63.63% Reincarnated in RWBY as Weiss Schnee (Rewriting) / Chapter 7: Winter Returns (fixed)

บท 7: Winter Returns (fixed)

I don't know why it was in the wrong order in my drafts but for reals this time after this is when the changes begins.

I didn't change anything for this chapter except minor wording as I liked the inclusion of her family in her life to be shown other than her father.


It had been three months since my experiments began, and I had made significant progress. I could now cover my entire hand in repulsion glyphs, and they my distribution of aura has increased a lot too.

I have also managed to reduce the time it takes me to form glyphs to just three seconds, and they are stronger and more precise than before, though still not on par with Winter's glyphs.

But progress was progress, and I was proud of it. My Weiss sense, as I like to call it, has also improved, albeit not to the extent I wished it had. I guess being rich does have its moments in cases like this.

Additionally, healing minor cuts and injuries have become a bit easier for me; it no longer takes me an eternity to heal a cut like that, and I started to work on different types of injuries. Of course, I'm healing other things that aren't myself. I'm not crazy enough to keep hurting myself just to train.

I had also invested time in improving my relationship with Whitley. It was slowly getting better between us, and he would occasionally join me for dinner, so it wasn't as lonely and cold. However, he still idolized Father, which bothered me. Until my father proved that he could change for the better, I wouldn't fully accept Whitley idolizing him.

On the other hand, my relationship with my mother has improved. I made an effort to spend more time with her to try and get her out of this slump she's been stuck in for too long, and I occasionally invited Whitley along. It seemed to have a positive impact, as her drinking had reduced somewhat, though she still didn't join us at the dining table.

The exciting news was that Winter was coming home for a while. I would like to think that me and Winter have a deep bond after going through our father's abuse together and having her around meant I would have the opportunity to learn from her and improve even more. I was eager to show her my progress.

An hour later, I was engrossed in my programming and medical books. Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Miss Weiss, Miss Winter has arrived," Klein's voice echoed from outside.

I hurriedly got up, my heart racing with anticipation. As I quickly approached the entrance, I noticed Winter from a distance, handling her suitcases. Also, I swear I heard Klein chuckle before I left him in the dust.

"Winter, how are you?" I greeted her with a light smile on my face.

"I'm doing well. And how about you, Weiss? I hope you've been keeping up with your training," she replied with a straight face, although I could detect a hint of a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Yes, I have! And I've come up with a new glyph!" I exclaimed, excitement resonating in my voice.

"Oh, I can't wait to see it if you're this excited." Winter raised an eyebrow.

"But first, I need to greet Father. You know how he gets if I don't greet him. Go to the field; I'll meet you there," she said before heading toward Father's study.

Training Field

I patiently waited for Winter until she finally arrived.

"So, what's this glyph you wanted to show me?" When Winter approached me, her curiosity was evident.

"Let me show you," I told her before I gripped Myrtenaster tightly and, to her surprise, swiftly cut my palm, causing her to gasp. Before she could react, I held up my hand, displaying the wound.

"Weiss! Come on, let's go bandage this up. I can't believe you cut yourself," she scolded me, concern etched on her face as she reached for my hand.

"Hold on, Winter. I needed to cut myself to show you something," I said, gently removing her hold on me.

"Really? You couldn't have warned me?" Winter crossed her arms, placing her hand on her hips as she leaned on her left leg.

"Hahaha, sorry, Winter. Well, look," I said, summoning a glyph with golden properties that began to heal my palm, the wound closing before her eyes.

"That's impressive, Weiss. How did you do it?" Winter asked, her eyes fixed on the healing glyph.

A smile of pride and excitement spread across my face as I basked in her praise. I began to explain the process of creating the healing glyph, detailing the adjustments I had made to its properties and structure.

"That was risky, Weiss. You could have made the cut worse. But I have to admit, this opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for our glyphs," Winter said, her voice filled with a mix of concern and intrigue.

"Don't worry, Winter. I knew what I was doing," I replied confidently, waving my hand dismissively.

Winter let out a sigh, her expression a blend of admiration and exasperation. "You always find a way to surprise me, Weiss. But please be careful when experimenting with such techniques. I don't want you to get injured unnecessarily."

With a nod, I acknowledged her words, appreciating her concern. Despite her strict demeanor, Winter always had my best interests at heart.

"Come on, Winter. Help me train my instincts," I suggested, reaching for a blindfold nearby.

"Huh?" Winter seemed puzzled by my request.

"I want to sharpen my instincts, and usually I do it alone with the simulator. But since you're here, you can assist me and provide guidance," I explained, tying the blindfold securely around my eyes.

Winter paused for a moment, studying me with a hint of curiosity. Finally, she relented. "Fine"

A surge of excitement washed over me as I thanked her, grateful for the opportunity to learn from her expertise.

At first, I was able to dodge most of Winter's attacks, but after she got a bit serious, I wasn't able to sense where the attack was coming from, leading me to get hit a lot.

"C'mon, Weiss, feel the shifts in the air, the sound of my boots on the ground, visualize my stance, and how I'll be attacking next."

Listening to her, I took a deep breath and focused. I felt a small gust of air against my cheek, the sound of Winter stepping forward, and the visualization of her thrusting her wooden sword forward.

I quickly moved my head to the left, hearing the sword swish past me, barely missing me.

"There we go; all you have to do is focus. Let's try to repeat that, Ok Weiss?" Winter encourages me.

"Alright," I say, agreeing with her.


After hours of intensive training and a shower, we made our way to the dining room. To my surprise, Whitley was already there, waiting for us.

"Finally, you're here. I was about to start eating without you," he remarked, a smug smirk gracing his face.

Apologizing for our delay, I explained that our training had taken longer than expected. We settled down at the table, and as we began to eat the meal, Winter's scroll buzzed, indicating an incoming message.

Curiosity piqued, I asked, "What does it say?"

Winter glanced at her scroll and sighed. "They want me to deal with some nearby Grimm."

Unable to contain my eagerness, I blurted out, "Can I join?"

"No, Weiss. These missions are dangerous," Winter responded, her voice firm and cautionary.

"Please, Winter. This could be valuable training for me, and you'll have my back," I pleaded, hoping to sway her decision.

With a resigned sigh, Winter finally relented. "Fine, but only on the condition that you listen to my every command and stay close to me.

A surge of joy filled my heart as I thanked her profusely. This mission would allow me to test my newfound skills against actual Grimm under Winter's watchful eye.

"What about me? What if I want to join?" Whitley suddenly said

Me and Winter looked at each other before looking at him. We were about to respond when he cut us off.

"I was joking; I don't have any training, unlike you and Weiss, and I'd rather not be near any Grimm," he said to Winter.

After we finished eating, we all went our separate ways, heading to our bedrooms to rest.


In the morning

I woke up, got ready for the mission, and ate breakfast. I'm excited about this mission. This is a chance to see how I fare against Grimm.

Winter and I previously agreed to meet at the bullhead that would take us to the location of the mission, so I started to head over to the bullhead.


"Alright, Weiss, I won't interfere unless you're in real danger since you want to test your skills," Winter informed me as we stepped off the bullhead.

"What are we hunting?" I asked eagerly, my heart pounding with excitement.

"There have been reports of a pack of beowolves terrorizing a nearby village," Winter replied, her voice steady and composed.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins as I prepared myself for the challenge ahead. The thrill of the hunt was intoxicating, and I was ready to prove my worth as a future huntress.

"Alright, let's go Grimm hunting," I said.

Together, we ventured deeper into the forest, our eyes scanning the shadows for any signs of movement. The air grew tense, and a hushed silence enveloped the surroundings. Every crackle of twigs beneath our boots seemed to reverberate through the stillness.

After walking for what felt like an eternity, our keen senses detected a subtle disturbance in the underbrush. Red eyes gleamed in the darkness, their ominous glow betraying the presence of our quarry.

"Show me what you've got, Weiss," Winter said, her voice laced with a hint of a challenge as she took a step back, giving me room to prove myself.

My heart raced with anticipation as I summoned my semblance, glyphs materializing beneath my feet. The power surged through my body, filling me with otherworldly energy. My rapier gleamed in the sunlight, its dust-infused blade humming with latent power.

The tension reached its peak as the beowolves emerged from the shadows, their razor-sharp claws scraping against the forest floor. They moved with an unnatural grace, their feral instincts driving them forward.

Taking a deep breath, I narrowed my eyes and focused my resolve. This was my moment to shine, to showcase the culmination of my training.

The first beowolf lunged at me, its claws outstretched in a deadly arc. With a graceful sidestep, I evaded its attack, my boots gliding over the forest floor. The clash of steel against claws reverberated through my arms, but I pushed forward, unbothered by the attack.

Harnessing the power of my semblance, I created a glyph beneath me and propelled myself backward, deftly avoiding the beowolf's reach. The warm morning air brushed against my skin as I landed. I looked at the positions of each of the Grimm.

The second beowolf, sensing an opportunity, lunged at me from the side, fangs bared menacingly. Swift as the wind, I used my glyphs to soar above its head, the ground shrinking beneath me. From my elevated vantage point, I unleashed a barrage of ice-dust-infused attacks, each strike sending frosty shards piercing through its hide.

The creature howled in pain, but it didn't back down. It bared its teeth, unleashing a menacing growl that escaped its throat.

Activating my semblance, I conjured a glyph beneath my feet, launching myself forward toward the third beowolf. With a deft spin, I maneuvered around its swiping claws, my rapier finding its mark with every strike. Channeling my dust-infused abilities, I summoned a gust of wind that momentarily disoriented the beowolf, granting me a precious opening to deliver a powerful blow.

As the gust of wind subsided, I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. A beowolf started to attack me while I was defending myself from its attacks. Another beowolf crept up from behind and attacked me, making my aura pulse with energy and protecting me from the relentless onslaught of the Grimm. I prepared myself for my counterattack.

With a flourish, I combined my glyphs, creating an ice construct in the shape of a towering serpent. The icy creature seemed as if it coiled around me, its frosty tendrils lashing out at the remaining beowolves. The sight of the destruction sent a shiver down my spine; it seems like I just came up with a good move.

The final beowolf snarled, locking eyes with the creature, I steeled myself for the final battle.

The beowolf lunged at me, its movements a blur of ferocity. I sidestepped its attack with practiced precision, my rapier slashing through the air. But the creature's speed caught me off guard, and its claw came dangerously close to grazing my arm.

Reacting on instinct, I quickly shifted my hand towards the oncoming claw, activating my barrier just in time to repel the strike upward. A surge of relief washed over me as I realized I had narrowly avoided a potentially devastating blow with my aura being dangerously low.

Summoning my glyphs, I propelled myself upward with a burst of speed, hovering in the air. Drawing upon the depths of my dust-infused powers, I conjured a swirling vortex of razor-sharp ice shards. They whirled around me, forming a deadly cyclone of icy death.

With a swift motion, I directed the icy barrage toward the beowolf. The shards cut through the air, striking the creature with relentless precision. Each icy projectile found its mark, piercing the beowolf's flesh. It howled, its once menacing posture crumbling under the weight of my assault.

As the ice shards dissipated, I descended gracefully, my rapier poised for a final strike. Focusing on my aura, I infused my glyph with dust, augmenting its power. With a resounding cry, I lunged forward, my blade empowered by my semblance.

The rapier pierced through the beowolf's chest, a splatter of dark ichor staining the forest floor. The creature let out one final, desperate snarl before collapsing, defeated and lifeless.

Breathing heavily, I stood amidst the defeated pack of beowolves. Sweat trickled down my forehead, mingling with the exhilaration that pulsed through my veins. I had faced the challenge head-on, emerging victorious.

"Phew, that was rough," I said, wiping off the sweat from my brow.

Winter, ever the vigilant observer, narrowed her eyes and spoke with a measured tone. "You had a chance to end it when its claw got pushed upwards. How did you repel the claw? It should've scratched you."

A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I replied, "Hahaha, well, I developed a protective ability that repels anything that touches my hand."

Winter's interest was piqued, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Interesting. Do you think I could learn it?"

I nodded as I felt the bond between us grow stronger. "Of course, I can teach you when we get home. But for now, I think we're done here. I'm exhausted."

"Agreed," Winter said, her voice filled with a mix of satisfaction and weariness.

"Let's head to the village, inform them of our success, and then we'll return to the bullhead and make our way home."

We made our way into the village, where we were greeted by the relieved chief.

"Hello, were you able to kill the Grimm?" The chief asked with hopeful eyes, his voice tinged with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

"Yes, we have cleared the area of Grimm. You don't have to worry about them anymore," Winter reassured him, her voice carrying a soothing tone.

Relief washed over the chief's face, and he clasped our hands repeatedly, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Oh, thank you! That's a relief. We don't have to watch out for our safety and emotions anymore."

"You're welcome. You don't have to worry about them anymore," I added, gently retracting my hand from his grip.

After expressing his gratitude a few more times, the chief bid us farewell, his heart seemingly lighter. We made our way back to the bullhead, ready to return home.

The journey back to the Schnee estate was quiet, with the hum of the bullhead's engines filling the air. I sank into the plush seats, feeling the exhaustion seep into my bones. The adrenaline that had fueled me throughout the battle had given way to a weariness that begged for rest. Though it seemed like I could improvise pretty well, Having actual combat made me use attacks that I hadn't thought of.

When we arrived back at the Schnee estate, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the day's exertions. It was clear to me that I needed to improve my stamina and strengthen my body further.

Maybe I should start to work out my body more and become as strong as the characters I used to admire, like Mirko from My Hero Academia or Mikasa from Attack on Titan. The image of a ripped physique and unwavering strength fueled my desire to start working out, but I won't start today.

With a made-up mind, I took out my scroll and started to create a workout schedule and diet plan to achieve my goals. But soon, my tired muscles yearned for the embrace of a warm shower and a soft bed.

I stepped into the comforting cascade of water, letting it wash away the grime and fatigue of the day. Each droplet brought a sense of relaxation, rejuvenating my spirit. The steaming water soothed my aching muscles, allowing the tenseness of today's mission to seep away from every fiber of my being.

After the shower, I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and made my way to my bedroom. The softness of the sheets embraced me as I sank into the welcoming embrace of the bed. My eyelids grew heavy, and as I closed my eyes, the events of the day played out in my mind.

Today was fun, and I hope I can join Winter on more missions in the future. The experience has given me a lot of practice, and I'm excited to continue growing into a skilled huntress.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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