"If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, I may get very angry, you know," Braham's words sent chills across the young man's spine. Although the old man in front of him looked docile and weak with his long white beard and a slightly hunched back, Arjun knew better than to enrage the monster that laid within that facade.
"Please, calm down, Elder," he said, stuttering, "It wasn't that I avoided the fight; it's just that the warriors of Yalindors are forbidden to fight right now."
He said, barely managing to withstand the pressure that was being exerted by Braham.
"Forbidden?" Braham asked.
"Yes, Elder. An artifact of our god was stolen not long ago, and until the artifact is back in its place, all the members of Yalindor, except our leader, are forbidden to engage in any kind of conflict. I swear upon my tribe."
Forsaken by the Gods: I made a contract with the Demon King