73.52% Arknights: Purpose and Will / Chapter 100: Chapter 89: Paying A Visit

บท 100: Chapter 89: Paying A Visit

Ash was currently checking out the progress of his major project in the lab.

Maria and Closure were constantly checking if there were bugs in the software. Because it was a highly sensitive task.

While Joyce was cataloguing the information inside her head and she triple checked if it was correct. With the help of Saria and Silence, they were sure that it was fine.

"Status report?" Ash wanted to know about how fast it was going.

"Subject Joyce has just finished cataloguing. As of this second, the new device and computer has been successful in sequencing 1069 more genes." Joyce reported and he nodded in satisfaction.

Not much time has elapsed, but it seems that the new program is doing one heck of a job. "Automation is definitely supreme." Ash stroked a nonexistent beard.

"I told you Ash, machines are the best. You don't need to pay them, or supervise them much. Just give them a bit of maintenance here and there." Eunectes was happy that machines were winning.

"Not until skynet attacks, they are." Ash mumbled and Eunectes tilted her head with a questioning gaze.

"Ahem, yes they are. Whenever Closure and Maria are free. You should learn anything you can from them alright?" Ash smiled at her and Eunectes nodded eagerly.

"Ohhh? Another one for the team? If she's here, I've got no complaints. She must have a lot of potential." Closure shrugged while sipping on a juice box.

It was filled with his blood of course. But Closure found out that it worked like a miracle energy drink. If she's tired and exhausted, she could drink it and instead of getting high as fuck, her energy would be topped off like it was a battery recharge.

"I look forward to working with you Eunectes, people here are too focused on killing things with their guns or honing their swords." Maria chuckled.

Ash then smacked her butt for being cheeky. Making Maria yelp. "Well, those guns and swords will protect everyone. You haven't seen what we're going to fight later." He huffed and Maria rubbed her butt with a pout.

He went to his office and thought about things a little. "I have no doubt that the seaborne DNA from Specter would work on Gladiia and the donor herself. But Skadi is a whole different ball game."

Rubbing his temples, Ash wasn't delusional enough to think that after their sample got sequenced, they would be able to prevent Skadi from transforming into a behemoth and make the world great again by silencing it.

"Hah, if only I knew more about those behemoths. There's more than Ishar-mla out there. And even Gladiia isn't sure what or where they are." He shuddered a bit, thinking of what those things are capable of.

And while he was spinning around on his chair, trying to have a breakthrough about the secrets of the behemoths. Ash saw the framed parchment where a painting of his ancestors was depicted.

"Hmmm, someone knowledgeable about history eh? What was her name? Holey yuck? What a fucking weird ass name. Shining!" Ash called out and the Sarkaz suddenly appeared behind him.

"Yeah?" Shining started stripping and he gave her a weird look.

"Why are you stripping?" Ash was confused and she tilted her head. "You called me into your office. Liz told me that if you call me here alone, you want to have sex."

She then started to realize that she was tricked by her friend.

"Liz... I'll definitely put you back in your wheelchair later." She put her hands on her face as she blushed an atomic red.

"Well, I guess that's fine too." Ash put his hands on her waist and plopped her down on his desk after clearing it away.

"You're also wearing a secretary outfit... Liz has some great taste. Should we roleplay?" Ash licked her neck and Shining moaned in delight.

"S-sir, this is inappropriate." Shining looked at him fearfully. She is a top assassin and infiltrator, Shining could act. But she's just too good at her job so she doesn't really use it.

"Kukuku~ you've been working hard. How about I give you a nice little reward?" Ash tweaked her cherry.

"Sir, please!" Shining tried to push him softly. "We can go a long way. You just have to be a team player~" They had a bit of fun.

"Ahem... So, what did you call me for Ash? And have you sexually assaulted someone before? Your scenario earlier was suspiciously realistic." Shining squinted her eyes at him.

"What? You think I can't seduce a woman with my handsome looks and washboard abs?" Ash raised a brow and Shining coughed again. That was true.

"I want you to give me a report on expenditures that have been done in Columbia. The one spending my money should be anonymous." Ash smirked and he thought it was time to cash in on somebody's mistake.

"Okay." Shining shrugged and she disappeared. After a few minutes, she had a frown on her face while bringing a file.

"Who the hell is this? One of your agents that is doing a covert operation in Columbia? They spent hundreds of millions of LMD for whatever this is." Shining gave him the file.

Shining wasn't worried about the amount. She just didn't like that there's somebody out there splurging his money without her knowing.

After all, Ash is swimming in money. Leithanien turned into the strongest nation economically, years ago due to his company.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here. So that little snakey, holey yuck is being naughty." Ash saw that she bought tons of industrial equipment to unearth something.

It was enough for a large scale mining operation that is capable of tearing down large quarries.

"I wonder what she's searching for?" Ash got interested in whatever the woman was trying to find. She did say that she's a historical nut.

"I guess we'll pay her a visit. Like a proper loan shark would." Ash started cackling like a maniac and Shining understood now.

'So she's someone suspicious and Ash laid a trap for her. Another one bites the dust I guess.' Shining shrugged and prayed for her soul.

Nobody can pay back that kind of debt. Hundreds of millions of LMD? Only countries can pay that. And they would have to do it in installments for decades.

'Another willing slave to Ash's cause. Wait, am I one too? I'm not receiving a salary... Well, we do have credit cards with unlimited money.' Shining didn't question her employment.

"We'll have to bring some muscle, I need to act like a proper loan shark. My goon should be the one causing a fuss..." Ash thought about who to bring.

And somebody popped in his head. "Okay, Shining. Go on and continue relaxing or something." Ash kissed her and he went somewhere.

"Geez, he sure is a busybody. How many things is he micromanaging at once?" Shining couldn't fathom the amount of work he was doing.

Ash arrived at the training field of the military barracks. And he found who he was looking for. Mudrock was resting on a stump of earth that she created, wiping her sweat while her armor is zipped down like a banana.

"Hey Mudrock, just finished training?" Ash tossed her an energy drink and she nodded.

"Un, are we needed for a mission Ash? Is the demolition and frontal assault team needed?" Mudrock tilted her head with her blank expression on her face.

"Hmm, we are. But we'll be going with just you and a few others. The cyclops and other wendigos aren't needed." Ash shrugged.

Patriot actually wanted to bring the other wendigos that are in the Infy icefield back to Paradiso.

Buldrokkas'tee might be the last pure blooded wendigo. But he would be damned if the few dozen left would be gone. And they were planted in Mudrock's super heavy assault team.

Which she leads as the unshakeable vanguard. Her arts and golems turn her into an unstoppable battering ram that could break through any fortress.

"Ohh, okay. Will it be fun?" Mudrock blinked and he nodded. "Umu, we'll be like loan sharks." Ash chuckled and Mudrock thought about it for a moment.

She then nodded with a slight smile. "I don't know what that is, but it's new." Mudrock prepared and she went to get her older armor. She was currently wearing her new one that is plated with so much reactive armor, it weighed like a tank.

"I'll pick you up in a jiffy!" Ash disappeared and he went to the ones who can really act like gangsters. Glasgow, whose members are actual ones.

"Oi! Vina! We have a little mission so you can butter up to me a bit." Ash kicked down their door and Alexandrina was once again caught lacking.

She was only wearing her tank top and some panties. But she was a hardened soldier now, so she didn't mind.

"Hmm, good reaction. Your training in the battlefield wasn't a waste it seems." Ash nodded at her in satisfaction.

"Well, you have to get naked with everyone if you want to bathe or change. And nobody was being weird about it anyway. So, what's the mission Ash?" Vina shrugged and she was prepared to go.

"We'll be going to collect debt." Ash smirked and Vina thought of what he actually meant. "Ahhh... We're going to beat someone up if they don't wanna pay up huh?"

"Mate, who's at the front door?" Hannah yawned and she rubbed her face with her wrist like a cat.

"Geh, boss Ash. Eh, you already seen us in this getup anyway. So, we gonna fight some pricks or suttin?" Hannah yawned again. Not bothered that she was in her underwear.

"You guys will be my bootlickers while I collect a debt. You got to spice it up sometimes no? It's not fun if I just coerce them without any of my subordinates." Ash shrugged.

Work didn't need to be boring after all. And he's still waiting for Kal'tsit to message him about their meeting with Iberia.

So he was relatively free at the moment. Which isn't exactly right. Normal people would've died of an aneurysm by now if they saw the load of paperwork he had to go through every morning.

"Alright, we'll be up and going in a couple of minutes." Vina started to change and Hannah gave him a suspicious look.

"Oi, why you staring at me mate's arse?" Hannah raised a brow.

"Well, it was right in front of me. And I liked to look at it. How about you do a little spin for me too?" Ash nodded at Vina's tight, but voluptuous figure.

"Ehhh!? You ogling us you wanker? Gonna cost ya!" Hannah laughed and he shrugged.

"If I'm paying, you should at least give me a lap dance." Ash sat down on the couch and Hannah froze.

She wanted to blueball him. It was going to be a sweet revenge. "Aye, but no touching." Hannah sauntered towards him and started giving him a nice dance.

If it was in the past, she would be as stiff as a board. But after their training in Paradiso, they turned as flexible as rubber. And everybody needed to have mastery over their body.

"Very nice, I should do this more often." Ash nodded.

Hannah was in turmoil though, he wasn't reacting. Which wasn't true. He's just remembering it well for later. He was still in sage mode due to having some fun with Shining.

And due to her frustration, Hannah kept on doing more raunchy moves. Not really keeping tabs on her surroundings.

"Mate... I'm sorry for disturbing you." Vina opened the door from her room and she went back in again.

"V-Vina! It's a misunderstanding mate! Ash! Tell her that you were making me give you a lap dance!" Hannah shouted in panic.

"That's right Vina, I paid for it. Just a harmless dance you know? How about it? You could give me one too, I'll pay for it as well." Ash called out to her.

Hannah then realized that she was duped. It was all a part of his master plan to make her look like a pervert.

"You bloody bastard..." She lunged at him, her temper going out of control.

"Just a little dance?" Vina thought about it and she remembered those strawberry lollies that he gave her one time. They were divine.

"Okay then." She went back outside, but she saw that Hannah was purring while Ash stroked her tail and petted her ears.

"Nya! Nyanyanya!" Hannah saw Vina who stared at her like she understood and accepted her relationship.

"Fuck! Ya prick!" Hannah tried clawing at him, but she froze when Ash picked her up by her neck.

"Well, I guess you should give me that dance later Vina. We have to pick up Mudrock, and go change Hannah." Ash tossed her to her room.

"Stupid Ash... He was playing with me like a fiddle!" Hannah grumbled while changing and Vina went inside with her.

"Don't worry mate, I can understand. Ash looks good, he's rich and strong too." Vina shrugged and she was satisfied with her pick.

"What!? No!" Hannah tried to dissuade her, but Vina saw her purring like a cat. It was a dead giveaway that she trusted him. So Hannah had no luck in trying to change her mind.

After a few minutes, they quickly flew towards Columbia. Hannah was glaring at him and Mudrock noticed it.

"Why is she glaring at Ash?" Mudrock whispered to Vina and she shrugged.

"It's my fault, Hannah was giving him a lap dance and I intruded. She must be angry at him for the bad timing." Vina explained and Mudrock nodded.

"I also saw her purring while he petted her, so she must be embarrassed." Hannah's glare turned to Vina.

"How many times do I have to tell you!? We are not in that kind of relationship!" Hannah shouted.

"Don't deny it Hannah, if you get bothered by things like that. You will exhaust yourself." Mudrock gave her some advice and Vina nodded.

"Gah!" Hannah was about to pull her hair out of frustration.

She then had a devious idea. "Hmph, you look so confident Vina. I bet you won't be able to resist purring too when... When he pets you." Hannah realized what she meant by her words and she also received some damage.

"Hoh? Let's see, Ash. Can you pet me like Hannah earlier? She keeps denying that you're not her lover." Vina requested.

And he had to oblige at a woman's request. "Sure thing." Ash rubbed her ears. And Vina looked at Hannah with a smug expression.

But she suddenly started purring and her tail swayed left and right.

"Kuahahaha!" Hannah took a picture of her while she was purring like a common cat.

"I see... His hands are dangerous." Vina frowned and she felt like she was in heaven earlier.

Hannah kept on teasing her until they landed on Columbia.

"Ash, can you pat me too? Narcissa and Kay seems to love it." Mudrock got curious and he caressed her head and hair.

"Hmm~ This feels lovely." Mudrock nodded and would request for more later.

"Anytime, Mudrock. Now, how about we pay a little snake a visit?" Ash smirked.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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