27.5% Shadow Monarch: Multiverse Ascendance / Chapter 62: CHAPTER 58 Becoming Monster

บท 62: CHAPTER 58 Becoming Monster

"I was a God, Valeria. I found it... beneath me."

Doctor Doom

Marvel Comics


"And when they are finally allowed to visit the place they could only see from afar...




"Anonymous" is the username of the person who uploaded the best clips of the Aakivara Incident. They claimed to have obtained the footage from the servers of a news channel whose helicopter was present at the time. However, the Hunters Association restricted the use of that footage.


So, Anonymous is a hunter?


Most likely... Only a hunter would have the ability to acquire restricted footage and upload it. And considering that they haven't been identified yet, it's possible that they hold a high-ranking position.


Do you really believe that?


Regardless, who would believe that it's the work of a secret, national-level hunter? It's just absurd!


How can you be so sure? Can you imagine anyone else creating a second sun in the middle of the night?


Yes, any hunter with sufficient mastery over light magic could achieve that. Let's not forget that there was no heat, light, sound, radiation, or plasma.


You're out of your mind if you think that's possible. And what about the disappearance of the one-kilometer-wide mountain?


I agree with DaoistllTOkv on this. However, I don't think it was the work of a national-level hunter, but rather a highly ranked S or even SS-rank hunter.


I tend to agree with that possibility. Thomas Andre is more than capable of pulling off such feats, if not more.


Hold on, NappyAfro, let's not forget that he is a national rank hunter.


Perhaps it could be beauty Cha Hae-In.


Creep... On another note, it could also be Ehoi Jong In.


Well, I believe this is all just a way to expose that Korea has been conducting illegal experiments, just like every other country.

According to the rules, this incident sets a precedent that a normal human can awaken and gain powers.

We've known for five years that people with powers are being reborn.

So, what do you think the rich and powerful did with this knowledge? Huh?

If you were wealthy and influential, wouldn't you invest in trying to obtain superpowers?

Therefore, I think this incident resulted from some kind of illegal experiment.


Enough with the conspiracy theories. This is real life, not fiction.


You need to open your eyes. Real life is worse than fiction now.

Monsters, dragons, fairies, elves, and orgs... they all exist.


SCP_TheLost, if you believe it's just a conspiracy, then why is the association prohibiting anyone from entering the area?

Doesn't that seem suspicious to you?


Fu*k_78 is right. Let's not forget about the "BLACK CONSUMER."


What? What is the "BLACK CONSUMER"?


Are you living under a rock with no internet access? Seriously?


Exactly! Who isn't aware of the "BLACK CONSUMER"? Are you even part of the internet?


Here's the text with corrected grammar:

"Yes, I agree with DaoistllTOkv on this, but I don't believe it was done by some national-level hunter. It was likely a very high-ranked S or even SS-rank hunter.


Yes, I do consider this a very real possibility, as Thomas Andre is more than capable of doing the same or even more impressive things.


Mmm... NappyAfro, did you forget that he is a national-ranked hunter?


Maybe it could be beauty Cha Hae-In.


Creep... Anyway, it could also be Ehoi Jong In.


Well, I support the idea that all of this is just an attempt to expose the fact that Korea, like every other country, may have been involved in some illegal experiments.

As the rules state, this incident sets a precedent that a normal human can awaken and gain powers.

We've known this for five years, that people with powers are being reborn.

So, what do you think the rich and powerful did with this information? Huh?

If you were rich and powerful, wouldn't you invest in trying to gain superpowers?

Therefore, I believe this incident resulted from some kind of illegal experiment.


Stop with your conspiracy theories. This is real life, not fiction.


You need to open your eyes. Real life is worse than fiction now.

Monsters, dragons, fairies, elves, orgs...


SCP_TheLost, if you think it's just a conspiracy, then why is the association not allowing anyone to enter the place?

Don't you find it fishy?


Fu*k_78 is right. How can we forget about the "BLACK CONSUMER"?


What? What is the "BLACK CONSUMER"?


Are you living under a rock with no internet access? Seriously?


Exactly! Who isn't aware of the "BLACK CONSUMER"? Are you even part of the internet?


Hey guys, let the newbie have some space.

Also, understand that there isn't any video or report of the "BLACK CONSUMER" after he was killed. I'm sure new people don't always know about such a human tragedy.


Yes, just after the "BLACK CONSUMER" incident, everyone in the media is deliberately trying to remain ignorant, as if they want to make it seem like it never happened.


True. I cannot say for sure, as I am not informed about the matter. Can anyone enlighten this fool?













Holy moly, that's a lot! How much power does he have that the presence of two National-level hunters wasn't enough?


It is said that the basis of the research was an incredibly powerful SS-rank monster found in one of the biggest dungeons ever seen. After clearing it, the Russian Government claimed or bought the corpse (details aren't clear) and performed the experiment. This caused a great mutation in the cells of the monster, and it came back alive as "BLACK CONSUMER," much more powerful than ever before. It took two national rank hunters and many S-ranks to defeat it, and even then, the death toll was incredibly high. If I were to compare it, it could be likened to the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The land could have been polluted if hunters didn't exist. If I am mistaken, someone can correct me. His most deadly power was the ability to kill anything he touches by rapidly aging or deaging it. His body contained a potent poison capable of killing a dragon in minutes and rusting non-living objects. In addition to his super-regeneration, he had abilities like a light form of telekinesis, gigantification of himself, self-replication, inability to die by normal means, and healing. I might have forgotten or there could be more powers he didn't use in the fight, but the fact remains that some foolish people played with life and death and paid the price.

►Sakura 5

Damn. That's too much. Is this normal for high-rank monsters?

►BB 4



He is...


Jinwoo's POV.

[On The Ninth Day.]

Hahaha! I was laughing hysterically while effortlessly dodging all the attacks from the Knights and Mages. Currently, their attacks seemed so slow to me that they felt like the movements of a tortoise. I was avoiding all of them, not just by a hair's breadth, but by a wide margin. It was as if I had mastered observation to a master level, just like Luffy.

"Bloom Bam Clank!" With every punch I delivered, it unleashed a sonic boom, obliterating not only the knight receiving the punch but also everyone behind it. It even pushed most of the knights away, following my every move. And with every step I took, I destroyed a huge chunk of the floor.

It all began on the fourth day since I arrived here when I started using "Drain Life" on them. Now, not only was I getting four HP and MP, but I would also gain a random stat point every time I used "Drain Life" on something.

So the next two days passed with me continuously absorbing beasts, granting me more stat points than anyone could count. And it was...



Name: Sung Jinwoo

Level: 72 (0.5%)

Class: None

Title: Little Mage, Wolf Slayer, Genius, Elementalist, Remorseless, Killer, Survivor

HP: 12,484/12,484 R: 19.3% (1,040.57) per Minute

MP: 32,188/32,188 R: 27.87% (4,887.93) per Minute


Strength: 148

Constitution: 136

Agility: 138

Intelligence: 205

Sense: 145

(Available stat points: 3)

So these were my last stats before I started using "Life Drain," and these are my current stats.

And these are my current stats:


Name: Sung Jinwoo

Level: 80 (0.5%) 1.3%, 2.7%, 4.9%, 6.1%, 8.9%)

Class: None

Title: Little Mage, Wolf Slayer, Genius, Elementalist, Remorseless, Killer, Survivor, Lord of Mana, Lord of Death, Freak of Nature, Soul Devourer

HP: 30,632/30,632 R: 19.3% (1,040.57) per Minute

MP: 48,948/48,948 R: 27.87% (4,887.93) per Minute


Strength: 148 (+101+8) = 257

Constitution: 136 (+83+8) = 226

Agility: 138 (+68+8) = 216

Intelligence: 205 (+78+8) = 290

Sense: 145 (+67+8) = 220

(Available stat points: 30)

"Hahaha hahaha," I marveled at my stats.

All of this happened because of "Drain Life," which provided me with a random stat point every time I used it on a corpse.

But here was the catch: it wasn't just the fact that the stat point was random. No.

It was quite a sweet deal, really.

I discovered that the stat point I gained from each life drain was entirely based on the RNG. I actually got a lot from the initial drains, but the power I gained from the later ones didn't amount to anything as they didn't give me any points.

It was like a Gacha, and I hated it to my core.

I didn't want more Mapo Tofu, damn it! Screw that kinky, shitty Priest who killed beloved Da Vinci...

The skill yield was less random, fortunately. Every life drain guaranteed at least a few points of HP and MP, which was to be expected since the skill was based on it. This had me going for days without sleep.

So, with that, I used "Drain Life" on 1,524 corpses, which granted me an extra 13,788 HP and MP.

Yes, just by using Life Drain on 1,524 corpses, I gained more than 13,000 HP and MP. Yes, I was on my way to becoming overpowered.

Following the RNG, I gained 397 stat points randomly, with 101 in strength. Following that rule, I used the most powerful second-rate corpse, whom I did not want to add to my shadow army.

So with it, I gained 327 points, with 101 in strength, 83 in constitution, 68 in agility, 78 in intelligence, and 67 in sense.

It wasn't much, but still a lot considering I was about to cross the line of EX+++.

It would be considered beyond human, at least in this world.

And, of course, all the extra stat points came with extra skills, titles, perks, and traits.

Which are

[Your Intelligence has reached 250, and you have gained a title.]

[Lord of Mana]

Once per day, your MP will refill completely after it hits 0.

Spells cost 10% less MP.

[Due to corroding more than a certain number of corpses, you have gained a skill called "Decay Elixir."]

[Decay Elixir (Active) - LVL 1]

Create a Decay Elixir from Mana that can slightly decrease defense, offense, and speed, while also slowing down MP, HP, and SP recovery slightly.

[Due to all your stats being above 200 with a balance in between, you have gained a perk.]

[Jack of all Trades]

Your specialty is having a lot of specialties.

You can do anything if you set your mind to it.

Doing something new will consume half the time it took before.

[Due to corroding more than a certain number of corpses, you have gained a title.]

[Lord of Death]

A masterful controller of the dead, all undead units under you gain a 5% boost in all their stats.

[For accomplishing the impossible feat of gaining more than 200 stat points in each stat without even leveling up to 75, the title "Freak of Nature" has been bestowed.]

[Freak of Nature]

You can redefine the rules of the world.

[For consuming a certain amount of souls in a short time frame, the title "Soul Devourer" has been bestowed.]

[Soul Devourer]

The souls you devour are not going back to the reincarnation cycle, being lost forever.

[For causing a certain amount of souls to be lost from the cycle of reincarnation in a short time frame, the skill "Despair Aura" has been bestowed.]

[Despair Aura I]

It has a chance (if not resisted by abilities, equipment, level difference, etc.) of causing Fear. Fear refers to an abnormal state of being afraid, which inflicts a penalty to all actions. Besides inflicting fear, it can reduce the stats of its victims.

[Due to reaching 200 stat points in Strength, you have gained a skill.]

[Iron Skin (Passive) - LVL 1]

Makes your skin harder without affecting flexibility and softness, improving your defense neutrally.

Reduces Physical Damage by 2%.

[Due to reaching 200 stat points in Constitution, you have gained a skill called "Resistance."]

[Resistance (Passive) - LVL 1]

Reduces damage done by anything (poisons, illnesses, heat, cold, fire, ice, earth, lightning, dark, light, plug, death, acid, reflect, rain, fall, magic, dark magic, anything) by 1%.

[Due to Agility reaching 175, you have gained a skill called "Thought Acceleration."]

[Thought Acceleration (Passive/Active) - LVL 1]

Allows the player to extend their thoughts by up to a hundred times.

[Due to Agility reaching 200, you have gained a skill called "Time Accelerator."]

[Time Accelerator (Passive/Active) - LVL 1]

This speeds up time relative to your opponent, allowing you to move at unnatural speeds while everything around you slows to a crawl.

Of course, certain magic abilities and items can render one immune to the relativity effects of time magic. In such cases, these individuals aren't slowed down or stopped and can continue to move at the same speeds as the player.

[Due to Sense reaching 175, you have gained a skill called "Arcane Vision."]

[Arcane Vision (Passive/Active) - LVL 1]

You create an invisible, magical eye within range that hovers in the air for the duration. You mentally receive visual information from the eye, which has normal vision and darkvision up to 2 km. The eye can look in every direction. It can see through high-level invisibility.

[Due to Sense reaching 200, you have gained a skill called "Mind's Eye."]

[Mind's Eye (Passive/Active) - LVL 1]

It develops the mind's eye (also known as the inner eye or third eye), A mystical, esoteric, and mental concept refers to a speculative invisible eye that provides perception beyond ordinary sight, including moments of your opponent, seeing through illusions, the highest levels of invisibility, camouflage, astral form, weakness, seeing/feeling auras, mana, chakra, ki, and telepathy.

[The skill "Drain Life" has leveled up.

Inverse the chances of gaining stat points.

It drains 200 HP and MP, granting 8 HP and MP to the player.]

[Due to reaching 250 stat points in Strength, you have unlocked a skill called Dynamic Arts.]

[The player can utilize Dynamic Arts, a specialized system of techniques based on physical power. Practitioners of this discipline can perform various feats related to power and brute force, allowing them to manifest a wide range of abilities, from augmented strength to the ability to alter reality through sheer might alone. The source of this strength can come from various sources, which may add extra effects to one's strength and strikes, such as absorbing fire to boost strength and the ability to burn opponents.]


"So with this we ended up this getting more than 270 stones which I am greatly appreciate now let's make this into top 10" - Remark.

Now, now, Stop being a horny cuck that reads harem (Which you are reading🤫💀☠️😜) and invest all of your stones in me!!! =)))

GodOfGreedAs GodOfGreedAs

բարև ես այստեղ եմ

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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