obligation to obey. Also, if an emergency situation arises, Adventurers have an obligation to obey the guild staff members.

Other than that, failure to complete a job you have accepted, a compensation for the breach of contract must be paid worth two times the amount of the job reward compensation. Repayment period is half a year. If compensation is not paid, Adventurers guild qualification will be revoked.

There were a few other key points.

A party, while not obligatory, was recommended to form. Since, the guild receptionist has the power to not allow adventurers to solo a mission, should they deem it too overwhelming for a single individual.

A person can still do solo missions even while being in a party. If anything, forming a party just comes with perks. While a group of people was called a 'Party', a group of parties was called a 'Clan'. There were a few rules about forming a party.

>A party can have up to seven members.

>Only members within 1 rank above or below of the party leader can join the party.

>The party rank is decided by the accepted job.

>The party is averaged based on all party members.On completion of a job, all members of the party will receive equal status.

>It is possible to take individual jobs while in a party.

>The party leader and a guild staff member are required to join a party.

>In order to withdraw only the guild staff member is required.

>The party leader has authority to forcefully withdraw members.

>In the event of the death of the leader, the party will automatically be dissolved.

>It is possible to create a clan with more than two parties.

>Clans in good standing with the guild will receive a number of privileges.

"Was that all you needed to know?" The receptionist asked me.

"Yes. Thank you. That would be all. Can I register now?" I replied, looking around. There were a few other species other human as well. While most of them were "Beastfolk", there were some weird ones as well.

For example; a man like a pig, a woman with the lower half of a snake, a woman with legs like a horse. It was really place where a great number of races gather and congregate. While the racism had mellowed out, this region had a bit of prejudice towards demons, since they started all those wars, many years ago.

Ignoring that, I looked back at the woman. She handed a piece of paper, a registration form and a piece of charcoal. There was a section for writing my name and job, as well as things to be aware of and a code of conduct.

What are people who can't read supposed to do? As I was thinking of that, she spoke up, "If you can't read letters, would you like for me to read it to you? You seem quite young."

"No, that won't be necessary."

"Ah, really? You look quite genius for someone your age, haha."

She mused. Should I be happy she praised me or mad at the fact that she is calling me small again and again.

The answer to that...

...is definitely nothing. I am not sure if anything as trivial as this should be affecting anyone's nerves.

Picking up a piece of charcoal, I started to fill out the form.

"Aah! You can write pretty good as well!"

Looks like literacy here is quite low.

"After you have written, then please place your hand over here." She instructed while I handed the piece of paper back to her. And what was prepared was a transparent board. In the center of it a magic circle was carved, glowing with an almost transparent aura.

Underneath it, metal looking cards were scattered. Hmm. I wonder what this is.

"Like this?" I asked as I placed my hand down. After the receptionist confirmed that, she pressed the edge of the board with her finger.

"Name: Julian Greyrat"

"Job: Magic Swordsman"

"Rank: F"

The receptionist indifferently read out the contents of the paper prepared until the 'Job' section and then looked at me with surprise from above her glasses, sizing me from up to down. After a while she pressed the board again. Then, the magic circle shined with a red light and quickly went out.

"Please kindly take this card, it's your Adventurer Card."

A completely normal iron plate. Written there with shining letters was:

- - - - - -------------------------

Name: Julian Greyrat

Gender: Male

Race: Human Race

Age: 6

Job: Magic Swordsman.

Rank: F

- - - - - -------------------------

I took the card into hand. It was cold to touch but the area where the words were inscribed felt hot.


"The guild will replenish it if the mana inside it is depleted." She added.

"Got it, thanks."

"You're welcome. The mission board is to the left. You can search something for yourself there. But don't go overboard." She advised, with a quiet, sullen look.

"I won't. Thanks." With a swift bow, I moved away from the counter.

I would need to form a party, but I can't do it right now. Since teaming up with anyone here is akin to suicide. After all, the hungry gazes don't lie.


Right away, I went over to check out the notice board. The jobs I can accept are from F to E. There aren't many jobs for that rank. Pretty much all of them are jobs within the town. Storehouse organizing, food preparation assistance, registering forms, searching for a lost pet, extermination of harmful insects. All of them appear simple and they all have low pay.

Incidentally, the jobs are written in this sort of form:


.Job: Storehouse Organizing

.Reward: 5 stone coins

.Job Details: Transporting heavy objects.

.Place: House number 12, storehouse with a red door

.Period: half a day - full day

.Deadline: No deadline

.Job Owner Name: Toby Maguire

.Notes: There are many things to move and not enough hands. Somebody help me. The more there are with power the better.


.Job: Cooking Preparation Assistant

.Reward: 6 stone coins

.Job Details: Washing dishes and transporting meals.

.Place: House number 4, bottom floor

.Period: full day

.Deadline: Until the next full moon

.Job Owner Name: James Charles

.Notes: Setting appointments for customers when they enter. Help is needed. As a side note, taste testing would help out as well.


.Job: Searching for a lost pet

.Reward: 1 scrap iron coin

.Job Details: Searching for a pet that has disappeared. Capture.

.Place: House number 2, Kiribu House, room 3

.Period: Until it's found

.Deadline: No deadline

.Job Owner Name: Chris Evans,

.Notes: Our pet has disappeared and hasn't returned. I saved up my allowance and made a job request. Somebody please help me search.

None of them are jobs which you would party up to take on it seems. Lower rank jobs are probably generally done solo. Since the completion of jobs is shared equally, if you divide up labour of low rank jobs with a number of party members, you could rank up relatively fast, I guess.

"Oi, oi, little boy. Are you looking for your mama? PUAHAHA!" A voice spoke from behind as I placed a hand on the hilt of my sword, hidden beneath my robe.

"Oi, look if there's a milk drinking job. That'd be the only task he can do, haha!"

I let out a deep breath. Fire crackled like wildfire for a split second across my fingers before dissipating.

"Get your hand off of me." I said, slowly and as respectfully as I could. I didn't want to make enemies as soon as I got here.

"Say what, boy?"

"I said," I paused as I looked up at him, my battle aura leaking out of me, "Get your hands off of me."

His grip over my shoulder tightened as he pulled me closer, "Why don't we continue our 'talk' outside?"

I sighed heavily, loud enough for everyone to hear as I saw his companions grinning, inching closer. If I fight here, I can have my rights revoked.

"Sure." I replied, my shoulders slumping.


Standing in an alley, the man from before pushed me against a wall. He had a huge build, a scar running across his chest. One of his grey eyes were covered in an eye patch, granting him the conventional 'thug' look. The others were also dressed in a similar fashion. No shirt and small, skinny pants.

Really crude sense of fashion, I'd say.

Suddenly, the huge man---their leader, I supposed---choked me, pinning me against the wall. His fingers pressed against my neck skin, pushing it in. I felt the air passage block as I looked down at him. He brought his other hand forward and removed the hood from my head.

"Oho? Pretty boy. That's a steal."

"Is it a boy?"

"He's making me feel ways."

They were an unusual bunch. The comments were quite interesting to hear. Although, I think I look like a boy, no matter how you look at it. Is his eyesight weak? Or is he so deprived of women that he sees them everywhere?

That's tragic.

"Shut up, everyone." The leader said as they settled down. He then looked at me, licking his lips, "From now on, every last bit of money you earn will be mine."

"I refuse." It would be troublesome if I give my money to him.

"HAHAHA!" He seemed amused. I wonder why. His grip over my neck tightened, the nail digging deep in my skin. Well, this is troublesome. I can get some contagious disease via this. Since he isn't very hygienic. "I am going to kill you, otherwise. Don't think I am kidding."

"Why would you make me do it?" I muttered under my breath.


"My mom told me to not hurt someone just because they're weak. But why must you make me do this?" I spoke louder this time, my body already feeling tired.

"What is the brat talking about?" One of his companions spoke.

"At least..." my voice trailed off as the man who had spoken a while ago got caught on fire, from the inside. Crimson flames engulfed him and before he could scream, ashen grey smoke emerged from his nose, ear and mouth and fell to the ground with a thud.

"....what the fu-" Before the leader could speak, I was already in front of the other two. One of them closed in but a spike made from earth solidified under his feet, piercing his calf as he stumbled to the ground. A howl of agony left his mouth, interrupted by another earthen spike piercing his throat.

"Fuckin' di------" The other one screamed but I caught him by his throat, cutting his sentence off. "You shouldn't scream while fighting." Jerking my wrist that was augmented by touki, I broke his neck instantly. As I got off him, I landed on the ground, shaking the dust off from my hair.

"You're trained it seems." The leader spoke as he took his sword out.

I took my own sword out and unsheathed it.

"Buahaha. What a cheap sword. I thought you'd be some kind of royal but turns out you're a peasant. Your parents must be........"

There was something inside my body that made me... no, forced me to move before he could finish the sentence. My sword caught on bright orange flames, and I cleaved his body in one, clean horizontal slash.

I let out a misty breath and looked back over my shoulder. My vision was distorted, layers of mana coating everything. Shaking my head, I brought my eyes back under my control.

That was uncanny. The way I moved... the instinct. It was foreign. Stemming from deep within me.

Well, never mind. Time to pick up the cat finding quest. Here I go! My time to become the best (🐈) cat-finder has arrived.

Hence, I burnt the bodies to ashes and went away from there.


Zenith has been diagnosed as pregnant. My brother or sister is going to be born. The family members are going to increase even more. Yowzer Rudi-chan!!

Not that I did anything. Should probably tickle Paul's jewels and scream "Nice Work, Oto-san!"

Zenith has been troubled all these years. In the past, she would sigh and suspect whether she was unable to have any more children, but about 1 month ago, she started to feel a change in her.

She was getting tired easily, getting nausea, vomiting, etc. These are the common signs of pregnancy. Since she still remembered those feelings, she went to a doctor and was diagnosed as pregnant. Basically, it wasn't wrong.

The Greyrat family was overjoyed with the report.

If it's a boy, he will be named this. If it's a girl, she will be named that. There's the room too, along with how the kid can use mine or Julian's old clothes.

The topics were endless.

The laughter kept coming in on that bustling day. I was frankly quite happy and made my opinion that a younger sister is better. That's because my younger brother destroyed the most important thing to me (using a baseball bat) in my past life. And even now.... I HAVE HAD ENOUGH WITH "BROTHERS".

No way in 7 hells do I want another fire spitting, sword wielding brother. NADA!

Despite this fact, there was cheerfulness everywhere.

And then.

A month later, there was another problem that sprang out.

What, you might ask, right?

Et, viola!

The maid Lilia is discovered to be pregnant. Lilia plainly announced the fact that she is pregnant when the family gathered. "I'm sorry, I'm pregnant."

At that instant, the Greyrat family freezes.

(Who did it...?)

Definitely wasn't me. Its still too small.

No one tried asking in this atmosphere. Everyone faintly felt it. Lilia's a hardworking maid. She sends almost all of her salary back home. To solve the village's problem, she frequently goes out with Paul, and is different from Zenith who stays in the village to help out with the clinic. She almost doesn't leave the house except for work. There was never news that Lilia is especially close to someone either.

Could it be that she did it with a stranger...

But I know one thing.

After Zenith became pregnant, Paul was forced to stop having sexual activities, and when he couldn't find relief for it, he snuck into Lilia's room at night. If I was a straight child, I might even have thought that they were playing poker.

Unfortunately, I knew. The two of them did it not during father's absence, but mother's absence.

I really wish they would be more careful. Didn't 2 random people say this before? "Ye laddies!! 'Ye can do it if you try.' are very good words. They teach us the importance of contraception!!"

I really want to let Paul---whose face has turned green---know those lines. Well, I don't really know if there is the usage of contraception. Of course, I don't intend to divulge this matter and cause a family break up. If it's the usual, I would not forgive anyone who lays his hands on the maid.

But I have received much favor from Paul about Sylphy's matter. I'll forgive him this once. A popular guy has it hard. That is why if he gets suspected, I'll cover for him. I can even be his alibi. After I set my determination down, I make eye signals towards Paul to tell him to be at peace.

But at the same time, Zenith looks at Paul, full of suspicion. And coincidentally, both of us have our lines of sight on Paul.

"S-sorry. I-it's probably, mine..." This fellow gives up all too easily. How pathetic... No, honest men should be praised. He always likes to gather the family members and act noble by teaching me:

"Be honest" something like that,

"Be manly" something like that,

"Protect girls" something like that,

"Don't do dishonest things" something like that.

So he probably can't tell anything but the truth. Isn't that good? I don't dislike that part about you.

(But the situation has become pretty bad...)

I think that as I look at Zenith. A Hannya mask is appearing behind her. Just like that, including Lilia, we start an emergency family meeting.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C15
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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