87.5% Shadow Monarch: Multiverse Ascendance / Chapter 206: CH. 187 More Than I Imagined

บท 206: CH. 187 More Than I Imagined

The trash mobs from Bayonetta, there are around a dozen of them, all the same looks just different weapons.

Once again, I found myself faced with evidence that continued to bolster my theory. This realm, this system—it couldn't possibly be the creation of the Architect, the enigmatic being who had once held sway over his existence. There were striking similarities to the systems I had encountered in Solo Leveling, but something about it felt distinctly different.

As I contemplated this realization, a mixture of emotions welled up within me. On one hand, the idea that the Architect was not in control of this system brought a certain degree of relief. It meant that I wasn't bound by the whims of a seemingly capricious deity, free to chart my own course. But on the other hand, the knowledge that there was a higher power at play, Guiding the trajectory of my life at every step; it made me ponder whether I was merely following a predetermined script, dancing like a marionette held aloft by invisible strings. This realization didn't just leave me with a sense of unease; it was a profound disquiet that gnawed at the very core of my being.

As I continued to navigate this enigmatic world, the notion that my actions were not entirely my own gnawed at my consciousness like an insistent itch. It was as if I were a character in a story, bound by a narrative crafted by a higher power, my choices and decisions influenced by an unseen hand.

I couldn't help but wonder if every twist and turn in my journey, every challenge and triumph, had been meticulously choreographed by some omniscient force. It was a disconcerting thought, for it raised questions about the authenticity of my experiences and the true nature of my existence.

In the midst of these reflections, I grappled with the unsettling idea that I might be a pawn in a cosmic game, manipulated by forces beyond my comprehension. The uncertainty of it all weighed heavily on my mind, leaving me with a profound sense of disquiet.

I couldn't help but grapple with the conflicting emotions that swirled within me. I had yearned for a second chance, for the opportunity to reclaim my lost time and rewrite my own fate with my own hands. I had been willing to make a bargain, even to the point of selling my soul, just to grasp this lifeline. In that sense, I had been a beggar, desperate for a chance at redemption.


As I let out a weary sigh, I realized that perhaps beggars couldn't afford to be choosers. The path I had chosen, the path I was now walking, was fraught with uncertainties and mysteries, and I had willingly embraced it. Whether guided by the Architect or another higher being, I had taken that first step toward a new destiny, and there was no turning back.

In the end, I was left with the profound realization that his life was no longer bound by the constraints of my previous existence. It was a daunting prospect, but also a liberating one—a chance to forge his own path, no matter the entity that may be watching over me.

Yes, despite the unease that plagued me, I couldn't deny the undeniable truth—that I had willingly embarked on this journey, knowing full well the potential consequences. Whether my path was scripted or not, I had chosen to embrace it, to seize the opportunity to rewrite my destiny. And in that choice lay a glimmer of hope, a spark of defiance against the puppeteer's strings. And even if, with all this newfound power, I were to entertain the notion that I might be a puppet, I couldn't help but find solace in the role I was playing. After all, what was the script but a relentless pursuit of power and the allure of companionship, particularly with captivating women? It was as though my deepest desires were etched into the very lines of this narrative.

In the grand scheme of things, being a puppet didn't seem all that bad as it doesn't even matter to me. The script I followed was one of ceaseless ascent, a journey marked by the acquisition of ever-greater strength and the allure of enthralling relationships. It was a path that resonated with my desires, a testament to the pursuit of my deepest yearnings.

As I reflected on this newfound perspective, I couldn't help but conclude that I was, in fact, living my best life. The puppeteer's strings may guide my movements, but the script they followed mirrored the very essence of my desires and ambitions. In this intricate dance of destiny, I found a sense of fulfillment that transcended the existential questions that had once plagued me.

So, whether a puppet or a free spirit, I embraced the path I had chosen with open arms. It was a journey filled with power, passion, and purpose, and in that, I discovered the true meaning of living life to the fullest.

Even those they were trash mob in the Bayonetta at current moment they all together could wipe out an A-rank hunter so they were around C++ rank as their names were in light red.

Which meant even though this is a Lower rank dungeon then Demon Castle it still houses stronger monsters.

While I was having my own existential crisis and internal thoughts Affinity's were ignoring me, as I suspected unless I pull an agro with an actual attack they won't go into combat mode just like any MMO boss fight or, as long as I do not advance. Making this a proper.

Now the question was will there be hidden chests and loot just like in games?. As interesting as that is I need to pay attention to my current problem.

With a simple hand juncture I cast [FireBall] at the nearest Affinity, dealing enough damage that it died, the instant I do all of the Affinity's swarm towards me en masse.

I then cast a [Mana Arrow] striking the angel in the eye killing it in an instant. I finish off the third Affinity with the [Ray of Death].

Of the remaining 11 affinity's, 7 land in front of me rushing towards me, So I cast a [Mana Wall] in front of me to hold them back but I doubt they could even tickle me One rushes me attempting to strike me down but my hand blocks it's spear with its body, grabbing the spear I pulls the affinity towards me and with a brutal swing of my hand alone cuts the angels wings from it's back, as the angel falls to the ground after it I impelled it with its own spear finishing it off quickly.

I love my build very much as The 3 Affinity's in the air are archers, firing arrows made of light at me and my mana barrier didn't budge, my hand and with simple aim I fired a [Stone Bullet] toward one of the Archers my aim was his chest where it's heart should if it even have one.

And once the Bullet tore through his flesh it crashed on the ground like a bird whose wings had been cut.

Using [Drain Life LV3] I start draining the one that I implied and before I could even get a notification of my stat increase its body turns into dust Indicating their HP and MP is so low that they can't survive more than 3 second under effects of [Drain Life LV3].

Then I used [Monarch's Hands] and crushed the heads of 3 of the Affinity's who were still attacking my [Mana Wall]

I then cancelled the [Mana Wall] spell seeing their chance The remaining 4 rush towards me as I use [Shark Cyclone] as a tornado (100 meters high and with a 50-meter diameter) appears. Within the tornado lies 8 meter long sharks and they devour unlucky Affinty's who were reushing at me.

Then I used [Lightning Arrow] shocking and killing one of Affinity dies another falls as I launch myself toward the last Affinity and one in front of it then I grab it by neck, and rip its throat out savagely, while still in the sky I throw its body like a projectile towards another Affinity and it hits it tore through both of their bodies.

While landing on the ground. The last one rushes me futilely meeting my skin as I block it with my hand sending it flying with a backhand before it walks forwards. I appeared in front of it and guillotined the rising angel with a precise moment of my hand.

I emerged victorious, though the battle itself was not the primary objective. In truth, I could have ended it with a mere snap of my fingers. Instead, what unfolded was a brief experiment, a foray into the realm of curiosity—an attempt to discern the extent of their similarity to humans on a deeper, more intrinsic level.

Taking a moment to collect my thoughts, I look around, Opening up my menus I check my stats now.

[Name: Sung Jin-Woo]

[Level: 123]

[Class: Monarch of Shadows]

[Subclass: Locked]

[Title: Limit Breaker, Demon Slayer, Lord of Death, Exterminator (37 more)]

[HP: 47,323/47,323 R: 24.3% (2971.39) per Minute]

[MP: 84,868/84,868 R: 45.87% (18,241.26) per Minute]

[???: 1024 R: 5% (35) per Minute]

[Tiredness: 0]


Strength: 348

Endurance: 332

Agility: 313

Intelligence: 468

Perception: 314

(Available stat points: 50)

Reduction in physical damage: 55%

Reduction in magical damage: 43%

Diminishment in MP Expenditure: 37%

Magic Efficiency: 16%

Magic Attacks Amplification: 19%


Passive Skills:

– (Unknown) Lv. Max


Active Skill:

Flash Steps Lv. 1

Shadow Armor Lv. 1

Shadow God Lv. 2


[Class-specific Skills]

Active Skills:

– Shadow Extraction Lv. 2

– Shadow Storage Lv. 2

– Sovereign's Territory Lv. 1

– Shadow Exchange Lv. 1

[Crafting Skill]

Consumable: Divine Water of Life (2/3)

[Equipped Items]

– Red Knight's Helm (S)

– Demon Sovereign's Earring (S)

– Demon Sovereign's Necklace (S)

– Advanced Knight's Breastplate (B)

– Advanced Mage's Ring (B)

– Intermediate Assassin's Shoes ©

– Glorious Hands of God: Perfector (SSS)

Oh. Fuck, I have along way to go, I've got quite the arduous journey ahead of me. The path to reach level 150 alone is already giving me a throbbing headache, and I can only imagine the monumental challenges that await once I cross the threshold of level 250. It's going to be a true test of my perseverance, and leveling up will undoubtedly become an excruciating ordeal.

After hitting level 250, I can't help but foresee a daunting climb ahead. It's as if I'll need to vanquish gods themselves just to inch up a single level. The thought alone is enough to send shivers down my spine not from fear but from absurdity.

And don't even get me started on what my future self will face beyond level 500. It's a realm of unimaginable difficulty, where even the annihilation of entire civilizations might not be sufficient to warrant a single level-up. It's a chilling prospect, to say the least.

I can only shudder at the notion of what lies beyond level 1000. At that point, the pursuit of experience points will render dragon-slaying mere child's play. The sheer magnitude of the exp points that await is mind-boggling, and it leaves me contemplating the true limits of how much I can hunt.


As I continued my journey along the golden path, the whole time The big bastard at the gate just stood there watching me massacre his minions. It was truly a game like a dungeon. And if it's truly tube then I am going to finish this even faster than I calculated. Still I shouldn't relax too much.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of both awe and trepidation. This place, whether real or a mere projection of his consciousness, held an air of mystery and wonder that transcended anything he had ever encountered.

It was a breathtaking glimpse into a realm that seemed straight out of myth and legend, where every step held the promise of revelation and discovery.

I slowly approach the far larger Angel as it starts at me, unlike the affinity's I don't recognise this one. Wearing full plate golden armour, and wielding a greatsword bigger than me it glares from beneath its helmet, towering over all my forces, I'd guess it's around 8 foot tall, with equally ridiculous golden metallic wings jutting out of its back.

Divine Warden (Elite Enemy)

'Mmm, interesting'

The battlefield crackled with tension as I faced off against the hulking Angelic adversary. Its radiant presence seemed to fill the air with an otherworldly energy, but I was prepared for this play.

Opening up with a [Ray of Death], I especially aimed at its hand, the one holding a gleaming, angelic sword. As the purple ray made contact with its shoulder, a chilling sight unfolded before my eyes. It deteriorated away, disintegrating like brittle parchment. In a matter of moments, the angel's hand turned to dust. The affliction was like a cancer, spreading from its shoulder, rusting its celestial body as if it were made of iron.

The Angel, panicked and clearly infuriated, charged at me with tremendous speed. Its massive sword came down like a falling star, aimed for my neck. However, I easily grabbed the weapon, and without any effort, it shattered into countless pieces, like fragile glass. The angel was momentarily shocked, but the relentless rusting of its body and the excruciating pain it was experiencing didn't allow it to remain stunned for long. It swung at me again with the remnants of its broken sword.

Swiftly, I unleashed [Stiffen Limbs], The angel's swings became slower, as if it were trying to move through molasses. It struggled to reach me, its body continuing to corrode.

Before long, I had the angel on the brink of defeat without inflicting any direct physical harm. Maybe I had overestimated this fool. Just as I thought that, it made a desperate leap into the air. Its majestic wings spread wide as it hovered, giving off a golden aura. It aimed its gleaming spear at my head, and I immediately sensed the divine power within it.

The spear struck with incredible force, but to no ones surprise, the golden light didn't harm me. I realized it was some kind of holy attack, meant to smite the unworthy. The angel's shock was evident as it witnessed its futile assault.

With precision, I redirected my powers, slowing the deathly corrosion that had already spread to its wings. Before the angel even comprehended what was happening, its once-glorious wings disintegrated. It fall back on the ground, weakened and vulnerable.

Summoning the last of its strength, the angel attempted one final charge, putting every ounce of power left within it. Its hands and legs were slowly turning into dust, and the end was inevitable. In a dramatic, endgame-style conclusion, the angel's entire body succumbed to the relentless corrosion, and it turned into nothing more than a cloud of dissipating particles before it could even reach me. The battlefield was finally still, and the once-mighty celestial foe was no more.

Taking a moment to laugh maniacally I immediately call out my army. Now I have a horde of 450 shadow soldiers following me, admittedly I have around 430 with me while the remaining ones were outside doing the work I told them and even only 33p of them are weak soldiers by my standards but by world they were engouh to destroy the whole world many times.

"My army is nothing short of magnificent, a force of unparalleled might. I can feel myself steadily marching down the inexorable path toward becoming the Shadow Monarch, the harbinger of darkness. However, there are a couple of essential elements yet to be acquired on my journey—a cursed sword, infused with the malevolent essence of the abyss, and a legion of billions more soldiers, each sworn to my cause.

Once I've gathered these final, essential pieces, I'll stand on the precipice of uncharted realms, ready to traverse the multiverse with carefree abandon. In those unexplored dimensions, I'll forge new connections, discover kindred souls, my real waifus and nurture a vast and thriving family, one that will thrive and echo through the tapestry of existence."

'No way…..'

As I was about to move I noticed something shocking. Looking around I can see a chest that just appeared in front of the gate, my reward for getting this far? Or some kind of trap. Is this really a game like Dungeon?

I didn't know what I was getting into so with caution I had gold open it up.

Opening it up he found a golden feather, and a dagger.

As he handed me back, I started with the dagger as the system window appeared in front of me.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C206
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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