87.5% Dragon lord of Brockton bay / Chapter 7: chapter 7

บท 7: chapter 7


April 28, 2011

Lisa didn't know what to feel. She realized that her life was not just her own and there were those who sought to control her for one reason or another. Her parents wanted a perfect child and then they saw a perfect tool. Coil wanted an expendable Thinker.


What does he want with me?

[Alan wants you to bear him a lot of children, but he worries that you don't have wide enough birthing hips].

She felt her cheek twitch. Well, he wanted… that.

[Alan's power does not drive towards conflict but rather procreation. With his power level, it is unlikely that he will die from combat, leaving you to be under his protection and use for a long time to come].

Was this all there was to her life now? Was she going to be some beast's broodmare until she couldn't birth anymore babies? Was she living in the medieval ages or something?

… She could do worse, even if she hated her situation right now.

Lisa turned her head on the bed to look at the clock on the nightstand. The clock read 7:44 a.m. despite the dim light permeating the entirety of Alan's bedroom. Being this far underground, there was no natural light that came to them, so Lisa's only source of telling time remained with clocks that were throughout the base.

She peeked at Alan and Taylor. Despite the fact that Taylor herself had been forced into this situation, Lisa learned that being in this relationship had actually helped her more than it had harmed her. Her power had whispered into her ear about the loneliness and pain Taylor had gone through.

Alan smoothed those pains over by listening to her, hugging her, and fucking her. The pleasure of sex, the soothing words, and the promise of family was enough for lonely and isolated Taylor to give her all to Alan. Despite her inner and outward disagreement with many things Alan did, Taylor was …

Lisa hesitated to say love, but the way Taylor viewed and acted around Alan was closer to devotion found in love than mindless agreements seen in crushes.

Oh, Lisa knew what Taylor had been doing before they went out the day before yesterday. Taylor wanted to help Alan in her own way, which showed exactly how much the girl was infatuated with Alan.

It showed just how lonely and tired Taylor had been.

Lisa just wished that Alan would be nice to her as he was to Taylor, but she also knew why he wasn't. As far as Alan was concerned, Lisa Wilbourn, aka formerly Tattletale, was a thief. She wasn't his woman like Taylor was; she was a thief and he was punishing her for four person's worth.

Whatever a four person's worth of punishment was.

Seeing as Taylor and Alan were both asleep and she wanted out, Lisa slipped out of the bed, touching down on the woolen carpet surrounding the bed. Her toes curled up in the white wool. She shivered a little before she realized that she needed to use the bathroom.

She glanced at Taylor and Alan again.

[He is happy with the warmth of his women].

[She is happy with being wanted and loved. As it is, she will not get what she wants long-term].

Lisa snorted. She doubted that Alan "loved" either of them, but he was possessive.

She made her way to the bathroom, shivering as her toes touched the smooth stone floor, and slowly opened the door. Thankfully, the well-oiled hinges made no sound. She pulled the toilet seat down, and - naked as she was, there was no need to pull anything down - she sat down.

Shivering in the cold, she looked around the bathroom. Maybe it was a good idea to take a bath. It was a big place with dip-in tubs at least fifteen yards in all directions -

[Alan fucked Taylor last night in the tub with her laying down on the edge of the pool].

-with stairs and hand-rails, so….

Damn it, power…

Regardless, she took to the bath after relieving herself. She turned on the hot water and dipped in.

As she let her sore body relax in the therapeutic heat of the hot bath, Lisa wondered about what she was going to do. Just because she would be made into someone's broodmare didn't mean that she wanted to do just that.

No, she wasn't that kind of a person. She would rather run than wallow, but running was not an option.

What could she do? If Alan's proclivity held, then Lisa might find herself pregnant for a very long time, which meant any kind of vigorous activity was not an option. Maybe some kind of a business then? Not a shop or anything like that, but something more mental and financial…

[This power is great at ruining people's lives].

She let out a sigh of frustration. Guess human interaction was also a no-go.

She needed to actually think about this for some time. Planning was not her power's forte.

'Maybe personnel qualification verification? My power would be great at it.' Then she frowned as she realized a critical variable. 'But what if the PRT decides to come after Alan? Wouldn't anything I do be at risk?' she asked herself. 'Something to ask Alan about,' she sighed again. 'God, I hate having to do things with someone else as the center of my activities.'


After dressing herself up with casual clothes and not a mask, Lisa explored to deepen her insight into the Lair. She might need it if bad things happened and running became the only option.

The Lair of the Dragonteeth was the base for Wyrm, who was the leader of the Dragonteeth. She passed by a doorway in the grey smooth stone and white painted hallway, and saw a cafeteria on the other side of it.

[The cafeteria is currently serving curry. The soldiers used to homeless, wasted, degenerates, leftovers, scapegoats-]

She cut her own power off.

One of the soldiers saw her as he left the cafeteria. He blinked once before he paled.

[Is terrified].

… huh?

[He is twisting his legs to put his maximum thrusting force into the ground. Will run].

And he ran.

The noise of someone running caught the attention of the rest of the well-trained, well-fed, and well-armored and armed Dragonteeth soldiers in the cafeteria. They turned towards her, but they didn't have the same reaction as the first guy did.

[They are amused by the new guy's reaction. They are aware that you are cape/woman of Wyrm. They do not fear you like the first guy did].

"So.. what was that about?" she asked out loud.

"Mikey's new, and he's afraid of capes," a facial scarred, bald man spoke up from the table closest to the doorway. He wore combat uniform of the active Dragonteeth soldiers, and had the insignia of three teeth sewn on his vest.

[Three teeth may be a denotation of rank. Most soldiers in the cafeteria have two teeth or one].

Seeing as he seemed to know something that she didn't, she walked over to his table and sat down across from him.

"Name's Low," he said.

"My name is Lisa," she replied. "Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure to meet you, too, dragon lady."

[Nickname among the soldiers. They are aware of your status as a member of Alan's new harem].

"Your power at work?" he asked abruptly.

She didn't show her startlement at the sudden question. "It is," she replied. "So about Mikey…?"

"Got kicked out of the military because someone accused him of pedophilia."

She blinked.

[Intentionally used the word 'accused' instead of 'convicted.']

"So what happened?"

"They forced him out without dishonorably discharging him. They had no evidence except some really trusted guy's words, ya see."

She grimaced.

[Rival for someone's love. Trusted guy was Mikey's superior, and used the accusation to distance Mikey from his love and family. Ruined Mikey-]

"But he's one of us now. We trust that he wasn't. In fact, he has a little phobia cuz of what happened."

[Scars on Mikey's face is that of a war veteran. He has been deployed to numerous theaters of war, ranging from urban to guerilla. The betrayal he felt from his own military was the only real scar he carries].

She winced. She tried not to glance around, leaving her to see only Low.

[Sold one of his kidneys to pay off his daughter's chemotherapy. She did not make it out.]

"You're seeing people like Mikey everywhere, aren't you?" he asked me.

Even though she didn't want to, she looked around.



[Out of her control-]


Her grimaced deepened as she shut her power out and lowered her head.

"Your man has good instinct, or Thinker power whichever," Low said with a sigh. "He can sniff out people like a goddamn dog when he's a dragon."

Lisa looked back up, and her power was quick to take advantage of her distraction.

[Among the first five to be recruited by Alan. Is reminiscing the event. His head tilted slightly up and posture aimed above suggests that Alan met from above, most likely in dragon form].

"He recruited the five of you personally?"

Low looked at her in surprise. "You must be a good Thinker if you can tell all of that from just this," he said as he gestured to himself. "But yeah. Don't know how he got background checking done, but he did it. Considering what the boss does, someone got paid with a shit ton of gold."

Lisa blinked. "Gold?"

Low startled in his seat. "Ah, I shouldn't have said that."

[Being paid in gold denotes an ability to obtain gold in large quantities. A single kilogram of gold is worth 23,000 USD. Low used the word "ton" rather than "bar," which is the common denomination of gold trade above a certain value]. A pause. [Alan has shown the ability to manipulate concrete, steel, and earth. The base is underground.]

A pause even as Lisa herself widened her eyes in realization.

[The Lair is not just a base for the Dragonteeth soldiers and Alan; it is a mine].

"Well, damn," she muttered. "So that's how he operates, huh?"

Low sighed. "Well, I spilled the beans in front of the Thinker. Lord Wyrm is not going to be happy."

'"Lord"?' she thought, rolling that word in her mind.

[Low is using the word out of respect. Still unused to saying the word. Someone else started the use of the word. Many of them respect Alan for helping them. Some of them are only using Alan as refuge until they leave. A few want to worship Alan].

"... Thank you, I guess," she said as she stood up. "I guess I'll get-"

That got a reaction out of some of the soldiers. The select few, those who her power had pegged as wannabe cultists for Alan, quickly ran around the cafeteria, gathering the best foods before presenting it to her.

They bootlicked as they "eased" her into a seat at the center of the cafeteria.

Lisa sat there, ruminating on everything she learned so far even as she looked down at admittedly delicious looking food.

[Meant to be cafeteria food. Alan made sure that the food, no matter the portion, was filling and varied to prevent sensory-specific satiety while providing maximum nutrients].

Lisa's jaws dropped as she found herself staring at a plate of food that had to be worth around thirty dollars.

Her head shot up and she looked around.

She began to eat.

All of the foods that were still being eaten by the soldiers were of similar quality, just slightly worse; Alan's worshippers really did get her the best they could.

[They are worried about the health of the baby growing inside you].

She bit her bottom lip.

Not her. The baby Alan put in her.

Anger bubbled in her.

She quickly ate her portion and left the cafeteria, barely able to hide her tears just until she left the place filled with his soldiers.

It was the injustice of the world. No one cared for her, just what she could do for them.

She locked herself in her private room and seethed.

She didn't skip lunch, however. As much as it would have caused no end to her wardens' worries because of the new baby no bigger than her thumb inside of her, she didn't think that punishing her baby for what others did to her was cruel and petty.


Later that night, someone knocked on her door.

[Heavy knocking despite not wanting to do so].

She opened the door… and came face to face with Alan. Her eyes widened and she stumbled back as Alan pushed his way into her room.

"W-What are you doing here?" she asked him.

"I'm checking on my woman," he replied. "That and I want to sleep with you tonight. Taylor said she wants to try something."

[Was reluctant to let Taylor go. Assigned a squad of his Dragonteeth to Taylor. Dragonteeth loyal to him, so they were loyal to Taylor. Does not like sleeping alone. Does not intend to have rough sex with you].

She didn't gulp but it was a close thing. He looked down at her.

[Wants to rut you on the spot and make you scream his name].

This time, Lisa couldn't help but shiver and cover herself.

[Has a screwed up morality. His power affects his judgement heavily. Not too different from Bitch except he has higher capacity for human social life. Marriage, while he understands it, is foreign to him in this state. He has "mates," "children," "subjects," and "enemies." All those outside of those categories are outside his concern].

She supposed she knew what category she fell under…

"So you're going to nail me tonight because Taylor's gone, huh?" she asked with a small sneer. "Your basic bitch is gone, so you came to fuck your second bitch."

He snorted. [Not offended. You spoke the truth. Knows that you will be speaking an entirely different tune when he has you under him]. "Yes."

She frowned as she worked up her courage to say what she really wanted to say. "Well, I don't want to have sex," she replied defiantly. "Y-You already punished me, impregnated me, so I don't want it."

[Is stunned]. He looked at her with wide eyes for a second before chortling. [Is amused].

Thanks, Captain Obvious.

[Will lunge].

Her eyes widened and she tried to dodge, but she couldn't. He moved so fast that she didn't catch the first second of his action.

But when she found herself pinned down, she knew she was powerless against him.

"Alright," he said while he hovered over her, keeping her wrists pinned to the bed while he hovered over her. "I'll make you want it, then."

She squirmed and jerked, but he was too strong.

"Goddamn Brute!" she screamed. Her eyes moistened and tears sprung up as he brought her wrists together and freed one of his hands. With that free hand, he grabbed the hem of her pants and pulled them down, not off. "N-No, I d-don't want it…!" she whimpered as his hand pulled her white panty aside.

Then his fingers slid into her.

Even as she whimpered in despair, her lips parted and she moaned as his long fingers pushed into her fold. His thumb pressed against her clit and vibrated quickly, and she hiccups and whimpers were replaced by moans. Her legs curled up against his arm but he was too strong.

Finally, he pistoned with his hand into her. She screamed as her body came closer and closer to climax, and with arching her back, she climaxed.

But Alan didn't stop.

He kept pumping her at the same speed.

Her vision grew hazy, tears spilled, and her body begged for more.

She moaned as she climaxed again.

Still pinning her down, he leaned down to her ear, and she didn't pull away. "Let me make you feel better, Lisa. Just give in. Accept your new place in life."

In a normal society, words like that would have sparked a feminist backlash so powerful, it would have swept the world.

But she didn't live in a normal society. She lived in a world bound to the rule of strength… and she was weak.

Her lips parted as she panted. Alan continued relentlessly in the absence of an answer, and she stubbornly refused. She climaxed again and laid there shuddering in the afterglow of the forced sexual high.

He finally released her wrists, but she was too exhausted.

"Just give in…" he whispered.

He was like the devil. He brought her down, whispered the sweetness of resignation, and prepared to give her a life she didn't want.

Tears continued to roll down her eyes.

'But then again, it's not like I can escape,' she thought. She remembered the loyalty his soldiers felt towards him. Even if she subverted one, there were still hundreds who would literally lose an arm and a leg to see Alan's will done.

Escape was a daydream.

'Was this what I was destined for?' she thought to herself as she moaned quietly as Alan continued to pump her with his finger. 'To be someone's slave?'

A traitorous corner of her mind sprung up. 'Everyone is someone's slave, just like I am to the idea of freedom. What's so bad about giving up? He's rich, and all he wants is for her to pump out babies. There's a lot more freedom between what he wants. He can literally print money, if he wants to.'

Tired, resigned, and under self-deception, Lisa uttered the words.

"Okay," she said quietly.

Alan kissed her on the cheek, spread her legs, and fucked her.

Before she lost the fight to not lose herself to the pleasure, she looked at the clock.

She lasted barely an hour before she gave into him.

She felt pathetic.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C7
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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