81.81% Avatar: The gamer / Chapter 27: 27 - Unexpected company

บท 27: 27 - Unexpected company

An: I think this is my longest chapter as of yet 2.8k words.



On a small boat sailing away from the southern water tribe, Levi and his master sat opposite each other along with two heavy bags with them. Levi could have just put everything on his inventory but that wasn't really an option with Tenzin around but he still put some necessary things in it nonetheless, you never know what might happen.

On the shore stood five people waving at them as they departed, well only three were waving being Sokka, Katara and surprisingly Kato, son of Tenzin and head of the guards, Kya was just leaning on her husband as she watched her son depart.

"He just came back not long ago, why couldn't he just let him rest a little bit more? He is just a little kid. Why does he have to deal with all of this?" said Kya, still watching the boat, her eyes watery but she wasn't crying, she was just resigned to this cruel fate.

"Sigh, that's Master Tenzin for you honey but I bet my life on it that he would die before he let anything happen to Levi he might not look like it but he's actually quite a nice person." Said Hakoda as he hugged his wife and reassured her.

"But you don't need to worry about it much this time it's just a training trip and with master Tenzin around, not a lot can hurt our son, and he's stronger than he may appear." said Hakoda, smiling at his last sentence.

"GOODBYE BROTHER HAVE A SAFE TRIP AND DON'T FORGET TO BRING ME SOME SWEETS WHEN YOU COME BACK." yelled Katara at the top of her lungs as she waved at the drifting boat completely oblivious to anything else.

"ME TOO, LEVI BRING ME A LOT OF FOOD TOO." followed by Sokka obviously concerned that he might not get any food if he didn't ask for it like Katara did.

Levi only smiled at them as he waved but he didn't forget to engrave their words to heart he will definitely not come back empty-handed.

He side-eyed his master who had his eyes closed and arms crossed anyone, who didn't know better would think he was asleep but Levi knew that he was the one stirring the boat using water bending even if it did not seem like it, unfortunately he did not seem to be paying any attention to his son Kato as he waved him, 'Jeez man he's your son at least have some sympathy and wave back.' fortunately Kato seemed used to his father's antics and didn't seem to mind

But it seemed like Tenzin could read his thoughts as he opened his eyes and glared at Levi, making a chill go up his spine before closing them again.

'Old freak, did he know what I was thinking?' thought Levi before dismissing that absurd thought, with gamer's mind no one could pry into his thoughts.

Their families weren't the only ones sending them away though. To the side and far away from Levi and Tenzin's families stood a figure, it was Tobirama who only seemed to come here to admire the sea but he was in fact seeing Levi off.

Looking in his direction Levi could see the concerned look on his face but he could only shake his head helplessly while feeling guilty.

Yesterday night Tobirama had tried to convince him to come along insisting that he can stay out of sight and that he can just leave a shadow clone in the village, which is more than enough which Levi 100% believed.

Levi though couldn't accept that, first because with Tenzin and him gone there weren't a lot of reliable forces left in the tribe, and secondly he didn't want to rely on anyone too much, and so poor Tobirama was left to stand guard at the tribe no matter how reluctant he was, he couldn't refuse Levi's order.


"So are you going to tell me where we're going!?"Asked Levi.

Tenzin just kept his eyes closed, not reacting at all. They had been sailing for the past four hours and there was still no land on sight even though their boat was going extremely fast through the ocean.

During those four hours Levi had more than once tried to probe Tenzin for information about where they were going but all of his efforts were useless.

Another two hours passed just as quickly with Levi choosing to spend his time meditating instead of wasting it trying to get Tenzin to talk before a small island appeared on the horizon.

It didn't appear to be of any significance as it looked like any other Island with sparse trees and plants on it put levi was sure that it was more than it seemed or else why would Tenzin stir the boat here, 'How did he even navigate through the ocean with his eyes closed and no points of reference!?' wondered Levi as he suddenly noticed this particular point but decided not to ask for now.

Soon they reached the shore of the island and docked their boat there, Tenzin surveyed the island before finally opening his mouth and speaking for the first time ever since they left their tribe, "It seems we are the first ones to arrive, well it was to be expected we'll just have to wait for a while longer." he said before finding a rock and taking a seat on it.

"Sigh, I feel like I'm being kidnapped here. Come on master, at least give me something to work with. What are we doing here ?." asked Levi, exasperated, although he didn't really hope for his master to answer his doubts as he had asked this same question more than once before, but it seemed that this time was different.

Opening his eyes, Tenzin looked at Levi before speaking, "We are here to meet some old friends of mine and to confirm something that is all you need to know for now." He didn't say anything after that and just closed his eyes and kept quiet, annoying Levi even further.

Seeing that he couldn't get anything else out of him Levi just sat on the ground cross-legged and closed his eyes in meditation, he tried to think of why they were there and after a lot of thought one explanation came to mind, 'He thinks I am the avatar and we're here to confirm that.'

That seemed like a far reach but was it really? The next avatar is supposed to be a water bender, and with how monstrous he was becoming with the help of the system it was only logical for Tenzin to think that, what normal kid could be that strong. And after hearing Tenzin speak of some friends Levi remembered some things from the show, like the order of the white lotus!

But all of that was just his theory, he had yet to confirm it.

Hours passed by in total silence with Levi trying to level up the meditation skill and Tenzin seemingly doing the same and meditating on the side, there was only total peace and quiet before a black ship appeared on the horizon accompanied by the sound of an engine! Levi opened his eyes upon sensing it before they widened in shock as he jumped to his feet before noticing his error and ducking lower hoping that they hadn't noticed him already, almost whispering to Tenzin he spoke, "Master, it's a fire nation ship and it's coming straight towards us."

Tenzin's reaction wasn't what he was expecting at all, he would have been fine if Tenzin panicked or if he told him to get on the ship and sail out of there as fast as their bending can take them but instead was smacked on the back of his head before he could react, "Damn child why are you all worked up for." said Tenzin annoyed at Levi.

Levi was shocked for words for a while before he reacted, "So..sorry master but this isn't the time for this we should get out of now." said Levi, he could probably take on a couple dozen alone with his limit breaker and Tenzin could maybe do the same, but his limit breaker was only a short term boost and sooner or later they would be overwhelmed by numbers alone, that's not even counting that there might be reinforcement still on the way.

"Oh?" Tenzin said, raising an eyebrow, "You think we can't take them on?."

Hearing Tenzin's question made Levi pause and consider before answering, "If there were only a few dozen then maybe, but what if there were a hundred or more, we can't take that risk." replied Levi earning him a smile from Tenzin as he laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha good, good at least I didn't train a stupid muscle head who will rush straight to his death, you don't have to worry though they….." he paused as if he made a mistake before continuing, "….he is a good friend of mine." he said with a mysterious smile.

"You have friends from the fire nation?." Asked Levi bewildered, he isn't like other people from this world who see the fire nation and its citizens as nothing but demons and bad people, he knows there are good people there too but they are just helpless to change anything about the current situation.

"Humph, I have friends everywhere boy, just because I didn't go out a lot these past few years doesn't mean that I didn't do so before, I've been all around the world boy don't ." said Tenzin with a proud expression on his face as he turned and watched the ship getting closer with Levi doing the same.

'I guess I am worrying too much, if we don't run into anyone like the fire lord or Iroh everything would be fin...….' thought Levi before his thoughts froze as he spotted someone standing on the front of the ship, it felt like someone had just thrown a bucket full of cold water on him.

There on the front of the ship was a short old man with grey hair and a dad bod, he had a kindly smile adorning his face as he looked straight at them, Levi had the feeling that he was observing him more than his master.

Levi's mind went blank as he realized who that was, 'General Iroh, the dragon of the west.'

'I hope this is the friend you're talking about master or we're fucked.' thought Levi as he slowly looked at Tenzin, he really hoped that his master was stronger than he showed, if not he didn't think even his limit breaker could save him at that point, maybe only blood bending might give him a chance but he really didn't want to reveal a trump card like that.

He could also use his remaining character summon card, but if it came to that he's better off using blood bending, at least it could be explained.

Looking at his master again made him raise his eyebrows, Tenzin wasn't having as much of an inner turmoil as him, he even had a smile on his face as he looked at Iroh, he refused to believe that Tenzin didn't know who Iroh was, so the only possible answer was that he was the one they were waiting for all along.

'At least it's Iroh, he can't be that bad.' thought Levi comforting himself, he hoped he didn't just jinx himself with that thought.

And he was proven right as the ship lowered its anchor docking away from the island followed by Iroh jumping from it.

And Just when Levi thought he was going to fall into the water and swim towards them Levi saw fire come out of his legs and hands as it propelled him all the way to them.

'I didn't see him do that in the show but considering who he is it does make sense.' thought Levi, he had seen lesser firebenders in the legend of Korra do it so he would instead be surprised if Iroh couldn't.

Landing on the beach, Iroh smiled at Tenzin before coming to him with a happy smile and giving him a big hug while speaking, "It's been so long my old friend how have you been?."

"At this old age it's kind of the same old routine, but one thing is for sure I do miss your tea my friend, the batch you gave me last time didn't even last for a month." said Tenzin with a happy smile and a regretful tone in his voice.

'So he can smile." thought Levi as he observed them without commenting, especially his master, he couldn't think of a time when he saw Tenzin genuinely smiling like this.

"I told you you should drink it sparingly and to only use small portions of the leaves at a time. It should have lasted at least a year." said Iroh with a resigned tone in his voice before sighing and reaching behind his back to bring a roll of cloth.

"Anyhow I know you and knew that would happen so I brought you some extra hahaha." said Iroh laughing as he handed the beg of tea leaves to Tenzin who caught it as if he was catching a treasure. Levi could even swear that he saw his hands shake a little as if afraid that he would drop it.

'Just how good is that damned tea.' thought Levi as he saw his high and mighty mentor acting like that, he even felt his mouth watering before he snapped back to attention as Iroh looked at him.

"And this must be our young friend isn't it, hi there kid it's my pleasure to meet you, you can call me uncle if you want to." said Iroh with a beaming smile as he cubed his fists and bowed a little not treating Levi any lesser just because he was a kid.

That made Levi feel a little guilty somehow, seeing such a man his age and status giving him so much respect so he did the only thing he could and reciprocated, "Likewise uncle.", that short reply made Iroh's smile spread further on his face as he reached behind his back again and pulled another roll of cloth.

"For being such a nice kid I'll also give you this beg of special teal leaves, I grew them myself and they're the best in the world so don't waste them, alright? Consider it a gift." Said Iroh with a smile still on his face as he handed him the bag.

It would be a lie to say that Levi wasn't tempted by the tea leaves when he saw his master's reaction from before, and he doubted that the old bag of bones would share any with him, so he just thanked him and accepted them.

'Things would be really convenient if I could use my inventory right now.' thought Levi as he held the bag of tea leaves below his armpit.

"You're the first to arrive so we need to wait a little bit more for the other guy." said Tenzin after he was finally done ogling his tea leaves as if they were treasures.

'Seriously, how good is that tea?' thought Levi again he looked at his own bag with curiosity, he also noted what Tenzin just said and had an idea about what kind of group was gathering here, Iroh kind of gave it away.

"Oh that's completely fine, how about I have a little sparring match with our little friend while we wait." asked Iroh.

"Do as you wish. I'll prepare the tea while you're at it." replied Tenzin as he backed a little distance away seemingly not caring about anything they were up to.

'Hey, what the hell old man, come back here.' Levi screamed in his mind as he saw his master walking away leaving him with probably one of the strongest people in the world right now.

"So how about it, little friend, are you interested?." Asked Iroh with a smile

'Oh, how nice of you, you're asking for my permission first before you fuck me what a gentleman.' thought Levi, but he didn't say it out loud, plus he really wanted to fight Iroh and learn from him, Tenzin was an amazing mentor but a change of every now and then would certainly help.

"Of course Uncle Iroh let me put the tea leaves aside first" said Levi as he took the tea leaves to his master before coming back, he didn't want to accidentally crush them while sparring, that would be tragic, and seeing how his master valued them he feared what he would do to him if that happened.

"Alright I am ready when you are." said Iroh with a calm voice not changing his stance.

'Here goes nothing.' thought Levi, not replying to Iroh as he focused on him and rushed at him at full force.


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