80.14% Arknights: Purpose and Will / Chapter 109: Chapter 98: To Iberia

บท 109: Chapter 98: To Iberia

After Dorothy awakened, Ash saw her with tears in her eyes. "You meet with your loved ones? They're so fake, right?" Ash sighed and Dorothy nodded.

"Yes, they are... It is too good to be true. I know that they were not real. It opened my eyes, thank you for helping me understand that." Dorothy bowed at him and he waved it off.

"Don't worry, you were misguided. Clooney just took advantage of your dreams. But please, don't ever make those things again okay?" Ash took out the transmitter from her body by guiding it through her pores.

"Woah, that's freaky..." Astgenne has never seen something happen like that before.

"Dorothy, how about you go with us to Paradiso? You know, Ash actually has the same ambition." Silence explained and she smiled at her.

"Really? Paradiso?" Dorothy tilted her head and Saria nodded.

"It's the new city we are living in. The majority of our citizens are actually oripathy patients. Now, they found a place where they can live peacefully." Saria gave a rare smile.

Dorothy's eyes shone and she looked at Ash like he was the messiah.

"Don't look at me like that, You'll make me blush." Ash chuckled and Dorothy laughed softly.

"Sorry, I just never saw someone with the same desires as me. And you've already made great progress too." Dorothy beamed and she thought that was a great city.

"Umu, we actually see tons of pioneers come to us too! They're the ones that have oripathy most of the time." Ifrit recalled the groups migrating to Paradiso.

"We're actually making another mobile city, the one we have now for civilians is going to be full house." Ash shrugged.

'Good thing that Nian is with us, she can spawn one out of nowhere. What a cheat, even I can't do that. I'll need tons of uranium or originite prime as batteries.' He thought they really lucked out with Nian.

"They're that many? Mobile cities can contain millions of people..." Astgenne was shocked and Dorothy nodded.

"Yeah, we even have more efficient housing back in Paradiso. It's mandatory to receive free apartments for everyone. So our cities can easily contain twice the amount of people." Ash explained and Dorothy was amazed.

"So? How about working with us? Kristen wouldn't mind." Ash chuckled, she most definitely would not make a fuss at all. He could already imagine her sending away Dorothy with a smile.

"But aren't we forgetting something?" Silence had a thoughtful expression and they rubbed their chin.

"If we don't remember, then it's probably not important." Ash shrugged.

"Agreed." They all nodded and they were going to return to Rhine labs so Dorothy could be transferred to Paradiso.

"Wait a minute~" A woman with a sensual voice called out to them.

"Ho'olheyak?" Ash raised a brow and he squinted his eyes. 'Is she related to this incident? You're in big trouble, missy.'

She had a shiver in her spine and she immediately took out some people inside some of the power armors that were hollow.

"Wait, let me explain Ash." Ho'olheyak saw the other scientists gasp when Muelsyse and Mayer dropped down to the ground face first.

"Then explain." He crossed his arms and Ho'olheyak sweated a bit.

"Okay, Ferdinand is actually a contact of mine. We collaborated with each other before I went to Paradiso." She chuckled nervously.

"Hmmm, so he called you or something?" Ash guessed and Ho'olheyak nodded.

"I see, so you apprehended them because they'll be in danger huh? Good job." Ash ruffled her hair and she blinked dumbly.

'What is this, his hand feels good...' Ho'olheyak couldn't understand.

'Is radiation really that pleasant for her? Based on Chongyue's explanation, the Kukulkans must have been absorbing cosmic background radiation. But I didn't know she would like it that much.' He chuckled.

Ash was making her absorb some beta and gamma radiation. When he checked that her DNA isn't getting fucked up by ionizing radiation, he poured in more.

He took away his arm and Ho'olheyak suddenly sobered up. "Uh, wha? You! Do that again!" She demanded and he snorted.

"What's in it for me?" He smirked at her and the others rolled their eyes.

"Why is he flirting with that woman?" Astgenne whispered to Silence.

"He just does it naturally, the guy's a womanizer." Silence huffed in annoyance.

"Then why are you affected? You like him too? It seems that you are going to walk on the steps of adulthood." Dorothy smiled at her and Silence choked.

"T-that is certainly not the case!" She denied vehemently.

"You know, if you deny it that much. You look guilty, Silence. Besides, what's wrong with Ash having women? I say go for it, he needs to spread his genes around." Saria nodded sagely.

It would be a travesty if his bloodline does not spread in her opinion.

"Yeah, he's rich, good looking, and strong! What more do you want Silence?" Ifrit thought she was weird for not being at least attracted.

"Great, even Ifrit is nagging me." Silence rolled her eyes.

"Well, if you're around him that long... I could see almost anyone liking Ash, he looks genuine? Are you perhaps a lesbian, Silence?" Astgenne tilted her head.

Silence was outraged and they started arguing about her sexuality.

"Kuu! Can it be my reward? Fly me around and do what you did earlier? It can be from time to time only!" Ho'olheyak requested and Ash thought she changed her tune real quick.

"You're a greedy woman aren't you? Do you know how busy I am?" Ash couldn't help but mess with her a bit for being difficult earlier.

"Gah! T-then, once a week! Just thirty minutes of your time..." Ho'olheyak clenched and unclenched her fists. She already swallowed her pride.

'She might resent me if I continue with this, she's a bit unstable. She did a great job anyways.' Ash nodded at her and Ho'olheyak suddenly smiled, and not the crazy type like she usually does that is similar to Lappland's.

'I guess she can be a bit normal... Well, Lappland is clinically insane. She's just, a bit crazy. Yeah, let's go with that.' Ash concluded.

"Everyone, can you go to Rhine labs and inform Kristen? Bring back Muelsyse and Mayer back as well." Ash requested the others and they nodded.

He then looked at Ho'olheyak. "Come on, let's get your weekly schedule done today." Ash shrugged and Ho'olheyak beamed.

Ash put a hand on her head and gave her a healthy dose of radiation.

'This is definitely weird, I feel like I'm trying to give her cancer or something.' Ash thought and they flew to the skies.

"Hah, he already has a new target." Silence sighed and they thought that she definitely has a hidden desire or something.

Flying to the skies, Ash brought Ho'olheyak to the limits. Arriving midway to the troposphere. Because at 6 thousand meters, the barrier which is dubbed as the fake sky is on the way.

Ash squinted his eyes, he could feel a strong energy field around them. 'So this is the fake sky... It refracts light chaotically. That's why the stars can't be predicted. And the sunlight coming from the sun isn't that good.'

Meanwhile, Ho'olheyak looked around in wonder. Like a kid in a candy store, she was delighted to be the very first modern person that witnessed the fake sky up close.

"T-this is history from an ancient past... What did the ancient civilization really aim for when they made this..." Ho'olheyak was in awe.

"Most probably a barrier to prevent detection. If something like this covers a planet, their light won't reflect back in space." Ash went into deep thought.

'Is there a threat out there that led them into hiding?' Ash frowned and would ignore it for now. There are more pressing matters on Terra.

"So you're saying that there might be extraterrestrial life forms?" She smiled in excitement and he nodded.

"There's no reason to hide the planet, there must be. No, there is something out there." Ash sighed.

'So Paradiso will also need a military that can defend space? What is this shit, I have too much work to do.' He couldn't help but slump a little due to finding more and more crap that he needs to deal with.

"Hey, you stopped doing whatever that is." Ho'olheyak pouted at him and he raised a brow.

"Are you really acting cute right now? You're pretty good, should've taken a side gig as an actress." Ash snorted.

"Shut up, please continue." She could feel her body getting stronger and stronger. It was actually surreal.

"Okay, okay, such a demanding woman." He rubbed her head and she bobbed her head left and right at the pleasant sensation.

After the time was up, he brought her back down to Columbia and she looked like she would have a tantrum.

'She's definitely not pleased that time passed by so quickly.' Ash chuckled and she got into a bad mood.

"Thank you, I have never expected that I would even be able to observe the so-called starpod that the poets described." Ho'olheyak would never forget this day.

"Starpod huh? A fitting name actually. So, you have thirty minutes every week. Call me if I forget." Ash waved goodbye and he went to Rhine labs.

"Hah... Asmodeus, what a curious man you are. Does he know how to unlock the secrets of my race?" Ho'olheyak got suspicious, but she shook her head.

"Whatever, it will be tough... Waiting for seven more days." She looked at the sky and smirked. With his support, they would be able to break the fake sky and the Kukulkans will fly to the skies again.

Ash went back to Rhine labs and he entered through Kristen's window. "Yo, you ready to go back to Paradiso, Dorothy?"

She nodded with a cherubic smile. "Yes, I will be honored to go to Paradiso, it's okay right, Kristen?" Dorothy looked at the Perro and she of course nodded.

"Ash can use your expertise in originium arts Dorothy. Rhine labs doesn't need your help right now." Kristen gave her blessings.

'Wow, Dorothy looks like she won't hurt a fly. But she made an invention that can basically enslave tons of people.' Ash thought that appearances can be quite deceiving.

"Come on then, let's return. Ahhh, Kristen I'll talk with you a bit, can you leave us alone?" Ash requested and they nodded.

Everybody prepared to leave and Kristen looked at him. "So, what is it Ash? Do you need more researchers? Just do another job fair." Kristen trusted him too much and Ash smiled wryly.

"No, not really. But I do want to thank you for giving me Dorothy, Saria, Silence, and the other researchers without giving me a hard time." Ash smiled at her and she blinked.

"Well, the knowledge you gave me is good enough. But I do need to make some changes for it. The rocket would just crash against the fake sky and it would fail." Kristen shrugged.

"This actually concerns that, how about I bring you to the fake sky?" Ash smirked and she froze.

"T-the fake sky? Y-you can go there?" Kristen was breathing heavily and he rubbed her back.

"Breathe, breathe, you'll pass out if you hyperventilate." Ash chuckled and she looked at him with wide eyes.

"Let's go..." She suddenly got serious and he nodded.

'I guess her parents dying due to their failed attempt had a larger impact on her than expected.' Ash hugged her waist and they exited through the window.

He encased themselves in a bubble of air so she could breathe easily.

They then arrived at 6000 meters above sea level. Kristen could even see the barrier of energy above them with the naked eye.

She went silent and Ash let her internalize everything.

They just flew around silently, he understood that this is her goal, her dream. And it gave her tons of information about the barrier that no one else could get, except Ho'olheyak.

After their little tour around the sky, Ash landed on the roof of Rhine labs and Kristen stared at him intensely.

"You're going to bore a hole through me you know?" He laughed and Kristen just stared at him.

"Thank you Ash... This means a lot to me, more than you know." She hugged him tightly and she was even trembling.

'I didn't expect that she would be shaken after seeing that.' He patted her back.

"Well, due to your help. I've been making great strides in my work. So this is a little gratitude, did you like it?" He chuckled and Kristen looked at him like he was stupid.

"Like it? I loved it, I managed to see what I want to break through. Really, thank you." Kristen jumped up and kissed him.

"Hmmm, I didn't expect that too." He smirked and she laughed.

"I think you deserve it, a man after my heart. I know you're busy, go on and continue your work. You were about to have a breakthrough right?" She smiled softly and he nodded.

"Yeah, I am. How about another one more for good luck?" Ash kissed her and gave her lips a little lick, making her freeze.

"Oh, by the way. Good luck, the twin empresses might come here and talk to you about this." Ash laughed as he flew away.

Kristen who was still frozen suddenly shivered when she heard that.

"Ahhh, that's right... The empresses of Leithanien are his wives." She couldn't help but get nervous. Those two defeated the witch king after all, they were leaders of a world superpower.

Ash went to his group and Dorothy was ready to go. "Okay gang, let's go back." He made them float and they were going to fly away, but somebody wanted to hitch.

"Wait! I can't let Dorothy go on her own." Astgenne came running to them with her own suitcase.

"Hmm? Why though?" Ash raised a brow and he didn't really need Astgenne to be with them. Also, she might be the replacement director of the energy section, being Clooney's protege and all.

"Dorothy worries about everyone and acts like a big sister. But she doesn't take care of herself, so I need to come with and be her caretaker." Astgenne replied.

Dorothy went red and she hid her face. "Astgenne, you're embarrassing me..."

"See, she's self destructive." Astgenne rested her case and Ash shrugged.

"I guess you can go, the more capable engineers we have, the better." Ash made her float too and they went back to Paradiso.

Arriving without any problems, Shining went up to him for a report.

"Oh, Shining. I want you to extract everything you can from this guy." Ash pointed at Clooney who was tied up nicely.

"Okay, so you guys got some good Intel huh. By the way, Kal'tsit and Amiya messages us. They were apprehended by Irene and Dario." Shining sighed.

"Ahhh, I forgot... They're inquisitors, those guys are hardcore. They get suspicious against anyone." Ash chuckled.

"Saria, Silence, lead the others to their new place okay? Show them the lab too, welcome to the team." Ash then patted Ifrit's head that was already nodding off.

"I'll be going to Iberia, it's time to build a wall. And they will pay for it." Ash rubbed his hands.


Thanks for reading everyone, I will be developing the others more. So schemes and action will be in the back burner for now. Anyways, ciao.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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