11.87% Bnha: I Don't Run An Orphanage! / Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Mighty World Part 1

บท 19: Chapter 19: Mighty World Part 1

Meeting Up.

This should be a happy occasion. Fu thought.

Yesterday Izuku had told them all that they finally got enough points to go to the amusement park, Mighty World.

He laid out all the rules and told each of them to get plenty of sleep.

All the kids were lined up at the entrance super pumped and ready to go! (Except Eri)

So Fu should be excited for them as well. Right?

Well, Fu was always more perceptive than his siblings, and it didn't take much to notice that Izuku was sweating bullets.

"So um uh...I did...forget to mention one thing before we go." Izuku said nervously. "So, you already know this but...there are eight of you, and one of me. And given that I can't use cameras to monitor you...I invited some guests to help look after you.

The kids had...varying reactions to this.

Most of the kids didn't seem to mind. However, Eri was a bit apprehensive. And Kioku was very displeased.

"Who is it?" Shiruku asked.

Izuku was about to speak when the door opened behind him. "Oh uh, here they are."

In walked Asui, Iida, and Ochaco.

"Hi everyone!" Ochaco greeted all the children.

"Ugh." Kioku groaned, receiving a warning glare from Izuku that kept her line.

"Ochaco!" Shiruku and Kei seemed all too pleased about the brunette's appearance.

The two of them ran forward to meet her and Ochaco hugged the two children.

"Who are they?" Fu asked, pointing at Iida and Asui.

"I am Iida Tenya!" Iida introduced himself with his signature hand chopping. "Pleasure to meet you, young children!"

Kei gasped. "Is he a robot!?"

Ochaco stifled a laugh.

"Why is it that young children always ask me this!?" Iida said.

"I can think of a few reasons," Asui remarked. "My name is Tsuyu Asui. Please, just call me Tsu."

"Frog," Yami said simply. Izuku wasn't sure if that was rude or not.

"Yes, I am in fact, a frog," Asui replied bluntly.

"Thank you all for coming to help. I am Midoriya Izuku." Izuku gave them a polite bow as he introduced himself. "Kids, please introduce yourselves."

"I am Kiba Midoriya! Queen of eternal darkness and future ruler over all that is and all that shall be." Kiba was naturally the first to introduce herself.

"Oh, forgive me for my rudeness, your highness." Asui bowed, playing along with the young girl's fantasy.

Kiba held her head up high and smiled. "I like this one."

"I'm Kei Midoriya! Nice to meet you!" Kei introduced herself.

"Sansan Midoreya!" Sansan said as she went closer to the two of them to inspect them.

"That's a strange quirk you have," Asui noted, reaching out and touching Sansan, finding the cold, wet feeling pleasant to touch. "But you feel really nice."

As Asui petted Sansan, Shiruku introduced herself.

"I am Shiruku Midoriya. Nice to meet you." Said the spider girl.

"Fu Midoriya," Fu said.

"Yami Midoriya." Yami looked at them curiously.

"Kioku Midoriya." Kioku said begrudgingly.

"I-I'm Eri," Eri said, hiding behind Izuku's leg.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all!" Iida told them, before turning his attention to Izuku. "Any you Midoriya! Uraraka has told us much about you! While I question some of your decisions, I admire your heroic intentions!"

Seeing Izuku getting overwhelmed by Iida's...Iidaness, Asui decided to step in.

"Thank you for letting us come with you to Mighty World, Kero." Asui thanked him.

"Y-your welcome, and th-thank you," Izuku responded to them. "I uh...we're gonna need to split into four groups. Two kids per uh...teen. I'll take Eri and Kioku."

Eri and Kioku were the most uncomfortable around others, so it would be best if they went with someone they were more familiar with.

Some of the kids pouted as they also wanted to go with Izuku, but they understood why it had to be this way.

"I want to go with Ochaco!" Kei stated.

"Me too!" Shiruku said. She had a few questions to ask.

"I'd be more than happy to take you!" Ochaco told the two girls.

"In that case, I will go with the frog girl," Kiba said.

Sansan wrapped herself around Asui's neck like a scarf, something the frog girl didn't object to the slightest. "Me too!"

"I'm fine with it," Asui said.

"Then I guess me and Yami will go with Iida," Fu said and Yami grunted in agreement.

"You need not worry Midoriya! I will keep them both safe and happy!" Iida reassured Izuku.

"Um. Please do. Thanks." Izuku said awkwardly.

Ochaco was right, he really doesn't have any social experience. Asui noted.

"I uh, so I bought a bus. I have a feeling I'm going to need it in the future, and I hired a bus driver for today." Izuku said. "So I uh, think we should go now."

"Right!" Said a chorus of voices.


After getting inside the park the kids(And to some extent Ochaco and Izuku) were immediately overwhelmed by sights, sounds, and smells.

Yami sniffed the air, smelling all sorts of unhealthy yet mouthwatering foods, their aromas floating in the air. "Fooooooooddddd."

"What is all this!? What's that! No what's that!? What's that!?" Kei was looking around pointing at all the different rides.

"Oh, this place is so much bigger than the park we had back at home! And I got to come here for free!" Ochaco cheered.

"Look at all the new hero rides! Oh, they changed the free fall from Gagantous to Mt Lady!" Izuku was looking at the rides but for a different reason from the kids.

"Where do you kids want to go first?" Asui asked.

"Food!" Yami shouted out immediately.

"Rides!" Shouted Kei, Sansan, Kiba, Shiruku, and Kioku said.

Iida looked at Fu. "Would you also like to go on the rides?"

"Yami wants to go eat the food, so I agree with him and say we should go to the food stalls," Fu said.

"What a polite child!" Iida looked at the rest of the group. "If that is the case, then we shall split from the group!"

"We'll split too, I'll take these two to the bumper carts and we'll see what happens after that," Ochaco said.

"Then it's just me and Midoriya's group," Tsu said. "Alright, let's go."

Which Ride?

After separating from the others Izuku and Asui now had to decide what type of ride to take the kids on.

"I'm not sure taking them on the fast rides first is a good idea," Asui said.

"Huh? Why not?!" Kiba pouted.

Asui pointed at Eri and Kioku, who were looking at the big roller coasters with a little bit of fear.

"Ah...well not everyone can be as courageous as me I suppose. Fine. Let us start with an appetizer." Kiba sighed. "But please nothing too boring."

Izuku looked around. Well, the big roller coasters are out of the question for now. Wash's Teacups?

"How about the teacups?" Izuku suggested.

Kiba seemed skeptical, but seeing as everyone else agreed she just decided to go with it.

The line wasn't too bad. Probably because people weren't exactly dying to go on the teacups of all rides.

Once they got to the front and were about to go in, Izuku remembered something. The teacups rotated by moving the circle in the middle around.

And Kiba had natural absurd strength.

Uh oh.

"Um," Izuku spoke to the person letting them in. "She has a mutant strength-enhancing quirk."

"Ah." The employee said. "Then they'll need to go into the grey cup. That one is made to withstand that type of thing."

"Oh, thank you," Izuku said.

"I'll go in with them," Asui said.

"Are you sure about that Ms?" The employee asked. "That thing can go rather fast with strength quirks powering it."

"I'm a hero in training, I think I can handle it," Asui said.

A few seconds later.

Asui could not handle it.

Eri and Kioku were having fun turning their teacup with Izuku.

Izuku however, was just silently apologizing to poor Asui and Sansan.

With Kiba pushing at full strength, the teacup she was in spun violently, turning into a blur.

Kiba was having the time of her life, while Sansan had turned into goo girl soup at the bottom of the cup, no longer able to keep her physical form with the sheer amount of pressure hitting her body.

I'm not sure what's worse! This or Aizawa Sensei's training! Asui was greener than normal, trying her hardest not to vomit out her breakfast.

Good thing she was a hero in training because no one else would have been able to hold it in for the minutes of hell she went through.

And once she got off the ride, she proceeded to empty out her stomach into a garbage can, to the sounds of Izuku's apologies and Kiba's laughing.


Yami was in heaven.

Melonpan, Dorayaki, Cotton Candy, and many more unhealthy foods. All for him to devour.

"Please pace yourself! Eating too fast will cause you to choke!" Iida scolded him. "And do try not to eat so many unhealthy things at once!"

Meanwhile, Fu was just standing there quietly. The same bored expression on his face as always.

"Fu! You do not seem to be enjoying yourself!" Iida noticed. "While I do not normally encourage the consumption of unhealthy foods, today is a day of merriment! Why not indulge in snack foods like your brother?!"

"I can't taste things," Fu stated.

"Ah. I see." Iida thought for a moment. "Well then perhaps you would like to pick the first ride!?"

"I can't feel anything either. Meaning that going on rides would basically feel the same as floating still in mid-air." Fu explained.

"Hmm. So you can't taste anything of the food nor can you feel excitement from any of the rides." Iida summarized. "Forgive me if I sound rude. But it doesn't seem like amusement parks are all that exciting for you. Would you have rather not stayed home and done something else?"

"No." Fu answered instantly. "I hate being alone."

"Ah, I understand loneliness is a terrible thing. But still, would being alone for a few hours really be so bad as compared to going someplace you don't enjoy?" Iida asked. "I'm sure you could find something you occupy yourself."

Fu shook his head. "You really don't get it. It's not just that I can't feel things physically. My emotions are also muted. Meaning feeling things is pretty hard too. When I'm by myself, it doesn't just feel like I'm alone, it feels like I don't even exist. I don't have a presence or a strong personality, so I just feel...nothing, when I'm by myself. Books can help with this, but they can't replace a real person's presence and personality."

"Ah, I...see." Iida thought about the child's words, and what kind of an existence he must have had. "That sounds rather unfortunate."

"It is," Fu responded, looking down at his hand. "I hate my quirk. I can barely remember what it was like before I got it. But I still miss it. I wish I could feel the ground as I walked. I wish I could feel people's warmth when they hugged me. I wish I could taste food again. But I can't. And I never will."

Iida...didn't quite know how to respond. He'd heard of people whose quirks seemed to harm the user more than anything else. He'd briefly read some of these cases and they were typically horrifying. Their quirks seem more like diseases than anything else. Diseases that no one could cure and that they would have to live with for the rest of their lives.

The two of them stood in awkward silence for a while, just watching Yami eat.

Eventually, Fu spoke up again. "Sorry for making this depressing."

"No no, it's fine. I am the one who accidentally brought the conversation onto that topic." Iida reassured him. "Still, while I do not envy you for the quirk you have. At the very least you can be thankful that because of your quirk, you have found family and friends that I'm sure bring you joy despite your muted emotions."

Fu thought for a moment, before nodding. "That's true. If I didn't get my quirk I probably would have stayed with my mom. And given that I hate her more than my quirk, I'm glad I ended up with Izuku and the others."

Fu cracked a small smile. "Living in a house full of interesting people. And getting to see them all smile and have fun...it makes my quirk not so bad to live with. Also, Iida. I'm not bored. Watching you is more fun than anything here."

"Thank you, Fu! I will do my best to entertain you for the duration of this trip!" Iida swore, chopping the air with added furiosity.

"Please do," Fu smirked.

Girl Talk

"That was so much fun!" Kei was super happy, jumping around with a huge smile on her face after just getting off "Endeavor's Trial of Fire"(A big roller coaster).

"It was ok." Shiruku didn't have the best experience. Rides like that weren't exactly made for girls with the lower halves of spiders, so she kinda had to cram herself into the seat. Safe to say it wasn't the most comfortable of experience for her.

"Oh man, I remember the first time I went on a roller coaster! It's just as good as I remember." Ochaco was suddenly overwhelmed by nostalgia.

Her family wasn't well off by any means. Their business was struggling so they always had to use their money wisely.

Despite this, her parents still managed to save up enough money to bring her to an amusement park. It was one of her most treasured memories, and one of the reasons she needed to pay them back. One of the many, many reasons.

"Ms. Ochaco can we go get some ice cream?" Shiruku asked

"Can I have pudding?" Kei asked.

Ochaco giggled at their adorable excitement. "Ok, ok, we can get you your treats."

One-stop later.

After getting their respective treats(Ochaco even found Mochi nearby) the three of them sat down on a nearby bench.

The two children looked at each other, confirming now was the perfect time to ask the question.

"Are you gonna be our mom?" Kei asked her.

Ochaco proceeded to choke on her food.

After taking a few seconds to stop choking, Ochaco responded.

"Wha-what?!" Her face was bright red, as she immediately understood the implication of what they just asked.

"Are you gonna marry our dad?" Shiruku clarified anyway.

"N-n-no!" Ochaco waved her hands in front of her, immediately denying what the children had suggested. "Me and Izuku are just friends!"

"That face! It's exactly like the movies! They're definitely gonna get together." Shiruku squealed.

Ochaco remembered Izuku telling her that Shiruku grew up completely isolated, with her only window into the outside world being movies and T.V. shows. Meaning she tended to look at life like it was a T.V. show.

"Listen. A boy and a girl can just be friends. It's not like in the movies." Ochaco right now cursed the enormous amount of movies that HAD to have the male and female get together just because. "And me and Izuku are just really good friends."

"They say that in the movies too!" Shiruku had stars in her eyes.

Curse you self aware movies! Ochaco was trying really hard to think of something to say that didn't sound like it was straight out of a romcom, but that was harder than it sounded.

Then she remembered something vital.

"I'm more of the childhood friend type," Ochaco said.

This actually made Shiruku stop.

Ochaco breathed a sigh of relief. The childhood friend never ends up the protagonist! This should get the message across.

Unknown to Ochaco, Shiruku got a message alright, but not the one Ochaco wanted to give her.

The message Ochaco wanted to give her was "We're just friends" the message Shiruku actually got was "I'm desperately in love with him but I don't stand chance"

Shiruku was well aware that the childhood friend never got together with the protagonist, and this was something that deeply bothered her.

Don't worry Ochaco, I help you with everything I have! Shiruku silently swore.

Meanwhile, Kei was just confused at the sudden silence.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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