2.63% RE: THE LEGEND! / Chapter 2: Fight like a saiyan...

บท 2: Fight like a saiyan...

~ Omni Pov, 7 months later... ~




'It's been several months since I've been reborn... and the same amount of time I've been in this pod... seven whole months. Not a lot has changed other than my power growing a little. And the king wanting to release me from my pod.' Daiko thought.

'Why am I talking like I'm in a story? I don't know, maybe I'm going a little crazy, who wouldn't?... But it doesn't matter either way. I'll be released today. King Vegeta has been taking interest in me because of my eyes and my base power doubling, yup. It doubled from me doing nothing! Though, he came in here himself to examine me, and low and behold I was awake the whole time. I can remember his unnerved look when he stared into my eyes. I guess it was because I was the legendary Saiyan, but I digress. I'll be released tomorrow!' Daiko thought excitedly.

He was ecstatic about this current development.

'Status!" He commanded mentally. And the ever so satisfying blue screen appeared...





Name: Daiko

Age: 8 Months Old+

Race: Mutant Siayan-100%

Titles: The Legendary Super Saiyan, Mutant Anomaly

Level: 1/∞

HP (Health Points): STR + END * 5 = 205/205 HP

PL (Power Level): STR + AGL + END * 500 = 43,500 ( Forcibly Suppressed to 725) - Energy regen per second is 0.5% + 0.2% per second

Condition: Suppressed, healthy

Strength: 33

Agility: 25

Intelligence: 9

Endurance: 29






'My stats are coming along quite nicely... but it seems I am more of a prodigy than the original Broly... Not like I'm complaining though.' Daiko mused.


'Speak of the devil... it's King Vegeta. He's finally here!' Daiko thought excitedly.

As the king walked into the incubation room with his scientists, he wasted no time and immediately brought out a scouter...

He pulled it out and put it in front of Daiko's pod.


"725... A full 20 increase from last time. Interesting..." The king said, smiling.

He was fascinated by this Saiyan, even if he was low class, he knew the infant's potential seemed to be something noteworthy...

"It's time. Bring him to my chamber at once!" He commanded, walking off.

"Yes, sire! x2" The scientists said...





~ Omni Pov, In the king's chambers... ~




'Woah... this place looks... horrible!... At least the outside is...' Daiko said, he hadn't seen the rest of the world other than the incubation room for all the time he spent here.

Currently, he was being taken to the king's abode/chambers... something he hoped would go well.

As they entered that large castle-like infrastructure, he looked around the area to see some guards standing with their tails wrapped around their waists.

'Why do I have a bad feeling about this...' Daiko thought...

The men that were carrying Daiko let him down in the center of the room.

"Drain the liquid, and open the pod." The king commanded.

The men did so, releasing Daiko from the water and letting him fall within it.

Daiko could land squarely because of how developed his body was compared to the average Saiyan child or child in general, but he still felt something, off...

The scientists then opened the pod, taking him out of it.

'The hell? Why are they so rough?' Daiko thought.

The scientist removed the mouth breather and the nutrient solution from his stomach.

As Daiko paid more attention, he saw two toddlers and a woman beside the king. Realizing who they were, his eyes widened by a small bit.

'Prince Vegeta! And that girl... if I remember correctly, Darles was it? She was the one with the high power level they said was comparable to the prince's a couple of months ago. Was she perhaps scouted? And who's the hot chick?' Daiko thought.

Before Daiko could think anymore.

The king spoke, seemingly towards the youngest here...

"You won't be able to understand my words, but if you are as interesting as my mind tells me. Your body will." King Vegeta stated, smiling sadistically.

The king didn't do this willy-nilly of course. He noticed the ever-so-present awareness toddler had ever since he first laid his eye on him. His blue eyes were sharp, yet filled with curiosity ever since he looked into them. Still, they were so foreign to him that it was a little unnerving.

It was the first they saw a mutation like this but after some tests, it was chalked up to a lack of melanin present within his irises...

'Okay?... What does he mean by that?' Daiko thought. The bad feeling he was having earlier was far greater now...

In the next moment, the King turned to his youngest...

"Test him, young prince. Do make sure to hold back." The king asked.

The prince simply turned to his father, nodding...

Hearing the sudden proclamation, Daiko tensed.

'The fuck!? HE WANTS VEGETA TO FIGHT ME WHEN I'M THIS YOUNG!? IS HE INSANE!!' Daiko thought, his mind going a mile a second.

However just as he was about to continue, the female on the other, yet smaller throne spoke up.

"My lord, I believe this one is too young... furthermore, he is a low-clas-"

"My queen, Rosetta. Are you questioning my order?" The king interrupted and glared at the woman. His tone dared her to speak up against him.

She went silent after hearing this, not wanting to anger her lord...

"No, my lord... I have made a mistake... you may continue." The queen known as Rosetta stated. She looked towards Daiko as if pitying him...

'The queen? Is that woman Prince Vegeta's mother? She doesn't look a day past 20! But that's beside the point. This maniac of a king wants me, an 8-month-old kid fight his what? 7-year-old son? FUCK me...' Daiko thought.

The prince walked towards Daiko, a sadistic smile dawning on his face...

'What should I do!?' Daiko asked himself. He was unsure how powerful Vegeta would be. He was completely helpless in a situation like this...

In the next moment, Prince Vegeta disappeared from Daiko's vision.

'WHAT!? Where did he g-URAGGGHHH!!!' Daiko coughed. Spit gushed from his mouth.

He then saw a familiar small white-gloved hand in the pit of his stomach.

Still, the pain was too great for his body to bear...




[Due to physical trauma, the passive 'Pain resistance' has been created]




Daiko ignored the prompt he received. He felt he could manage the pain a little better now, but it still hurt like hell to him.

Prince Vegeta raised his eyebrow at this. "You're... still standing? Well, I guess my old man wasn't overestimating you. Still, you're just a freak." The prince chided mockingly, smiling as he jumped up and down.

Hearing the taunt, coupled with the immense pain he was feeling got into Daiko's head a little. However, he had to control himself.

'𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘮... 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘮' Daiko chanted in his mind. He felt the control of his psyche subsiding...

He didn't want to lose control, not here, not now!

Instead, he did what he could.


Daiko then got into the same stance as Vegeta, jumping in the same pattern as he did so, everyone dawned a curious expression.

The prince and the little girl were puzzled.

'He's copying Vegeta's fighting style!' The king analyzed.

The Queen's gaze sharpened ever so slightly, impressed at what she saw. 'Interesting. Is he really just an 8-month-old infant?' The queen thought.

Prince Vegeta just hissed his teeth.

"A copycat are you? Let's see how much you can steal!" P. Vegeta said this time he charged once again.

However, Daiko had already adapted to that level of speed, his power growing with his enemy's level of strength and martial prowess. His Saiyan body, although very immature, was craving a fight!

Daiko felt as if his body was burning with adrenaline. The thrill of battle excited him a little.

Vegeta seeing the shift in the mood, lunged forward with a right hook, but it was blocked by Daiko.

Everyone seeing this wasn't as impressed as before. The goal was to test a Saiyan's affinity for battle.

The prince seeing this continued with more punches and kicks with increased aggression, however, this was only making Daiko grow in the battle even more!

Sure, the prince would get a hit in, but it was out of every 10 hits he could produce while Daiko was only defending this with his pure martial adaptability.

'I feel different... my body is just in flight mode. I can predict his moves too! Is this what martial geniuses see when they are fighting and growing mid-battle, or is this simply how Siayans operate?' Daiko thought, seamlessly defending himself.

He also knew it was also because of something he had gained fighting Vegeta. But he couldn't stop to check what it was.

The people in the palace on the other hand were in shock. This was no ordinary test anymore, this was a full-on battle!

An 8th-month-old infant was doing this with the 7-year-old prince! It was inconceivable to them.

'*TCH!* WHO IS THIS BRAT? WHERE DID HE EVEN COME FROM? HOW IS HE POSSIBLY MATCHING ME!? THE PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS!!!' P. Vegeta thought angrily. His pride was already blossoming from such an early age.

"STOP!" The king shouted. He had already seen enough.

However, Prince Vegeta wasn't having it. His father's words were like utter silence in comparison to his newfound anger.

P. Vegeta quickly tripled his speed, disappearing from Daiko's vision once more.

Daiko was confused seeing the prince disappear again. He instinctively got into a lowered guarding position. His body's instincts screamed at him to do so as he stood still, ready for whatever attack may come...


But, the next instant, a gut-wrenching punch instantly hit him in his abdomen, sending him flying backward and knocking him out cold...

However, the prince wasn't finished. He wanted to continue once more with his face contorting with pure rage. Ready to end the 'low-class' that dared to resist his attacks.

Seeing this play out, the king was livid!

He raised his power to incredible heights, and dashed in front of his son, knocking him out cold before he could do anything more...

He then caught P. Vegeta before he fell...


The guards did so immediately...





~ Omni Pov, A couple of days later... ~




Daiko, who was now conscious slowly opened his eyes...

'Wh-where am I...' He thought, his head feeling foggy...

Suddenly a flash of memories came to him as if the events that happened minutes ago appeared.

His vitals spiked, his readings going haywire on the recovery pod's system, but luckily no one was there to see him...

'That son of a bitch... and that little brat and demon of a kid!' Daiko thought. He was furious!

But he quickly calmed himself... it wasn't wise to get angry now or ever, he didn't want to accidentally go berserk.

'*Tsk!* I hope that dumbass of a king leaves me the hell alone. I don't want anything to do with them again! I almost died in that little exchange!' He thought.

When he finally calmed down, he realized that he wasn't in his usual pod... the water was green and the container was much, much larger...

'What am I even inside of?' Daiko asked himself, but He'll leave that be for now, he needed to check something.

'Let's see here, after that fight, I should have gotten a zenkai... but how much will depend on my luck' He noted.

'Status!' he commanded...





Name: Daiko

Age: 8 Months Old+

Race: Mutant Siayan-100%

Titles: The Legendary Super Saiyan, Mutant Anomaly

Level: 1/∞

HP (Health Points): STR + END * 5 = 1115/1115 HP

PL (Power Level): (STR) + (AGL) + (END) * 500 = 156,500 (Forcibly Suppressed to 2,608)- Energy regen per second is 0.5% + 0.2% per second

Condition: Suppressed, Healthy

Strength: 119

Agility: 90

Intelligence: 8

Endurance: 104





Daiko looked at his new stats, amazed. This growth was just pure adaption and definitely a zenkai from that last punch he endured.

'Damn, I'm tough! And that fight only lasted a couple of minutes! Imagine what I could do in an entire year!' But when he really thought about it, he reconsidered what he initially thought...

'Broly isn't the type to get much stronger from just 'regular' training... His adaptability had been the best when he was enraged or when fighting an uphill battle 'while' irritated. His growth was bounded by his anger by a rather significant amount. But that isn't to say he doesn't adapt without it either, it's just far slower...' Daiko concluded.

'Still... let's just wait a while for someone to come to get me.' Daiko planned...




Not long after, the soldiers arrived. Seeing the infant awake. They immediately alerted King Vegeta...

After a long time of waiting. The king arrived with his queen.

"It seems he is awake. Quick, get me the scouter!" The king asked his henchmen.

They did so swiftly.

However, interestingly enough, the queen shot a quick glare at the king. But returned to her cold expression soon after...

The king scanned Daiko's new power level...


His eyes widened at the results...

"2... 60 and 8... amazing... from his fight against my son he's gotten three times stronger. Did he perhaps receive 'Saiyan power'/zenkai?" The king said.

The henchmen around were surprised, even the queen was as well.

"I've known Saiyans growing more powerful after battle... but for him to triple his power is unheard of... it's truly fascinating..." The king said, smiling.

"You all take him from the chamber soon, I want him in my castle within the hour! Bathed and clothed like an elite!" The king commanded whilst leaving. The Saiyan henchmen did as they were told, however, they were stopped.

"Stop, I wish to be alone with the child for a moment. Leave the room" The queen ordered...

Daiko hearing this, was obviously curious... but he didn't show it. He kept his semi-intelligent glare the same.

Seeing the men leave, all be it hesitantly.

She walked up to the healing chamber with her hands on the glass...

"I am... sorry young one... for my 'husband's' ways, as well as my son's behalf... I one day hope they set aside their cruelty, ego, and pride. They both hurt you when you are not even a year old... I hope you are as smart as that man claims you are, and remember my words. Forgive them..." She said, staring into Daiko's eyes. Tears threatened to fall from her own.

Hearing an apology from the queen was mind-blowing to Daiko. He thought she was off, but it turned out she was a decent being or an angel by Saiyan standards...

'She came to apologize... for her son and husband... to an infant?... This is both incredibly silly and, heartwarming...' Daiko thought. He could feel her sincerity. It seemed like she was unhappy with this... the tears in her eyes and the way she sounded told quite the story.

Soon after she walked off to do whatever she wanted. Then came the henchmen right after...

'... This was going to be a tedious time of my life...' Daiko thought, closing his eyes...










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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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