
He is prepared to do everything.

[Sasuke POV]

'Well, I fucked up big time.'

Naruto`s worried voice repeatedly entered my ears but my brain had no time to process it so I only heard distorted noises.

The Otsutsukis did not return with me. Meaning they are somewhere out there in the endless expanse of time and space.

They could be running around killing everyone from the past and changing the future right now.

Oh no...

Lets try to stay positive, there is a chance of their death as well.

I hope they die...

I really hope they die.

'Please don`t survive.' Hoping for the best, I tried to sense the seal of the Flying Thunder God I put on them and got a ripple of reaction.


I had upgraded the seal to be able to sense and teleport to other dimensions since the Otsutsukis are able to travel dimensions so I could sense them, even though barely.

It was akin to trying to sense something that`s deep under water. You can`t see it, hear it nor feel it but you know something was under there from the ripple at the surface.

I could be sensing their corpse but if the seal survived that fluctuation of time and space I don`t see the reason they wouldn`t.

Ohh...this sucks. This really sucks.

I felt a hand grab my shoulder and I turned to the owner. I locked eyes with Naruto and I can`t bring myself to tell the hard truth to those blue orbs.

So I just said what felt right at the moment.



[Sasuke`s POV]

The world celebrated.

Finally, the world under the guidance of Sasuke Uchiha was able to fight off the alien invaders and save the whole world.


As far as the the people were concerned the great mission in the Land of Snow was a success and the Otsutsukis fleed from Earth to never return again.

The Kages and even Naruto were not aware of the truth of the situation. Only I knew how complicated and troublesome the situation really is.

But what could I do except lie to them?

Do I tell them that the Otsutsukis attempted to travel back in time and destroy the world when we were not prepared?

Do I tell them that I manage to disrupt their plan and now the Otsutsukis are lost somewhere in time?

No, that would cause unnecessary panic and fear. Unnessary because even though fear and panic are a good emotion that motivates people to take action, it is only true if said action would make a difference.

Whatever they do it will be meaningless.

Only I could do something. With my Rinnegan and the seal of Flying Thunder God I put on them, I might be able to follow them.

Still, its only 'might' be able to.

"Fuck, fate really threw a curve ball at me." I cursed in the silence of the room.

The moment I explained (lie) to the others I retreated into my secret base and curled up here since then like a hermit.

I needed some time alone so I left and haven`t returned for two days.

"What to do, what to do." I repeatedly muttered those words even though I already knew exactly what I needed to do : Prepare and follow the Otsutsukis immediately, hunt them down before they change anything and kill them all before they hurt others.

Its as simple as that


| But should I do that? Am I willing risk it all? |

For the first time since the incident that happened to me at the valley of the end, I did not know.

I genuinely had no idea right now.

I always had a plan, I always had something I could look to for guidance. My canon knowledge, as much as they helped me, I see now that they had also worked to weaken me.

I relied on them too much. No matter how much I acted as if its just a bonus and not something I relied on heavily,  I see now that that`s not the case.

I had been relying on them too much.

The powers I had obtained could also be said to be the result of my canon knowledge. I had planned out how I was going to get strong from that knowledge.

Even when I found out that my world was a little different from canon, I always seek my future knowledge for directions. It may not be completely trustworthy but it had always provided me with a sense of peace and security.

'It gave me something to expect.'

But now, I was blind to my current situation. I don`t know what to do, I don`t have guidance.

'I don`t know what to expect.`

If I was to know exactly what I was up against, I could face anything. I would work and sacrifice to overcome it.

I do not fear the powerful alien Gods, I do not fear their numbers.

But the unknown scares me.

What would happen if I decide to go after them? What was waiting for me on the other side?

I did not know but the only thing I know is that it was not as simple as it seems.

They were trying to simply go back to the past and change it? I don`t think so.

If that`s what they wanted there was no reason at all for all of them to attempt the travel.

Two of them could go back in time while the others are staying to distract us, to make sure that everything was successful.

Why would they all attempt the travel and leave themselves totally defenseless? For more than a month no less.

Maybe they had argument on who to go? Maybe they were all not as close as they seem and fear betrayal from each other?

Too many possibilities, too many question yet I have no answer, not even a clue. Nothing.

My mind was like a busy street - thoughts go here and there as contradictory opinions crossed path.

I was confused about what to do.


| But after a while I came upon a simple conclusion | :

What am l willing to do to protect everyone?

How far am I willing to go to kill all your enemies?


I am prepared to do everything


[Sasuke`s POV]

I teleported into a house and looked around.

One could tell that a girl lived here from the decorations which had a feminine touch to them. It was warm and welcoming.

There was only one person in the house and she reveled herself to me when she opened the door of her room.


"Who?" She said as her eyes narrowed in displeasure at the fact that someone sneaked into her house.

But her eyes became wide and round again when she saw me. 

"Sasuke!" Her face lit up like a christmas tree.

With big and excited strides she came to me and planted herself on my chest while her arms snaked around me for a hug.

I also returned the gesture as I embraced her tenderly.

Some of the stuff weighing on me seems to evaporate as I gave myself time to relax between her arms.

Even after some time she seems to have no intention to let go so I had to be the one to separate us.

I chuckled seeing her shy and happy face.

I grabbed her hand and lead her towards the couch. I sat down and I pulled her onto my lap after I did that.

She snuggled up to me greedily as I played with her soft pink hair.

"You seem to be in a good mood." I said and she smiled, I can`t see it but I felt it.

"Yeah.." She stayed still and silent for a while before she turned around and straddle me. Her arms connected behind my neck as she gave me the pretty eyes.

"But you look troubled." She leaned down and place a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Tell me what`s wrong?" She tilted her head to the side.

My hands snaked around her waist as I attempt to stick our bodies together forever. I released a sigh as I looked deeply into her green eyes.

"I have something to tell you..." 


[3rd POV]

Sasuke told her everything about the situation. The Otsutsukis who are lost in time and even his decision to go after them.

Sakura was silent throughout the explanation. She listened closely to whatever he had to say while her eyes observed his unwavering dark eyes.

When she heard that he was going to leave to hunt down the Otsutsukis, it scared her.

She understood that it was necessary, she knew that he had to do it. A logical part of her agreed with what he was planning.


"Would you stay if I asked?" Sakura asked as she curled up and hugged him for dear life - like a child begging her parents not to leave.

"I have to do this Sakura." His voice was firm, like metal.

"I-Is there no other way?" Her voice was not firm, it was like liquid, it evaporates.

Sasuke looked at her with emotion as he tell her that there was no other way, Sakura didn`t like that.

She didn`t like that he will be in danger.

She didn`t like that he had to leave...again.

She didn`t like that she might never see him again.

But she knew she couldn`t make him stay. Sasuke had responsibility and as a woman who love him, she should support him with his decision instead of being annoying and making it harder for him.

So she said, "I understand." Tears pooled her eyes as she said the words she did not agree with. 

Then she decided to be daring and make a demand to him, "But you must return." 

Her voice came out more like begging than demanding but that seemed to do the job as Sasuke`s eye soften and he pat her head.

"I will."

"You promise?"

"I promise." Sakura`s heart became a little lighter as she heard that but it was not enough for her.

She leaned in and pressed her pouty lips on his straight lips. She kissed him and unlike her other kisses she uses her tongue.

She was taking the lead but Sasuke robbed that position from her when he kissed back. Her mind was cloudy as her body began heating up.

Everything was blurry and before she even realized it they were naked and she was grinding herself on his shaft.

They still occupied the couch as their body stick together like a magnet. She was rubbing on him and he was touching her everywhere.

"Sasuke~" She rested her chin on his shoulder and whispered into his ear,

He was going to leave soon so she decided to do everything she wanted to him. 

Not only did she wanted him but a part of her also desired to make sure he returned to her.

She aligned her pussy above his manhood as she pulled back and look at him with pleading eyes.

Her expression was something a woman only makes when she greatly desired something from a man.

"Knock me up~" 



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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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